Wolf RPG
Dragoncrest Cliffs Make reality freeze, - Printable Version

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Make reality freeze, - Grímnismál - December 04, 2020

Winter had arrived, and Grímnismál was fully within her winter-coat. She was rather plush, and with the black of fur gathering the sunlight, remaining warm wasn't too difficult. She snuggled into the beaches sand while absorbing any sunshine she could before snowfall truly started to happen, she remembered flakes drifted downwards a few days ago, but yet to truly come.

Thankfully so at least the Dragoncrest Cliffs provided some caverns within, meaning Sapphique could avoid some of the snowfall.

RE: Make reality freeze, - Regin - December 05, 2020

Gin had noted the sharp change in temperature. Her coat had already started to thicken and become far denser than she remembered it having been before. She had originally thought it had come from her small growth spurt; she’d shot up several inches in the last few months and had taken the shape of a willowy young girl. It would not have been long and Regin would be taking her first steps into adulthood.
Prowling around their newest claim with heightened interest, Gin caught the scent of someone familiar and opted to trail after it. When she saw Grim ahead, she let out a bark to announce her presence and trotted to close some of the space between them. “Grim! Hey!” she yipped softly. The siren wondered if the healer was searching for more of her long-legged spiders.