Wolf RPG
[IC Joining] when the night overrules everything else - Printable Version

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[IC Joining] when the night overrules everything else - Sveta - September 11, 2014

@Shadow but anyone else is welcome too :D

The white female had been traveling alone for a year now, randomly joining packs here and there then leaving because she felt as if she didn't belong. Tonight, she was about to rest by one of the sturdy oaks that in the green plains when she smelled a border marker and curiosly approached although making sure she did not cross. Golden gaze swept over the lands that she could see, rich and prey plentiful but what were the wolves like? Deep inside her heart, she felt as if she should devote herself to a pack once more, to make one her family.

She backed away until she was a respectful distance away from the borders, she tilted her snowy head up into the air and let out a short howl to alert the wolves of her prescence before sitting down on her haunches again and gazing up at the star-filled sky with fiery golden eyes. It was midnight, she wondered if the wolves would be annoyed at her for disturbing them.

RE: [IC Joining] when the night overrules everything else - Flash - September 13, 2014

Flash was patrolling the borders when he heard a howl. Curiosity got the best of him and he padded towards the noise. He emerged from a few bushes and saw a white wolf howling. He padded closer, ” Hello, why are you here? " The wolf was a good distance away from their borders so he didn't need to chase her away.

He wondered if she wanted to join Noctisrador Bypass.It would be nice to have more members in the pack. More friends to make. Flash thought as he surveyed the white wolf. Strong, probably more use to fighting then hunting. She would make a good pack mate. He hoped she would join as that could mean more friends.

RE: [IC Joining] when the night overrules everything else - Paarthurnax - September 13, 2014

There had been several requests for attention at Noctisardor borders since the pack's establishment, but Paarthurnax had mostly remained in the background of them. With so many things to prepare for the cold season's arrival before the Autumn frost claimed the fragile plants she required, her time spent bonding with new pack-mates had been cast aside in favour of building her cache. Now that her herb stores were well stocked and with several supplies drying during the days, she was satisfied to leave things be for the time being and mingle with her companions.

Making her way promptly to the territory outskirts, the crimson healer soon discovered a pale-furred loner and a tawny subordinate. Paarthurnax chuffed a greeting to the young male and eyed the outsider curiously, her tail arching dominantly over her hindquarters. She was not normally a creature to flaunt her title, but in the presence of other she-wolves she could not deny the niggling concern that one could potentially snatch away her partner and the rank by his side she sought to one day claim. Silent with the assumption that the subordinate male had already addressed their visitor, her copper gaze did not drift from the wolfess' ivory features.

RE: [IC Joining] when the night overrules everything else - Sveta - September 14, 2014

It wasn't long before she was greeted by a male wolf from the pack, a tawny one with bright green eyes. He greeted her with a friendly "Hello, why are you here?". She was about to reply when another wolf appeared. A beautiful crimson she-wolf with bright copper eyes and dainty features that she did not posses. She assumed that the female was a healer or something like that because a warrior surely would not be so slim. Her ears twitched slightly as she noticed the way the female's tail arched over her hindquarters as a sign of dominace. Curiousity appeared through her golden eyes as she dipped her head towards the two wolves, expecially the female wondering why was she appearing so dominant.

"I wish to join this pack." she spoke in a clear voice, her tail lowering as a sign of respect to the two pack wolves. She did not say your pack beceause she doubted either of them were leaders, alphas or betas however that didn't mean she didn't need to show respect. Quietly she waited for their reply.

RE: [IC Joining] when the night overrules everything else - Flash - September 15, 2014

”Is that so? " Flash said. ” We could always use a few more wolves. " He knew it wasn't his choice to make, but the white wolf in front of him was a potential pack mate. She wasn't a good enemy to make and he didn't want to waste such a potential wolf.

He looked at his pack mate silently asking for her opinion. He hoped that she would be with him and not oppose him. ” Well I suppose we could take you to Shadow. " He said awkwardly. ” Do we howl for him or just bring her back to camp. "

RE: [IC Joining] when the night overrules everything else - Paarthurnax - September 16, 2014

She scrutinised the alabaster female, letting her fiery gaze drift from her averted gaze to the downwards curve of her lowered tail. Content with her mildly submissive posture, Paarthurnax twitched her nose thoughtfully as she better considered the situation.

