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Totoka River If you were a phaser on Star Trek, you'd be set to stun - Printable Version

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If you were a phaser on Star Trek, you'd be set to stun - Zane - December 22, 2020

Zane was fairly positive he was definitely dying.  In reality, his wounds weren't all that horrible, but the dude had the pain tolerance of a toddler.  Worse, actually - the pain tolerance of a toddler who really, really wanted mom's attention and didn't give a shit about anything else right now.

He'd made it to the coast, which was apparently the direction he'd randomly run, on pure panic.  Now that he hit the point where he couldn't run more, however, he sank down into the sand with a piteous whimper.  Damn, why did she have to turn out to be such a bitch?  His handsome figure, cut down in it's prime, and not even anyone to fuss over or mourn him.

Zane closed his eyes and let the melodrama play out.  That chick would come find him, after the fact, because she regretted being so batshit and much preferred his charm to that asshole she was with.  She'd find his body, cry over it, regret all that bullshit... wow, yeah, that was pretty damn good.  Though he could really, really do without the dying part.

A nap though, would be lovely.  Just... look.  He was gonna shut his eyes for a few blinks, and then he could wake up and get on with dying with style.  Or not.  Zane slipped into a sleep that was part exhaustion, part blood loss, and likely dreamt some ridiculous thing like Valmua finding him and apologizing and telling him what a fucking stud he was.  Which... y'know, fair.  In his dreams.

RE: If you were a phaser on Star Trek, you'd be set to stun - Holland - December 24, 2020

The man may not see a beauty waking him, but there was at least someone. A paw prodded his side gently, the source following the scent of blood. Holland stood above the other wolf, a brow lifted as he hid his concern. There was obviously a lot of blood and losing it was... a disaster. Especially in winter.

He was far from the Glen, but lately he had taken to wandering when he wasn't busy there. The fact that he avoided Keres, avoided anyone else he knew to live there... Did he blame them for the woman's loyalty to them? Was he just jealous? "Wake up" he says now to the slumped form.

The other was alive - that was a start.
hope you don't mind me?

RE: If you were a phaser on Star Trek, you'd be set to stun - Zane - December 25, 2020


At first, he didn't realize the two were different.  Deep in a dream, he felt the prodding and roused, but his brain hadn't caught on to reality.  J'you come back t' apologize, gorgeous?  he murmured sleepily, then blinked blearily as he opened his eyes.  

Oh, fuck, who're you?  He asked, starting a bit in surprise.  He winced when that reminded him he was hurt, and he didn't bother to try to hide it.  If he could buy sympathy points he'd do it, no way he was letting this guy beat his ass too.

RE: If you were a phaser on Star Trek, you'd be set to stun - Holland - December 25, 2020

"I am a healer" Holland said, attempting to control his patience. The man before him started, wincing, and clearly expecting someone else. Someone gorgeous, from the words. "did you get your ass beat by an angel?" he couldn't help but be amused.

Tis the season, he supposed.

He continued regardless of the answer. "If you need assistance, I will help you" Holland's good eye roamed the wolf's form. Blood, caked and otherwise. A few good punctures and wounds. He had his work cut out for him. But he enjoyed a challenge.

RE: If you were a phaser on Star Trek, you'd be set to stun - Zane - December 27, 2020

A bitch, Zane answered, his lips twisting a little as he remembered her laughter.  It stung, but he was glad he'd at least gotten to upset her back.  Didn't matter how much he might fantasize - until she came crawling to him, that absolute batshit chick had set him up.  And maimed him on top of it.

He'd bled quite a bit here, but the wounds had already matted up.  His pride was probably hurt most of all but his haunch, and the bite beneath his foreleg, stung.  Zane wasn't wild about letting this guy poke at them.

His tail tucked a little despite himself, and he shoved back a bit, looking evasively aside.  Look, bro, it's all good here.  Right as rain.  Just caught me a quick nap, then going to slide on along, easy as you please.  No use chasin a piece that's already got a stick ta chew, if you know what I mean.  He guffawed (a bit nervously), hopin the doc would move along.

RE: If you were a phaser on Star Trek, you'd be set to stun - Holland - December 28, 2020

He didn't have time to tend to those that didn't want it, but he was still concerned for the state of the stranger. Even in the Glen, there were those unwilling for him to poke and prod them. "You might die of bloodloss" he utters bluntly, but not unkindly. His singular good eye squints. "or be vulnerable while you recover."

He was not one to mince words. "If you won't let me tend to you, I can catch you some food. Your strength will recover easily if you aren't running around. Your wounds won't re-open" the offer was kind enough for Holland, but would the other accept? Unlikely. He would still try. "otherwise I suggest not laying in the open. Blood attracts other predators."

RE: If you were a phaser on Star Trek, you'd be set to stun - Zane - December 31, 2020

Okay.  So, Zane was a coward.  He absolutely was internally (and a little externally) whimpering with pain already, and this guy poking around was only going to make things hella worse.  But he did not do well with dying, because call him crazy, but he liked being alive?  And when the doc raised those stakes to him, he had a minor crisis of fears.

Tell you what, doc. Zane answered, visibly blanching, but trying very hard to keep it together.  You get me somethin to eat and I'll let you take a look.  Just... be careful, alright?  Most of his bravado dropped, but he tried (failingly) to pick it up again.  He was going to die here, and of course there was no pretty nurse to send him on his way.  Just some dude (who Zane one hundred percent appreciated, but damn).

The other predators bit only made it even worse, and Zane began to cast around for a place to hide in the meantime.  He was on a beach, so there was relatively sparse cover available.  Shit.  Were there bears here?  God he fucking hated bears.  He'd never seen one all that close up, but he'd run from a few, and holy fuck he never wanted to meet one when he couldn't run.  Which... would be now.

The guy was nice enough, patching him up, and Zane was likely far from an ideal patient.  Whiny, impatient, and nervous, he likely grated Holland's nerves more than enough to discourage any extended care.  By the end he was no longer bleeding out, though, and was able to make his way south once more.