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Sheepeater Cliff It wants my soul, it wants my heart. - Printable Version

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It wants my soul, it wants my heart. - Fang - September 10, 2014

@aleera Halfway up/along Sheep-eater cliff. feel free to ruin his attempted stalking. Enjoy :3

Golden eyes watched the movements of a few stray mountain goats who were seemingly oblivious to his presence. The responsibility of seeking food to fill the packs caches wasn't something he had openly discussed but a nearby resource was always handy. The hybrid had no illusions of his abilities to take down one of these creatures on his own, but the inbuilt instinct to stalk these docile grass-eaters was a little hard to overcome. Though he did his best, low to the ground, still, watching.

The longer he stood watching the more he began to almost dance on the spot, the thrill of chasing these creatures along the outcroppings of stone and dirt was almost too much to ignore. As if to encourage him the slight pang of hunger decided to take note in his stomach. Slowly the half-breed began a half walk, half crawl, toward the mutton. Apparently instinct was a little hard to fight at times.



Skillet -- Monster

RE: It wants my soul, it wants my heart. - Aleera - September 10, 2014

Watching with slight amusement from within the trees out of sight to the half-breed stalking the goats. "Do you really think you are going to get anywhere with that?" She spoke up, having found enough enjoyment from the process. "I don't mean to offend or anything, I am merely pointing out facts." She continued in good humor. Walking from behind the trees she dipped her head in greeting, "Hello Fang." Aleera smiled as she sat back on her hind legs.

RE: It wants my soul, it wants my heart. - Fang - September 10, 2014

The stalking was cut short by a voice nearby, an interrupting yet familiar voice. He broke his gaze on the prey turning to look at the culprit just in time to see her drop back to sitting on her haunches. An irritated look made its way over his features, squinting quietly at her for a moment. A loud snort was his only response to her observation. He'd only met the female twice before, and he wasn't impressed with the familiarity she portrayed. Though this was mostly a projection of disdain at the fact she was part of the sunspire still. Apparently the hybrid could hold a grudge.

He gave a quick look back at the goats as they began moving off shaking his head slightly he rose and moved a few steps toward Aleera. His head held high, neutral territory? Nah to hell with that. Aleera. Saying her name in greeting, the irritation slowly subsiding as he moved closer. Looking to escape shit-spire too, or did your pompous twat of a leader send you out to look for me? The idea that she was just randomly wandering as he was doing wasn't even considered, She was either escaping the spire or looking for him, right?



RE: It wants my soul, it wants my heart. - Aleera - September 11, 2014

"Tell me why would I be looking for you? I do not know you well enough to care..." She stated simply, her greeting was one she would give to any and her amusement had caught her off guard. Aleera was not happy however, and her enjoyment soon fled her features, "First of all...I would ask that you refrain from such derogatory terms Fang, and secondly what had gotten into you? What happened to your overprotective smart ass attitude, hmmm?" She was more than a little unhappy now, finding that she herself had grown to love and protect the Sunspire, while she still did not know much of Ferdie or where he went,, she was sure that if Fang knew that Ame was now Alpha he would not have said such things. However his attitude, made that kind of information privileged to Aleera, something had happened and she felt that sharing pack news was no longer appropriate. Tilting her head she was thoroughly confused, "What happened to you?" She repeated more for herself than for him.

RE: It wants my soul, it wants my heart. - Fang - September 11, 2014

Another snort escaped at her words. Why indeed. The fact was he abandoned the spire, even after Ferdie begged him to stay, it was the half-breeds opinion that the arrogant alpha was sending the pack on a fast-track to oblivion. Honestly if you feel the need to ask what happened, that pumped up blow-hard is really letting things slip.

He all but ignored her request to soften his tone on the spire. Why should he? He shook his head in the negative for a moment. Golden eyes falling on her once more before speaking again. The fact is that group is not worth the effort. You'll figure that out, or you wont, It doesn't matter to me. Turning he looked back to where the mountain-goats were a few moments before. The slight rising of his hackles at the irritation of having to explain himself to a former pack-mate, ignorant of the goings on inside, it seemed.



RE: It wants my soul, it wants my heart. - Aleera - September 11, 2014

"I'm not sure what happened between you and the Sunspire, but you were loyal once, you fought along side them. Clearly you have left us, but I would have thought that your respect and/or your friendship with some in the pack would have stilled you hatred for anything that transpired. I have no intention of leaving any time soon Fang, I have found a home, like I think you have. Would you appreciate me calling your Alpha a babbling idiot? Or your territory a wasteland?" She narrowed her eyes slightly, she had not meant to share such spoiled conversation with someone she once called a pack-mate, but at the same time she was truly interested in what happened. "Will you at least tell me what happened between you, and what I can only assume, Ferdie? Or shall I return to my pack, and any friends you have claiming that you had no heart to even say goodbye because you hated every soul in the territory?" Aleera did not know Fang in the slightest, but she assumed that he cared for someone within the territory Ame, Fang, Vienna, anyone!

RE: It wants my soul, it wants my heart. - Fang - September 11, 2014

Raising an eyebrow at her argument, he was less than moved. Calling his new Alpha any names would probably score the female a pop in the mouth, as it were, but to him he was speaking the truth. Well, you'll figure it out anyway. turning his attention back to Aleera.

She asked him again, what was there to say? The hybrid let out a slight sigh, he might as well fill her in. Short version, Red left, Kipling took Ferdie's instruction and tried to 'take me down a peg' than the arrogant wank had the audacity to ask me to stay. Golden eyes narrowed at the former pack-mate. He couldn't understand why he needed to explain, but he might as well.



RE: It wants my soul, it wants my heart. - Aleera - September 11, 2014

Aleera was slightly amused at Fangs retelling of events, "My you really know what words to say." She shook her head slightly, "So what... You left because the female of your dreams left, and then an over aggressive arrogant female tried to attack you?" She knew that Kipling was her pack-mate, but Aleera had no relation with the female other than her arrogance and over zealousness. "Perhaps you were right to leave, but not all of us at Sunspire would have acted in the same manner. All I ask is that you put the thought of what Ferdie and Kipling did and think about the rest of us. Were we really that bad?" She shrugged suddenly realizing that there was no point trying to convince him, "Anyway, where are you know?" Aleera would smell other wolves on his pelt, but had not met any of them and so assumed he had joined another pack.