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Height you have risen, but from the depth you have climbed. - Printable Version

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Height you have risen, but from the depth you have climbed. - Enya - September 12, 2014

Her footing was sure, but her attitude was not as secure. Enya had no idea where she was headed, but she carried on with the same speed as if she knew where she was going. "Dominus, where is that we are headed?" She asked wanting to know if they were heading anywhere in particular. Enya took in the scenes around her as she walked, memorizing the path she as on, taking in the territory she was now forced to serve. Perhaps it would be all bad, she might even find a place to stay, but for now she was rather withdrawn coming to terms with the prospect of slavery. How would the rest of the pack treat her, where would she sleep, what duties would she be required to do. All these things raced through her mind, just as she tried to relax, pushing them to the back of her mind, her black eyes roaming the trees.

RE: Height you have risen, but from the depth you have climbed. - Shadow - September 12, 2014

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He walked forward, silver eyes flicking occasionally over to his slave. And then she spoke "Dominus, where is that we are headed?" Immediately he stopped and turned to look at her, his eyes orbs of icy fire. "You will speak only when you have permission to do so, slave." he hissed softly. "Now what is your name?" Disrespect would not be tolerated here and she best learnt that now or soon she would be heavily scarred.

He did not answer her question instead continued walking with the stance of a Praetor. She best took on the stance of a slave now, head bowed, tail tucked between her legs and slouching down or he'll do it for her and make sure she bled when he did so. He was a good wolf but strict and firm and if not obeyed would lead to punishment.

RE: Height you have risen, but from the depth you have climbed. - Enya - September 13, 2014

Enya nearly bit her own tongue at the hiss from her master, dipping her head and tucking her tail slightly. She would not make the same mistake again. "Forgive me Dominus, my name is Enya Manius Acilius." She answered as soon as he had voiced his question, she did not hesitate, nor did she try to dissuade him, Enya did exactly as she was told as soon as she could. She noticed that he had ignored her question, but she didn't dare speak again until he spoke first, she was learning quickly, she could only hope that it was fast enough. Libertas please help me learn what it is I need to know... Enya prayed to the Goddess of Slaves, hoping to learn swiftly. She followed behind her Dominus, waiting for what might come next.

RE: Height you have risen, but from the depth you have climbed. - Shadow - September 13, 2014

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She needed to remember that she was now a slave and that she was no longer a free wolf. She needed to be punished for trespassing on his lands, the lesson needed to be carved into her so she would truly remember. "You will be punished for trespassing on my lands. What punishment do you think you deserve, mancipium?" She probably knew most of the punishments, slaves were like property in the eyes of Rome. They could be raped, abused, tortured and it would still be fine. After all most Romans viewed slaves as property.

He continued walking until the grassy ground gave way to rough stone where he sniffed the air, turned left and continued walking. He did not speak instead waited for her reply wondering what horrifying thoughts were going through her head now. As a Roman, she probably knew that she was now considered the 'property' of himself. Usually he would take trespassers captive but he felt like Enya would make a good slave. It was just too bad that Fortuna was not on her side.

Finally he arrived in a small area surrounded by dense pine trees, he continued walking, stepping on soft pine needles before the ground once again gave way to rough stone which pricked at his paws. Luckily his pads were strong, having lived in the mountains however he did not know whether Enya's paws were tough enough. And truthfully he didn't really care.

He had named this forest Saltus Puniter. The sterling outrider paused in his tracks and turned to look at Enya, expecting her to tuck her tail between her legs so that it pressed against her underbelly and for her to slouch down and lower her head. "Do you know what this forest is called?" he asked in his trademark soft tone and did not wait for an answer. Saltus Punitur. Ubi captivos, servos vivunt,"

RE: Height you have risen, but from the depth you have climbed. - Enya - September 13, 2014

There are many Roman punishments, but I couldn't think of one that could be accomplished by wolves... I was thinking a whipping but we can't use whips... I can edit, if you have a better idea...

Enya cringed inwardly at the word punishment, but showed no outward reaction, nor did she speak out against it. Instead she calmed her inner voice, and bowed her head slightly, agreeing with her master. She took a moment to think of the punishments that had been used on the slaves in her natal pack, beatings were extremely common, as were branding, but she couldn't honestly say how severe her master was willing was thinking. "I would say a branding, dominus. Although, it is not my place to say." Enya spoke with conviction, vowing to take her punishment with strength and composure. She remembered the scars that marked the base of the slaves tails, and the claw marks upon their backs. Enya had seen them as property, as nothing to be concerned with, now she stood in their paw prints facing the same fate.

