Wolf RPG
Hideaway Strath where is my mind? - Printable Version

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where is my mind? - Leigh - January 31, 2021

Leigh was feeling a little better. Especially after speaking with Kynareth. Although their conversation wasn't exactly smooth, and the woman was still unsure if her decision to forgive the wolf was the right one, she now had a sense of relief. Finally a moment where she wasn't raging at the tiger, wanting his dead body on the ground.

Despite how strongly the she-wolf believed that Kynareth's lifestyle and mindset was completely ridiculous, she couldn't deny that it was interesting to see his view of the world. But even though they stood a year apart, a part of her felt like she was speaking to her younger self whenever she sat to chatter with the wolf. He had given up, accepted himself for what he was. But Leigh? She wouldn't settle for that. She dared to see what she could be.

Luckily the trouble hadn't followed her to Teekons. But back home, things had been a lot different. Back home she had been a criminal. Wanted for theft and murder. Back home, Kynareth would have been proud of her. Instead of them constantly looking down on and criticizing each other's way of life. Leigh told herself that she wandered here to get away from the grief. But now thinking back on it, she theorized that she wandered here to escape the consequences of her actions. And she had.

And now, here, in Teekons, with the Saints, she was trying to do better. Though, a part of her feared that the idiot Kyn was right, and that there was no such thing as redemption.

Well fuck, the world is a fucking mess. Complicated and annoying. There was no way of knowing for sure whether or not redemption was real, at least not until Leigh was dead and all her questions about the universe would be answered by some floating ghost wolf. So for now, she'd just have to keep debating with the Grandmaster and eventually the argument would end once one of them died.

So despite all the shit, she was in a pretty decent mood. She had since smoothed down her fur, neatened up a tad. There was no doubt that her appearance and speech would improve with her attitude. The woman simply walked around the territory, just waiting to be interrupted. She only hoped it wouldn't by one of Kynareth's fuck buddies.

RE: where is my mind? - Sasha Deagon - January 31, 2021

oh. but it was exactly what Leigh didn't want right now that strolled into the land, rolling in his scent.
hiding hers the best she could. they won't notice for a few extra moments.
Sasha came to finish what she started. and not with Kynareth.

she shivered. that white-knight Nyra wasn't here. she led her scent around and round and round until she got lost in the maze of it. Leigh strolled, looking like a petal from a flower. preened. fresh.
Sasha had taken her husband and child. had taken her beloved back for herself.

Sasha didn't bother masking herself. let her think it was Kynareth strolling up to her. she might not realise the footsteps were too light to be his. might not realise that feminine undertone until she was in her jaws.
Sasha will have to fight for this one. she didn't fight often. too messy. but this time...this time.

the golden whore darted forward after trailing Leigh in a zig-zag fashion, staying just out of reach. her teeth drove for her hocks, wanting to drag her down cleanly and swiftly.

RE: where is my mind? - Leigh - February 01, 2021

Leigh's mind had been elsewhere. Although the faint scent of Kynareth wandered past her nose, she didn't think much of it. Perhaps it had been lingering on her own coat. Or maybe he had passed through this land recently. Despite her ears high and alert, the woman was too wrapped up in her own thoughts to pick up any sound from her surroundings. The footsteps were indeed too light to be the tiger's, and she usually would have picked up on such a detail. But finally, while taking a moment to relax, the she-wolf didn't want to be bothered with such observations.

Too bad she couldn't have relaxed a little longer.

The woman barely caught a glimpse of the golden wolf before she felt her stability fade. A sting in her leg, her balance suddenly uneven. Unprepared for such an attack, she swiftly fell to the floor with a thud. Chin colliding with the ground, jaw forcefully shut by the impact, teeth leaving a small nick in her tongue.

"Oh. Fuck."

For now she didn't dare move, for the risk of tearing her leg further was too great. It'd be better to wait instead until her balance could be restored, and then go in for an attack. Leigh did not plan on a fight today. Hell, she hadn't had a real fight since her arrival at Teekons. She was rusty, really rusty. But she didn't feel the slightest bit of kindness towards Sasha, so she'd show the wolf no sympathy.

