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Ravensblood Forest civil liberties - Printable Version

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civil liberties - Khatera - September 11, 2014

The beach wasn't hospitable. This was either because... It was a beach, and beaches were places of refuse and dirt, or because Khatera's mind had been spoiled to the concept of the sea. The awkward meeting between herself and the ugly duckling of a lady (Caiaphas) had left her feeling quite agitated about the entire thing. She'd much rather leave the sand and salt behind - and that is exactly what she does.

Over the course of an afternoon, the girl hikes her way inland from the coast. When the air begins to clear of the brine flavor she breathes a sigh of relief, but is not quite content yet. The forest beckons her closer - the cover of trees being an easy draw - and she slips in to the tangled mess of plants without protest.

At first Khatera heads east. The trees begin to thicken in places, to catch upon ledges that at first go unnoticed to her tired eyes. A few close calls leave her alert to the sway of the hills, and she adjusts her strides to compensate for the uneven ground. Her path winds irregularly through the forest until finding an invisible wall; the scent of wolves was woven thickly through the trees, and so she pulls back and naturally begins to hike west.

As the night begins to descend, Khatera lets out a frustrated sigh. It is time to find a place to sleep, but she doesn't want to sleep. She was still hungry, but the forest was too thick and dark and unknown to her. Her body was tired of walking, but her mind was bright and brimming for something fun to do.

Stupid forest... The girl mutters to herself, and her ears flicker at the sound of her own voice, at-odds with the sudden breach of silence. The forest sways around her with the dull crinkling of branches and leaves, and she barks in to the graying dark, Come on, wake up! There's got to be something fun around here.

RE: civil liberties - Sidewinder - September 11, 2014

Lol, you and your present tense posts. :P

If he played his cards right, Sidewinder had a feeling he could lead a very comfortable life here. He would dance from pack to pack, helping their sick, spreading gossip and secrets where they would be most damaging, and pass information around to those who sought it. The population was certainly here for it, and he had already encountered his fair share of interesting wolves. The winter would be easy, he thought, so long as he picked the correct packs to align himself with.

He had wandered this way and that, never straying too far outside of the central heat of the packs that lingered all so close to one another. They were the source of everything that he needed, even if he shunned their way of life. Sidewinder was a wolf for himself, and he would not join in their organized lifestyles. He was a free spirit, and nothing had changed him to be anything else, even after three years alive.

Night was quickly approaching, and Winder led himself into a vast thicket of trees. He sought a suitable bedding site for the evening, one that was none too conspicuous to those who might pass by. But a voice distracted him from his search, and although the words had been too far away to make out, he marched toward them with interest.

When finally his hulking white form approached her, he realized what a beaut she was. “A lovely creature, out here all alone?” he inquired, licking his chops and letting his golden eyes trace her figure. Even in the early evening light he could tell that she possessed something that not all females did.

RE: civil liberties - Khatera - September 12, 2014

oh my god did i do it again .... i've always been really bad at tenses.

As if to grant the very wish she had shouted in to the darkness, Khatera's ears were met with a curious phrase. A lovely creature-The stranger seemed to materialize behind her, and as she whipped her head around - her body circling so that she faced him properly - her golden ears flicked to catch the rest of the stranger's words. -out here all alone?

The beastly white man had a gleam in his eye that was familiar, even if he wasn't. Instead of letting the surprise color her response, Khatera's mood seemed to shift instantaneously upon realizing she had proper company. A smile curled upon her face, and her eyes narrowed with sultry mirth. Not alone any more, evidently. She all but purred at him, and carefully stepped towards his pale silhouette. You looking for a place to spend the night?

RE: civil liberties - Sidewinder - September 29, 2014

Look at me being a fail. I'll go ahead and fade this out by throwing in some bear drama.

“Aren’t we all?” he asked, a smile curling the corners of his mouth.

But before he could say another word, a most large and angry bear began lumbering toward them, causing the potential couple to part ways without even gaining one another's names. Thankfully, they managed to hang on to their lives and avoid pissing off the bear to a terrible extent.