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Blackfeather Woods Walking by your side - Printable Version

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Walking by your side - Taikon - December 05, 2020

Anyone; late evening
It had been slightly easier to settle into the environment because @Takiyok was already familiar with it. She seemed to be not completely herself on some days, and he wondered if that had something to do with her injury. As usual, she was hardly the kind of person to voice her pain, forcing it down.
Taikon had been working to care for her while she recovered without babying her. The easiest way to do this was to fill caches within the woods. This was secondarily something he'd wanted to do for the Ivory Rose, who were kind enough to shelter the three strangers because @Zephyr had kept to his promise. He wondered silently how his injuries were healing. Even though Taikon wasn't as worried about him once he'd returned home, it was frustrating to not be able to get progress updates on the silver boy's condition. He didn't like the distance. It made him sad.
Taikon uncovered one of the empty caches and placed two voles into it that he'd caught earlier. He covered it, and heaved out a sigh through his nose. For a moment, he stared at the dirt, wishing things had turned out differently while simultaneously counting his many blessings.

RE: Walking by your side - Takiyok - December 05, 2020

Taki was woken from her sleep by the familiar pounding in her head. She sat up slowly, closing her eyes back for a few moments as she attempted to collect herself. She knew the pain would be there for hours, no matter what she did, and doing something would at least somewhat distract her from the discomfort. She heard Taktuq's slow, soft breathing and was glad that she still slept. She knew she could leave the child in here, sleeping, and she would be safe. The den they had found was hidden and secure, and just big enough to fit the three of them snugly and comfortably. 

She got herself up, wincing a little at the rush of blood from her head caused by the movement. Once she had recovered, she looked back to make sure her niece was still asleep, and seeing that she was, headed from the den into the chilly, clear night. It wasn't long before she found Taikon's scent, and she followed it, curious about why he wasn't in the den, sleeping with her and Taktuq. 

His scent was easy for her to pick out from all the others, and so it was not hard for her to find him, covering up one of the caches. She assumed he had hunted again since that seemed to be what he was doing most often. She appreciated not having to worry about that, especially when she wasn't feeling well, and it was even better that it was something he did without prompting from anyone. The thought had an affectionate smile lifting one corner of her mouth until she saw him staring at the dirt, looking upset. The smile fell away, leaving only a frown as she finally reached him. She brushed against him, nuzzling her head under his chin as she liked to do. Are you okay? she asked softly but with obvious concern.

RE: Walking by your side - Taikon - December 05, 2020

As if by magic, there she was. Takiyok tucked herself affectionately under him to lift his head, and in turn his spirits. The softness and scent of her brought a smile to him, and at once he remembered how very lucky he was to have met her. Lovingly he nuzzled her cheek, and did not bother to hide any of his thoughts from her.
I'm okay, he said. Zephyr pretty much hates me after I told him about us. He won't even talk about it, he frowned, looking at her. It was comforting to know that he could share such inner turmoil with her, though he was careful to avoid the more carnal things that he thought might make her feel jealous.
I think it's a pretty childish reaction, but I also feel bad. I thought it would be okay, and we could still be friends. I don't understand what is so problematic for him, he explained, shaking his head. He knew that he and Zephyr had shared a connection, but other than the brief sexual intimacy, none of it really seemed to have to be tied to romantic feelings. Taikon thought of their conversations, and felt frustrated that such talks would never happen again.

RE: Walking by your side - Takiyok - December 05, 2020

He was upset over Zephyr, but it did not cause any jealousy to rise in her chest. She could understand it from both sides, and she had already known it would not be such an easy thing for them to work out—feelings were never easy, no matter how tentative they were. She hated to see him so down, but she knew there was no real way she could fix it; all she could do was let him talk about and offer her understanding. She nuzzled his chin once more. Do you want to go for a walk? she asked. And if he accepted she would begin walking as she spoke. I can understand why he would be upset, she told him first. It is not an easy situation for either of you. And speaking as someone who also has feelings for you, it might not be so easy for him to get past the hurt over the shift in your relationship. She knew if things were reversed, she would be hurt and angry and probably wouldn't want much to do with either of them, which was why she had given Zephyr space so far. 

