Wolf RPG
Blacktail Deer Plateau I think I've seen this film before. - Printable Version

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I think I've seen this film before. - Ibis (Ghost) - November 22, 2020

Ibis had ventured to the forest north of the plateau for a look around, coming away from there with her belly full of venison; there had been a carcass sequestered in the heart of the forest and she had hastily eaten her fill, figuring other scavengers would be along soon.
She made good time in returning to the edge of the plateau; her goal had been to track down @Akavir if he remained nearby and had become distracted with the opportunity of an easy meal—for herself as well as her daughters—and now that she was hiking up the rise, Ibis felt a wave of vertigo roll over her.
Her belly groaned, and she had to stop for a moment to gather herself.

RE: I think I've seen this film before. - Augustine - November 22, 2020

He had departed from the coast many days before; he had lost track of how many. All he knew now was that he found himself in a very different land. The smell of brine replaced itself with the earthy scent of open prairie, and he found he enjoyed this rolling sea more than the tempestuous waves of the coast. Perhaps because if he fell into the grasses, he could pick himself back up again, whereas to fall into her liquid counterpart would kiss his head to his watery grave.

Yet for all this, Augustine still marvelled at the idea that the ocean floor might look like this, with plateaus and valleys and towering mountains that rose up to its surface. Surely the ground would be softer than the slope he had climbed moments prior to reach this vantage, where he could turn his eyes to the expanse of the plains. And he wondered, what creatures would replace the wolves, and the birds, and the prairie antelope who frolicked through the endless grasses.

RE: I think I've seen this film before. - Akavir - November 29, 2020

Tag just for reference.
They were close—the days he and Arielle had remained here, his initial intention only to fill his daughter’s belly and allow her a rest—had proven good fortune for them when his nose was teased with the very familiar and distinctly fresh scent of Ibis and Lilitu.

With @Arielle tucked in a safe place for the moment, snoozing after a small meal, Akavir was quick to ignore his own rumbling stomach, instead trailing after what he hoped was not just his mind playing tricks on him.

Of course, when he saw her, his entire body stilled. There was an ache in his chest—drifting down from the tension that had coiled in his shoulders as he had hunted for his family. Reuniting them the only thing he cared about—and it had come to fruition. His champagne eyes sought for little Lilitu, not finding her, feeling worry surge through him.

So when he strode forward, his eyes fell upon the dark stranger, his fur bristling dangerously as he skirted around the boy, eager to reunite with his mate, teeth clacking in a warning should the stranger interfere with him.

RE: I think I've seen this film before. - Ibis (Ghost) - December 01, 2020

When a warm dark body arose in her vision Ibis thought immediately of her husband, who she missed and ached for. She did not think and began to close the distance between the two of them — only to notice a cool shadow moving up through the trees of the ridge and then, as it broke away from the coursing shadows, she saw those familiar eyes and knew her error; the cold-dark of Akavir's coat was unmitigated blackness; this stranger's was a warm chocolate, so vastly different that Ibis felt immediately embarrassed for her error. It had not been that long - had it?

Akavir came sweeping close and gathered Ibis to him, bristling, a protective barrier between the woman and the stranger. Ibis was surprised by the display and worried that Akavir might be agitated with her and so she pressed against his shoulder, whining softly to calm him. From where she stood next to her husband Ibis could not see the stranger except for his feet if she tried.

All is well. I found Lilitu - she is asleep. A pang of guilt rose in Ibis then, knowing she had left the little family without word upon finding Lilitu missing that morning; but she had been frenzied, hardly thinking. Ibis spoke hurriedly to Akavir with the hope it would ease any grievances, but the guilt held strong within her.