Gasping slightly at the sharp stones under her paws, Enya grimaced, walking through the pain. Saltus Punitur... sounded about right, and this is where she would be staying...she looked around, "Utique dominus." She was still determined to prove herself, and serve Shadow without hesitation, she had no other option.

RE: Height you have risen, but from the depth you have climbed. - Shadow - September 13, 2014

I was thinking he would bite her or sth xD but nevermind. He isn't going to punish her just yet.

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The silver Praetor gazed at her for a brief moment before continuing forward until he reached a rocky shallow ravine. The ground was made of uneven stones, they were less sharper than the ones he had walked on but sharp nonetheless. A few puddles of water was littered around the area and the tall pines above casted shadows over the ravine. They offered protection from the natural elements.

He turned to look at Enya, a cold smirk dancing on his lips. "This place will be your quarters." he said with a slight tilt of his head. mancipium plagis. Aut alibi habitare vos dormire non alibi. Numquid servus est scire?" .

If she didn't he would have to explain every detail and every rule she must follow and that would take too much time. In fact, if she hadn't trespassed, there might be a chance she was following him on a tour around the Bypass now but sadly she did not respect his borders.

RE: Height you have risen, but from the depth you have climbed. - Enya - September 13, 2014

Her eyes wandered as they arrived at her new quarters. It was damp and cold, not a place she would have chosen, instead it was chosen for her instead, some stones had embedded themselves in between her paws, and she was sure there were plenty of cuts upon them as well. She payed them no mind, instead she looked toward her new master, nodding her head in understanding. Scio regulas juris sint officia quae tamen nescio? Quid exspectatis a me? Enya was curious, the rules were simple and she could follow them, but what was she to do other than obey his every word? She did not think it a stupid question, he would sure be angry if she skip her duties so why take the chance when she had the opportunity to ask and gain the knowledge she needs to be the perfect slave.

RE: Height you have risen, but from the depth you have climbed. - Shadow - September 14, 2014

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"You are not to hunt in my territory, my subordinates or myself will bring you leftovers everyday. You are expected to come when I call for everyone even if you are a slave. In the mornings I will call for you and you will come immediately and I'll tell you what to do for the day." he said, leaping down into the ravine and flicking his tail to tell Enya to follow. The sharp stones pricked at his sturdy pads but did not pierce through it.

One side of the ravine was made out of sand and there was a hollow in the wall. He padded through the tunnel until he emerged in a cave, the walls made out of dirt and sand. The ground was solid packed dirt. He turned to her and flashed her a cold smile. "This will be where you sleep and where you live in the slave quarters. There might be others coming to accompany you soon but this cave is yours."

He was being extremely nice to her, at least in his opinion. He could've made her sleep on the sharp stones yet he didn't but perhaps if she disrespected or disobeyed him. She would need to sleep there or roll around so the stones would tear at her pelt.

RE: Height you have risen, but from the depth you have climbed. - Enya - September 14, 2014

[size=medium]"Yes dominus." She nodded her head when he was finish speaking, now that she knew the terms of her slavery Enya was inwardly confident that she could succeed, although you could not see on her pelt for she fear retribution for such emotions. As Shadow leap away she followed, she felt the stones at her paws, but was getting used to the feeling of their sharpness. She marveled at the cave as she followed her master, it was nicer than she had though it would be, and it was hers...well kinda, really his, but should other slaves come this was hers and they would know it. "Gratias ago tibi, domine. Ad nomen tuum et ad serviendum tibi promitto, quantum ingenii, statim." She dipped her head low, still somewhat apprehensive about her new role, but she could see not other way around it other than to serve. She could only hope that the gods would one day favor her, and release her from her chains as a free Roman.[/size]

RE: Height you have risen, but from the depth you have climbed. - Shadow - September 14, 2014

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"Gratias ago tibi, domine. Ad nomen tuum et ad serviendum tibi promitto, quantum ingenii, statim." He smirked coldly at those words and flicked his tail over her flank briefly before leaning down and whispered into her ear "You won't have a choice.". He began making his way back towards the ravine entrance, obviously asking for Enya to follow. Soon he would hold a pack meeting for introductions and senate votings and all the other stuff that needed to be made and created for the pack to live peacefully. At least for the wolves inside the pack to have a steady life.

He leaped up the ravine, steady paws making his way out of the forest and entered the grassy plains where he made his way over to the lake and stood. "Fish. I need to see your abilities in everything so I know which kind of work you need to do more." he smiled coldly at that.