When the other wolfess announced her intention, Paar's sleek ears lifted. It didn't surprise her that Noctisardor's new claim to the land had attracted loners to make attempt at joining their ranks, and so she looked quietly in the direction of the tawny male. "We will wait here for him, " she instructed, uncomfortable with the idea of granting this pale loner access to their territory even with escorts.

Tilting her muzzle skyward, the crimson healer requested the presence of @Shadow and when her song faded, she looked upon the potential comrade once again. "What is your name? "

RE: [IC Joining] when the night overrules everything else - Sveta - September 16, 2014

The tawny male seemed trusting, while the other female semed wary. "Well I suppose we could take you to Shadow. " the tawny male said, rather awkwardly. So their leader was called Shadow was he? She didn't speak, keeping her tail and head lowered as she awaited the female's decision after all she seemed to be of higher rank than the golden male. "We will wait here for him, " the female finally replied. So she was to stay in her submissive posture until the Alpha arrived, that sounded good.

She still didn't speak as the female howled for her Alpha before turning back to her. "What is your name?" Carefully, she raised her head, not meeting either of their gazes for fear that they thought she was challenging them. Instead she offered them a friendly smile without looking into their eyes and spoke "Sveta, Sveta Snowflame." she said, dipping her head politely.

RE: [IC Joining] when the night overrules everything else - Shadow - September 16, 2014

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He was about to trudge back to the forest, to the clearing surrounded by rocks when a howl rang through the air, one that asked for him. He recognized the voice, it was Paarthurnax and without a second thought, he was making his way towards her, long limbs stretching then withdrawing gracefully. Soon he saw her, along with the Probatio and an unknown female, a lone wolf he presumed. At least she wasn't in his lands, she was a respectful distance away from the borders so he slowed to a walk.

His stance was dominant, immediately showing that he was the leader here. Platinum eyes cold and calculating as he moved as silent as a shadow over the grass to the trio. His gaze moved from Flash to Paarthurnax and lingered over the pale female before addressing her in a soft, cold tone. "Who are you and what brings you here to claimed lands?" he did not care whether or not these questions had been asked, he hadn't heard and that was that and if the pale loner refused to answer and said the questions had been asked and she had already answered them. She would earn herself a free ticket out.

RE: [IC Joining] when the night overrules everything else - Flash - September 17, 2014

Flash lowered himself into a respectful posture when he saw that his alpha entered. He hoped that his alpha would give a fair trail for the female, considering she was a fair distance away from their border unlike the new slave, Enya. He was a little guilty considering if he didn't howl for Shadow, she might not be in such a position. But she deserved it for coming into their territory.

"Who are you and what brings you here to claimed lands?" Shadow's words snapped Flash back into reality. He didn't sound as hostile like he was when he was talking to Enya. He sighed quietly in relief. At least the white female was given a fair trail. He hoped that she answers correctly and earns a place in the pack.

RE: [IC Joining] when the night overrules everything else - Paarthurnax - September 21, 2014

Sveta Snowflame, the pale-furred female offered, and Paarthurnax twitched her nose curiously. "I am Paarthurnax, and this is..." she introduced herself, and turned her lovely crown to look in the direction of the young Probatio. It occurred to her then that she did not know his name, and thus expected him to take this initiative and introduce himself. She waited for several moments to gauge his response (if there even was one), before flicking her fiery copper gaze back to linger on the features of the ivory loner.

Soon, Shadow was among the small crowd, and Paar ducked her muzzle respectfully toward her mate before she backed away to give him room to further examine the potential new recruit. She wondered what he'd think of this female, who was of so few words, and waited patiently in the background.

RE: [IC Joining] when the night overrules everything else - Sveta - September 23, 2014

Soon a wolf that gave an aura of power and strength moved forward, his stance dominant and his tone cold. "Who are you and what brings you here to claimed lands?" She knew she had just answered that question but decided to repeat it because the Alpha wasn't there before. "My name is Sveta Snowflame," she answered quietly, lowering her head even more as she did so and crouched down in submission. "I seek to join your pack." she concluded and waited for the Alpha to speak again.

Memories of her family's ripped bodies suddenly flashed through her head and she only managed to keep herself from collapsing however a flash of pain and her internal turmoil showed in her golden eyes but vanished in a second however she was sure that all of the pack wolves in front of her had seen it. However it was a different case whether or not they saw fit to mention it.