Taki nodded to his next words. Being hurt makes us act without logic, she pointed out. She had been hurt enough times to know that beyond a doubt. You cannot expect him to want to be friends right away, unfortunately. That is something that takes time. She nuzzled his cheek to comfort him, knowing it was not what he wanted. I think you should give him the space he wants to deal with his feelings and then revisit friendship later. It was easier said than done, she knew, but it seemed like the only real solution. He couldn't force things, and she was pretty sure trying would only make Zephyr angrier.

RE: Walking by your side - Taikon - December 05, 2020

When she offered the walk, he nodded. It was like she knew him completely, and knew that moving around helped him ease his stress and anxiety. How had he been so lucky to have someone like her want to be with a creature like him? Even as she moved, he felt a buzz of wonderment and the old, familiar influx of passion for her. In this honeymoon phase, he saw only beauty in her.
Takiyok gave him much needed insight on why Zephyr would be upset. She seemed to understand that Zephyr had some form of feelings for him. He felt something, but whatever it was, he couldn't imagine being upset by Zephyr telling him that they couldn't be more. He thought about it, and decided that had he been younger, he might have felt like that. Or maybe there was something about normal attraction that caused others to have such strong, possessive feelings. Whatever the case, Takiyok made it clear that Zephyr was hurt. While it gave him understanding, it also made the guilty feelings he had harden.
No, you're right, he said quietly, returning the affection she gave him with a gentle press.
I'll keep giving space — that's what I've been doing. I just.. I dunno, he scrunched his brow again, glancing to her. I guess I'm afraid he won't deal with his feelings, he said. He thought for a moment about it. He wondered if they could stay here permanently if Zephyr wanted it so. He wondered if Zephyr would drive them away all for the sake of not looking at Taikon's face anymore. He didn't know what would happen. He just wanted things to be stable, if not for him then for Takiyok and young Taktuq.
I don't know where we would go if not here, he said.

RE: Walking by your side - Takiyok - December 05, 2020

She sighed a little. He may not, she said bluntly. But that is not something you can control. He could only control his own feelings and responses. His concern was very real, though. She had no idea how Zephyr would handle things going forward, and he could very well ask them to leave once Taki was healed enough. I worry about that too, she admitted. I want safety and security for Taktuq and for our children. She didn't bother hiding her emotions from Taikon anymore, so the worry was clear on her face as she spoke. We will figure something out, she assured him. 

Speaking of her niece, one of her many worries right now was what do with her long term. She would be happy for her to stay with them, but that meant a trip back over the mountains to tell Sia where she was. She had been tossing this around silently for a few days, unsure how exactly to bring it up to Taikon. She wasn't sure how upset he would be about it. I need to talk more to Taktuq now that we are safe. I'm not sure if she wants to stay with us or go home eventually, She explained. Either way, it will mean traveling back over the mountains. If she decides to stay with us, I have to tell my brother where she is. He will will be worried and searching— she swallowed. She couldn't bear the thought. He would be beside himself. She knew it was not a good situation regardless. They had just gotten here, and the journey hadn't been easy. The decision to take in Taktuq had been hers, and she worried about how Taikon would feel about her making the trip back to Easthollow. He might be angry with her for putting them in this position, and she would understand. That didn't change the facts, though.

