Wolf RPG
Wild Berry Meadow So free my mind, all the talking - Printable Version

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So free my mind, all the talking - Taikon - December 04, 2020

Taikon was extremely happy.
All his life, he had seen others have an idea of what love really meant. His mother had weaponized it. She'd ruined it. Taikon had found a slice of happiness with Takiyok, whom was still healing from her head injury on the mountain. She was in the primary charge of taking care of young Taktuq, who had suffered a very traumatizing event back at her home of Easthollow.
Taikon, for the first time in a very long time, was not wandering beyond the pack's territory because he needed to get away. Instead, he was wandering because he thought he might be able to catch better game in the better. He was partially correct. The first hour of hunting had gone well, as he'd quickly found a whole colony of rabbits to choose from. Their burrows were strung throughout the meadow, and for a time he simply watched in anticipation of a mistake, looking for injury and other weakness. But that hunt and the next several that followed had ended with nothing. These rabbits were accustomed to wolf attacks. Their burrows were deep, interwoven into an impossible maze.
The white wolf carried on, thinking of Takiyok, thinking of what it would feel like in the coming season to bring back food for her as she swelled with pups. The joy he felt when he thought of it was intense, so much that he laughed out loud, frightening a nearby mourning dove that fled to the skies for safety.

RE: So free my mind, all the talking - Lunaria - December 04, 2020

Congrats, you have stolen my 100th post

She was heading away from the glen again -- but not to walk off and do god knows like last time, this time she had a purpose.

It would be within the raven's and pack's interest to search for a spot that was most active with prey animals, ecspecially since winter was soon to come. She thought of maybe bringing Toad or Bronco along with her since they seemed more experienced in this field for sure -- though since Luna was already out here, might as well do the job alone this time, right?

The huntress' nose led her to one of the surrounding territories as a start: Wildberry meadow. It could be assumed this was home to many potential herbivores roaming around to get their fix on the cylindrical morsals growing off these bushes. The sickeningly sweet perfume coming from the feild was first to hit her; next being a present scent trail....was there someone nearby? Audits flicked upward in alarm at the sound of laughter nearby and the huntress knew from then on that she had to go investigate. 

Lunaria didn't think anything would prepare her for who she eventually came across, but when she saw who it was, a wave of emotions washed over her: 'Nostalgia' being the main culprit. She wanted to run over there right now and tackle him into a bear hug like she'd done long ago, but where's the fun in that? Reunions like these should be done in style.

"Well, well, well, look who it is! I knew you'd start missing the sound of my voice eventually--" Luna drawled with that all too mischievous voice, striding closer to the pale sire in slow, steady steps. "--I mean, I wasn't really expecting to find you having the time of your life in a berry field of all places, but maybe you'd like to let me in on the joke? I wanna laugh too." 

'Good to see you again, Tai.'

RE: So free my mind, all the talking - Taikon - December 04, 2020


The voice he heard was familiar. He lit up, swiftly turning to face her. I did! He declared, because in fact he had missed her voice. There was so much to tell her, bad and good. It seemed like whenever he ran into her, it was because a new chapter in his strange, intense life had started. She was some kind of check-in buddy for him.
You wouldn't get it. It's not punny enough, he grinned slyly. He stood there so she could make a show of making meaningful, slow steps, pretending like she was queen of the earth and he was just a loyal subject.
Evidently, things had changed for her too. She had gained weight, and he was certain he could smell many others on her coat. I barely recognize you, Ms. Vagabond. What did you do to my skinny loner friend?? He had a goofy grin splashed across his features. He was very pleased to see her, but acted as though in shock. To be honest, he had expected she might join a pack before the winter based on their last conversation.

RE: So free my mind, all the talking - Lunaria - December 05, 2020

In between her slow steps, she stopped to breath in a just....look at him. 'Wow' she thought. 'Taikon is actually here, in front of me again.'. It had been so long since that night in the mountains that Luna almost thought she'd really never see him again, but the fact that he was here and seemed to be doing okay made a wave of relief was over her.

