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Kintla Flatlands the ceaseless roar - Printable Version

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the ceaseless roar - Kaskara - September 08, 2014

Near BDP, for @Blue Willow. I hope you don't mind me hogging your threads today. :P Set a few days after Kas leaves SB (9/9).

After her talk with Thistle Cloud, there was no need for her to travel northward toward Horizon Ridge. So instead she turned the way she came and followed the path back toward Blacktail Deer Plateau, where she hoped to meet up with Junior and maybe speak with Blue Willow, too. Many months had passed between the incident and she hoped that the alpha female would forgive her transgression, though she didn't seek to be let back into the pack, as much as Junior would've liked.

So after a few days of traveling, Kaskara stopped by the Whitefish River to take a break. The plateau loomed in the distance, only a few hours away. She swam, dried her coat, and ate some fish before walking the rest of the way, hopeful that Blue Willow might see her today. She paused below the plateau, near the path that led up to its heights, and lifted her muzzle for Junior and Blue Willow, before seating herself and hoping that they'd both come.

RE: the ceaseless roar - Blue Willow - September 08, 2014

Blue Willow heard the howl and it sounded familiar, but for the life of her she could not place it. She stepped into view and looked around for a wolf and when her eyes alighted on the female that had been banished she wanted to turn around and walk away. Good manners and good breeding kept her in line though. She strode forward with purpose her eyes burning into the girl with dislike. She did not blame the girl for throwing such accusations when she was clearly out of her mind with grief. But she did blame her for doing it at the wrong time. Perhaps there had been some truth to her words. What do you want? Why are you here? Tell me why shouldn't my teeth leave you riddled? Peregrine told you to never return, so you better have a good reason for calling me Kaskara. She grew quiet, her words were neither rude or nasty, they were just indifferent. They lacked their warm luster, that the healer usually carried.

She stood the girl smelled of what used to be what Fox smelled of. So they had accepted her. She was glad the girl had managed to find another home, it had been a sorry loss for the plateau, but one she couldn't find to regret. However, Blue did not want the girl to be lost without a home and with no one to protect her. That just wasn't nice, she would not wish that on anyone and besides she had forgiven Kaskara already, but she was banished it was the simple fact of the matter.

RE: the ceaseless roar - Kaskara - September 09, 2014

Kaskara sat patiently at the foot of the plateau, hoping that her call would not go unanswered. It was only a few minutes before a wolf appeared at the top of the plateau, a dark feminine figure, that made her way down. At first Kas thought it was Junior, but soon saw that it was the larger figure of Blue Willow. Kaskara glanced behind her briefly, hoping to see the small girl she called a friend, before returning her gaze to Blue's paws as her body sank to the ground. She held her body in a submissive posture with her tail tucked between her legs, her ears carefully relaxed as she listened to Blue Willow berate her for having the nerve to show up here.

So, Junior hadn't spoken to her after all. With a small sigh, Kaskara wondered why she had even come. Part of her hoped that she could reconcile herself with Blue Willow and be on neutral terms with her. She did not expect forgiveness or even friendliness, only neutrality, because she wanted to be able to trek this way to meet with Junior for their Outrider adventures. "I also called for Junior, Miss Blue. She told me that she would speak with you so I could come to apologize." But clearly that's not the case. Kas didn't know what happened between their last visit and now, but she hoped the girl was alright. "I apologize for coming unannounced. I hoped Junior would come with you today."

RE: the ceaseless roar - Blue Willow - September 09, 2014

Blue was surprised at the submissive gestures of Kaskara. The girl had hated her mere weeks ago, hated her with a fire so bright it burned. Perhaps she had gained maturity with her banishment, but also perhaps not. Mayhap she just hid it very well. She tilted her head and waited, offering her time for the girl to speak, much more than anyone else would do.

Blue Frowned i'm Sorry Kaskara, I have not seen Junior I've been caring for another, and Junior has departed. She had gone to another pack, she is forging her own way. But you may still apologize. You do not need Junior to do so. Blue then waited with lifted brow and baited breath would the girl apologize or throw insults at her again.

RE: the ceaseless roar - Kaskara - September 10, 2014

Hearing that Junior had departed the plateau - again - caused her ears to perk up, though she didn't raise her eyes to Blue Willow. Kaskara had grown in both maturity and understanding these last six or seven weeks, and she hoped that Blue Willow could see it in her posture and hear it in her words. "Do you know where she went? Is she okay?" The last thing Kaskara wanted was for Junior to be hurt, or for the same situation to arise again. But it seemed that Blue Willow knew that Junior had left this time, so she must be alright. She must be.

"I wanted her to speak with you first, but I see that's not the case. However, I am truly the sorry for what I said those many weeks ago." Here she paused, knowing that the next words she had had to be truthful, but also carefully chosen. "While I still believe that you had a responsibility to care for the children during Peregrine's injury, I should not have said such mean and hateful things to you. I was hurt, and angry, and I have never been very good at dealing with my emotions."