RE: Walking by your side - Taikon - December 06, 2020

Taikon and Takiyok were well aligned when it came to the safety of their potential offspring and Taktuq. He worried fairly consistently about the girl. He knew that people who had been through recent trauma were more likely to make poor decisions and side with the wrong kinds of people. That was one reason why he was thankful that at least the girl had the two of them to keep her safe, for now. Even though his heart bounced happily once more at the thought of their children in spring, he knew that such a thing could only happen if they were in a safe place. I know we will, he answered. He was determined to do everything in his power to ensure that Takiyok could see through her dream, and that he might finally be a father. The thought scared him, terrified him, even, and so he was happy when she refocused on her little niece.
Taki told him that her brother would need to be told, and at the idea he made a wincing expression. No, he said abruptly, but stopped himself. I.. I'm sorry I don't mean.. He didn't intentionally try to tell her what she could or couldn't do. The thought of her crossing the mountains after what had happened before completely terrified him.
He needs to be told, I agree, he said slowly, I just.. With Sagtannet still over there and the cougar and.. either I go with you or we send a messenger. Couldn't we just send someone else? He asked, thinking aloud. Her brother needed to know where little Taktuq was, certainly. However, either of them travelling was dangerous given that they had just fled from the other side.

RE: Walking by your side - Takiyok - December 06, 2020

Taki stopped walking at his unexpected response. She knew he might not be happy about what she needed to do, but she hadn't anticipated him flat out telling her no. She raised an eyebrow at him, a flash of defiance in her gaze as she gave him time to rethink that response. She was not accustomed to being told no, nor could she remember the last time anyone had tried to tell her what to do. When he apologized, her own expression softened a little. She knew he was just concerned, and he was right to be. She wasn't particularly thrilled about having to go back, but she saw no other way. 

She wasn't necessarily opposed to him coming with her, but it wasn't really that easy. I will not send someone else to tell Siarut about his daughter. He should hear it from me, she told him first. And if she wants to stay with us, are you suggesting you come with me and we leave her here by herself? Because I do not plan to make her cross the mountains again unless she intends to go home. There was no way she would bring her along if she didn't have to. I am perfectly capable of making the trip on my own, Taikon, she told him. She was being stubborn, she knew, but he was treating her as if she was unable to do something she had done more than once on her own.

RE: Walking by your side - Taikon - December 06, 2020

She didn't like him telling her no, and he knew it right away. Even with him correcting himself, she was noticeably more tense. The reaction hadn't been intended to harm, and he certainly hadn't meant to throw a leash on her in any way.
He stopped with her, and she made several good points. Taikon didn't know what Siarut was like, but given Taki's reaction, it seemed that a messenger was simply not going to be enough. He resented this. Then, she asked if he meant to leave Taktuq alone for a week while they went, and he understood then. No. He couldn't leave the girl alone. In fact, he wouldn't. Not in this weird, tree-obsessing place of childish nightmares. He sighed. I know you are, Taki, he answered softly. I just don't... He couldn't. He wouldn't.
I can't lose you. I can't. It terrified him to be separated from her. To not know where she was on the other side of the Sunspires. They ran Taktuq out. Or someone did. What if... Or Mahler's crowd... I just.. He was rocked by the idea of losing her, especially with her injury fresh in his mind. He couldn't imagine being powerless to protect her, yet that was what she was suggesting.

RE: Walking by your side - Takiyok - December 06, 2020

Immediately, she regretted her obstinate reaction. She knew he was worried, and that's why he had been against her making the trip on her own, but she hadn't realized the depth of his concern, and she felt terrible for it. His sentences became fragmented, and she could see the fear in his eyes. The way he said he couldn't lose her made her heart ache. Suddenly, she was pushing her head under his chin and nuzzling him. She hadn't meant to upset him like that, and especially not in that way. I am sorry, she whispered. He got more apologies from her than anyone else in her life combined. He made her see things so differently, herself included. And the way he cared about her and her niece—it was unconditional. The last thing she wanted to do was cause him to hurt ever. 

Still, their problem remained unsolved. When her own feelings had died down to a more manageable level, she stepped back a little and looked at him again. I do not know what to do then, she told him. I cannot just leave him to search for her, knowing I could give him peace of mind. I have been in his place, and it is torture. Her gaze filled with the residual pain she still felt even now. That kind of hurt didn't go away easily, even after knowing three of her four children were safe and alive.

