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Paper planes - Printable Version

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Paper planes - Fang - September 08, 2014

@meldresi Going to make this essentially straight after the claiming howl. hope you don't mind!

It seemed the claiming was done, the woods were officially theirs. Not that there had been any doubt of that fact since they'd set up camp in its tunnels and trees. The other two recruits were still lost on the hybrid, he'd seek them out later, for now he had a date with the alpha. The hybrid moved toward the dark female, The pride in being part of this motley group would be clearly evident on his face. I Think that went well. he spoke to no one in particular

Of course there was the nagging point, the sub-concious mind telling Fang that whilst it seemed to be comforting to be in this group he still essentially knew nothing of his leader, or anyone else for that matter. It was time to rectify this. Unless of course she was more oblivious to the world around her than a stump, she'd likely realise the half-breed wished her audience as he moved toward her.



RE: Paper planes - Meldresi - September 08, 2014

As the last tones of their howl died away, Meldresi sighed, closing her eyes for a brief moment. Her indigo eyes stayed closed, even as Fang grew closer. Her eyes opened to let her see who was getting close, and she nodded at the hybrid. The new alpha smiled faintly at her new subordinate. "Greetings, Fang."

RE: Paper planes - Fang - September 08, 2014

When his new leader acknowledged his approach the ever-present coy smile appeared on his features once again, though he didn't stop his approach until he was nearly within walking distance he kept both his head and tail low. Though the former was simply a sign of respect over any real subordinate feelings the hybrid should have had. Congratulations, I should think. Tilting his head, golden eyes looked over the dark features for a moment.

Now that's all out of the way, It occurs to me I really don't know you, Meldresi, Or leader, Queen, Princess, whatever title you would choose. He cooed the last few words in a soft, playful tone. Of course did she want to be called any number of affectations he would oblige.


RE: Paper planes - Meldresi - September 10, 2014

The hybrid approached her with a submissive, no, respectful posture before speaking any further. He wanted to know more about her. Who she really was. "Priestess. I am fine with that." She wasn't much of a Queen or Princess, though she acted elegantly. So far, Meldresi had not accomplished enough tasks to gain the rank of High Priestess, so she was simply priestess. But she hoped it would not be long until she gained the higher title. "What would you like to know?"

RE: Paper planes - Fang - September 11, 2014

Priestess? Again the hybrid was more than a little surprised at her reply, the following question seemed foolish in contrast to her answer. Tilting his head to the side with the familiar half-smile his tail gave a gentle wave behind as he spoke. Well, the affectation 'priestess' and why isn't a bad start. Or what you expect to have us do in this pack, what you're planning on doing. .. Fang was always a curious creature, and added to his in-built tendency to require direction added to his need to know what the 'plan' was.

Though the unknown plan, or requirements she had were of little consequence, unless they were flat out idiotic or detrimental to his own health and well-being he would follow her requests with as much due care as he could muster. First, he needed to know what it was she wanted done.


RE: Paper planes - Meldresi - September 15, 2014

"I am an ordained priestess of Mephala, a goddess of the Daedric pantheon. She reigns over the realm of the Hidden Things, Secrets, Lies." She began, wondering inside if Fang would be one of the first she would convert to her own religion, if he was interested at all. "And she is the reason I started this pack. To start her influence here." The middle-aged female was proud of being chosen for such a great task. Of the many worshippers of Mephala, few ever began the Spider's Web of Influence and further increasing the goddess's strength. "My pack will include a few aspects of my religion, and I'll gladly convert anyone who is interested, though I won't force you to. It is your choice."

RE: Paper planes - Fang - September 28, 2014

The half-breed did his best to hide the look of amusement mixed with disdain on his face, religion was something he'd heard of and was not something he was terribly fond of from what he had heard. It could have been his fleeting loyalties that pushed him to dislike the idea of a greater being watching over you and telling you what to do. I see. The tone of his voice would give away that he in fact, did not see, or understand at all, He wasn't about to critique the alpha priestess anyway.

He turned away for a moment to take in their surroundings the often dead tree's, black soil broken only by the off-grey trunks that fell about. Between the spider-webs and the raven calls the forest was anything but paradise. Though the mystery did call to the hybrid in an intriguing way. Turning wheat coloured eyes back onto the leader he shrugged ever so slightly. I'm sure you'll forgive my lack of enthusiasm at your goddesses wisdom for setting up camp here. I Might seek more from you later. For now though. .. He trailed off, shifting his paws slightly as he held his tongue at calling out further the possible flaws in setting up a religion in a dead-wood.


RE: Paper planes - Meldresi - September 29, 2014

She didn't expect him to be so excited about the fact she was a religious woman, a priestess. She had expected it, to be honest. There were always skeptics, non-believers that she had to deal with. "It is not for everyone, I understand. And it is not the best of places either. But we can make the most of it, yes?"

Meldresi flicked her tail as he began to leave, slightly annoyed by his sudden departure, but allowing him to leave nonetheless. "I shall see you soon, Fang."