The 'Cool demenor' which she held before wouldn't last for very long before she indeed, ran towards him and threw her fore limbs around his shoulder. Her freind had finally returned to her, and god did they have so much to talk about. "Meh, that's fine. The joke probably won't be as funny unless I make it afterall..." the dark fae cackled, placing a paw on her scared chest and closing her eyes for dramatic effect.

Eventually, she let Taikon go after what seemed like a while and stepped back to face him again. A grin, leaning on the edge of both sheepish and humorful, appeared on her features as the pale sire would mention her weight gain. "I joined a pack recently, can you believe such a thing?" She asked rhetorically with a quirked brow and a smile. "Man, the things I do to suprise myself. Still, its nice to know that I'll be hunting for someone other than myself -- keeps me busy..."

RE: So free my mind, all the talking - Taikon - December 06, 2020

At last, she did the most predictable thing and threw her arms around him in the lupine hug she had always greeted him with. Taikon pushed into it, a stupid smile slathered across his face, enjoying her new scent and familiar touch. To have such a friend was rare, but he felt more aware of her after Takiyok had relayed her feelings. Taikon instinctively looked for some signs that there could be more to Lunaria's pleasantness around him. Yet as with Taki, he saw potential but no real evidence that their friendship had changed.
He was glad that it had not changed. Can you believe such a thing? she asked it jokingly, and he replied, Insanity! Though really, he himself was on the verge of doing so yet again. The Ivory Rose were not perfect, but they did not appear evil, either. He needed a safe area for Takiyok to have her their children.
Hunting for other people is good. You'll like it, he said. Speaking of which, I have a pile of gossip for you, if you're not busy, he went on.

RE: So free my mind, all the talking - Lunaria - December 20, 2020

The raven missed the literal and figurative warmth that came with holding her friend, and doing it after not seeing him in months made it all the more meaningful. A couple of scents lingered on her coat after Luna pulled away from him, and for a moment the huntress thought Tai took a similar direction as she did for the winter -- 'Did he also join a pack?'  She wondered to herself, opening her mouth for the split second she planned on asking, but Taikon would stop her with his next statement and a smile would curl her lips in anticipation.

"Gossip you say!? I'm alllllll ears! While I'm at it too, I'd be happy to share a bit with you as well~"

She was more than happy to do a little catching up with Taikon, so much that her previous tracking was now second priority. Surely it can wait till they've dispersed, could it?

RE: So free my mind, all the talking - Taikon - December 30, 2020

As Luna pulled back, he grinned at her. Where to even start.. he said, looking down and smiling. So much had happened. So much of it had been awful. Yet is was Takiyok that took his thoughts. Zephyr hated him. Zephyr wanted nothing to do with him, but Takiyok... So quickly was he willing to let her become the centre of his entire world. Perhaps she had always been the centre, and he just hadn't known it until she had finally said something to him.
Taikon launched into it. After we spoke last, you made me realize I needed to find my friend, Takiyok. That led me to Sagtannet, who were way out at Nova Peak, past the cliffs we met at, he began, reaching out beyond the Sunpires, a light, strange glimmer in his eyes as he recalled meeting Taki by chance in his path. It had been Lunaria who had told him to find what he needed to survive the winter, and had probed him further. In the far reaches of his heart, there had been something. Now, he knew what it was. Anyway, after I joined them the woman who led it wanted to go to war because someone had moved into some sea cliffs and had scars on their face, I don't know. I asked why, and they kicked me out, he explained, cutting out the meatier tidbits for the gist of what had happened. He was just happy he didn't have to tell her someone else had died like last time. Despite the rather disheartening subject matter, he couldn't wipe the smile from his face.
Takiyok came with me, and we went through the mountains and this person Zephyr, he let us stay with the Ivory Rose, he finished. It was a terrible story told this way, but he wanted to know about her, too, and he knew she would have questions.