RE: Walking by your side - Taikon - December 06, 2020

No no, I understand, he said swiftly. He did understand mostly all of it, though the reasons why her brother might only accept the word from her mouth didn't fully make sense to him. She nuzzled him, and he pushed back against her, happy as always to feel her warmth and wonderful softness against him.
If it really came down to it, of course he wanted her to do what she believed to be the right thing. He would never claim to know her brother better than she did. That's why we should send a messenger. Maybe one who knows a secret between you and Siarut, you know? Something that acts as an assurance that it's the truth, Taikon offered. He had always been a solutions based person. Anytime he thought he saw a problem and its solution, he usually offered to perform said fix himself. In this case, things were more complicated.
A messenger, to him, seemed like the best option for everyone's safety.

RE: Walking by your side - Takiyok - December 06, 2020

He was set on sending someone in her place to tell Sia about Taktuq, and it just did not sit right with her. But going on her own seemed unlikely to happen, mostly because she didn't think she could do that to Taikon. 

She turned and started to walk again, frowning as she thought more on what he said and how to explain that it wasn't really doable. I do not know anyone that knows us both, she explained. My brother likely won't be happy if Taktuq does not want to come home. He and I are very close; I feel like I am the only one who can make him see reason. She shrugged a little. A messenger would leave him with many unanswered questions. She paused as if to consider it more. I suppose he could always travel to me to ask them once he knows where his daughter is. It was not ideal, but it seemed their only option. And I do not want to cause you pain by going on my own. She was capable of making the trip, but there was no way she could promise nothing would happen to her.

She sighed, finally capitulating to his request. I guess once we find someone we can trust, then we can send them to Easthollow, she said, clearly unhappy about it.

RE: Walking by your side - Taikon - December 06, 2020

He had a hard time imagining that the girl would want to return after what had happened to her. If he'd been in the same shoes, there was no universe he'd come back to a place he'd been run out of. Taki explained more and more on why she wanted to carry the news herself, and he nodded slowly, frowning and walking along with her. He hadn't forgotten the pain she'd described when Simmik had run away. Plus, Ursus was nearby. He knew that as a parent, he would have been terrified if he had a child go missing.
Even when she agreed, albeit begrudgingly, he looked at her for a moment and let out a long, stressed sigh. He shook his head. You're right, he said, licking his lips anxiously. He couldn't keep her from doing what she thought was right. He didn't know Siarut, but if this was the best way to make sure he knew where his daughter was, Taikon couldn't stand in her way.
Can we at least wait until you're completely healthy? He wanted to send someone with her, but he didn't know anyone who would go except him. Zephyr certainly wanted nothing to do with either of them. He sort of hoped it was all a moot point, but even if Taktuq wanted to go back, Takiyok would need to escort her. In that case, he was definitely going with them.

RE: Walking by your side - Takiyok - December 06, 2020

She released a long, heavy sigh. It meant more to her than she could adequately express that he was willing to give her her way even though she knew how tortured he would be if she went on her own and left him here. She stopped suddenly. Her chest swelled with a scary emotion she was not ready to deal with; it made her heart race and her throat go dry. She wanted to cry and run and push her face into his fur all at once. It was all very overwhelming, and since she wore no mask with him, her eyes watered a little and she looked at him with a tender expression. She tightened her jaw and blew a huff of air through her nose as she waited for the tidal wave of feelings to finish battering her. 

When she could think more clearly and control her legs again, she moved close and nuzzled into her spot. I appreciate that more than you know, she told him quietly. But I am willing to try to find another way first. If we cannot, then when I'm healthy, I will make the trip. She paused, drawing in his scent to calm her racing heart. We will make that a last resort, though. They still had some time, and they might make friends here. It didn't have to be her way only, especially with him. She was willing to bend more than normal for Taikon because he had proven more than once that he would do the same for her.

