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{IC Joining} Finding the End and the Beginning... - Printable Version

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{IC Joining} Finding the End and the Beginning... - Enya - September 09, 2014

Her snow white pelt was a stark contrast to the surroundings she found herself in, and happened to be one of the reasons she found herself alone. Enya made her way along the border, weaving in and out of the territory following the edge, she was bold in her own right but she was also respectful. Growling to herself for her indecisiveness, to venture within or continue on her way, pausing mid stride she sat back on her haunches thinking about what to do. Letting out a slight huff Enya stood and steeled her nerves, showing her chilling demeanor and frozen gaze she took sure steps further into the territory until there was no way that any passing by could miss her, but she could play off as ignorant should the need arise. Her strong, sturdy form showing her power, but she traveled with the utmost grace of femininity to rival that of any other. Her beauty was undeniable, but her soul was frozen and unbreakable, non could read her thoughts or her emotions. For now Enya waited, she had the patients to wait for however long was needed, she knew that all good things took time.

RE: {IC Joining} Finding the End and the Beginning... - Adair The Forsaken - September 09, 2014

( Thanks to Will for putting me at ease of being nosey in threads. ★Will★)

Adair had been currently preparing a wooden masher, one Paar could potentially use to form a pureé of any herbs she may use later for her healing purposes, by taking a piece of strong and straight driftwood he had found by the main river of the newly established territory, and gnawing its end, gently as to not shatter or splint it, or else it would prove no use to her. Such tedious work, yet it was for a good cause, that single reminder, that kept him working diligently.
He was nearly a third done, when he saw a wolf whos hide held color that made the mountains snow itself, jealous. The brute watched it stride over the recently made borders, and he regally raised a dark, furry brow. How bold, this lupine was.

No matter. Adair climbed rather easily to his fours, for a 4 year old, and made no indication of hiding his path to the intruder. He left the camouflage of the spruce woods, and appeared before the now identified femmora. Dipping his head, he greeted her, in the calm and gentle voice he was trademarked for.

"Good day, miss. May I ask why you have passed into pack lands, with ease, holding no regrets?"

The dark brown and hazel hued hessian looked down upon the white fae, patiently awaiting her response.

RE: {IC Joining} Finding the End and the Beginning... - Flash - September 09, 2014

Flash was patrolling the borders trying to prove his worth. He scented one of his
pack-mate. Confusion kicked in his brain. What is one of his pate-mates doing so far away? He padded near the scent and saw a female wolf facing one of his pack-mates. "Good day, miss. May I ask why you have passed into pack lands, with ease, holding no regrets?" He heard as he padded closer.

What is he doing? This was a wolf who isn't in the pack and was trespassing. How could he kindly ask what was she doing? With a growl he padded in."What are you doing? This is a trespasser. This is claimed land. We should chase her out! " Flash growled. He knew he was of lower rank but this was unacceptable. "What are you doing here. " He asked to the female.

RE: {IC Joining} Finding the End and the Beginning... - Enya - September 09, 2014

sorry had to edit after realizing someone else posted...

With ease? Perhaps." She responded instantaneously, pausing as she caught sight of the brute making his way toward him. "Without regret? Well that is something, I think not even you can truly identify upon my features. I would not walk upon such land with a faint heart or a weary mind." Sitting back on her haunches rather relaxed to a keen eye, however there was very little she ever revealed to others but for any who knew her well there was no doubt that she was anxious and ready to leave at the drop of a hat. Although hostile words caused Enya to rise once more to her paws, "You may chase me out if you feel it is necessary, in fact all you need do is ask me to leave, there is no need for such hostility." She was weary of this new male, and she was not new to violence, but in hopes of finding a new home bloodshed was never the best option. "I have traveled for sometime, wandering mostly, I found your territory quite by accident." The honesty in her voice was sincere, but her pelt remained as cold as the snow.

RE: {IC Joining} Finding the End and the Beginning... - Adair The Forsaken - September 09, 2014

( Its fine thank you for the clear up)

"What are you doing? This is a trespasser. This is claimed land. We should chase her out! "
exclaimed the youth on his side.
Adair knew customs for pack living, and through his years of being in packs, he knew meeting no hostility with hostility was something cowardous bullies did. That was one thing he knew he was not.

With a steady gaze, Adair looked at the russet smaller hessian, and spoke in a patient yet knowledgeable voice.

