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Whitefish River Take You to the Grave, I'll Ghost - Printable Version

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Take You to the Grave, I'll Ghost - Evelynn - November 19, 2020

@Hieronymous note that she has been away from the saints for quite some time now and has lost their scent!

Two packs done and out of the way, yet still so far to go until her main objective had been handled. Traveling west from Neverwinter, Evelynn caught wind of another scent along the river that divided the land just before the last mountain range. It was heavy with the scent of many. Surely another pack laid beyond, she found it interesting how so many packs set claims within decent range of each other. Friendly perhaps? The other two had been rightfully cautious, though there was no hostility to meet her questions.

The silver diva trailed along the side of the claim giving enough of a gap that she wouldn't be interfering with the river wolves claim, but close enough to keep track of the borders. She had been lucky so far, but one could only run on luck for so long. There was no reason for anyone to associate her with the Saints of course, but Evelynn liked to play safe anyway. It wasn't until she reached the east most borders that she called for someone to speak to. If she had to run she would be able to flee over the mountains and if she didn't? Well then at least she was one step closer when she had finished up here.

RE: Take You to the Grave, I'll Ghost - Hieronymous - November 19, 2020

Hieronymous was patrolling far more than usual as of late. With both Ira and Orlaith gone, it left a gap in their system, and not wanting to alert the other pack members, had taken it upon himself to simply double his rounds. Though it was safe to say that the normally cheerful and good-natured Constable was a bit out of sorts these days. Perhaps it was his brain trying to tell him to rest more so his mood could return, but frankly, it was the Knight Commander who was simply rubbing him the wrong way. 

She had been gone for days now with no word from the giantess, and if she simply left for the sake of pursuing something new it would probably be for the best. But something told him she would be back; and it left a bitter taste in his mouth. 

A call rang out to distract the Constable from his thoughts. Plastering on a pleasant grin to mask his growing annoyance to meet this stranger, he trotted toward what he could only briefly be confused to see... an Ira clone? No, she wasn't Ira. He could tell soon enough after the initial surprise, the physique was all wrong, the way she stood too - and Ira wouldn't call to announce herself either unless there was a pressing matter to meet at the borders. 

Gently he approached the young lady and offered a bow. Welcome to Kaistleoki, I am Hieronymous, Constable here. How can I help you?

RE: Take You to the Grave, I'll Ghost - Evelynn - November 29, 2020

The silver woman waited patiently, though it wouldn't be long until a funny-looking fellow came along and offered a bow. Evelynn couldn't keep the short smile off her face at the display. It may be for pleasantries, but she could get used to people bowing at her feet. Hieronymous was quick to introduce himself with one mouthful of a name followed by what she assumed was a higher rank based on how fancy it sounded. So these wolves like the Saints did not follow traditional naming standards. Greetings. She kept her smile easy, only giving a nod of her head in return. She didn't bow to others, not to her charming Grandmaster and certainly not to a stranger.

I'm just a traveler, though as I'm sure you are aware winter is rapidly approaching. I was hoping you'd be willing to spare some details, Darling? What she learned from the first two packs fell almost on top of each other content-wise, perhaps whatever she learned here would be just regurgitated once more, but she could only hope to hear more. Maybe they would know of Ursus, they were just on the other side of the mountain range after all. What do you know of the packs around here?

RE: Take You to the Grave, I'll Ghost - Hieronymous - November 29, 2020

He was as calm and welcoming as ever, only to be momentarily set back at being called "darling". It took everything for him to not roll his eyes as he thought back to the mutt-faced boy who called Ira and all other women "darling". The Saint's leader... if a leader is what anyone would call someone like that. 

I'm not one to travel much- No, thanks to his disability, Hieronymous was often stuck within pack borders for his own damn safety unless accompanied by someone with a functioning nose. The last thing he needed was to come back limping again a month after vanishing after being attacked by some pack wolves for wandering into their lands unknowingly. I will tell you what I can. It didn't help that the only two packs he was very well acquainted with both faded recently. What a shame.