RE: Walking by your side - Taikon - December 06, 2020

It was the second time in the same hour that he'd admitted she was right. He was amazed by her ability to consider a different perspective and convince him that he was wrong. He felt very lucky to have a person in his life who was willing to hear him out, but had her own ideas about the best course of action. He had spent most of his life having only himself as a guide, only himself as the voice of reason. They were already a good team.
When she stopped, so did he. He saw her eyes, glassy and real. Taki.. He whispered, almost inaudibly.
And then she met him halfway. She moved close to him, settled into the place under him that felt too perfect to be real. She was willing to try, and that was more than enough for him. He felt her heart beating. The moment was long, and he felt something pure and deep, something familiar yet frightening. So, he leaned into it, smiling and closing his eyes as he lost himself in a dream.
Thank you, he breathed. He pulled back from her so he could look at her again with a gentle, warm stare. Once more he walked on if she would, finding the cool air helpful for his spinning thoughts. I'm just glad she's okay. I can't imagine how traumatic it would be for someone her age, he continued. Though the three of them were sharing sleeping quarters, he had been careful to give the girl space and not ask her about the event.

RE: Walking by your side - Takiyok - December 07, 2020

You have no need to thank me, she murmured in return. I care about you too much to make that decision for the both of us. It would not be fair to disregard your side. A very practical way to describe how she was feeling because it was difficult for her to find a more eloquent way. This was brand new territory for her. She had never had this kind of relationship with anyone, and she found herself severely lacking in the skills to express herself properly. She had spent so much time trying to hide things from everyone, and now that she had someone who she would allow to see her, she wasn't quite sure how to handle it. 

I am glad too, she said. She is just a little girl— Taki swallowed and shook her head. I do not understand how anyone can do that to a child. It filled her with a dangerous rage. I want to find them and tear them apart, she said fiercely. The thought might have been kept to herself in other company, but she didn't hide it from Taikon. She is strong, but no child should have to go through that. Her words had calmed some. It was unlikely that she would find the wolves who had chased Taktuq from her home, so all she could do was make sure she was safe and loved now.

RE: Walking by your side - Taikon - December 07, 2020

Me neither, he agreed, furrowing his brow. He glanced toward her when she mentioned her desire to harm the people responsible for Taktuq's suffering, rather surprised by the intensity. He nodded slowly. She was too little to have to be dragged through such a thing. No, they shouldn't, he said, feeling his lip quiver with a rather deep anger.
Do we even have a description of them? I haven't talked to her about it — I didn't want to bring up her pain, he asked. While he wasn't about to run to the other side of the mountains to hunt down two child-hurting freaks, he also wanted to make sure he knew what they looked like. In the strange case that he bumped into one, he could potentially help bring the monster to justice, with Takiyok as the sentence.

RE: Walking by your side - Takiyok - December 07, 2020

Taki shook her head as she walked next to Taikon, worry filling her expression. I have not asked her about it yet, she answered with a sigh. The traveling and the cold was hard on her, even though she did not express as much, she explained. She gets that honestly, I am afraid. It was both a blessing and a curse. I wanted to get her somewhere safe first and get her settled before pushing her for more details about what happened. She knew she would need to have that conversation with her too, and soon. She couldn't return to her brother or send him information without the whole story. I think his pack needs to be warned, as well. He has three other children, and they should know to be careful. She hated the thought of something happening to them too, especially if she could help stop it. 

She sighed again. There is so much uncertainty still, she said quietly. I am glad that I do not have to face it on my own. It was how she had faced most things in her life. Now, Taikon had just stepped up and taken a place at her side. She felt like she should do something to let him know how much it all meant to her, but she wasn't sure what. She would have to think about it.

