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Hoshor Plains I hope that I am just like you - Printable Version

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I hope that I am just like you - Lumiya - December 06, 2020

Hunter trade thread for @Wren ! Trying to keep these short :3

After a rather uneventful morning, the silver sylph slipped away from responsibilities to... work on skills that would only make those responsibilities greater. She returned to the hunting grounds where she'd come with Hieronymous, hoping to capture that same luck as she'd had that day. Of course, it hadn't just been luck - she'd had a lot of practice, and she was a great chaser. The thing she lacked was brute strength, which is why she often preferred hunting within a party.

Much like her nose-blind leader - though you didn't hear that from her! - she was now scanning more than focusing on just the trails. She was alone, and given the warning about bears and guys wanting to steal women away, she better be wary.

RE: I hope that I am just like you - Wren Baines - December 06, 2020

Luckily she wasn't some asshole guy trying to steal her away.

"Hey" Wren chuffs to the pale lady, though softly. She recognizes someone hunting or trying to hunt when she sees them. A pink tongue swished from her mouth, lapping the hunger indirectly. "you need a hunting partner?" the brunette is straight to the point as she approaches.

The ghost of a grin on her face tells the other lady she's friendly. "I'll split the catch with you equally" Wren goes on, bobbing her head. She wonders if they could get something nice between them. A deer maybe, if they were lucky. Right now she was surviving off of fish and rabbit.

RE: I hope that I am just like you - Lumiya - December 06, 2020

Her ears cupped forward in interest at the approach of another; a young lady, much like her. The sylph was smaller in stature, so much was true, but it wasn't like when she was with men like Donovan. Oh gosh, why did he cross her mind again? Even when he was gone did he haunt her in the cruelest of ways. She felt her gaze drift and shook her head slightly to come back down to earth.

I wouldn't refuse such an offer on such a lovely day. She responded with a polite dip of her muzzle and a slow blink. Were introductions in order for such a temporary alignment? It seemed but the polite thing to do. I'm Lumiya from Kaistleoki. To whom do I owe the pleasure?

RE: I hope that I am just like you - Wren Baines - December 06, 2020

Her tail sways behind her, giving an idle but friendly flick. "Wren" dare she say of Kingslend? She doesn't. Maybe she doesn't want to associate herself with a pack right away. She needs to get comfortable adjusting to the new one. A cracked smile graces her lips. 

"I think if we're lucky, we'll bring down something to drag back to your Kaistleoki" she goes on, chuckling. There was slight deer scent in the wind. She raises her liver-colored nose to the air. "what're you in the mood for?" she asks her temporary friend.

RE: I hope that I am just like you - Lumiya - December 06, 2020

Wren - now that was a simple yet elegant name. It surely was easier to call than her own if the two ended up separated in their quest to find a meal. The fae then thought about the other's question. She didn't really have a favorite kind of food that wasn't so sweet it'd make your teeth rot from just a single bite.

Hmm, something about as big as me, but juicier, would suffice. She answered at last. A goat or doe or pronghorn would do nicely. You spotted anything yet?

RE: I hope that I am just like you - Wren Baines - December 06, 2020

She lifts her head past Lumiya's sight, finding a trail to follow. "Something'll be on the end of that, I bet" Wren proclaims, moving forward to follow it. Hooves in the snow, deep enough to show the prey animal was heavy but also light enough to trek. 

Twisting her head to look at the woman, she lifts a brow silently. Shall they follow that? It was a good lead when it came to winter. Beggars can't be choosers. She'd take what she could get when it got cold. The important thing was to find the damn food.

RE: I hope that I am just like you - Lumiya - December 06, 2020

She followed the other's gaze to the same tracks. Given the snow was fresh, there weren't many crisscrossing trails to follow just yet. It was the best bet they had. Lumiya smiled - it wasn't often she had to put effort into keeping up with someone!

Well then, what ever are we waiting for? She chuckled, prancing ahead elegantly, keeping track of the prints in the snow. Only now did she feel the rumble in her tummy - seemed it was fast food today!

I'll roll to see if they're successful!

RE: I hope that I am just like you - Wren Baines - December 06, 2020

A confirmation from Lumiya. "The fuck if I know!" Wren laughs, shooting after the unaware prey. Her long legs carry her over the snow easily, and if the other woman is on her trail still, they catch up easily to the animal. It was, in fact, a goat. How odd to see one out and about - she hadn't seen a goat in ages.

But she hid her shock, else she look like an idiot. Goats weren't common near the ocean. But they were in the Flatlands apparently. Without waiting for a reaction, she tore after the beast. With no other wolves around, and flatlands for miles... there was no need for subterfuge. 

Wren growls, snapping at a leg as she nears. The goat is shocked and surprised by the turn of events, leaning away from the brunette. She only hopes Lumiya can keep up and harass the goat on the other side.

RE: I hope that I am just like you - Lumiya - December 06, 2020

She wished to plug her ears at the foul language being used, but alas, she'd committed to this hunting partner. The fae was extremely sensitive about swears and you'd ne'er catch her using the language of demons so carelessly. She could express displeasure eloquently enough using her swear-free vocabulary, but she supposed she should not be the judge to swing the hammer down upon those that did spoke a tongue she'd refuse to understand.

The two came upon a goat - Lumiya assumed it had come down from the mountains nearby. They were tough creatures, but also very stubborn. They were much like men! At least, in Lumiya's opinion. As Wren nipped at its heels, Lumiya went zoom-zoom like Bolt and sprinted towards its front. She was careful not to meet its horns or hoofs, hoping to avoid injury for today, but a hidden rock did scrape her knee ever so slightly. It didn't slow her down luckily and she lunged at the goat's throat with the grace of a hunter.

