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Broken Antler Fen Is where you go when you're alone - Printable Version

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Is where you go when you're alone - Fennec - February 07, 2021

tags for reference! I can change any assumptions <3 being vague too

Fennec had been a bit reluctant to leave the Glen, but after a while, the feeling that she was flaking out on the caldera became unbearable.  She had to go back... even if it wasn't to stay.  Once again she was undecided, and Fennec was beginning to wonder if any place was really ever going to feel like home to her.  She let @Bronco know that she was going back to check in, but was likely vague enough to be irritating on the details.

She smiled as a sharp caw sounded from above, and another circled from the side.  Krrk and another from the flock had split off as she passed through the forest, following her from above, likely hoping she'd run across something they could dig into with her.  Maybe.

This wasn't the caldera, obviously.  She'd meant to go home, but she couldn't get fucking @Penn's words out of her head.  Neighbor.. He had to be kidding... but she knew from @Eljay that Maia was staying nearby.  She didn't know exactly where, but remembered it was near the lake.  When she reached it, she headed along, and eventually she couldn't miss the border.  A border with a definitely familiar presence.

Of course.  Why wouldn't he stay when I don't want him to?. She thought with not a small amount of spite.  Whatever.  Just because he was sticking around didn't mean they were friends again.  He was going to have to do a hell of a lot more than try to get an apology out of her.  And even then, she was betting it would never be enough.

Fennec snorted, then turned and paused to sniff for game.  She wouldn't cross the border, but she might as well see if anything got itself trapped under the snow around here.  She could use a snack just as much as her birds.

RE: Is where you go when you're alone - Penn - February 12, 2021

A smirk had broken across Penn's dark muzzle when he caught her scent on the wind. He'd known she'd have trouble resisting that comment. Neighbor. It had taken her a while, but that didn't surprise him. Penn knew how stubborn she was, especially when she was angry and trying to prove a point. He decided to finish his snack before he got up and tracked her down--he'd left enough gifts at her borders for her, she didn't need one when she showed up unannounced at his doorstep.

He found her eventually sniffing about. His tail gave a soft wag at the sight. It was gratifying that she had come, even though he was positive she would deny it had anything to do with him. "Just can't help yourself, can ya," Penn called to her, breaking the silence and letting her know he was there. His expression was smug, posture relaxed--not that she would see it, but she'd likely hear it in his tone.

RE: Is where you go when you're alone - Fennec - February 12, 2021

If she'd been hoping to run into him, it was only to confirm he was here and to wring his neck properly this time.  Luckily she heard someone coming, so when he called out, it didn't spook her.  

What are you talking about? she shot back, trying to keep cool even when his tone immediately got her back up again.  Fuck, this was familiar.... but she'd never been on the receiving end of it.  This is what they felt like... oh god.  She was on the Bronco and Fig end of this now, and that was a wholly uncomfortable realization.

As if I knew you'd be here.  I came to see Wraen, actually.  That was only a partial lie.  But he had no right to be so damn smug about it when she'd told him, very clearly, they weren't friends anymore.

RE: Is where you go when you're alone - Penn - February 19, 2021

A smirk danced across Penn's muzzle as she turned her attention to him. He loved her scowl. So much better than her smile. "Oh, look at you, playing coy," he quipped teasingly, knowing it would only make her angrier. Which, of course, was the whole point.

"Oh, sure," he replied with amused sarcasm, "I guessed as much since you called for her and everything." He grinned. "What did you need from her? Maybe I can help you out instead," he offered, mostly to be obnoxious, but also because he was curious to hear what she'd come up with to shoot him down.

RE: Is where you go when you're alone - Fennec - February 20, 2021

His words did make her angrier, but she didn't react off of it.  Instead she just stood there, annoyed and unmoving.  She was souring alarmingly fast again, and she suddenly realized coming here even to talk to Wraen before heading home had been a mistake.  She wasn't in the mindset to take Penn right now and, to be honest, she was starting to actually wonder if she ever would be.  Maybe she had meant it.

Forget it.  She wasn't going to give him what he wanted, or an inch, when he hadn't made a single move (that she was aware of) to show he deserved it.  So she whirled and began to stalk away, and this was about to be a very short thread if he didn't do something to stop her.  Because apparently, she was done here.

RE: Is where you go when you're alone - Penn - February 22, 2021

Fenn didn't rise to his bait, instead abruptly dismissing him and moving to take her leave. Penn rolled his eyes, exasperated. What fun was it if she wasn't even going to say something hurtful and sarcastic? Where did her fight go? Was she sick or something?

Being the inconsiderate sort of gent he was, Penn began to follow as she walked away. He wasn't about to let her get away that easily, and he was getting a little annoyed with her apparent determination to let this whole thing between them drag on. "What's it going to take for you to get past this?" Penn called after her, "Aren't you exhausted yet of holding a grudge?"

RE: Is where you go when you're alone - Fennec - February 22, 2021

Oh boy.

