Wolf RPG
Falls of the Hinterlands cascades of the moon god - Printable Version

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cascades of the moon god - Wren Baines - November 29, 2020

Whatever happened at Kingslend, she wandered away for a time. The details surrounding it were vague at best for now. Wren focused on traveling for a bit before settling down anywhere permanent. Long legs carried her toward the falls. Perhaps she'd always be attracted to the sources of water she came across... The thought was enough to make her feel solemn again. The pirates of the vista were behind her now - she had to accept that. It was fine to admire and appreciate, but she'd never have it again.

A sigh escaped her lips as she took a seat next to the water. Wren's tail sprawled out like a banner, idly flicking for no reason but to move. The brunette wasn't thirsty; her intention to come here was following the source of churning water. She took comfort in it. Lowering her head to her paws, she rested it there. An ear flickered briefly, the night sounds coming to life the moment she relaxed. They came in waves, these sounds. An owl hooting. Crickets chirping. The night was cold but thankfully her coat was thicker than most.

She'd have to bulk up for winter. All the hunting she had done so far would see to that. It was foolish to sleep in the open like this though, so she kept her wits about her. Only when a subtle snap sounded behind her did the woman slowly raise herself. Calmly, she glanced behind her.

RE: cascades of the moon god - Lovecraft - November 29, 2020

He'd left the lake and ventured further, wandering for around a day or so. Night was falling as the roar of water came to his ears, and he remembered the voice of the ocean, though this one was not nearly as deep and powerful. He knew of waterfalls, and he knew that this was what he would see when he broke through the dark foliage of the forest.

His mouth felt leathery even as the sound of the water made saliva pool there. In somewhat of a haste, his large front paw broke a twig in half with a loud snap. He froze, ashamed of the clumsiness he rarely displayed, and peered into the dark toward the water. And he saw that he was not alone. 

There was something familiar about the lanky figure ahead; something about the cascades of thick cocoa and toffee fur that draped it. It took a lot to startle Lovecraft, but when he recognized the woman by the water his jaws parted in surprise. 


RE: cascades of the moon god - Wren Baines - November 29, 2020

The voice was familiar. A few days had passed since their encounter, and now that she faced him again... almost surreal. Blinking weariness from her eyes, she shifted her body to face him properly. "Lovecraft" she greeted him neutrally. They had parted long before now, having agreed on a mutual traveling. She didn't expect to see him so soon. If she was in a joking mood, she would have asked if he was following her. But she didn't.

The surprise on his face was enough to let her know he hadn't been. He was just as shocked to see her as she was to him. Familiarity entered her mind - someone else had done this too. Long ago, before she had been forced to travel. Now he was gone, she didn't know what became of her broken off friend. He even vanished from the same pack they joined together before it disbanded. He had let her down. Wren had such high hopes for that wolf.

But bringing herself back to the present, that man's coat had been as black as night. Lovecraft's was pale. His eyes were not amber. There was no scar on his lip. "Surprised to see me?" she found her voice again, a cracked smile.

RE: cascades of the moon god - Lovecraft - November 30, 2020

Though he had parted ways with the she-wolf not long after their initial encounter by the sea, it seemed the two had tread similar paths nevertheless. In a world so vast he could scarcely believe such a convergence of paths possible, but strange things did happen every day. Lovecraft had accepted this as a reality long ago.

Well, yea, he admitted with a grin, emerging from the brush and slithering to the water, where he sat a reasonable distance away from her. How are you? His tail thumped the cold ground. But something about finding her again made him uncomfortable, a sense of mild dread clouding the happiness he felt about seeing a familiar face. Perhaps it was that bit of kinship growing in him towards the blue-eyed wolf. Lovecraft had formed attachments in his early days, all of them ill-fated. Maybe this was the cause of his conflicted feelings. 

He lowered his maw to the icy water and lapped, quenching his thirst quickly while he waited for her to respond.

RE: cascades of the moon god - Wren Baines - November 30, 2020

She could understand the surprise. The Coast was very different than the Hinterlands, and she had appeared before him like a sea-faring wolf. Further inland was not on the agenda - not at first anyway. She had wanted to stick by the churning waves. "I'm okay" was what she settled on, having mulled the question in her mind a few times. "trying to find a place to settle before winter." She shrugged.

Winter in a new place would be harsh. She knew all the tricks of the trade in another realm, but the Teekons were quite different. One could step in her old home and find familiar faces easily. This place? Only Lovecraft was known to her. The others were an unknown. She didn't know them. She wanted to know them, but didn't know how to let go just yet of something she had come to know as home.

"Haven't drowned yet, huh?" the brunette cast him a side-look, her lips curling in amusement.