The beast, now weakened, slowed its pace. Now, the two huntresses could finish it off quickly, as was the humane thing to do.

RE: I hope that I am just like you - Wren Baines - December 06, 2020

"Going in!" the brunette barks to Lumiya, so the woman can back off and not get caught in the crossfire that was a killing blow. The goat was weak due to the season. It wouldn't find any fresh grass to eat, and the flatlands provided no shelter from the fierce winds. She was just lucky the hunt would end without relative problems.

Wren launched herself at the goat, throwing her weight upon the beast's back. As it buckled, she grabs the neck. A crunch! was all it took for the prey to stop running. She effectively slays it, humanely, and without fuss. The light dies from the goat's eyes as it goes limp. Wren slows to a stop, panting. Blood stains her muzzle.

Dropping the goat on the ground, she steps back to allow Lumiya first dibs. She may have killed it, but pack wolves had to eat. She'd take half, like agreed.

RE: I hope that I am just like you - Lumiya - December 06, 2020

Forgot to add that we did roll and it was a success!

And so they did slay the beast - one spurring from beneath, one landing on top. The hunt was done as quickly as it had begun, and it had been a success. The fae panted as Wren retreated from the body slightly, but she had another matter to attend to. A small cut had turned the snow red, but it had been numbed by the cold. She lapped at the wound, cleaning it as she'd learned from little Deidra. She missed their little healer...

Now, how do we split... She thought aloud, assessing the carcass. She could easily drag half of it home - Kaistleoki wasn't far, and it wasn't the biggest goat she'd ever seen. Still, severing the body was the tricky part. Blood made her squeezy after all. She looked to Wren then, visibly flustered and lost.

RE: I hope that I am just like you - Wren Baines - December 06, 2020

"Oh, you okay?" Wren was so lost in figuring out to split the goat that she almost missed Lumiya licking her paw. She winces, recalling the strain that her pads had given her during travels. She'd gotten a lot of cuts and nicks. "I don't really know healing" she admits. But the other woman is more worried about the goat's body. "I'll take the back end." 

She volunteers easily, knowing the front was much more 'pretty' for a food pile. Nobody wanted to eat a goat's arse. Grunting, she'd move forward. The goat wasn't stiff yet. "Take a front hoof" she instructs Lumiya, grabbing at the back legs. "and pull! Real hard!" If they were lucky, the goat would cleave in two easily. She waits for the woman to try, knowing no other way but a real messy one.

RE: I hope that I am just like you - Lumiya - December 06, 2020

The woman nodded solemnly. It was but a wee cut, nothing to worry about should it stay clean. She'd spit some herbs on it at home the way she was taught, and leave it at that. She just hoped it wouldn't scar... Just a little... Lightheaded around blood. She chuckled. I really am a lousy pick for a hunter, hm? She joked lightly.

The fae did as instructed, positioning herself at the front of the body and grabbing a leg. Was this really going to work? Well, there was no time to doubt. On thwee - wone, two, THWEE! She counted down with her mouth stuffed full with goat. She gave a good yank on her side, pulling with all her might (which wasn't much, let's be honest here). Wren had been right - slowly but surely, the softer bits of the goat split open graphically and the snow was stained with blood and guts in a matter of seconds. How gross...

RE: I hope that I am just like you - Wren Baines - December 06, 2020

"You get used to it, the more you hunt" she gave the woman after they pulled the goat in two. Spitting the hoof down, she sniffed idly. The contents of the goat's stomach was vile, but she knew it also tasted good. And when it was winter, nobody would say no to good food. Lumiya's pack would appreciate the gesture.

"But you did good" Wren remarks, a confirming nod given "so don't beat yourself up over a weak stomach." A flashed grin headed Lumiya's way. She may not have killed the goat, split the goat herself but she could take orders. She could cooperate. That made for a pretty damn good hunter, in her opinion.

RE: I hope that I am just like you - Lumiya - December 06, 2020

Feel free to wrap up and archive! And thank you tons for such a quick trade thread XD (tag is just for reference)

She laughed nervously, only being able to hope the other spoke true. She'd seen many dead prey before, and the deed never did get easier for her. She was lucky never to have seen a wolf body - she'd probably faint. It wouldn't be the first time the poor girl fainted over something.

Thank you. She replied with a sway of her tail. She looked to her half of goat. It's eyes were creepy... Better get this home, hm? It was nice meeting you though. I pray our paths may cross again. She said, forever the proper queen. Though she doubted they'd make good friends, given their differences, she did believe them a good team. That was all that mattered on the flatlands, 'neath the darkened sky and amidst the freezing cold.

Be there nothing left to say, the fae took her share and tried to gracefully take it home (which was impossible, I mean, it was the front half of a goat and she was tiny). She'd let @Hieronymous know of her return, her success and of the kind stranger turned partner. She wasn't one to take all the credit, after all.

RE: I hope that I am just like you - Wren Baines - December 06, 2020

"See ya" Wren would call after the woman. Strange how things happened in the Teekons. But she wasn't going to argue with success. If the brunette couldn't drag this all the way back to her residence, she'd drop it at someone's border. But first she'd chew on the goat for a bit, getting her fair shake of the prey before abandoning it. A crow would have a go at the guts. But a wolf would be better eating the hooves and arse.