Keep acting like I'm the one who's the asshole here and find out,  she retorted. This isn't a grudge.  I already told you.  You aren't my friend anymore.  Want to fix it? That's on you.

Apparently she had meant it.  And she found that she was kinda weirdly okay with it as, once again, he put the blame on her.  Was it really that hard to admit that what he'd done was wrong?  That he wouldn't do it again?

We gave each other shit, but I never treated you like it.  There's a fucking difference.  She finished, with a snap, whirling to face him with her fur raised.  Nah, she wasn't tired of holding a grudge. This wasn't a grudge.  This was something deeper than that, and while she was growing and finding things out about herself, she was also finding out how she wanted to be treated.  Penn didnt used to fall so short, and she wasn't sure if she was the one changing, or he was.

RE: Is where you go when you're alone - Penn - February 24, 2021

Her first comment didn't make much sense to him. The question hadn't been meant to be accusatory--simply honest. If he'd ever managed to learn how to be aware of his own tone, he'd have realized his annoyance with the situation had slipped into his words and made them sound the way they had to her. But, he was oblivious, and just thought she was trying to find a way to remind him that he was an asshole. Which was fair.

"I've been trying to fix it, but apparently I'm missing the mark still," Penn answered, stopping when she turned to face him, "I admitted I fucked up, I've brought you gifts and food and plants and shit. I've left you alone, tried to give you your space. What else am I supposed to do here? Can you not see that I'm trying to make it up to you?" He paused, "Well, obviously you can't see it, but you get what I mean." He smirked a little in spite of himself.

RE: Is where you go when you're alone - Fennec - February 28, 2021

Fennec had a hard time believing he was being honest about that, her own recollection of their last meeting was colored so differently.  She gave a disbelieving sound in her throat, but let him finish.  They hadn't had much reason to fight as kids, not for real, so Fennec had never needed to learn what an apology looked like to Penn.  Neither of them had ever needed one... until now.

Even the blind joke, which hit in a good place, couldn't sway her.  Fuck, she appreciated a good joke.  But there was no way she was letting him go that off base about what happened.  Seriously!? You didn't admit shit!  She replied, ears almost comically upright with affront.  You basically told me I was a bitch for not just coming with and for being mad about it.  That was most of what she'd gotten out of it, and any apologies he might have made had gone completely out the window as a result.

RE: Is where you go when you're alone - Penn - March 01, 2021

Penn frowned at her recollection of their conversation, dramatically quirking one brow as an illustration of his disbelief. She clearly hadn't heard a word he'd said. Or rather, she'd heard him but had decided to take from it whatever best suited her determination to stay pissed at him. He'd heard that women do shit like this, but that was why he'd always liked Fenn. She wasn't like other girls. Except for a few similarities, apparently.

"Wow. Blind and deaf," Penn commented, shaking his head at her, "You're really levelling up these days." He paused for a moment, talking himself into apologizing again for what had happened. It chaffed, especially since he'd done it what--a hundred times now? (Not even once). But, although he liked Fenn when she was angry, he much preferred she be a little less angry. At least at him.

"All I was trying to say was that the whole situation was fucked up," Penn said finally with a sigh, "I fucked up. It was shitty for me to just leave that way. I had my reasons, but I still could've done things different. And I'm... sorry... for it." God, sorry was such a gross word. It tasted awful in his mouth. After this, he'd make sure he never had to say it again. Not by not doing things he ought to be sorry for, but by being better at getting away with them.

RE: Is where you go when you're alone - Fennec - March 02, 2021

She was saved from his expressions, but his second jibe didn't land quite as well as the first blind joke.  She'd heard him perfectly well, thanks, and it wasn't up to him how she took it.  If he wanted to make this right, he had to do it on her terms.

She wasn't actually prepared for him to... actually do it, though.  Yeah, it sounded like he was gargling cougar piss in the process, but she got an apology out of Penn fucking Blackthorn.  Tell her she wasn't a witch now.

And, funny enough, it really was that simple.  Apology accepted,  she said, previous anger completely evaporating into a (slightly wicked) smile.  The fact that it had sounded excruciating for him helped.  If it was easy, that would have meant he didn't mean it, because a wolf like Penn didn't admit he was wrong often.  

Neither did she.  

So... this is where you live now, huh?  She could guess as much, since he'd pretty well said as much, but she hadn't exactly been listening well the last few times they'd met up.

RE: Is where you go when you're alone - Penn - March 03, 2021

Apology accepted.

Penn blinked at her in surprise, hesitant. Was that really it? He eyed the smile on her face warily. He knew he was irresistible, but for her to just cave like this when only a moment ago, she'd seemed so very determined to hate him forever struck him as too easy. And also, too good to be true

"It is?" Penn asked as he watched her. She asked about him living here now, but he went ahead and just set that aside. She was trying to trick him into something, he was sure of it.

"You hired assassins to take me out, didn't you," he added after a beat.

RE: Is where you go when you're alone - Fennec - March 04, 2021

It was easier not to be mad at him.  Besides, what could he do besides apologize?  She hated gifts, for the most part.  I'm gonna hold this over you, duh, but yeah.  That's pretty much what I wanted.  She didn't bother asking if he meant it, because she knew he did and he'd probably lie anyway.  

