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Stone Circle I Smile Because I Want To - Printable Version

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I Smile Because I Want To - West Tyree - December 01, 2020

@Valette short starter im brain dead

With all the traveling and (if West was being honest) self-isolation, it had been a while since the woodland boy sought out his mother. They were usually close but recently West hadn't really been close with anyone, minus kind of Polaris. Originally it was with good reason, though Polaris made it clear that running away from his problems would get him nowhere. Frankly, he didn't even have the energy to run anymore. He just wanted to be happy, but...maybe he could be. Deep down he didn't want to leave, he loved his family, his home, and now openly Polaris too. Speaking of he...still wasn't sure what to do about that, which was just one of the many reasons he now searched for Valette.

RE: I Smile Because I Want To - RIP Valette - December 02, 2020

Valette was by her den, compared to most of the times that she was at the stones. She had the pack to run but also to watch over her mate that seemed to be growing older by the day instead of by the years. She understood though, that one day, maybe soon, Greyback was too old to continue. It had put her mind in thought. What would she do after Greyback? Find another mate? She really didn't feel like that. Opening herself up again, getting to know someone. That person would be her fourth mate. She didn't see that happening.

She wasn't sure how she would react when she would be without Greyback but she wanted to cherish the moments she had with him. Maybe step down as Easthollow's leader. She was so tired from dealing with Ursus. The only downside, would she be able to stay at Easthollow if she stepped down? She didn't wish to leave her stones. She was pulled from her thoughts by paw steps. She looked up. "West!," she sounded surprised. Valette pushed herself in a sitting postion. "So good to see you!"

RE: I Smile Because I Want To - West Tyree - December 02, 2020

In all honesty, he hadn't expected to find her near her den, but when he found the circle of stones empty and the bison with no watchers he was left more than a little stumped. The boy's ears perked at the call of his name, a small half-smile taking his features as he spotted Valette and turned to meet her, Hey, Mom. Even though she was sitting the thought occurred to him that he now stood above her, no longer her little boy (even if he never was really a "little" boy). Still, he offered a soft press of his nose to her shoulder. What're you doin' over here? I feel like I never see you by your den.

RE: I Smile Because I Want To - RIP Valette - December 02, 2020

Valette smiled at West. "Hi," she hummed again and leaned into his greeting. She raised her brows when he said that he was surprised to see her here. "Your father," she commented and before he could ask she added: "Nothing serious, just, you know, his age," she assured him with a quick smile.

She looked over West. 'Are you alright? I'm glad to see you," she spoke. He was so big, like Greyback was. She was proud of her son. "To what do I owe this visit?," she questioned, often when her children sought her out there were questions to be asked.

RE: I Smile Because I Want To - West Tyree - December 08, 2020

"Your father,"

That made him raise a brow. He was older sure, but wasn't his grandfather older? He still found Kove at the borders, but maybe he was just taking a nap or something. His mom said it was nothing serious so it was probably fine, though as the conversation switched back to him he couldn't help but let out a nervous chuckle, Ahah, well, y'know... hangin' on. I just thought it's been a while. I haven't really seen ya around and it's weird not talkin' to you. Well, that was part of the reason at least... there was a steady pause before the woodland boy continued, blurting out his next words, And, well, t-there's another thing— it's um...Polaris.

He hadn't even gotten to his news, but he could already feel his face growing warm. It was so strange how just saying her name could get him flustered. Shouldn't that part be done with by now? They already admitted they liked each other...loved each other. The words were quickly replaced in his head as he reminded himself that well...they were kind of a thing now.

RE: I Smile Because I Want To - RIP Valette - December 09, 2020

Valette smiled at her son, reading easily that he was nervous, or getting more nervous. She licked her lips as he spoke that he was fine. She nodded to him. It had been awhile, they would hunt a lot before but after the cougar her whole world had shifted. She was still in surviving modes it seemed. "I'm glad that you are well. I've missed you too but I assumed it was just because you felt you were too old to hang out with me," she admitted. "Don't worry, West. I understand that you want to do more with wolves your age," she returned. Heck, he even stayed in Easthollow and she really appreciated that.

Slowly her eyes turned into a squint when he said that something was with Polaris. Some of the warmth leeched of her features. She sniffed him, but there wasn't anything unusual on his coat... like heat. Then again it would be early for that perhaps. Her green eyes scanned over him one more time. "I swear to god, West, if you got her pregnant...," the mother gowled. Not sure how she would deal with another child getting pregnant without her permission. To say that Valette looked ' not amused' was an understatement.