RE: where is my mind? - Sasha Deagon - February 02, 2021

she certainly didn't notice.
not until teeth were clamped in her and she slammed to the floor, balance ripped from her grasp.
Sasha wouldn't waste a second.
she moved up the wolf, teeth flicking to hold her down.
but this was too easy.
too fuckin easy.

she paused after holding the dragon in a light hold. listening. smelling.
she had a few more minutes at least.
her teeth clamped down hard around Leigh's body. she didn't care if she screamed. let them know they were so powerless, so useless.

the thrill sprung into her heart like whiplash. she wanted to fight. she wanted to have a game.
Sasha released her prisoner, facing her with a wicked grin, blood coating her teeth.
run, rabbit, run.

RE: where is my mind? - Leigh - February 02, 2021

The pain was sudden, and her mind spun. At first it had taken her body a moment to register the attacks. But now, after having some time to process the chaos, Leigh's limbs flailed as she attempted to build enough momentum to squirm from the golden wolf's grasp. She had to block it. Seal away her discomfort. It was the only way she'd be able to fight, for the pain was far too distracting.

So as Sasha released the woman, she scrambled to her feet, eyes meeting the bloodied face. For now she'd have to occupy her mind with other thoughts. Thoughts of what this monster had done to her family. And that seemed to do the trick. Pushing her stinging nerves to the side, Leigh was ready to brawl.

I ain't running, bitch. You bite this motherfucker? Well, I bite back.

Leigh stood for just a second, contemplating her next move. Despite her yearning to kill Sasha right here and right now, she knew it wouldn't do anyone any good in the long run. Donovan would be pissed as fuck, Leigh would have ruined her chance at redemption, and Sasha, well, she would be dead and being dead sucks. So for now she'd refrain from causing any potentially life-threatening damage. But at the same time, it didn't seem like her opponent would be standing down any time soon. If the woman wanted the fight to end, she'd have to land a pretty solid blow.

There wasn't much distance between them, but Leigh took the little there was as an opportunity to sprint up to Sasha, build up just a bit of speed to hopefully strengthen her grasp.

And once she arrived, the she-wolf's jaws immediately parted, aiming to clamp down on the whore's shoulder.

RE: where is my mind? - Sasha Deagon - February 02, 2021

yes yes yes.
her blood sung with the song of war.
begging for more, to throw teeth and limb into action and battle her to the death.
maybe. it'd be a shame to ruin a lifetime of fun in one spat.

Leigh charged forward, and Sasha drove to meet her. teeth dug into her shoulder.
her teeth dived to clamp her spine.
she stood taller than Leigh, only by a little. but it mattered.

her teeth scrambled to dig in, to crush muscle and bone. make her uncomfortable - perhaps even do some real damage.
Sasha didn't give up.

RE: where is my mind? - Leigh - February 02, 2021

Although she struggled to push it aside, Leigh managed to block out some of the pain, the physical pain. Instead she'd focus on the emotional distraught Sasha had brought her, and that was enough to keep fighting. The woman landed a successful bite along the golden wolf's shoulder, but the whore seemed pretty fucking determined to end the brawl with a dead body.

Teeth broke through her skin, and it seemed that Sasha had redirected her focus towards the woman's spine. But luckily for the she-wolf, with her opponent reaching over, it left her attacker's neck exposed. Releasing the grasp she held on a shoulder, she instead opted to aim higher up. Despite it being a bit of a stretch, she managed to elongate herself just enough. With teeth sharp and ready to kill, the woman attempted to land a blow behind Sasha's ear. Leigh knew she'd walk away bloodied and beaten. But she'd make sure Sasha did as well.