Kas glanced up at Blue then, but quickly averted her eyes. "I should have come to you later, after everything calmed down, and spoken with you about my misgivings about the situation." She had not intended to speak at such length about this, but she was already talking, and she needed to explain herself. "There was part of me that didn't want to believe Junior was gone, part of me that knew that body wasn't hers, but I didn't know how to say it at the time. I should have kept my tongue and my head in check, but grief and anger are hard emotions to control, and I lost my temper."

While there was absolutely no excuse for what she did, these were the reasons for her outburst. These were the explanations behind her hateful words. "I am mostly humbly and sincerely sorry for causing you and Peregrine more pain during that awful time. I do not expect forgiveness, Miss Blue. I do not expect that kind of mercy from you. I had only hoped to ask you permission to visit Junior on occasion, but now that she is gone, I don't know what to expect from this." Kaskara's voice, which had been quiet but strong, suddenly faltered, and she grew quiet, not knowing what would happen next.

RE: the ceaseless roar - Blue Willow - September 11, 2014

Blue nodded her head yes we know where she went and what she is doing and she is fine. Blue kept her own thoughts to herself. She felt that Junior was being rather immature, but she also knew the girl needed to make her mistakes her own self. And for all of them knew she could do well in this new pack, she may prosper.

Blue's small semblance of control left, perhaps it was tiredness that caused her tongue to be sharper than normal. Perhaps it was a ghost of hurt feelings on the other girls part. Whatever it was she did speak sharper than she meant too. I did have a responsibility Kaskara and I did what i was to do. You forget that I was also in charge of the plateau, the borders and all of you. So don't sit there and lay most of the blame at my feet when many of the other members could have also stepped up and helped out. What would you have me do Kaskara since you seem to think you know what I was doing? Should I have forgotten about the borders and let all of you go hungry? Should I have ignored my healing duties to peregrine and anyone else who needed it. There was two of us! Two of us! I am no super wolf Kaskara, I did what I was able to do, apparently it was not enough for some. She grew quiet then her words harsh, but true. She would accept some of the blame surely, but she would not accept it all and she had done the best that she could have done given the time and situation.

Blue listened to her next words and sighed a heavy sigh, borne from weariness. Yes you should have Kaskara. And if you recall I told everyone that day that it may not be Junior's body. Perhaps you should do well to remember that. We were all grief filled and sad, but that does not give anyone the right to lash out as you did. Regardless of whether or not you cannot control your emotions. If you had been angry you should not have come. It's that simple. But you are forgiven, you have been since that day. I just hope that you have learned to control your emotions and keep level head in such terrible situations, because the next time someone may not be as merciful as I was and as Peregrine was. Someone may very well rip your throat out next time.

RE: the ceaseless roar - Kaskara - September 14, 2014

Kaskara didn't want to push her luck, but being berated--again--for something already done felt like torture. However, Kas listened carefully and attentively to Blue Willow's words, nodding where appropriate, and definitely keeping her mouth shut throughout, though she would have liked to say a few choice things in reply to her. But Kaskara had learned that she could not, and would never be, on the right side in every argument.

Blue Willow was right, after all: nobody was able to do everything that Blue had been asked to do during that time, and Kaskara hadn't thought about it until weeks later, when it had been too late to apologize and make amends. Kaskara breathed a sigh of relief, however, when her former alpha said she had been forgiven since that day. Kas looked up briefly, wonder and awe written across her face, before respectfully lowering her head again.

Kaskara did not need to respond to anything that Blue Willow had said to her, since the alpha knew she was right. The brown wolf simply nodded, defeated, her ears hanging limp on her head. There was nothing to say, really, other than, "Thank you for forgiving me, Blue Willow. I don't deserve it, but I am grateful for your kindness." Then she wondered, after all that had been said, if she could get one more bit of information from her. "Will you tell me where Junior went? I'd like to find her. I promised her I'd help her gain her Outrider trade, and if she's moved, well, I'd like to still help her if I can."

RE: the ceaseless roar - Blue Willow - September 17, 2014

The girl was obviously holding herself back and for that, Blue was grateful. It wasn't often that someone showed the maturity she was showing, after being so immature mere weeks before. She was also glad the girl did not say anything in defiance, because then Blue would have had to chase her away again. And frankly in her opinion that was too much chasing of one wolf.

Blue saw the wonder and the awe and shook her head. Why did so many constantly question her kindness. Were they so used to cruelty that her baser personality was absolutely, and breathtakingly different than the norm?

Blue spoke softly No need to be grateful for that which is free. It's respect that you have to earn, not forgiveness. Blue shook her head, she didn't know where Junior had gone or even what she was doing. Only that it was a female based pack somewhere near the coast. I'm afraid I don't really know other than that it is a pack led by females and that they are settling near the coast. They are very secretive, Peregrine knows more than I.

