Wolf RPG
Sequoia Coast to mount olympus - Printable Version

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to mount olympus - Greyjoy Orkwood - September 09, 2014

The Nereides had reached their destination, had claimed the land upon which they stood, and now set about making sure others knew of their presence. So Greyjoy had left that morning to scout along the shore, following the path up through Megalith Forest to skirt along the cliffs. Eventually he found his way down to another beach, this one much more open than their secluded one, and Greyjoy rejoiced at the open sands before him.

Taking a deep breath, the hoplite kicked off from the sand and barreled forward, using his legs to propel him forward at a run. It had been far too long since he had been on his own, and far too long since he had the freedom of running along the sandy shores with the raging sea beside him. He allowed himself to relax, to feel the wind whip between the tendrils of fur along his body, to taste the salt upon the air as it filled his lungs. Everything was once again right with the world.

RE: to mount olympus - Homeros - September 09, 2014

[size=x-small]Thanks for starting! <3[/size]

He’d found them. After making his way from the northern reaches of the valley towards the coast, he’d finally located where the Nereides and their Consorts had settled. It came as no surprise to Homeros that his relations had seemingly staked their claim alongside the sea. Their familiar scents mingled with the strange aromas of the land he was not yet used to. The salty air was a welcome relief to the male; he’d missed the ocean dearly and was eager to find his home beside it once more.

Unsure of who he would come across first, Homeros made his way more or less blindly into the unknown. Ebon paws carried him down some cliffs onto the sandy outskirts of a beach. Waves crashed along the shore, their noise causing Homeros’ ears to preen forward with interest. In the distance he could see another wolf racing in his direction, but didn’t appear to be headed straight towards him. Hoping that he or she would be a familiar face, Homeros sprinted to meet the individual who he was still too far from to identify.

RE: to mount olympus - Greyjoy Orkwood - September 09, 2014

Oops, I wasn't clear. Greyjoy isn't in Ankyra Sound, he's on the coast outside of their area...so closer to Stavanger Bay if you're looking at the map. Sorry!

Greyjoy ran, enjoying the spray of salt water from the waves, the feel of the wet sand between his toes, and the pump of blood through his veins. His breath came harder and faster as he ran, something he was not accustomed to during their long and slow journey. It felt good to stretch his legs. When he looked up, there was another wolf ahead; one that looked familiar, even smelled familiar. Picking up his pace, Greyjoy bounded toward the other with unbridled enthusiasm written on his face and body.

As he approached, Greyjoy realized who the wolf was: "Homeros! he called, slowing down so as not to run into the male, though he kept his joyful movements as he bounded around him like a pup. "Atlas will be glad to see you're here! Have you brought another Nereides adept?" First and foremost on his mind were the Nereides and the pack they were building. It was ever-present, like his ears or fur; something he could not do without. He knew no other way. "How was your journey?"

RE: to mount olympus - Homeros - September 10, 2014

[size=x-small]derp. sorry about that![/size]

As he drew nearer, Homeros recognized the face of the wolf galloping towards him. The other’s scent, mingled with the saltiness of the ocean current, confirmed his identity. “Hoplite,” woofed the Consort, his dark voice muted somewhat by the noise of the waves. Homeros bowed his head before the male, his hazel eyes searching upward to meet Greyjoy’s own fiery gaze. He was pleased to learn that Atlas had made it to the new lands with the others; his next set of business would have to be seeking out his half-brother.

It came as no surprise to Homeros that Greyjoy inquired first about the Nereides. He shook his sooty head. “I journeyed alone. My travels were long, tiresome. I am relieved to have found you.” His brooding features indicated otherwise, but Homeros was a man of few words who preferred to listen rather than speak. “Will you tell me about this place?” he requested after a moment, his eyes slipping away from his companion’s face to study the coast.

RE: to mount olympus - Greyjoy Orkwood - September 21, 2014

Greyjoy eventually calmed, finding himself standing in front of Homeros as he listened to the dark-furred male explain his journey. He had come alone, without a female, and Greyjoy wondered at that. Who had allowed him to leave? It was no matter: he had found them, as promised, and would join them in their quest to start a new branch of the Nereides here on this coast. "I am glad you are here," he said with a smile, knowing that Atlas would be glad, too. It would also mean they could spread the work between them now.

"We have claimed a beach a little further north from here," he began, pointing his nose in the direction. "It's not like this beach at all. It's closed in, with a beautiful sight of blue-glow at night. Aktaie and Psamathe are convinced it's our sign, that we are meant to be here." Greyjoy agreed with them, not only because he had to, but because he believed they were right. "We have also laid claim to the cliff-tops above the beach, so we have a defensible area if needed."

The males spoke a few moments longer and then turned toward Ankyra Sound. Greyjoy had decided it was time for Homeros to see his brother again.