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Stavanger Bay build a heart made of armor - Printable Version

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build a heart made of armor - Kaskara - September 07, 2014

Hoping for @Ragnar or @Thistle Cloud. :) She is also well away from the borders. No kidnapping! :P

For my Outrider trade.

Kaskara had left Swiftcurrent Creek about a week prior, following the northern ridge of mountains eastward until she found the way toward Blacktail Deer Plateau. She then followed the river from there to the coast, taking the most likely route that Junior would have so many months ago. The journey was longer than necessary because she stopped frequently to gather food, information, and scents, whenever the opportunity presented itself.

When she reached the likely place where Junior would have been dumped into the sea, Kaskara stopped. She had not seen a sight such as this before. Lakes often had sand upon their shores, but this was different. The waters that lapped upon the sands were rough, white caps foaming up into the sky, the dull roar of the waves penetrating her hearing. It was almost too much, but after standing there for about ten minutes, she grew accustomed to the sound. Using the scent trails left by many wolves before her, she followed it toward the nearest pack, one she hoped was called Stavanger Bay.

Stopping many yards from the border, Kaskara lifted her dark muzzle into the sky and called for the leaders of the pack first. Once she was given permission, she would then call for those responsible for finding and protecting Junior in her time of need. Until then, she would introduce herself as the Outrider of Swiftcurrent Creek, and would gather any information she could from the leaders.

RE: build a heart made of armor - Thistle Cloud - September 08, 2014

Thistle heard the howl coming across the lands and lifted her muzzle from the fresh water she was drinking. Crystal beads of water held fast to her slim muzzle and whiskers. She sighed and headed towards the borders, wondering what this wolf wanted. Was it a new wolf to add to their bolstered ranks, or someone seeking information. She hoped Ragnar would come too, she had to speak with him anyway, about both the wounded wolf they found and Nerian. Nerian had not spoken to her in a few days and it worried her. Though it was also normal, Nerian was a rather private being.

Thistle made it to the edge of the borders and looked the girl over. You called for a leader of Stavanger Bay? What is it that you need? Then she just studied the girl in front of her, bigger than her as usual. She was a darker brown and wore a cape of silver. It was an interesting mix, and one Thistle enjoyed. She liked to see unique colors and patterns on her brethren, it was not usual.

RE: build a heart made of armor - Kaskara - September 08, 2014

When a lighter colored wolf approached, Kaskara immediately lowered her head and tail, letting her ears relax atop her skull, though they were trained forward to listen to the female's words. Was this the leader of Stavanger Bay? She sounded, well, upset with her, or annoyed that a wolf had come calling. Without revealing any of her inward trepidation, the Gladius wolf nodded deeply to the other female and spoke, "I am Kaskara Gladius, Outrider of Swiftcurrent Creek. My business here is two-fold. First, to gather information about the pack for my alpha."

She paused, wondering if she should give out the names of Junior's rescuers quite yet, and decided against it for the moment. "And second, to come searching for a pair of wolves that rescued a friend of mine, to give them thanks." Whether this was the alpha or another leader of the bay, Kaskara didn't know. But she had stated her business plainly enough, and if the female didn't like it, then she couldn't be blamed for not trying.

RE: build a heart made of armor - Thistle Cloud - September 08, 2014

Thistle had not meant for her irritation to be so see through. She had been trying to be kind for the most part. Her inner turmoil however, had a way of working it's way out of her body into her words. Very well I am Thistle Cloud Loðbrók and my husband and I are the leaders of this pack. Stavanger Bay. We are vikings. Not the whole pack mind you, but she and her husband and his little family and their little family were and they ran it as a viking pack so.

She listened to her calmly and a small semblance of a smile curved her jawline and softened her maw. Ah Osprey Junior I presume? She didn't say anything else yet, she still had to wait and see if it were even junior that she was talking of. That was the only wolf she could think of at the moment, besides Julooke that they had rescued.

RE: build a heart made of armor - Kaskara - September 08, 2014

Kaskara visibly brightened at the mention of the alpha's name and she let a smile come to her lips, though she was uncertain how this Thistle Cloud would react. First things first, however; "My alpha sent me here to find out where you came from. Neither of us knew of your pack before I heard it from Junior. If you don't mind, I'd like to know a little of your history." She wasn't asking for any secrets, just the general history of the pack, which she hoped Thisle Cloud would oblige her with.

"Yes, I'm talking about Junior. She was the first wolf I met when I was a member of the plateau, and I was devastated when I thought she had perished." Kas wondered how much of the history this alpha knew, but decided not to get into it unless asked. "When I found out she lived, I was overjoyed. I want to thank you and Ragnar for saving her life, Thisle Cloud. I know it is not my place, since I am not her family, but I am forever grateful to you."

RE: build a heart made of armor - Thistle Cloud - September 08, 2014

Thistle stared at her and spoke softly not much to tell we used to be Horizon Ridge. Wheeling Gull Isle which is no more moved to close, and then our former alpha was killed by a bear. Ragnar and I and the few followers we had moved to another place, because even before that there had been a land slide, it was too dangerous. We settled here and here we stay. That was the basics and anyone who knew the history of the area knew that. She didn't need to give out secrets of any kind.

Thistle chuckled It is fine, You are welcome. We enjoyed it, she is one of us, one of the few outsiders we allow into our fold. She is a sweet girl and I think of her as one of my own children.