RE: I Smile Because I Want To - West Tyree - December 09, 2020

West was eased by her words. It was nice that despite the time away nothing had really changed between them, well...except for her having to focus on the kids, but that was ok. So long as they had a good childhood, one like his, maybe better. They lost their mom, he had lost his brother, but hopefully, they were too young for it to really sink in.

What came next though left the boy recoiling out of shock and embarrassment. Pregnant? What—?! Wh— NO GODS— we haven't even— we aren't— Gods how did he come back from that??? West shook his head trying to rid himself of his flushed cheeks. I mean— maybe one day, but they weren't even mates! Right? That's— not what I was going to say. He let out a huff as he sloppily recomposed himself. We talked, that's all. Erm... well it was kind of a fight at first, but that could be left out, right? I said that I kinda...like her and she said she likes me too...loves...uh.. I just had some questions I guess.

RE: I Smile Because I Want To - RIP Valette - December 09, 2020

Valette's mood completely shifted when West looked so shocked. The matriarch softened considerably. Her baby boy was not fully grown after all. She was relieved. "Oh!," she exclaimed. "My bad," she hummed. Well that was a relief. She really should do something about that jealously of hers... "Aw that is very cute," she spoke, looking happy now. "I was hoping you two would get together you make a very cute couple," she added.

Valette sat down when he said that he had some questions. This was going to be interesting, she kind of figured that they were questions related to mateship and whatnot. "Yes, of course. Ask away," she assured him. Hopefully she hadn't scared him to death with her reaction from before.

RE: I Smile Because I Want To - West Tyree - December 09, 2020

It was like day and night, a switch he had unknowingly flipped as he eased himself to sit and tried to push the snarl his mother had just given out of his mind after her offered apology. Something about his relationship being called cute also flushed his face though it was more so out of embarrassment than...whatever it was when he was with Polaris. An uneasy chuckle escaped him as he pondered where to start, Uh, well...I guess just what that would make us? We haven't really talked about it since, but I don't think liking someone really makes them your mate.

Honestly that idea was kinda scary. They just got past him being a puddle of tears, that didn't really feel like he was ready for a mate. Not that having one and a family one day was off of his mind, it might be fun to have kids. Er... Wait...would it...be a problem if  I wanted kids one day?

RE: I Smile Because I Want To - RIP Valette - December 10, 2020

Valette looked at her son. "I don't know what that makes you," she commented. "That is for you and her to decide," she added. Valette shook her head. "Often you both decide together you want to be mates, I think it is even an unwritten rule that the male asks for the female to become his mate. At least, that is what I like to expect from a male. It means he is serious about a relationship," she explained to her son.

"No, it wouldn't. But having kids is a commitment, so that is usually something only mates do together. Like me and your father for example. Raising pups is hard, and if you are not sure you want to be mates with Polaris yet, it isn't a wise decision to have pups with her," she spoke. "I think that you both like each other and perhaps even love each other. But try to be together for awhile, do fun things together, and one day, you will know. You will think: Gosh I never want to be without her and then you ask her to be mates. It is often a commitment for life." Gosh, she was to talk with Greyback being her third mate. Oh well.

RE: I Smile Because I Want To - West Tyree - December 15, 2020

West sucked in a breath through his teeth before blowing it out in a huff. Well, it wasn't quite the answer he wanted to hear...even his Mother wasn't sure where they stood, but asking Polaris now felt...weird. Like it should have been addressed before he left for Moonspear. Even worse, he was the one who would have to ask if she wanted to be mates, but it felt too early for that...not that he didn't get some of those feelings already but it was all so new! Maybe they didn't have to put a name on it...could they just like each other and leave it at that?

Ahah, well— I don't think I'm having kids anytime soon... In some ways he still felt like a kid...a big kid, but a kid all the same. He was too trapped in his own mind to worry about pups running around— not to mention he didn't even know where Polaris stood on that topic. Apparently, they had a lot to talk about... Maybe he should find her now. They hadn't exactly spoken much since he returned.