RE: Height you have risen, but from the depth you have climbed. - Enya - September 15, 2014

dice roll: 4

Enya stared straight ahead as he whispered in her ear, she was not frightened, instead she wore a calm demeanor awaiting what more her might ask. She didn't respond to his words, she followed behind obediently, although there was a cool rage inside her that was growing. She was trying her best to adjust to the life around her, she did not expect kindness or mercy, but there was some level of respect she had seen between a master and their slave one she was trying desperately to earn but was constantly blocked by a harsh word, by a seemingly harsher man. She showed nothing outwardly and gave no indication that she was thinking such things, instead she kept her trap shut and continued on her marry way.

When they came upon a lake she tilted her head slightly, looking between her dominus and the water , wondering what he wanted."Fish. I need to see your abilities in everything so I know which kind of work you need to do more." Nodding her head, "Yes dominus." Enya took a few steps forward, until her paws were in the water, feeling the familiarity of the liquid she forgot for a moment where she was. Breathing deeply she smiled at the water, closing her eyes, before she opened them with new determination. Walking further in the lake, please Diana let me succeed, she prayed silently, hoping that she could prove herself a little. As she ventured further out in to the lake, she paused every now and then, searching for the perfect target. Her black orbs focused in on one fish, a grime smile no placed delicately on her maw as she took a few steps forward. Slowing her steps until she was right on top of the animal, all that was left was to lung for it. Propelling her body forward with her back paws, Enya's strong jaws clamped down hard on the fish, near the tail. If she had waited any later, she would have missed entirely, she got it though, by the skin of her teeth. Relieved Enya lifted her head up, keeping the squirming fish exactly where she wanted in her maw, she made her way over to her master shaking her head as she did trying to kill the fish. As she came up to Shadow the fish slowly went limp signalling it's death, she dropped it at his front paws and backed away slightly her paws once again in the water.

RE: Height you have risen, but from the depth you have climbed. - Shadow - September 15, 2014

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He watched with keen silver eyes as his slave descended into the waters, he did not miss how she barely caught the fish, only managed to catch it when her jaws caught the tail but he did not comment on it instead watched her with an even and cool gaze as she made her way towards him and dropped the now dead fish by his paws. He looked up to her and called "Come," with a beckoning flick of his tail. He sat down near the shore, his gaze thoughtful as he looked at her.

"You may eat the fish," he said softly, turning to the distant horizon, flicking his tail as he did so. "I suppose you know how a slave lives, you must submit to any wolf in the pack that is of higher rank than you. Basically everyone except for the captives. Other than your slave duties, you must do normal pack duties and you can only hunt for the pack when someone I trust is watching you. But don't worry, we won't let you starve."

He flashed her a cold crooked grin. "You are expected to patrol the borders too, with someone to watch you in case you run away and if you ever do, I promise I'll track you down and make sure you suffer a terrible and painful death."

RE: Height you have risen, but from the depth you have climbed. - Enya - September 15, 2014

Enya lifted the fish once more, and followed the brute slightly away from the edge of the water. "You may eat the fish," she was slightly surprised, but did not hesitate, "Thank you, dominus." Sitting on her hind legs, she dipped her head and tore into the belly of the fish, pulling it apart with her teeth. She hadn't realized how hungry she was until the meat of the fish made it's way into her stomach. It didn't take her long to finish the meal.

"... I promise I'll track you down and make sure you suffer a terrible and painful death." I would expect nothing less Praetor... was the first thought to flash through Enya's mind, but she held her tongue instead, "Yes dominus." She already knew the life of a slave, she knew the rules, so now she had to live the life. There was still the subject of her punishment, while she was not eager to find out what he had decided, she knew it was best to get it over with.

RE: Height you have risen, but from the depth you have climbed. - Shadow - September 15, 2014

Last post from me :)
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"Good," he nodded, turning to look at his slave. "If anyone disobeys the rules, as in lets you run away, gives you extra food etc. You let me know and I'll punish that wolf but if you don't, you both will be punished." he canted his head in a birdlike manner. "You wouldn't want that would you?" a faint smile crept up his lips at that and his platinum eyes glinted brightly.

He rose to his paws, tail flicking over Enya's flank as he did. "You can go to Saltus Puniter and nowhere else until I come," and with that he turned and left, eager to go back and curl up with his lover, if she was still there that is.

RE: Height you have risen, but from the depth you have climbed. - Enya - September 15, 2014

[ooc] good to Archive [ooc]

Enya waited until he was gone, not responding to his question, but nodding instead. As he walked by her she watched him leave, happy that he had left her. "You will see Shadow. I will be free." She murmured to herself several minutes after he had left, assuring herself that he was out of ear shot, "You will see master." Although her words were not ones of rebellion or of hatred, merely conviction. In that moment she vowed to earn her freedom and respect from the Praetor, in the end he would release her, by his own paw she would be a free roman woman once more. Turning back the way they had come disappearing into the foliage heading for her new den.