"To give chase is to give a reason to fear. Fear leads to unwise and assumed actions. Remember that, friend."

Turning back to the femalia, he tilted his head, with a lilt of amusement at her on-beat retort.
"If you would kindly step back over the borders, we can discuss this without having an unnecessary conflict, miss." His voice held no room for argument, though it seemed to the untrained ear, to keep its gentle tones.
He walked pass her, leading way to the borders edge, hoping for her sake, that she followed.

RE: {IC Joining} Finding the End and the Beginning... - Flash - September 10, 2014

"To give chase is to give a reason to fear. Fear leads to unwise and assumed actions. Remember that, friend. Flash growled, he didn't like a sign of this. Silently he padded away from them and walked until he was sure they couldn't hear him. Then he howled for @Shadow.

[i]I can't believe a simple border patrol could turn into this mess. Why can't I get some peace?
Flash thoughts as he waiting for his silver alpha. Guilt prickled his scruff, maybe she didn't know, maybe he was being to unfair. But now after he howled, there was no turning back.

RE: {IC Joining} Finding the End and the Beginning... - Shadow - September 10, 2014

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The silver outrider had been peacefully slumbering with his crimson healer when the howl rang through the air. He opened a silver eye and blinked in irritation wondering what on earth was so important for the probatio to call him out of his place beside the woman he was currently courting. Muttering irritably under his breath, he kissed Paar gently on the forehead before making his way towards the source of the howl.

He saw the golden probatio male first and shot him a look that said 'get your ass over here right now' before walking forward where his keen silver gaze saw Adair and a female she-wolf with snow white fur with dark eyes. A trespasser. He had marked the borders everyday since they had claimed these lands and he was sure that even the wolves of Swiftcurrent Creek could smell them so why in the name of Jupiter had she ventured pass?

The pack had just been established, did he really have to make wolf sacrifices and string them across the borders so the blood of their own kind would mark their borders and keep the trespassers away? Did he really have to go that far when the pack had just been formed? His ways might be too extreme for other wolves but he had been brought up this way and if they kept coming, then he would have no other choice but to use it.

He strode forward, his tail raised high in the air as a sign of dominance, his head and ears raised as he moved. A cold smirk now dominated his features as he stepped right in front of the female, ignoring Adair. The glint in his eye that either meant he was a madman or a genius glowed brightly as he stared straight into the female's eyes, his icy platinum gaze sharper than ever.

He was not one bit intimidated by piercing black eyes, he was rarely afraid of anything in that matter. He did not care what her pitiful excuses about the borders were, he knew that she could smell them and anything that was 'by accident' was downright stupid. "Get out of my territory now if you wish to keep your life." he spoke in his trademark soft but dangerous voice. And he kept his word, no matter what.

RE: {IC Joining} Finding the End and the Beginning... - Enya - September 11, 2014

hope you don't mind my latin! I thought it would be an interesting character development... I can easily change it if you wish... XD

Nodding her head to the suggestion of moving just beyond the border, Enya watched silently as the aggressive brute took his leave, before she started toward the outskirts of the territory. While making her way toward the scent marking the bored she was rudely interrupted by what she could only assume was a brute of high standings in this pack with the way he held his form. "If that is what you wish, there is no need for threats. I am nothing but a lone wolf trying to make her way in the world." Enya seemingly shrugged, but this males had her curious, it had been sometimes since she had seen a pack with potential and she wasn't going to let the opportunity pass over her. "I mean you no harm, and I can guess that you brawn would out match me in a brawl either way." Enya flattered with a quick tongue, not meaning to offend his judgment merely cut the tense air about. "I must ask though... Do you turn away all able body wolves or am I the first?" More teasing. She had no where else to be and was rather bored so why not have some fun. "Quod si tibi non dico agminis me ... illud est?" Enya mirrored his smirk with one of her own she was not sure he would understand, but she spoke anyway. Even if her words seemed snarky, her demeanor was one of respect, and subordination no matter how much Enya liked to prove herself she knew her place.

RE: {IC Joining} Finding the End and the Beginning... - Adair The Forsaken - September 11, 2014

Shadow arrived, as silent as his name proved.
This made Adair wonder,
Had he been watching this entire time,
Or had that damned probatio called him?

As Shadow announced his presence, Adair lowered his tail, showing his respect to the leader. And when he spoke, he did not dare interrupt, though he knew the fae before them, was more keen to following non hostile methods; she was already on her way back to pack's borders before Shadow arrived. It proved manners held a tad more respect, by her actions and words.