RE: where is my mind? - Sasha Deagon - February 03, 2021

Sasha was about to shart whipping her head and shaking the body until it was dead.
but this dragon had other ideas.
teeth seared into her flesh below her ear, gripping her neck as much as she could fit into her mouth.
Sasha snarled, kicking to get away, snapping teeth to get her off.

perhaps it worked, perhaps she held on like her life depended on it. because it did.
Sasha swung herself to the ground in a swift movement, aiming to slam down ontop of Leigh, to crush her little ribs and make her gasp for air.
she could only hold on so long.

RE: where is my mind? - Leigh - February 04, 2021

Despite the frantic thrashing, Leigh did all she could to keep Sasha within her grasp. Teeth clamped down with a firm bite, the woman did her best to refrain from ripping out a chunk of flesh while also maintaining a strong hold. It seemed that this plan had worked, and her attack had left the golden wolf desperate. But apparently Sasha had other plans, and within an instant the she-wolf could feel the weight shifting, their bodies tipping over.

The impact upon the ground was rough, but another full grown wolf falling on top of her ribs was just a cherry on top. Air being forced from her lungs, chest feeling crushed and bruised. Leigh was determined to keep her fangs wrapped around the whore's neck, but she was practically gasping for oxygen and found herself letting go with a sharp inhale.

A few coughs escaped her maw, and she knew that she'd have to plan another strike and regain her grip on her opponent. But the woman was still struggling to breathe, and her bones ached. Eagerly snapping at Sasha's face, it seemed that she wouldn't be able to land another bite. But she definitely tried.

RE: where is my mind? - Sasha Deagon - February 04, 2021

she really did want to hold on. Leigh really did want to spill her guts. but it seemed her plan worked.
as they crashed down, Leigh still found. still battled to keep a hold, but her lungs begged her to let go.
Sasha was up like a hare from the grass, escaping her teeth just in the nick of time.

her head spun, pain throbbing along her neck from the bite. blood soaked through her fur.
Sasha wheeled back around, perhaps too late. Perhaps too slow.
she wanted to dive onto Leigh and crack her head against the floor. knock her out so she couldn't call for help.
and Sasha could move to her next target.

but her next moves will be dictated by what she found Leighing doing once she'd turned and assessed the situation.

RE: where is my mind? - Leigh - February 05, 2021

Immediately Leigh found herself eager to scramble to her feet. Ribs aching and her lungs feeling like they'd collapse, the woman's head spun as she watched Sasha spring up from the ground. She knew that the golden wolf would take the opportunity for another attack, and she wasn't entirely sure if her body would be able to withstand another.

But this was no time for giving up. Propping herself up with an elbow, the she-wolf managed to slowly rise once more, staring towards her opponent with irritated eyes. Leigh wasn't quite ready to plan her own next move, for she needed a moment to steady herself and focus. For now she'd wait for Sasha, and she hoped that the whore would make a fatal mistake.

RE: where is my mind? - Sasha Deagon - March 24, 2021

*screams* SORRY!

she pushed up, and Sasha slowed.
blood was not seeping but rather pouring. she could feel it in her fur, weighing it down.
another attack..wasn't wise. Sasha's steps slowed as she thought, letting the fire-eyed bitch to regain herself.
she had to decide. now.

Sasha turned to run. fleeing the Saint's land once more. she was stupid and foolish. but she was getting away with it once again.

RE: where is my mind? - Leigh - March 24, 2021

The golden wolf fled, and Leigh stood victorious. With her breath heavy and heart beating, she watched as the other wolf turned to run, Sasha's shadow growing smaller as the distance grew between them. A small smile lifted her lips, though it quickly faded and was replaced with a sharp frown as blood stained her dark fur and the pain began to set in. She had been too occupied to worry about her injuries during the fight, but now that their battle was over, the she-wolf realized that she'd need some help to heal such deep wounds.

For now Leigh would slowly drag herself back towards the pack, hoping she'd get to Kynareth before Sasha could. But with a punctured leg, she doubted she would be able to beat the whore back to their camp, especially since the other woman had already gotten a head start. Nonetheless, she pushed forwards. Even if it took her an hour to carry her broken body back, she would get her chance to see Kynareth. She would get her chance to spill the fucking tea.