RE: Walking by your side - Taikon - December 07, 2020

He listened, quietly, as he oft did. Taktuq, like Takiyok, avoided expressing much of anything. Taikon had always been generally guarded, but he had an obvious heart to him. He felt sorry for the girl, who had been through so much but was unable to let much of it go really. It was a good thing she had Takiyok at least to help guide her through the darkness, and of course him too, when she was ready. He nodded briskly, knowing that it had always been the priority to get all of them safe before doing anything else.
Yes, I don't want this happening to anyone else, he added, suddenly feeling even more of her urgency to get a message out to her brother. There was part of him that wanted to go there himself, but there was fear at what could happen to her here without him to protect her. What if the Ivory Rose suddenly decided that she was no longer welcome, as a way to get back at him since Zephyr was still pissed?
He smiled, small, quiet, as she told him that she was glad to no longer be alone. He wanted to tell her that he would always be there for her, but he feared the future. We'll get through it together, he offered, shouldering her lightly. It took him a moment to speak. His brow was scrunched in thought. He licked his lips, anxious, afraid to offer what he was about to offer. Maybe I should go. To your brother.

RE: Walking by your side - Takiyok - December 09, 2020

She returned his smile—a soft curve of her lips saved only for him and moments like this. She had never allowed herself to fully rely on anyone; she had heavily constructed walls in place to keep her from ever being completely vulnerable with anyone, and every time he did something to support her and her niece, they weakened just a little. Again, she found herself filled with two contradicting emotions—fear and comfort. She wondered when she would be able to finally give in, but she also feared that moment. To be completely open to someone else was terrifying; it would give him the power to hurt her more deeply than anyone ever had before. Instead of dwelling on the fear, though, she tried to focus on his promise that they would deal with things together and let that soothe the uncertainty in her heart. 

As for his request, she just looked at him for a few moments, a wrinkle forming between her eyebrows and she frowned. He wanted to go on his own? That would mean she would be here, worrying about whether or not he was safe. She wasn't sure she was okay with that. She also wasn't sure if it was really fair to him to make him meet her brother for the first time without her. Siarut might choose to play the concerned big brother and act like an asshole, especially if she wasn't there and he could get away with it. Besides: It is just as dangerous for you as it is for me. She let the worry filter into her expression as she thought of all the things that could happen. I do not think  I could let you travel back there on your own. Just as it would pain you if I went, it would also be torture for me. She couldn't imagine staying here for a week and not knowing if he was okay. Suddenly, she realized why his reaction had been so strong when she had proposed she go on her own.

RE: Walking by your side - Taikon - December 09, 2020

It is just as dangerous—
I know, he answered quietly.
And then she explained that it would tear her apart to be without him for a week, unsure of whether or not he was safe. All the while he had a dull expression that said, Yeah I, uh, I know, all over it. He didn't mean to make her realize what the big problem was he had with her wandering over the mountains by herself, but that was how it was. Still, he understood her worry. She probably knew that now. He nodded, but he wasn't willing to let it go completely.
I get it, he said coolly, and I really don't want to go all the way back over there again, especially with you and Taktuq in this condition. I want to stay and help out. Of course, he knew she didn't have any desire to leave Taktuq either or make the journey on her own. But Taikon was realizing that somebody needed to do it, and fast.
I just.. I worry that if we wait too long, it could happen to someone else. There isn't a good solution. I'm the healthiest of us right now, so logically I should go. No detours, just go through the pass Zephyr showed us, come straight back, no problem. It was a problem. The cougar could still be lurking. Anything could be out there. He was not useful to her dead or injured.

RE: Walking by your side - Takiyok - December 09, 2020

Slowly, her expression hardened, and irritation filled her gaze. But she let him finish talking, and he had a good point—he was the healthiest, but that didn't mean he should go over her. She had traveled in worse condition than this. It wasn't like she was on her death bed or something. I am aware of how time sensitive the situation is, she told him slowly. I do not think waiting is the best option, but you asked if I would wait until I was healthier, and so I was willing to oblige. But do not mistake that to mean I do not think myself capable of making the journey now. In fact, if he pushed it enough, she would leave the very next day just prove she was serious. She paused a moment, her fiery gaze locked on his. I do not need you to fix my problems; I have done that on my own so far without any trouble. The walls were shifting, closing up around what she thought he saw as vulnerability. Taikon thought he was better suited to deal with the journey than she was, and it hurt her pride—something she had never taken very well. I have been grateful for your help and have willingly accepted it, but that does not mean I could not do it on my own if I needed to. Her pride was clearly speaking now, lashing out in fear of her being seen as weak. As a child, it started out as a fear of getting punished for being weak but as she grew into an adult, it became a pillar of her identity. She knew on some level that he most likely hadn't meant to imply that she wasn't strong enough, but it had just been a barely audible whisper somewhere behind the wall—easily ignored.