We are Kaistleoki, we call Whitefish River our home. On the other side of the mountains, to the southeast, is a family orientated pack called Easthollow. They are kind, I wouldn't trifle with them, however.[/b][/q] He chuckled, remembering how that was the first group here in teekon that he had wandered into and gotten attacked by. Thankfully for their kindness, he was spared. There are wolves along the beaches to the North, Yuèlóng He tried to remember how their leader pronounced their name. If you travel west from here... before he continued, he waited to see if she wanted to clarify on the information he was giving or if broad blanketing was good enough.

RE: Take You to the Grave, I'll Ghost - Evelynn - December 05, 2020

Evelynn waited patiently with a simple smile as the multicolored male listed off what he knew. It seemed less than the other packs, though this pack was further along. If he didn't travel often it made sense that he wouldn't know of the many packs to the west. One name caught her attention though. Easthollow. That was the one by Ursus that Bronco mentioned. Ah, you know of Easthollow? He wouldn't trifle with them? Now that was interesting for what was supposed to be allied with the whole bunch to the west that seemed friendly.

It seemed that he may know more specifically where this family-based pack laid though, and where Easthollow was, so was Ursus. Do you happen to know the way? I have a friend that was staying there last I heard. I was hoping to catch up with her, but I simply couldn't pinpoint where they were. She perked at the "newfound" information, her supposed excitement punctuated with the swinging of her tail as she appeared more than hopeful to catch up with her "friend" that may or may not have been made up on the spot.

RE: Take You to the Grave, I'll Ghost - Hieronymous - December 05, 2020

It was very lame how little he knew of the local packs, and that was just it. He didn't travel much at all. It was simply too dangerous for him to do so alone, and to drag someone around with him to be his nose sounded far too selfish. It wasn't like he would never do such a thing, but his goal was to do it as little as possible and only when necessary. I do. He nodded at her question, a little piece of pride bubbling up thinking that he had something good to share with this stranger, maybe something of use and helpful to pass along.

Now Hiero wasn't the type to pinpoint someone as suspicious for no good reason and to withhold something like Easthollow's location while she was, to him, earnestly looking for a friend, didn't seem right. Easthollow was a strong pack as far as he was concerned, fearless members ready to protect their own and so, he had no apprehension in sharing where they were to this woman. Of course, if you head East from here and head South a day after you pass the mountains, they are a bout a week's travel South.

RE: Take You to the Grave, I'll Ghost - Evelynn - December 08, 2020

East and a days travel south past the mountains. Simple enough, and the most direct instructions she had received yet. Maybe now she could stop this needless wandering and finish her mission so she could rest. So long as Kynareth owed her, this little journey would be worth it. Ah, so they're close then? I'm glad to hear it, I've been traveling forever now. But...I must ask, I've heard they're being troubled...is that true?

The boy back at the Glenn had made it clear that Ursus had been harassing their neighbors, more specifically, Easthollow. I'm not sure why, but I guess their neighbors aren't the friendliest bunch. Ursus or...Ursine something like that? Have you heard of them? He knew more of Easthollow than the others, it was hopeful to think she might learn of her target before reaching them, but it was a shot worth taking.

RE: Take You to the Grave, I'll Ghost - Hieronymous - December 08, 2020

Some what, yeah, I suppose! As close as one week could be for a traveler, he supposed it was all relative depending on who you asked. Unfortunately no, I don't know much about their situation over there, this is the first I hear of them from you. (seeing as the thread with Aliana and Whrist are after this thread)

I suppose that is something I now have to follow up on. More things to work on, the job in the Council never seemed to lighten up huh? The longer he was in it the more things just piled up. I'm sorry that I cannot be of more help.

RE: Take You to the Grave, I'll Ghost - Evelynn - December 08, 2020

Unfortunately, this man would also come with empty pockets. A huff left her without a thought, but she'd force a smile anyway. No worries, Darling. You've been more than helpful already. After all, he was the first to really give her a location. He might not have every answer, but it would help her through the mountains. It seems that I still have quite the journey ahead, so I think I'll take my leave here. It didn't look like she'd be getting any more useful information so there was no point wasting her time. So long as she wasn't stopped she'd, do just as she said and turn to head for the mountains.

RE: Take You to the Grave, I'll Ghost - Hieronymous - December 09, 2020

Good luck on your journey. Was all he said as she began on her long trek to Easthollow. Hopeful that his instructions were clear and that she would not get lost among the mountains - no matter. Once the woman was out of sight, he returned to his duties along the borders - ready for the next new face to come by yet again.