I think I'm gonna go find her though. It looks like we uh...we have a lot to discuss. Hopefully for once things wouldn't blow up, but at this point, he was expecting some kind of verbal exclamation from the dove. She was passionate that's for sure, but it was one thing he loved about her. Thanks, Mom! He leaned in quick to give her a kiss before going to hunt down Polaris.

RE: I Smile Because I Want To - RIP Valette - December 15, 2020

Valette dipped her head, she did like that decision for him. West should enjoy his youth while her could. Now it was time for him to be a young adult and explore the world instead of being a father already. West then bid his goodbye. "West! Wait," she called out and stepped forward. She looked over her son. "I had something to tell you too, or ask you actually."

The mother lifted her tail and then wagged it. "I see what you have been doing for Easthollow, and me and your dad aren't the youngest anymore. So. I was wondering. Would you like to become Emissary of Easthollow? So when I am gone, you will lead Easthollow. Protect it," she offered. "And you know. I can tell you what I know about leading." She paused for a moment. "I think it would be really great if you and Polaris would take over... one day. If you like that of course."

RE: I Smile Because I Want To - West Tyree - December 15, 2020

He had barely gotten three steps away when she called out. West halted in his tracks, a bit surprised that she had stopped him, though his interest was piqued as she mentioned having something to ask him. Truthfully, West didn't think he had done that much, or at least not more good than bad, but...it was nice she thought otherwise. A leader though? To lead one day with Polaris? Would she even want to?

A few times now she had mentioned leaving, making some pack of vengeance and truth to put an end to all evildoers or...something like that. Though that had been so long ago now...would she still want to leave? Would she go without him or would she be happy staying? I— wow... Emissary? He wasn't even aware they had that rank.
Do you really think I could do that? It wasn't like Valette left often, he would probably still have her around most of the time should he need her, but it was still a lot to think about. She didn't even know that a few weeks ago he had been crying about leaving. It almost didn't feel right to accept.

RE: I Smile Because I Want To - RIP Valette - December 15, 2020

Valette grinned. "Of course you can! You are already doing it now. When new wolves are at the border you greet them. And with this new rank I accept your judgement and you don't need my approval," she explained to him. "I think you would be perfect to help me out. I would only ask to not start any more wars with the neighbors. It is giving me grey fur," she teased him a bit.

"Jokes aside, West. I am certain you would do well. It is just like with the hunts, you had your practice now you can lead one." She smiled, wanting to give him more confidence.

RE: I Smile Because I Want To - West Tyree - December 15, 2020

He chuckled nervously at the mentions of war, he really hadn't meant to make tensions worse between Easthollow and Ursus, but there was no going back now. She was joking though, something he was well aware of and breathed out a silent sigh of relief, I promise. It seemed like she really believed in him, it made it hard to think about saying no.

The last thing he wanted to do was disappoint his mom, but if she thought he was capable then he could at least give it a shot. If you really think so then I can try? Honestly, it didn't sound too different yet. It seemed strange to think that he had the authority to accept someone to their pack, but it was also kind of exciting. Is there anything else I should be doing as Emissary?

RE: I Smile Because I Want To - RIP Valette - December 15, 2020

Valette looked at her son and then smiled. "Don't overthink it," she advised it. "You are you. Just keep doing the things you do, the border patrols, being friendly to new members, watch the herds." She didn't feel like there was a big gap between leading and being a pack member. But she was used to leading and making decisions. She had been leading since she was a yearling.

"If you are unsure about something you can always call on me," she assured him. Decision-making they could do together which was also quite nice for her to have a second opinion about things. "Believe in yourself, West. Otherwise, how will someone follow you? I think that is the only thing," she added.

RE: I Smile Because I Want To - West Tyree - December 21, 2020

Could it really be that simple? Surely not, but if it was all he had to do for now then... he could manage that. Like Valette said, he could always ask, it wasn't like she was going anywhere (thank God for that), though he did ponder on her words. He never considered that maybe even faking confidence would ease the pack. Did everyone else believe in him? He didn't feel too special anymore for people to believe in him but... it was nice to think about.

West nodded along to his mother's words almost like a silent parrot before giving a simple, Ok, I'll give it a shot. Man now he had a lot a lot to talk about with Polaris. It was starting to sink in that...well he had actually been promoted as crazy as it seemed. He had been so used to everyone standing on the same ground that he hadn't even considered it a possibility, but now it was kinda cool. I'll talk to you later, I gotta go tell Polaris!