RE: [IC Joining] when the night overrules everything else - Shadow - September 23, 2014

"My name is Sveta Snowflame," she said, lowering her head as she spoke. "I seek to join your pack.". He looked at her, silver eyes scanning her thoroughly before stepping forward and sniffing her, trying to see if she had any sickness. When he couldn't find any scents of diseases, he began walking around her, prodding her with his paw and sometimes his nose before stepping away from her again. What skills can you offer the pack, if you have any. Here in Noctisardor Bypass, we do not tolerate slackers. And if you plan on lazing around her, you can leave now. his tone soft as he spoke.

He didn't actually realize that perhaps touching another female in front of Paarthurnax was not such a good idea after all he wouldn't like to see her touching another male but like the sometimes clueless male he was, he didn't realize he might have done something wrong.

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RE: [IC Joining] when the night overrules everything else - Flash - September 24, 2014

Yay Shadow finally replied :D (I told Shadow to....LIKE A THOUSAND TIMES ONLY) (Shadow is my real life friend)

Flash looked at the crimson wolf. By scent, he thought they were mates.Maybe that was why she was so tense, maybe she thought that the female was going to steal her mate. He looked at Shadow prodding the female. He winced, maybe it wasn't the smartest move ever.He just hoped that the crimson female wouldn't take it the wrong way.

Flash watched as the alpha spoke the same words to her when he was getting accepted to a pack. What skills can you offer the pack, if you have any. Here in Noctisardor Bypass, we do not tolerate slackers. And if you plan on lazing around her, you can leave now. With hope that Shadow was actually giving out a fair audition He smiled sightly and silently watched on.

RE: [IC Joining] when the night overrules everything else - Paarthurnax - September 27, 2014

Paarthurnax observed quietly as her mate advanced on the pale female, who offered to him her name and purpose, and she focused entirely on Shadow as he moved around the potential recruit. Already on edge around other she-wolves, she felt her blood pressure practically skyrocket when the ashen Alpha stepped too close to Sveta for comfort and set about poking and prodding at her. The crimson healer felt herself bristle and, steeling herself, she frowned thoughtfully as she kept herself from released the low rumble that welled within her throat.

She knew he needed to be sure that this girl did not come carrying illness, and that she was strong enough to aid their pack with regular duties that they all took part in, but her title as Shadow's mate was new and open to be challenged. He often said that he loved her, that she was everything he could ever hope for, and even once he'd promised never to pursue other she-wolves... but he was male. And from where Paarthurnax came from, most of the men did not use their heads when it came to the fairer sex. She was paranoid and determined to defend her place and title as Shadow's mate, absolutely, and hoped that the more established their pack became, the better she could relax over the matter.

Paarthurnax waited, though she did not do so patiently. She lingered there, solid in her place, and discomfort oozed from her pores as she glowered at Sveta with fierce copper eyes.

RE: [IC Joining] when the night overrules everything else - Sveta - September 29, 2014

Sveta stood still as the Alpha made his way towards her and moved around her, poking, sniffing and prodding at her. The arctic female stood still, although her fiery golden gaze drifted towards the crimson female in front of her. Keen golden eyes noticed her bristling and frowning as she observed the Alpha sniffing and inspecting her. Managing to restrain herself from blushing, she kept her expression impassive with a faint smile although she knew the crimson wolf in front of her was obviously jealous. Were they mates? Someday her mischievousness would get her in massive trouble. Honestly she did not mean any harm but she liked playing around sometimes. Sveta had noticed the way the female glowered at her with angry copper eyes and it felt as if rays of fire were burning straight into her flesh, she did her best to ignore it.

Before the Alpha stepped away, she leaned forward, her fur brushing his pale chest fur as she licked his chin in submission, now knowing the crimson female surely was going to kill her. Hopefully she wouldn't die just yet. Calmly stepping away, although she felt as if her nose had touched the male's chest again. What skills can you offer the pack, if you have any. Here in Noctisardor Bypass, we do not tolerate slackers. And if you plan on lazing around her, you can leave now.

"I am a good fighter, hunter and I will always patrol the borders and chase away any intruders. I am also a good caretaker although I am more of a warrior. I am also a diplomat and can act as an ambassador. I plan on working and working for the pack, making sure it is well protected and its safety ensured."