The 4 year old wood cloaked hellion stood at Shadow's left flank, watching the Alpha make his first threat. Adair knew from the location of the pack, the abundance of food, and the great space, that many more tresspassing souls would soon follow, as they made themselves known to the Teekon Wilds. Must they treat everyone with a threat, for compliance? When all it takes is kind words? Polite askings?

Adair said nothing. He would talk to his Alpha after all had been finished, and he could relax. The young leader must have been with his female, for he held her scent on his pelt.
Maybe thats why he came in such a bad mood?
Pieces of the puzzle, they fit.
Casting a gaze at the pale femme, Adair kept his crown at a respectful level, and kept his maw shut.

RE: {IC Joining} Finding the End and the Beginning... - Flash - September 11, 2014

Flash watched at the commotion in front of him. Was he wrong to call his Alpha at this time? He shook his head. There was a trespasser, The alpha had to know. He looked at at ground. He might have made an enemy... But somewhere in his heart. He knew he did the right thing.

Flash looked between Shadow, to the trespasser and back. He quietly padded out, not wanting to get more involved then he already was. He returned to what He was previously doing and continued to patrol the borders. By some luck , he hoped that he wouldn't bump into anymore wolves.


RE: {IC Joining} Finding the End and the Beginning... - Shadow - September 12, 2014

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The silver Praetor listened boredly, her words meant nothing to him, "Flattering will do you no good, and you are not an able-bodied wolf." he said matter of factly, silver eyes boring into her dark ones. When she spoke in his native tongue, he was surprised although nothing showed on his face. She smirked at him, such disrespect was not tolerated and if she was a Roman, she should know better. Sterling eyes scanned her thoroughly and slowly before speaking Noveritis melius, iuret." he canted his head slightly. Te lingua deos mulier. Si tu Romanus es?"

He turned to Adair and flashed him a look, icy eyes on fire, they would need to talk later after this situation was dealt with. He turned back to the trespasser, his gaze cool and calculating. He wasn't going to let her go so easily. More trespassers would come and he would need to make a demonstration of what would happen to those who did not respect his borders. She would make a good slave, after all she deserved punishment for trespassing on his borders.

He stepped forward, an icy smirk forming at his lips. Although his expression was calm, cool and collected, inside he was burning with anger. Nobody trespassed on his lands. And if they did, they were to be dealt with appropriately. This time the Probatio had proved himself a better wolf than Adair, he might talk with them respectfully but this was not the way of the romans and if he intended to stay at the Bypass. He would follow by his rules. Trespassers did not deserve respect, they went on claimed lands, lands they knew had been claimed. And yet they dared venture past.

Adair was a good wolf, he did not doubt that, but if he intended to stay at the Bypass. He needed to prove that he was able to abide by the rules.

RE: {IC Joining} Finding the End and the Beginning... - Enya - September 12, 2014

Enya turned her head slightly, agreeing with the Alpha, her parents had taught her better, but had been so far removed from her native culture that perhaps she had forgotten her previous teachings. "Etiam Romanus sum. Lingua haec scitis quomodo?" Enya was more curious now, she knew that Roman's were few and far between. "Et tu Romanus es?" She did not mean to ignore the others, especially not the brute who had first greeted her, but she was excited at the possibility of meeting another Roman. She was most ashamed of the way she had acted, but would never admit it, her pride getting in the way.

RE: {IC Joining} Finding the End and the Beginning... - Adair The Forsaken - September 12, 2014

( Last post from me. :3)

Adair watched ad the dark snowed wolfess before him took insult after insult.
Why did his alpha have to take such methods? Such extremes? Was he trying to prove something? Adair felt the frozen touch of Shadow's eyes on him, then the frost was gone. He must have glanced at him. Maybe to show him he would have a word with him after this situation was obliterated.

Adair knew what he did. But what he did was justified on the border of kindness, and what his alpha desired was not that. He felt as this was what his Alpha wanted, to insult, to berate, to be hostile, Adair would have no partake in such trifles. He turned to his Alpha, and spoke softly, after he fired yet at the femme,

"I will await you by the central meadow, Shadow."

With that, Adair cast one last glance at the beautiful black-eyed she wolf, hoping she could endure Shadow's worded lashings, long enough to make it in.
He turned, and walked back, tredding past the rust pelted probatio, and not even glancing his way, though with a flick to lowered ears, Adair showed he saw him.
He continued past the first set of forests, the lowered himself down, the moment he got to the meadow, and awaited the Alphas berating.

