Wolf RPG
Sweet Misery - Printable Version

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Sweet Misery - Aurelie - September 12, 2014

It was a difficult change, going from a pack filled with family to one of strangers. Everything seemed new and foreign, but the mountain's company both comforted and haunted her. As the weather became colder her coat grew in thicker, hiding her lean build. During the warmer months she had felt vulnerable, without the bluff of thick fur. But now her shed pelt began growing back, easing her nerves. But even with the comfort there was still a worry that she had betrayed her former packmates, by joining this group. Should she try harder to find them? Was it even possible?

By now they had probably moved far-off, there was certainly no point in trying. And if they truly needed her, they would have stayed a little longer. No, it was useless to talk herself into being against them. More bears probably lurked in the area, by staying they threatened the whole pack. Even to her friends it was probably not worth putting themselves in danger for just one wolf, besides they had newborns on the way and a couple of pups to look after. Did her siblings, mother, and father miss her? Perhaps they had simply got over it, maybe that was for the best.

Aurelie wanted them sobbing, and at the same time didn't. The wolfess wished to be missed and at the same time did not want her kin to be upset. Plus she was currently in a very suitable place, why not be grateful for what she did still have? A small gust of wind broke her reverie, as it swept over her thickening layers of hair. Sitting upright she faced the sun, the snow phantom basked in illuminating rays. Despite her wishes this was her new home, and that would have to be accepted eventually. It was best to start early, to ease the transition.

RE: Sweet Misery - Dovev - September 14, 2014

Hope you don't mind if I sneak in here

He had remained in the high valley country for a day now, only briefly backtracking to help mark the southwestern edge of Swiftcurrent. The small, difficult trails chamois and mountain goat had made proved a challenge for the large male to follow as he descended the valley slopes. Often jumping from spot to spot, his paws skidded on gravel and slid over rain-slick grass, but the male kept his balance and eventually the path evened out as the woods around Arrow Lake choked the sky.

For awhile he was reminded of his solitary winter home, the treacherous mountain terrain that sheltered hidden valleys and small bands of elk and goat. For reasons that now seemed outrageous, Dovev's recluse involved hunting these beasts, and carving a small territory to ward off any others. Now he was charged with the defense of Swiftcurrent, however deep in turmoil the pack may descend. For once he had seen the effect's of Bazi's leadership, and now the male idly wondered. Had the female made a mistake? Perhaps she was too young and vigorous, trying to prove herself worthy of the title of Alpha. The issue had taken place long ago, but it's effects still rippled through the ranks. It left an unstable atmosphere, and one could only see an easy opening to lead a coup against Swiftcurrent's leadership.

The brute stopped his slow pace, his muzzle rotating slightly as he parted the landscape with colorless pools. Something white was draped across the ground, and if it had been cooler Dovev would only have passed by it, thinking it snow. He couldn't tell if this creature had noticed him as it sat upright, but Dovev could discern the triangular ears and the lanky body of a wolf. The wind brought confirmation.
Normally, the male wouldn't have cared less and would have probably turned back to the pack borders, but his solitary patrol had left him begging for some social gameplay. His eyes wandered over the female as he approached confidently, tail swinging his over his back.
Hello, sweetie. He stopped and his jaws parted, air tumbling in as his pools closed to a crescent. Ah. She smelled of a pack, however weak it might be.
What brings you so far away from Duskfire?