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Hideaway Strath Here Comes The Next Contestant - Printable Version

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Here Comes The Next Contestant - RIP Fury - December 06, 2020

@Derg + Nyra spar #4 XP 

The drive to get better was ever-present. A strong desire to be able to protect and defend and be the best she could possibly be. 
Not skipping a beat for opportunity, the Harbinger called for her Overseer again.

RE: Here Comes The Next Contestant - Derg - December 07, 2020

It had only been a few hours since her last call.
But he didn't mind. Arlette was probably wondering what the fuck was going on.
Maybe Nyra would beat him up enough for him to go see her...
He grinned as he loped to Nyra.

"Again? Let's go."
He chuckled softly, readying himself for her to make the first move.

RE: Here Comes The Next Contestant - RIP Fury - December 07, 2020

In the catch-all tabletop spar thread I meant this one ;w; RIP me 

She smiled with determination, circling him loosely, then aiming to blow him into a violent stumble as she threw her shoulder, and her weight, into his ribs, that small spot where his foreleg connected and the muscle was defined in his shoulder.

Yeah, that spot.

RE: Here Comes The Next Contestant - Derg - December 07, 2020

All good lol
Oh, that grin meant trouble.
He steeled himself as she flew to him, driving her shoulder into that spot.
He staggered a few steps, but with some quick footwork, he could attempt his next attack.

He drove to her, kicking forward with his hind legs, aiming to snag her cheek in his grasp, but only gently, so if she pulled back like he once had, she wouldn't suffer the same fate.

RE: Here Comes The Next Contestant - RIP Fury - December 07, 2020

RIP me I mis-counted ;w; Nyra has 20/30 HP in this spar! 

The bite to the face was a bit startling, though she didn't know why. Alas though, Nyra steeled her nerves and half pulled, half slowly-squirmed away from his teeth, going for a more or less new favorite - punting him in the mouth with her noggin. 

Not that hitting him hurt her any less than he. Bone was a pretty durable thing.

RE: Here Comes The Next Contestant - Derg - January 12, 2021

Current Health: 21/30
Rolled a miss!
She pulled away and he let her go.
The snow-clad woman whirled back on his and smacked him in the face with her crown.
He staggered back, blood gushing from his nose.

He shook his head, sending drop flying and his tongue flicked out.
He lunged forward but fell short because of his right eye. It had never been quite right after his injury and paired with a crack like that it wasn't very effective.
His teeth snapped for her, probably only grasping some fur.

RE: Here Comes The Next Contestant - RIP Fury - January 12, 2021

current health: 18/30. Rolled an 11 ;w; 

Nyra felt a pang of guilt as she glimpsed the blood coming from Derg's nose while he lunged. 
She aimed to side-step, a move that only cost her, amazingly, a decent tuft of fur already loose from her summer coat blowing out. 

She then lunged in turn, aiming, seeking to tackle her Overseer to the ground with large paws aiming to wrap around his neck and shoulders as her teeth went for his cheek fur in a reinforced snap. 

But, the spar wasn't over yet

RE: Here Comes The Next Contestant - Derg - January 12, 2021

Current Health: 10/30
She nimbly stepped aside. He expected nothing less.
He knew he panicked sometimes when disorientated like this. He'd have to master that, keep himself close and stop himself from lunging out when he wouldn't make a hit.
Because then this happened.

She swung onto him, teeth grappling against his skin, legs wrapping around his neck to hold her close to his smaller frame.
He snarled, swinging his lower end down to drag her down with him, which should be easy with his stocky frame and her being so latched on.
Then his teeth twisted and angled for her neck, going in for another blow. He probably wouldn't get a good enough grip, but it would be enough to scare her.
Nyra didn't seem like the type to like losing.

RE: Here Comes The Next Contestant - RIP Fury - January 12, 2021

rolled a 12. RIP 
Current Health: 10/30 

As he went down, indeed she went with, but as he snapped for her face she didn't shrink away despite the startle from his growl, instead snarling loudly back at him and aiming to fiercely intercept his aim for her neck in a firm lock of her jaws with his as they wrestled. If she connected, she would hold until he stopped fighting back while trying to pin him down. 

Hope for the best, she would.

RE: Here Comes The Next Contestant - Derg - January 12, 2021

Damn he lost lol
She intercepted his attack with a throaty snarl.
Her weight falling atop him rather than beside him.
Her jaws locked into his and wrestled him down.

He fell back seconds later, belly showing.
He grinned, and she grinned back, tail waving behind her.
They disengaged. Recovering and checking for hidden injuries before they parted ways: Nyra to patrol and Derg to Arlette. Then to hunt or something.