RE: [IC Joining] when the night overrules everything else - Shadow - September 29, 2014

The Praetor froze, unnoticably stiffened as Sveta leaned towards him, her ivory fur brushing against his own silver ones and licked his chin in submission before stepping away, although when she did so, her nose brushed his chest again. Restraining himself from staring confusedly, he expression remained indifferent and stoic, never looking behind him at his mate for fear she might be glaring at him with those eyes. "I am a good fighter, hunter and I will always patrol the borders and chase away any intruders. I am also a good caretaker although I am more of a warrior. I am also a diplomat and can act as an ambassador. I plan on working and working for the pack, making sure it is well protected and its safety ensured." He listened, trying his best to push all his emotions away, knowing it would interfere with his fairness of judging. Canting his head, he gazed at the arctic wolf with bright hash eyes as he ran her sentence through his head again, wondering whether or not to accept this female.

Taking a step backwards, his gaze drifted briefly over to Paarthurnax for a second before it moved back to Sveta again. He made sure there was enough distance between the arctic female and himself before speaking again Why should I accept you into my pack? he asked in a soft voice, tilting his head slightly, the moonlight shining down on his fur, illuminating the scars on his pelt. Eyes, bright and harsh as he gazed at Sveta, waiting for her to say something. Something in him did not trust the female but he ignored it, remembering his promise to always be fair. To be like the shining father, the protector of all laws.

RE: [IC Joining] when the night overrules everything else - Flash - October 01, 2014

Hey Paar, try not to blow up in your post.

Oh no... Flash thought as the ivory wolf leaned in and licked the bottom and the ashen alpha's chin then retreated, but as she retreated her nose brushed against his chest. He almost cringed and stole a peek at the crimson female beside him. This is not going to be good.

Shadow looked slightly confuse for a moment but it wuickly changed back to his usual expression. Why should I accept you into my pack? the silver sterling asked. Flash wasn't sure if the Sveta's actions may have caused her an unfair judgment, but by the looks of Shadow, probably not.

RE: [IC Joining] when the night overrules everything else - Paarthurnax - October 08, 2014

She caught the newcomer's sly glance and responded by bristling, her tough copper guard hairs standing on edge along the length of her spine. Paar glowered in the pale wolfess' direction, her ears slick against her crown, her tail lashing with building frustration at her slim hocks. Silence lingered for a few brief moments before, as though mocking her, Sveta swept forward to bump herself against Shadow and flick her tongue out to caress the underside of her chin.

The gesture might have been a submissive one, or accidental, but as far as Paar was concerned it was far too coincidental. She could not have prepared herself for that and, to better fuel her anger, Shadow did nothing but gawk at the female before shaking the surprise away and progressive with his questioning. It was then that the crimson she-wolf curled her lip back to reveal impressive alabaster fangs and a low growl was emitted, directed toward the ivory female in a final warning.

Go ahead, her fierce stare seemed to say, try that again.

RE: [IC Joining] when the night overrules everything else - Sveta - October 10, 2014

"I am a good fighter, warrior and hunter. I can form strategic plans if needed and I swear to always protect the pack borders, make sure no intruders will be able to get through, the pack's well being will always be before my own and I will make sure the pack is well fed and is well before tending to myself." she said dipping her head, but fiery golden eyes caught the look on the leader's mate's face. Wow, she sure was protective, but Sveta did not blame her, it had been her fault this time and she had stepped slightly out of the line.

The crimson female curled her lips, gleaming ivory fangs showing, a low warning growl slipped from between her lips, directed at her. Copper eyes full of fire, as if goading her to do it again, so she would have a reason to leap at the ivory female and snap her neck off. That was not a good idea. I told you, Sveta. That will get you in trouble with the Alpha's mate and that is not a good idea. You just doomed yourself to hell, lady. called her inner voice annoyingly. She did not speak or move again, instead dipped her head to the crimson female, though this kind of stuff would probably not be forgiven easily.

RE: [IC Joining] when the night overrules everything else - Shadow - October 15, 2014

Silver eyes flashed backwards at Paar as a low growl slipped from her lips, fangs showing at the ivory female. He moved backwards gracefully and slid beside her, his flank touching hers as his tail wreathed around hers, hoping for her to calm down. Shadow did not care if Sveta had displayed shows of closeness towards him because he didn't like her, didn't even know her and he had promised not to court any other female and he planned to keep that promise. Losing her was not worth anything, and he did not dare take the risk.

The Roman listened quietly as Sveta spoke before nodding slowly, she seemed to have some good skills and despite her mischevious actions, he had decided to accept her. He would watch her closely to see if she worked hard, "Welcome to Noctisardor Bypass, Sveta." he said, a brief small smile creeping up his features.