She snorted at his next question.  Hardly.  Why pay for that when you'll probably get yourself killed one of these days anyway, stupid?  She replied, smirking.  Besides, I could've just cursed you myself.  He'd made fun of her insistence in the past, so she didn't know if he'd buy the whole 'witch' thing she was doing with herself nowadays, but she found she didn't mind.  There was a time when she'd been pretty damn enamored with Penn, a time when she'd defended him against pretty much anyone else who tried to give him shit.  Much as she might have forgiven him, that time was pretty much done.  The longer he'd been away, and the more she'd tried to run away herself, the more the opinions of wolves like Towhee, Phox, Niamh, Bronco, even Eljay started to matter to her.

RE: Is where you go when you're alone - Penn - March 11, 2021

Fenn explained her reasoning and it was just cruel enough that he found himself convinced. She'd gotten to see him squirm and she now had something to shit on him about whenever she wanted. He supposed that would be enough, though he probably would've opted to prolong his suffering a little more had roles been reversed. Not that he was complaining--he felt relieved that the drama was over now, finally.

A smirk leaped across his face when she joked about him killing himself one day. She was probably right about that. And, because he was a bit touched in the head, he was proud of it. "You and your curses," Penn replied with an eyeroll, "Maybe you should give me one just so I can see it in action. Maybe not a death one, but I'll let you give me the plague or something."

RE: Is where you go when you're alone - Fennec - March 14, 2021

Now why hadn't Fennec thought of that!?  She could've cursed him to smack his fat head on every tree between here and wherever he was months ago.  What a waste.

She smirked, though in that moment she remembered the loner.  She hadn't meant to lay that curse or even specified what it was, but the next thing she'd known, the girl was dead.  It could have been a coincidence and Fennec didn't really believe in this shit, but....

Feels like it'd be a waste, actually.  Since you get yourself into enough trouble without it.  I could curse you with a totally boring life but that'd be too cruel.  Fennec huffed a quiet chuckle.  Thinking on it, maybe she was done joking about curses entirely... at least, when she didn't mean it.  Plus, you think I'd want to unleash a plague on Wraen?  No way.

RE: Is where you go when you're alone - Penn - March 28, 2021

He chuckled at her threat. A boring life would absolutely be the worst thing she could do to him. "Oh god, I'd rather take the death curse," he replied with an appreciative shake of his head. He nodded his agreement--setting a plague on Wraen's paws would be a little cruel considering how much they all knew she was longing for a quiet life. And he liked Wraen well enough to only inadvertently fuck that up for her, not intentionally.

"Yeah, a plague might be going too far," Penn replied, "We could use something, though. Things here are real quiet. Almost peaceful." He spoke the word like it left a bad taste on his tongue. "How's your world? Got any good drama to share?" he asked, a brow quirking with interest.

RE: Is where you go when you're alone - Fennec - April 04, 2021

She figured, and while before she'd been annoyed that he obviously hadn't changed a bit over the last year, now it was a little comforting. Still annoying, sure, but nice to know at least some things were always true.

Hah! Always! Fennec crowed, glad to have the chance to share some excellent news. At the caldera we had a cougar and a bear within the same week! I took care of both of them, of course. Next time I lead a bear away, I'll be sure to remember to send it south instead of north. She cackled, clearly pleased with herself. The cougar hadn't gone quite as spectacularly, but she had barely even broken a sweat with the arguably bigger threat. And yeah, she was going to enjoy that a little, even if it had been slightly terrifying at the time.

RE: Is where you go when you're alone - Penn - April 08, 2021

Penn smirked when she spoke of taking care of both the bear and the cougar herself. He didn't doubt she had taken some role in defending against them, but he suspected she had some help from the rest of the pack. He was a bit jealous to hear it--he personally would've loved a good fight with one or both of those beasts. Perhaps he ought to seek one out sometime to test his luck. He'd have to keep that idea in mind.

"You better," Penn replied, quite seriously, "Least I'll know who to thank if we get an onslaught of large predators in the territory." His grin split suddenly into a wide yawn a moment later and he stood to give his coat a good shake.

"Well hey, I'll let Wraen know you came by. You want me to pass anything else along for you?" he asked. He didn't mean to rush her off--it was nice to have a normal-for-them conversation with her again, but he also didn't want to push his luck and annoy her by keeping her too long. Plus the longer they talked, the more opportunity he had to fuck it all up again.

RE: Is where you go when you're alone - Fennec - May 07, 2021

wrappin this <3

Nah, just that. Fennec stayed for a moment, as if considering saying something more, but in the next instant turned and was walking away. See ya around! She called over her shoulder, flipping her tail as she did.

That pretty much said everything she needed it to. Maybe things wouldn't be exactly like they had before, but she was willing to pick things up like they would be now. If he stuck around, she was sure they'd run into each other again. And maybe she'd be less of a dick to him next time.
