Wolf RPG
Stavanger Bay We'll be sailing, - Printable Version

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We'll be sailing, - RIP Umbra - December 01, 2020

Winter was now here.. She knew now that soon it would get colder, and snow would come in piles- and so would the scavengers. As prey was now scarce quite a few would try and take any and all they could find, and with Stormbound still in early stages of building, they were quite weak to protection. The only sanctuary that Umbra had was the factor they were all warriors, and there was an ally in the distance for help.

As days go by, patrols do as well. She momentarily caught @Tahoe's scent on this, and decided to follow and join him.

RE: We'll be sailing, - Tahoe - December 02, 2020

With each sunrise, the sun only grew more distant—its warm embrace was disappearing, the sign of a new season. Winter, while an unfavorable season, had its perks. His preferred prey—larger ungulates—would be considerably slowed if the Wilds were to receive a thick blanket of snow. With this in mind, Tahoe’s patrols became longer. He went farther off with each round, keeping close tabs on resident inland herds. 

Today was the beginning of one of those patrols. He exhaled softly, his warm breath instantly snatched by the cold as he chose to pause for a moment. From the corner of his eye, he noticed a distant approaching shape. A black shadow, a familiar face, a familiar smell—Umbra had found him once again. He stood silently, and waited for her.

RE: We'll be sailing, - RIP Umbra - December 09, 2020

Upon catching him, she was pleased the factor he waited for her to catch up as she familiarity attempted to rub against his side, "You are a valued member," she firstly said. Tahoe was one of the first she sees often to the border, and never once did she have doubts about his loyalty. There was some suspicions at Vanity and O'Mally at the moment for their 'vacation,' but also the factor she was not used to their vixenous and sly smiles.. The Sealord was far used to the more stoic nature this man held.

"How are your patrols faring?"

RE: We'll be sailing, - Tahoe - December 12, 2020

Her warm greeting mildly puzzled him, but nonetheless he was receptive. Tahoe embraced her action, momentarily resting his chin upon her spine as she swept past him.

"You are a valued member,"
She said. Considering there weren't many members of the pack, the praise was appreciated, but taken with a grain of salt. There was always a motive behind every action—he surmised her motive was not of great significance, but was intrigued anyway. Most likely he was overanalyzing, she probably just wanted to friendly. They were packmates, after all. He'd forgotten how that felt.

Thank you. He blinked, resting his eyes on her dark form.

Nothin’ outta the ordinary. Occasional loners, but no good recruits. He summarized briefly. An' you?

RE: We'll be sailing, - RIP Umbra - December 16, 2020

"It is the same. It seems more are interested in visiting, rather then joining.. Perhaps curious of a new group by the sea." Besides the visitors, there was nothing worth-wild within Stormbound. The group had plenty of fish to bring to the cache, and behind the beach was a luxurious forest to hunt within, a true paradise that was unneed worry for anytime in winter. Even then, she always wanted extra preparations for anything unexpected.

Umbra hated surprises.

"Do you suggest anything on the matter?" As she trusted Tahoe, the Sealord inquired on his thoughts. Perhaps there was more to do on gaining popularity with loners, but she did not know where to start in particular.

RE: We'll be sailing, - Tahoe - January 01, 2021

This wasn't Tahoe's area of expertise. He wasn't the popular type, nor aimed to be so. Umbra's question was appreciated—for the fact his superior still valued his output—but he had no good advice or tactics. Recruitment depended on a multitude of factors. Perhaps a friendly face would aid in persuading one to join, but that was something he could not provide. If he tried, he would probably look a tad insane anyway. 

He frowned, in thought. It's hit 'r miss. Visitors could be recruits, 'f persuaded. Jus' gotta keep searchin' for more. came his answer.

It was repetitive work, but effective when there were was help around.