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new fire that courses through my veins - Printable Version

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new fire that courses through my veins - Tiberius - September 10, 2014

The yearling's gaze traveled around Noctisardor Bypass, a truly fitting name for this land, if you saw the sunset of course. But again, only those that spoke latin or understood the language of the gods would know the meaning of the name and he was pretty sure their silver Praetor wasn't too eager about sharing it. He though was a Roman and of course he knew their language and today, sitting by the lake's edge, he admired the words that Shadow had found and combined together that truly described the sunset he was seeing right now.

He wasn't a really good fisher but he knew how to feed himself with the white flesh that filled the lake. After all, back in his old pack, everyone had to know how to fish, how to fight in all different ways and many other skills. They also had to learn basic healing however it was the wolves that pledged to be medics all their lives that actually healed them. Their basic healing skills were useful when stranded and alone and it came in use when his brothers kicked him out.

Mint green gaze traveled to the blazing colors that lit up the darkening sky wondering how his father was doing now, did the Augur have any other prophecies regarding him and his brothers? Did he even predict that Atilius would get Fulvius and Julius to chase him away from his natal pack?

RE: new fire that courses through my veins - Shadow - September 11, 2014

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It was a habit for the silver Praetor to rise early in the mornings, a habit he did not bother to get rid off. It was useful in some ways yet annoying in the others but for now, the useful part prevailed and no matter how annoying it could be, he wasn't even going to try to remove that habit. He traveled towards the lake edge, a popular spot nowadays since it provided ducks, fish and a clean and fresh source of water.

Now normally he would be surprised if anyone was awake at this time but since it was a Roman...the Praetor stepped forward silently and sat down beside his subordinate, eyeing him curiously. "Tiberius," he spoke with a slight tilt of his head. "Do you like Noctisardor Bypass?" It was a nice place but Romans might prefer places with sturdy rocky grounds, besides he wanted to know his subordinate's opinion about the Bypass. Personally, he thought he chose a rather good place.

RE: new fire that courses through my veins - Tiberius - September 13, 2014

His ear flicked backwards when his Praetor suddenly appeared next to him, as silent as his name and he moved like one too. "Praetor Shadow," he dipped his head respectfully to the sterling wolf wondering if Shadow was really his real name or just his nickname after all it didn't sound Roman and yet he claimed to be one. Tiberius believed him for he carried the aura of a true child of Rome, act like a Roman and knew their culture, knew latin the language of the gods. Surely the name Shadow had to be a nickname or were his parents outsiders that sought acceptance among the ranks of Rome?

Mint colored eyes drifted briefly over to the other's cool sterling ones before turning to look at the horizon again. "Its a pretty place, and you chose a good name for it. Night and fire truly describe this valley." the yearling turned to gaze at the Alpha's again, however avoiding eye contact in case he thought of that as a challenge.

RE: new fire that courses through my veins - Shadow - September 13, 2014

<style type="text/css"> r1 {color:#5e6d7c; font-size: 10px;} .r1box {background-color: #ccffffff; width: 500px; margin: auto; background-image: url('http://i.imgur.com/y77SqPt.jpg'); background-repeat: no-repeat; outline: 10px solid #477583;} .r1text {margin: auto; width: 370px; color:#2e5c8a; text-indent: 15px; font-family: rokkit; line-height: 15px; font-size: 12px; text-align: justify; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 5px; padding-top: 525px; margin-bottom: 30px;}</style>

The sterling outrider smiled, cool silver gaze sought out the other's bright mint green ones. "Beautiful isn't it. Are you watching the sunrise?" he asked curiously wondering what was going through the other male's mind. If he'd known that it was about his name not sounding Roman he would've laughed. Shadow was actually a nickname that his packmates called him because he was as silent as a shadow as he moved around. In fact all the wolves of his natal pack had nicknames that were used more often. His real name was Nox which meant darkness.

He used to watch the sunrise back in Swiftcurrent Creek, it was beautiful and often got him to concentrate and made him forget all of his troubles. It was usually the sunrise that he watched though, not the sunset but here in the Bypass, he watched the sunset more often for in his eyes, it was prettier than the sunrises.

