Wolf RPG
The Morag Tong (Pack Howl) - Printable Version

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The Morag Tong (Pack Howl) - Meldresi - September 08, 2014

@Leatherface @Fang @Nightwing

Here she was. An alpha, after so long. Meldresi stood at the edge of the dark forest, indigo eyes gleaming in the dark. She had a small pack, sure, but they would soon grow, right? She had loyal wolves now, Leatherface, Fang, Nightwing. And they would make this pack grow strong.

Feeling the approval of her goddess, hearing the soft pleased murmurings, Meldresi drew her head back and sang her victory, rallied her pack to her so that they could claim their forest. Wolves of Blackfeather Woods. Sing to the sky! Claim this land as ours!

RE: The Morag Tong (Pack Howl) - Fang - September 08, 2014

Fang had concluded his business back on the spire and had since been lurking amongst the extremities of his newly found homeland. Things were moving forward at a good pace so when Meldresi's call rang out through the woods he was neither surprised, or far away. As she requested in her own call the half-breed sang to the sky. These woods are ours. His own contribution to the howl was brief for the moment.

The hybrid turned and quickly as he could manage trotted toward the ebony-clad leaders location. On arrival a dip of his head was offered before he moved alongside his new alpha, turning his muzzle to the sky to sing once more. These woods are ours till our last.


RE: The Morag Tong (Pack Howl) - Leatherface - September 11, 2014

A cracked stretched cry called out to join that of his leader and the followers who had also claimed the dark tresses of the forest as their home. For a moment, Leatherface halted in place, putting aside his constant pacing of the borders. Borders which he was loyal to, that which belong to the Meldresi—to all of them now. He was not aware there’d been another, and he was not aware there yet another more than that. But this was unimportant for the time being. For in this moment, they were one.

RE: The Morag Tong (Pack Howl) - Meldresi - September 19, 2014

Another round

As soon as she sent out her voice into the darkness she was joined by two others. Fang and Leatherface, with their deeper calls were the baritone and bass to her alto. The priestess sang for moments longer, climbing the scales up and down before hitting a high note and dropping into silence. She wagged her tail, excited, feeling invigorated. She paced, releasing her excitement into the air, eyes glowing with mirth.