Wolf RPG
Noctisardor Bypass What would you do if they stabbed me in the toe, rub my neck with aloe vera? - Printable Version

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What would you do if they stabbed me in the toe, rub my neck with aloe vera? - Warlock - December 17, 2020

Backdated uhhh. A fair bit, as mentioned!

That meeting near the borders had seriously made him especially uneasy. He wasn't sure what tot think about it. It was just weird. He didn't have a word for it. It just felt out of place. He was confused. About a lot of things. So finally when he was free to escape back into the territory, he wandered aimlessly for a little while before he crossed @Pheiros' trail and so Warlock veered sharply in that direction. Maybe he'd have an answer for... What the hell even happened. Hell if Warlock knew.

But internally he was a bit of a mess. He'd kind of wanted to run away earlier. Maybe he should have. And it made him feel like he did something wrong somehow. Or.. something. There was a lot of 'something,' apparently. He trotted along nervously, like something else weird was going to spring up and bite him -- but he kept a sharp eye out for Pheiros. Maybe he'd have an answer. Or if not, at least he trusted his friend not to be super weird.

RE: What would you do if they stabbed me in the toe, rub my neck with aloe vera? - Pheiros - December 20, 2020

He wasn't really doing much, just making his way along one part of the borders and looking for anything that seemed weird. So far, he hadn't found anything worth noting. He had stopped to mark a few things here and there, and continued on his way. 

The breeze brought the scent of his friend and made his tail sway behind him. Warlock was close by, and Pheiros suddenly wanted to see what he was up to. He stopped and turned to head back the way he had come, eventually seeing Warlock's form in the distance. Pheiros increased his pace into a trot, a smile spreading across his face.

When he reached his friend, he slowed to a stop. Hey, he said first. What are you up to? Whatever it was, Pheiros was happy to tag along.

RE: What would you do if they stabbed me in the toe, rub my neck with aloe vera? - Warlock - December 28, 2020

Though he smiled back, he was a little out of sorts. He was still trying to figure out what to think about it all. It was nonsense, obviously. But hey, Pheiros was here and that was cool. Not much. I was looking for you. Can I come with uh.. Whatever you might be doing? Going along borders, obviously, but if there was something more than that, he obviously didn't know. I just ran into a person at the borders and it was so weird, he said. He was still a little, well, off about the whole thing but not something he could really put a word to. It was all just weird. 

But he did want to make sure that was just an one-off thing. Have you met many people like.. there and stuff? Warlock had tried to recruit people beyond the borders, but it hadn't gone super duper well. After all, how many were here? Not a ton. He'd tried, but apparently not very well.