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Stone Circle In the Dark - Printable Version

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In the Dark - Evelynn - December 08, 2020

she's been away from the saints for a while now so she wouldn't carry their scent! backdated to Nov 24th maybe @Valette ?

Easthollow, a pack of family wolves who lived beside Ursus and currently suffered from their torment. At least that's who she assumed these borders belonged to. Aside from the brief information Bronco and Hieronymous had given her, she really had little to go off of for this pack. Part of her wanted to skip them altogether, but they were perhaps the only ones who could inform them on their little pest more than Ursus themselves.

The silver woman had skirted along the edges of the enclosed valley belonging to the bear wolves as she made her way east. Some odd stones in the distance had been what lured her at first, though it was a pack's scent that made her stay. In all honesty, she was about ready to go home so she figured it would be best to hurry up and get this over with, howling for whatever leaders might be here to answer her questions.

RE: In the Dark - RIP Valette - December 09, 2020

An unknown howl sounded across the territory and Valette was quick to respond to it. It came from a different direction than it would normally, so that was interesting. She went towards the border, and already saw a wolf in the distance. A new member wanting to join? They always had a spike of loners when Winter was coming. She broke down into a trot, her tail up, but not too unfriendly with her approach.

"I'm Valette, Matriarch of Easthollow," she introduced right away. Often conversation moved quicker that way when strangers knew who they were talking to. This female was definitely a stranger to her. So Valette was neutral in her response, often mirroring the behavior of the other. "What I can help you with?,' she asked.

RE: In the Dark - West Tyree - December 10, 2020

A call sounded through the plains he called home. It seemed that more visitors were coming lately, maybe since the snow was inbound. He remembered when he was young, how the prey disappeared and his parents starved to feed himself and his siblings. Supposedly Winter was hard, but not that hard. Still, less food meant it was hard to survive, maybe this would be another newcomer wishing to find a place in their family.

This time, West was not the first to arrive on the scene, his mother beating him to the punch as she spoke with a grey-clad woman. There was really nothing to add, but curiosity kept him from wandering off and letting Valette handle things alone.

RE: In the Dark - Evelynn - December 15, 2020

A dark woman was first to greet her, promptly at that too, though another much larger wolf would arrive at the scene shortly after. He looked too young to be a mate, perhaps just a guard. She was interested to hear the first introduce herself as Matriarch, she knew they were a family-based pack, but maybe it was women-led opposed to a form of patriarchy. Under other circumstances, maybe she would crack a smile at the title, but that would break character now wouldn't it?

Valette, a pleasure. Her words rolled easily off her tongue, though it was clear from her tone that something else seemed to be pressing urgency. I apologize if this is too forward, but I've heard of your struggles. My name is Evelynn I've come to learn about your neighbors as it seems we may have a common enemy, or at the very least, annoyance. For once she had been truthful in her approach, though she would never admit that the pack she hailed from was the Saints.

RE: In the Dark - RIP Valette - December 15, 2020

Valette noticed that the female was quite forward indeed. The Matriarch wondered where there female came from and how she heard about their troubles with their neighbors. Valette kept her pose neutral. Valette raised her brows. "I do wonder from who you heard that information," she asked. If she knew that then the female might be easier to trust. Now she didn't know what to think of her.

She couldn't really smell if the female was from a pack, probably traveling for awhile. "We've had some troubles with them... yes," she admitted, she couldn't really lie about that. And she was very willing to get them out of here without them knowing it was her instigating it. She really didn't need a target on her back.

RE: In the Dark - West Tyree - December 15, 2020

Like his mother West was surprised with her forwardness, and even more so that she mentioned Ursus. Had she come from a pack also bothered by the bear wolves? She didn't smell like a pack wolf... Before he could voice his own thoughts though, Valette spoke up. He was curious about who else knew too...maybe Moonspear? But she didn't smell like a Moonspear wolf. Are you from a pack then or did they attack you traveling? He had heard they weren't very friendly with anyone, though it seemed they especially had a grudge for Easthollow.

RE: In the Dark - Evelynn - December 23, 2020

The Matriarch seemed suspicious of her, hesitant even to confirm what she already knew, though with good reason. There were a lot of shadows lurking around these lands, she had heard the stories herself from more than one source. Had she been anyone else she might even be concerned. Firefly Glen, a pack I believe you are on good terms with? They spoke fondly of you at least. There was no reason to lie now, especially if Easthollow was an ally of the glen wolves.

Then the boy spoke, he too seemed wary, or maybe just interested. Evelynn nodded, tilting her head towards the mountains, I am in a pack, just over those mountains and to the south. We are rather isolated, but Ursus has been a pain to us too. This time a lie. She had no reason to willingly give up her membership with the Saints nor where they lived. If she was confident in her answer then they would have no reason to question her answer.

I was hoping to see what you knew of them, maybe any weaknesses that could be used.

RE: In the Dark - RIP Valette - December 26, 2020

Valette perked up her ears, which clearly revealed that she did know of Firefly Glen. Leta lived there after all. "Ah, yes. We do know them," she admitted. So perhaps this female was alright then? Then she female spoke about being in a pack over the mountains. Good, so she probably wasn't from the Saints then. They were in the sunspire mountains if Legion's information was correct.

"Really? What did they do to your pack?," Valette asked curiously. She was curious now to know more. "You must be bold then, to cross the meadow where they patrol as well," she commented. There had been several wolves trying to get to their border, where Ursus had attacked them. Especially if they came from the mountain.