RE: build a heart made of armor - Kaskara - September 08, 2014

Kaskara listened attentively as Thistle Cloud spoke, her ears perking up at the mention of Horizon Ridge. Bazi had wanted her to visit that pack on her way back, but apparently it was unnecessary--the remnants lived here now. "I am new to the area, so please forgive my ignorance. What was the name of your alpha who was killed?" Kas was sure Bazi would want specific details, and Kaskara was curious, herself; having not lived here for more than three months, it was hard to know where all the packs fit in with each other, which packs were splinters of older ones.

"She spoke very fondly of you, Thistle Cloud. I am glad that she was found by such a kind and able woman." Though she no longer lived with them, Kas was also sure her family was glad of Thistle's care as well. "I can imagine Peregrine and Hawkeye are similarly in your debt. Their daughter is a very special girl, and having her returned to them was surely a blessing."

RE: build a heart made of armor - Thistle Cloud - September 08, 2014

Thistle frowned sadly, hadn't thought of Pump in a sad context in a while. She missed her of course, but she had been moving on. Her name was Pump and she was my friend. She grew quiet then and lowered her eyes to the ground as she thought of her hybrid friend. She had expected great things of Pump, but she had been taken from them far too soon.

Thistle smiled I am lucky enough to call the both of them friends now. Junior got along with my own children well. And if it were my children I would want someone to care for them. At least until i found them and could do it myself.

RE: build a heart made of armor - Kaskara - September 09, 2014

Pump. Kaskara wondered at the odd name, but said nothing; it was clear that Thistle Cloud was upset at the mention of her former alpha, and Kaskara knew that pain only too well. "I am sorry for your loss, Thistle Cloud. Losing a friend is never easy, though the pain becomes tolerable with time." She knew this from personal experience, though she didn't need to get into any detail just yet. She was sure from her tone and words, the bay's alpha could deduce this.

Kaskara was glad that Thistle and Junior's parents were friends, though she wasn't sure exactly how much. The last words Peregrine had spoken to her had not been kind ones, though she had only ever done kind and generous things for him: searching for his daughter, hunting for him, taking care of herself so the pack could thrive. But her lapse in judgement had been repaid by permanent banishment, and Kaskara knew that it was something she deserved for what she said that day.

But Thistle didn't need to know these things. With a smile, she said, "I'm glad you feel motherly toward Junior and are friendly with her parents. She'll be safe no matter where she goes."

RE: build a heart made of armor - Thistle Cloud - September 09, 2014

Thistle smiled softly Thank you Kaskara and I do not grieve so much now that I know she is in Valhalla. She knew Pump was there just waiting on them. Even if she hadn't been a viking, Pump had been a great warrior and Thistle would see her again one day.

Thistle did not know of the banishment, and she did not need to know. She also knew that it was none of her business and besides that she was not great friends with them. Just friends and she supposed co-parents.

Thistle nodded her head I hope that she will be, especially given the girl's penchant for trouble. The last part was merely said in teasing light. She did not mind that Junior was here and there and an explorer. It did make her heart nervous sometimes, but it was okay. She was going to be a good shield maiden some day.

RE: build a heart made of armor - Kaskara - September 09, 2014

Valhalla. She had never heard of the place, but the way that Thistle Cloud spoke of it, Valhalla reminded her of the Elysium her father sometimes spoke of in her youth. "I've never heard of Valhalla, but my father used to tell me tales about his father Aurelius in Elysium, the place where all warriors go after they die." Valhalla seemed much the same type of place. "That is what my father believed. Perhaps Valhalla and Elysium are much the same."

Kaskara smiled at Thistle's assessment of Junior. "She is quite head-strong, and if I didn't know any better, enjoys getting into trouble." Kas chuckled. "I am actually going to visit her after I leave here. I can tell her that you said hello. Or I could pass on any other message you'd like. I may meet with Blue Willow, one of the leaders, if you have any message for Peregrine." She offered her services as a friendly gesture toward Thistle, not only for Junior's sake, but for the benefit of Swiftcurrent as well.

RE: build a heart made of armor - Thistle Cloud - September 09, 2014

Thistle nodded It sounds as if they are, though Valhalla they are always training even after death. that is all she felt like sharing of her husband's religion. She did not wish to get into the ideas of Ragnarok and the like.

Thistle joined in with the laugh, she could get behind that idea. She loved her foster daughter, but sometimes the girl brought trouble with her in a veritable windstorm. Thistle shook her head No thank you, I do not have anything to say or offer. Just be careful Kaskara and it was nice to meet you.

RE: build a heart made of armor - Kaskara - September 10, 2014

I'll get this wrapped up and archived. Thanks for humoring me! <3

Kaskara nodded at Thistle Cloud's gentle rejection of her offer, feeling no offense. Sometimes there was just no message people wanted to send. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Thistle Cloud." Kaskara was glad that she had come here, for it had been a fruitful visit. "I'll tell Junior you said hello."

Then, she smiled again and wished Thistle goodbye, before turning and making her way down the beach into neutral territory. She would spend the rest of the day exploring this area, find a suitable place to spend the night, and then tomorrow she would begin the two-day trek to Blacktail Deer Plateau to see Junior and Blue Willow.