RE: new fire that courses through my veins - Tiberius - September 15, 2014

"Beautiful isn't it. Are you watching the sunrise?" He nodded, a faint smile on his lips as he turn to glance briefly at his Praetor with bright mint green eyes. "Yes, although I prefer the sunset, in my opinion, the setting sun is always prettier. When Apollo and Diana's realm meets." he turned to look at the sunrise again. "But the sunrise is also pretty, we know then that the gods are always watching out for us." he paused for a moment, wondering whether or not to ask this question.

FInally he had the guts to as "Do you have a patron god? Mine is Mars, the god of war." he spoke proudly but wondered if Shadow even believed in the gods. Just because someone was Roman didn't mean he believed in the roman gods. But if he didn't, at least he would know what he was talking about.

RE: new fire that courses through my veins - Shadow - September 16, 2014

<style type="text/css"> r1 {color:#5e6d7c; font-size: 10px;} .r1box {background-color: #ccffffff; width: 500px; margin: auto; background-image: url('http://i.imgur.com/y77SqPt.jpg'); background-repeat: no-repeat; outline: 10px solid #477583;} .r1text {margin: auto; width: 370px; color:#2e5c8a; text-indent: 15px; font-family: rokkit; line-height: 15px; font-size: 12px; text-align: justify; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 5px; padding-top: 525px; margin-bottom: 30px;}</style>

"Yes, although I prefer the sunset, in my opinion, the setting sun is always prettier. When Apollo and Diana's realm meets." he smiled at that, it seemed the yearling was already as wise as an elder. "But the sunrise is also pretty, we know then that the gods are always watching out for us." He laughed. "True, for they will always make sure that we have the light that we need to continue forward."

"Do you have a patron god? Mine is Mars, the god of war." He wasn't surprised that Tiberius's patron god was Mars. Stocky, a roman soldier, it was obvious that he had chosen the god of war. Mars was a popular choice for a patron god to Roman soldiers but he had never actually had a patron one.

"Not really, I respect each and one of them equally." he said quietly."

RE: new fire that courses through my veins - Tiberius - September 23, 2014

"True, for they will always make sure that we have the light that we need to continue forward." He turned to look at the Praetor with bright mint green eyes and nodded slightly, a small smile on his lips. "Not really, I respect each and one of them equally." The Roman yearling smiled. "I was thinking that if you had a patron it would either be Jupiter or Mars." he answered truthfully, resisting the urge to yawn as he did so.

He turned to look at the rising sun again, "Did you always want to be the leader, the Praetor or did you just happen to realize that if you didn't do anything else, your life would fade away into the Fields when you die?" he asked because his future had been predicted by the augur of the pack, if his brothers hadn't chased him out that is.

RE: new fire that courses through my veins - Shadow - September 24, 2014

<style type="text/css"> r1 {color:#5e6d7c; font-size: 10px;} .r1box {background-color: #ccffffff; width: 500px; margin: auto; background-image: url('http://i.imgur.com/y77SqPt.jpg'); background-repeat: no-repeat; outline: 10px solid #477583;} .r1text {margin: auto; width: 350px; color:#2e5c8a; text-indent: 15px; font-family: rokkit; line-height: 15px; font-size: 12px; text-align: justify; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; padding-bottom: 5px; padding-top: 525px; margin-bottom: 30px;}</style>

"I was thinking that if you had a patron it would either be Jupiter or Mars." He smiled at the agouti yearling. "I did consider Jupiter but decided against it for I respect all the gods equally, including Pluto because the dead would be in chaos without him. and his bloodline was descended from the god of the dead, or at least he had started it for he was also a descendent of the king of the gods, Jupiter.

"Did you always want to be the leader, the Praetor or did you just happen to realize that if you didn't do anything else, your life would fade away into the Fields when you die?" He thought for a brief moment before canting his head in a birdlike manner and replied "Both, I never wanted to be a leader in my childhood but when I moved on I realized that I was a better leader than most and I knew that if I didn't do anything especially good to gain the favor of the gods, I would end up in the Fields. After all everyone wants to go to Elysium when they die don't they?"

Truthfully he wasn't afraid to die because he knew he would go to Elysium, the Fields weren't too bad but they were faded fields. Elysium was preferable, feasting with all the heroes before him and the gods. They talked for a bit longer before he had to attend to his duties and Tiberius went to fill the caches.