"I was born in the territory they live. I visited from time to time. There is only one entrance that I know of," she explained. "It is a small entrance so if you fight them it is a small area," Valette explained and looked to West. He had been attacked on their border as well so he might confirm. "Their leader is crazy. He is the son of Indra. She passed. He killed his own mother. The sister of his mother lives here, but she wouldn't be leverage since she wants him dead as well," Valette revealed.

She glanced at West. "Is there something you and your pack are planning against them? ," she asked hopefully. She really wanted to get rid of them, but with as minimal damage to Easthollow. If several other packs were going against them... it might be to their advantage.

RE: In the Dark - West Tyree - January 03, 2021

He was surprised to hear that Ursus traveled to other packs reigning terror as well. He had thought it was just them, but maybe Ursus was just bitter and more bloodthirsty than they had originally thought... The woman wanted weaknesses though, something else that perked his attention. Did they plan to deal with the bear wolves?

His mother had already beat him to the punch in asking just what exactly they've done, though it didn't stop his next words, If you're planning something— I can help. Not all of us are fit for combat, but if it means dealing with them permanently... that's a fight worth fighting in my opinion. He glanced nervously to his mother, unsure what her thoughts on the matter would be. No matter what she said, it likely wouldn't stop him from trying. One fight to end it all was better than living a life constantly defending.

RE: In the Dark - Evelynn - January 05, 2021

Her gaze switched between the two, careful to listen to what bits the Matriarch could offer her. Thankfully, coming here was by far worth the extra trip. It was as she had heard before, a singular entrance. How lucky for these bear wolves to find such an enclosed space, though one entrance was also a double-edged sword. If they were truly swarmed, they would have nowhere to run, no other option but to attack.

It was the same position the Saints had put themselves in.

Same thing they've done to yours, or what's to come so I assume. They scared my leaders away. We moved further from their reaches, but not without a goal to return. To which her eyes fell back to the large boy. He was bright enough and had the muscle to back his word. That would be promising for Kynareth. She knew not who this Indra was, though the reasons for Ursus' crazed leader did not concern her really. She could care less about the whole deal. This was simply her job and it sounded to her as if Kynareth had dug the hole himself.

We plan to attack. I've come to find their weak points so we may strike them. If you wish to join, I'm sure my leaders would be pleased to have your aid.

RE: In the Dark - RIP Valette - January 07, 2021

Valette flopped her ears back. She was unsure about this still. Sure, the female also had a bad vibe with Ursus and they were in the same boat but Valette was not ready to make a decision. A lot was at stake here, their home, their life, their stones. They could lose it all. She lifted her chin. "I cannot confirm if we are going to attack them. We have a lot to lose," she explained. "I want to talk to our allies first," she commented.

"But if we decide to join, where can I go to reach your pack?,' she asked. Then at least she could send a message or could go herself to tell them she would joining their cause. That seemed like a right decision, and not a hasty one at least. Even though her son seemed very ready to fight. He was allowed to do so, that was not for her own to decide.

RE: In the Dark - West Tyree - January 10, 2021

just closing up some threads for west since he had a bunch open!

Maybe it was foolish that he had blindly allied himself with someone they still knew little about. West hadn't even considered their allies, though that may have been with good reason. They laid far away, the closest being just over the mountain range and another somewhere north.

Would they even help? Their backup was days away and it was now winter...they had their own packs to care for and this wasn't exactly an easy time to survive. Though it seemed this conversation was just about over with a decision to wait in place, so once the woman responded, West would offer a farewell and take his leave. Surely she posed no threat now and even so he was sure his mom could handle it.

RE: In the Dark - Evelynn - January 10, 2021

Allies, yes the ones she had passed along the way. It would be silly for her to not discuss especially with packs that had such names to be mentioned multiple times during her travels. If she wanted to defend her land it made receive aid from friends, though it did damper her to not receive a flat out yes from the start as she had with the boy. Of course. It's only fair I suppose, it's your land on the line after all.

Then the question finally arose. Who was she with? Evelynn knew well enough that she could not be honest here. Giving the name of one of the packs she passed would lead to a false message. As I mentioned, we live over the mountains now, a medium-sized pack by the name of New Light Strath Ugh. New Light Strath? She should have made up a name during her days of travel, but it would do for now.

Don't worry about us though, Dear. You shouldn't spend so much time away from your land with Ursus next door. I can always check in on you in a few moons or sooner, save you the trip. I won't hold you up longer though. I'm sure you're busy. Evidently so by the boy who was now saying goodbyes before leaving to do whatever. Speak with your allies, yes? I'll be back.

RE: In the Dark - RIP Valette - January 11, 2021

I will wrap it up!

Valette nodded at the female. She was fair. The dark female had a lot to think about and do. She had to go to Moonspear, and soon too. The Matriarch got a pack name this time when she asked. New Light Strath. She hadn't heard of it. But she would remember and ask Hydra about them, what she knew at least. "Thanks for coming to us. You will hear from me."

Just the way the female said not to worry about them... It rubbed her the wrong way. Still she would consider it. If that meant they would finally get rid of Ursus. Valette gave a final nod that she would speak to her allies. If she was near Moonspear she could definitely try and sniff out this pack she was talking about, just to check their legitimacy. When the greyscale female had left, Valette moved back into the territory as well. She would have to discuss this with Greyback.