RE: Walking by your side - Taikon - December 09, 2020

He frowned. She did not like this idea; that much was clear. He struggled to see her perspective, feeling anxious tension balling up and filling his insides as his stomach bubbled and he shifted in place. Takiyok acted as though she was somehow doing him a grand favour for staying within the forest long enough to heal herself before trekking on another potentially intense, long journey. He certainly didn't want her to feel as though she should stay for his sake, since that wasn't the point.
She even went so far as to accuse him of trying to fix her problems, and at this, she pushed a button. He furrowed his brow, glaring at her for a moment. He opened his mouth to speak, then decided to take a breath, and swallowed the feeling as she continued on. Finally, he sighed, annoyed. This isn't really about you, or me, he said. His voice was quiet, but there was frustration straining it. I put it out there as an idea because someone needs to warn them, and I know you could do it, but you're not fully healthy, much as you shove your way through it, he half-hissed the last bit, and immediately regretted it. Well, not shove, anyway, I won't go if you don't think it's a good idea. It was just a thought.
Though he continued walking, he was tense, staring ahead of him with a rather heated stare.

RE: Walking by your side - Takiyok - December 09, 2020

She was at a loss for words at first. She hadn't expected him to come back at her with a perfectly sound argument. But, it didn't wipe away her anger or soothe her hurt pride. She had stopped when he spoke and stared angrily at his back even as he continued to walk. His words had been calmer than her own, but the anger was still there, and she could definitely see it in the tension of his muscles as he walked. This was getting them nowhere except upset with each other, which made her chest ache in an annoying way that made her want to apologize again. She wouldn't, though; not right now while she was still irritated with him. 

She caught back up with him and was quiet for a bit, staring at the ground in front of her while her mind spun with the details of their problem and their subsequent argument. There was tension between them, but she stayed next to him, unwilling to walk away until they had resolved this somehow. She wasn't sure how, but she didn't like the idea of leaving things like this. She didn't want to be angry with him, and they still needed to figure out what to do about her brother. She had no idea how to move forward, though, so she quietly stewed beside him.

RE: Walking by your side - Taikon - December 09, 2020

She had stopped, and he slowed down, but continued walking. She was no little girl, and he wasn't about to let her dictate things based on emotion alone. They needed to be rational about the next step. There were pros and cons to either or them leaving to the other side of the mountains. Eventually, Takiyok caught back up to him and he quickened his pace again, avoiding eye contact. While she stewed, he thought hard about what they had discussed.
Neither wanted the other to leave. Both needed the support and knowledge that the other was safe. However, zooming out, Siarut's children and others in Easthollow could be at risk if they didn't send someone out fast. Coupled with this was the fact that the brother had no idea where his daughter was, and was likely tearing his hair out at her absence. According to Takiyok, he could be a difficult man and was likely to question anyone who told him other than perhaps a relative. Ideally, both of them could travel together for safety, but they couldn't leave Taktuq by herself after what had happened to her.
He held a clenched expression, focusing his annoyance into finding a reasonable solution to the problems they faced. Finally, he breathed a long exhale, glancing more softly to Takiyok and subtly brushing her shoulder. Let's wait another... I don't know, week? If your headaches have improved, you go. Your brother will do best with the message from you. If you're still the same, I go, he tied it up with a ribbon and handed it to her. It wasn't perfect. It was the best he could come up with. He smiled thinly, his expression softening.