Wolf RPG
Blacktail Deer Plateau The heart don't lie - Printable Version

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The heart don't lie - Blue Willow - September 11, 2014

[size=xx-small] @Atticus for whenever you get time. I saw you had said you wanted threads and i figured since you did the first one i would do the second[/size]

Blue Willow had woken with the dawn light, and she strode forward from the den. She was going to do some hunting tonight, the caches were exceptionally light, and it bothered her. Winter was fast approaching and she needed to make sure her family was taken care of. Even if there were some she wasn't exactly fond of.

Black legs took long strides as she walked, her nose to the ground, green eyes alight and on the horizon. She shook downy shoulders and lifted nose for a moment to get a read on the air and then continued on. With a twitch of her ear and a large bound she snatched up the hare and it lay limp in her jaws blood falling to the ground to leak into it.

RE: The heart don't lie - Atticus - September 14, 2014

Thanks for starting! :D

Atticus awoke as the sun crept up over the treetops, its watery, white-gold light creeping ever so slowly across the forest floor in broken patches. After a big yawn and stretch, he made his way to a nearby stream and, for the first time in ages, bathed himself with more than just the swipe of his tongue. The water was cold and invigorating in an electrifying way, making his heart race, his skin tingle, and his fur stand on end. Autumn was upon them, with winter close at her heels; he could already feel the nip of her frigid teeth in the shallow water.

He shook out his coat, sending a spray of glittering diamonds in every direction and causing his fur to spike and stand out like a cape of inky black quills. Feeling clean and refreshed, he then decided to walk for a while. He had found that doing something, even something as simple as walking, helped him stay grounded and kept his mind from wandering away from him again. If he laid around too much, he would get spacey and distant. Sometimes it did happen in the middle of a task, but it was far less frequent when his mind was focused on something. So he walked and took the time to note any interesting scents or sights.

It was this that brought him to cross paths with Blue Willow, a fresh kill still gripped in her teeth. He noticed the way the sun caught the blue sheen on her fur, the way the ruby blood dripped over her lips, and he was awed by how powerful and lovely she was. With a grin and a waving tail, he greeted her with a gentle touch of his nose to her cheek. "Good morning, Blue."

RE: The heart don't lie - Blue Willow - September 17, 2014

Blue heard the footfalls and lifted her green eyed gaze towards it. Atticus was walking, and she smiled. It was often that he was off walking or doing some small trivial task to most, but something that took great effort for him. He needed to do those things though, keep his mind working. It was too early to tell if it would always be this way now, or if he would heal even more.

She laughed, but it was muffled by the hare she carried in her large jaws. He looked like a black, spiky porcupine as he walked towards her. She sniffed the air, he smelled good to her. She shook her head and dropped the hare to her feet, swiping her pink tongue across black nose.

Hello Atticus. She greeted him in return with a nudge to the side of his face. Not wanting to transfer the blood from her kill to him, especially after he clearly had taken care of his physique on this day. She sniffed gently and spoke quietly Was it a good bath?