RE: the ceaseless roar - Kaskara - September 21, 2014

"Forgiveness what not so easily given where I come from," she explained, finally lifting her eyes toward Blue Willow. Now that she felt forgiven, she wondered if she could sit up and share equal footing, or at least quit groveling. She whined, asking the question silently as she lifted her nose to touch Blue's chin, showing submission while asking for her permission to sit up.

Junior was with a band of women on the coast? She'd have to relay the message to Bazi and seek the girl out there. Kaskara had already been gone too long from her home to consider turning around and finding her now, but she was glad Junior was safe, or at least accounted for. "Thank you for telling me. I will look into it as soon as I can. I'm just glad Junior is safe."

RE: the ceaseless roar - Blue Willow - September 22, 2014

To be honest Blue Willow hadn't even realized that Kaskara was groveling so piteously. She was far to lost in her own thoughts and she blinked for a moment and let a small gasp leave her lips. Oh goodness I'm sorry Kaskara please stand up or sit up whatever you wish. We are neutral here on the flatlands and I am not your leader anymore.

Blue nodded I am glad too, i only hope she stays safe. I love her, but the girl can be reckless to say the least. A small smile graced her muzzle as she thought of the girl child that she had grown to love. She was fast approaching woman hood, no longer a child, but not yet a woman. The ugly duckling stage her mother would call it. The time when you were unsure whether you were still more girl or woman.

RE: the ceaseless roar - Kaskara - September 27, 2014

Kaskara understood Blue Willow's thoughts regarding Junior: she was reckless, had a sense of adventure, and was the most stubborn child she had ever met. But she was also intelligent and had a keen sense of family, which apparently hadn't won out this time around. Kas sat up slowly, an idea forming in her head. She didn't know if Blue would agree to it, but maybe it would be the first step toward repairing the bridge Kaskara had burned.

"I'm going to travel to the coast again in a few weeks to find her. If you want, I can return here and relay news of her well-being to you, Peregrine, and Hawkeye." After all, Kaskara was certain that Junior's mother was worried about her as well, though Kas had never interacted with the woman much. "It would be my pleasure to do this for you." While she didn't live at the plateau anymore, she still appreciated the time she spent there, despite the ending she had caused for herself. If this was one way to repay that and to repair broken fences, she would gladly do it.

RE: the ceaseless roar - Blue Willow - September 27, 2014

Blue shifted her weight as the other girl sat up. She tilted her ears towards her waiting for the words she had. Blue did not say that largely part of the reason Junior left was mere jelousy. She could not imagine her father having more children and it drove her nuts. She felt replaced, blue felt bad for the girl, but it was the way of things in the wild. You had children while you could, it was her father's right as alpha.

Blue frowned, but not in anger, rather in thought. You will relay it to me and I will relay it to them. I'm sorry Kaskara, but Peregrine is not as forgiving as I am. but I would appreciate it. To put it lightly, Blue did not know how Perry would take to the girl being here and talking let alone coming back to relay more information. However, it was about Junior and Blue was willing to forgo the tension and be the go between she did not mind. Perhaps she would make a trip to the coast herself.

RE: the ceaseless roar - Kaskara - September 28, 2014

This will be my last post! <3

Blue Willow was right. It wouldn't make sense for her to risk seeing Peregrine, especially on or near his lands, without permission. Relaying any information through Blue Willow would have to be enough, and she was okay with that. "I understand." She nodded her chocolate-colored head, thinking that it would be good to be on firmer, more familiar ground soon. Kas had done what she had needed to do and now it was time to leave.

"I will return with news of Junior soon, hopefully within a month." Life could not be stopped, but she would make every effort to get to the coast within a week or two. "I wish you and your family the best, Blue Willow. I am glad I made this trip, even if it didn't go exactly as planned." Kas smiled softly, hoping the display of familiar friendliness would not be lost on her former alpha. Kaskara didn't presume to think they were now "best friends" but hoped they were at least on more neutral grounds.

Kaskara stood and readied herself to leave, but waited a moment longer for Blue Willow to say any parting words. Then she picked her way across the valley and through the mountains, and found her way home to Swiftcurrent Creek a few days later.

RE: the ceaseless roar - Blue Willow - September 29, 2014

Blue Willow knew she was right, didn't have to think about it too much. Truthfully, Peregrine might even be a little upset with her for meeting Kaskara on even neutral ground. However, frankly she was an adult and it was her choice. And he had no room to talk some of his choices in general lately were a bit untoward.

I will see you in a month or so Blue returned the smile, and tilted her head. Green eyes studied the girl in front of her, again regret washed through her. Not at her actions, but that the girl had spoken so out of turn. She wished she had kept her tongue, she would have been a welcome addition as the winter came upon them. Your's as well Kaskara. your's as well. WIth that the healer turned and headed straight for the Plateau, her mind on other things as she walked.