RE: {IC Joining} Finding the End and the Beginning... - Shadow - September 12, 2014

Since Flash and Adair are no longer posting. The posting order will become Enya - Shadow then repeats again.

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A cold smirk crossed his face when the trespasser spoke latin. So she was a Roman and she was asking him how he knew latin and if he was a Roman too. Surely this female wasn't so stupid. If she was a Roman, she should have never trespassed in first place, surely her parents would've taught her that much. She was an insult to Rome and their people and even though she might call herself a 'Roman', she would never truly be one unless she obeyed the rules and laws of Rome and learned their teachings. And currently she was at the bottom, not trespassing was something that all Romans learnt and this female would regret ever trespassing on his lands.

Honesta Romanus sum, idem tamen non potest dici de vobis. Tu ad confusionem nominis Romani, non discere circa fines? Et non te pudeat si non Romanum honore, dignitate, iustitia. Scio quia bonus es tu in finibus circa disciplinam momenti. Tune es, qui te, et ad redimendum potuerit deorum?"

He flicked his tail as Adair spoke about awaiting him in the meadow. He should be demoted to Probatio until he could actually protect the borders in the ways of the Romans. May Jupiter bring shame to you. came the thought in his head, never had he seen a full member demoted back to Probatio but it seems like that might actually happen.

Now it was only the two of them, the pathetic female trespasser and the Praetor. He nearly scoffed, this was pathetic. He took a step closer and his head and tail raised high. Nam transgrediendi in terris meis, petatur regionibus urbis Romae. Ipse sit servus meus vos." he spoke in his dangerously soft voice before switching to English. "You will speak in English to all the wolves of Noctisardor Bypass as they do not understand latin with the exception of Tiberius and myself. Now come."

He stood, his muscles tensed, ready to pounce on her if she moved to get away. That would not be happening today. And he was sure that today both Jupiter and Mars were on his side.

RE: {IC Joining} Finding the End and the Beginning... - Enya - September 12, 2014

Humiliation was the only word Enya could thing of to explain her predicament, she lowered her head and her tail, she would prove that her parents were honorable and their teachings just. "Idem et Romanus, ut sciatis quia ego sum, et videbitis." Little did she know this was the last thing she said as a free women, and would not soon be forgotten. His slave! This was not what she signed up for, "Now come..." Enya panicked, she had always been free, she backed away slightly, looking for anyway to get away. She took a few hesitant steps back, lowering herself so she was below him, subordinate body language. Clementia have mercy on me... She prayed to the gods, for once unsure of where her life was headed.

RE: {IC Joining} Finding the End and the Beginning... - Shadow - September 12, 2014

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Romanus probare te bonum tibi servus." he said softly, gazing down at her with contempt visible in his cool sterling eyes. If she attempted to flee then the tiny wisp of honor she held would vanish and no matter where she ran, the shame of fleeing would follow her and Mars would surely never give her strength in battle or honor again. She better got up now to save that tiny shred of honor she held and followed him, he did not wish to drag her like a carcass but he would do it if she didn't get up now.

"Get up and walk like a real Roman or do I have to drag you like a carcass, slave?" he said coldly as he attempted to kick her flank. "You will call me 'Master' as you are now my slave." the silver Praetor tilted his head as he waited for his slave's reaction. If she ran, he was ready and this time she would be brought back with a dozen scars littered over her white coat.

He had no patience for trespassers or males that refused to chase away them. Adair needed to be taught a lesson and this female needed to be punished. He would show that nobody who trespassed on his lands would get out unharmed and unpunished. And if they kept coming, he would make sure to kill them and let their rotting bodies mark the borders of the Bypass.

RE: {IC Joining} Finding the End and the Beginning... - Enya - September 12, 2014

are we fading out...

Looking away in shame she lowered her head further for a fraction of a second, before coming to hr senses to stand at her full height, although her tail remained lower than his. Enya gave a slight nod, "Yes...Dominus." Coming to terms with her current predicament, she gave a curt back to him, and proceeded to follow him. She would prove him wrong, she had to, she would earn his respect by serving him and his name honorably. Enya was humbled for the first time in her four years, it was quite the experience, she was still nervous about what the future may hold, but she would face it like a roman.