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Blacktail Deer Plateau Black and blue - Printable Version

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Black and blue - Peregrine Redhawk - September 13, 2014

Perry took a kick to the ribs during the weekly hunt and now they're bruised. He also has a small laceration from the deer's hoof. Aspiring Healers especially welcome, though anybody's free to join!

Peregrine grunted as he slowly lowered himself to the forest floor. His ribs were smarting something horrible. He tentatively bent over to smooth his tongue over the small laceration on his flank, yet he winced and stopped when the pain proved to be too much. Instead, he stretched out and let his cheek rest on the cool ground. If he lay very still, the pain became a tolerable ache.

"Damn it," he muttered as he lay there. "Damn it, damn it, damn it." The Alpha was beginning to wonder if he should retire as a Gamekeeper and pursue a trade in which he was actually talented, unlike hunting. At least lately, he'd proved to be a massive failure. If he didn't shape up by wintertime, he and the rest of the pack would be in bad shape.

RE: Black and blue - Osprey - September 13, 2014

ooc: sibling time!!! :)

Osprey hadn't participated in any group hunts lately, because even though she had nothing against playing in a team, she preferred the work in solitude more. Where there were many wolves, it was sure that gossip traveled fast. So right now she was on her way to visit Peregrine - she was holding a little mouse by it's tail and, while she ran, it dangled around like a pendulum without a clock.

She found him pretty soon, approached him slowly and finally came to a halt, staring down at his handsome face. "Hey, beautiful," she said fondly, forgetting that there had been something in her mouth. The mouse landed on Perry's cheek with a quiet "flop".

RE: Black and blue - Peregrine Redhawk - September 13, 2014

Yay! :)

Peregrine heard footfalls coming his way and recognized the cadence of steps immediately. After all, he'd lived with Osprey for the better part of three years. He didn't bother opening his eyes, which had drifted shut, until he felt her looming over him. Even as they popped open, something smacked him softly in the chest. He looked down, saw the mouse, then looked up at his sister with a quirked brow.

"I'm so bad at hunting that my pack mates are stoning me with dead mice?" he joked dryly. Forgetting his ribs, he attempted to sit up, only to gasp and sprawl back on the ground. "We hunted this morning and I took a hoof to the ribs. Hurts like a bitch," he explained with a pained grunt. "And we failed for the fourth time running. Remember the good old days, when I was one of Flightless Falcons' top hunters? What the hell happened?" he groused.

RE: Black and blue - Osprey - September 14, 2014

"Yup," Osprey teased and leaned down, picked the mouse up and put it down by Peregrine's paws. Then she settled so that she was near her brother and their faces in the same level. "I heard that," she said, feeling sorry for her brother, but knowing well that she wouldn't be able to help in any way. "Maybe you should ask for some anti-pain herbs from Blue Willow," she mused and looked Perry briefly in the eyes. "She must have some."

"A pack hunt is a team-work - not a single star game," unless you hunted alone. "Besides it has always been a game of luck and chance. You can never predict the result. So don't you worry," she licked his cheek in a reassuring manner, "you will be unstoppable next time."

RE: Black and blue - Peregrine Redhawk - September 14, 2014

"I'm sure she does," Peregrine agreed, "I just haven't gotten around to asking. Besides, I wasn't sure there was a whole lot she could do with an internal injury. I don't think that chewing some leaves is going to take the edge off this pain," he explained with a tight grimace.

Osprey reassured him and even offered a consoling lick, which he received with appreciation. "Still," he countered, "four failures in a row tells me I need to improve my leadership and strategy with these hunts. Although Fox can take the blame for the third one; going to that beach was her idea." His lips twitched fondly. "Hope you're right, Oss."

He shifted slightly and painstakingly, then helped himself to the treat she'd brought. He hadn't eaten in a few days, so why not? After licking his chops, he gave her a grateful nudge and asked, "How're things?"

RE: Black and blue - Osprey - September 15, 2014

"Don't underestimate Blue Willow," Osprey said and shook her head slowly. "Her knowledge in herbs and healing could make the devil himself dance," she joked. Sometimes she imagined her friend being a little bit of a witch and her doings part miracle, part magic. Of course, Osprey was no kid and knew very well that there were conditions, where even the healer couldn't help, but this happened rarely. "So your pain should be a piece of cake to her," she winked.

"We have had worse than that, if you haven't forgotten," Osprey reminded. Flightless falcons had been fairly successful pack, yet the life in the wild had it's own rules and she recalled well periods, when food had been very scarce and they had had to be hungry for several days. "There is always snacks," she beckoned to the little mice, which disappeared in Perry's mouth the next moment, "and rabbit food, if it's really bad."

MO had done a good job in training her kids, how to survive, therefore this knowledge was a source of optimism to Osprey. "Pretty well," she replied, but there weren't many notable events to share with her brother. "I am glad that Atticus is back to himself though," she smiled, but then her expression became sad. "Has there been any sign of Saena? Does anyone know, where she has gone?"

RE: Black and blue - Peregrine Redhawk - September 15, 2014

Osprey was right about Blue Willow, of course. She had coaxed a catatonic wolf back to life, hadn't she? Of course she could remedy his stupid ribs. Peregrine smiled and gave a quiet laugh, though put a stop to that immediately. Laughing hurt. He would go visit with the Healer soon.

The mention of rabbit food earned another smile from him. "I'm actually working on locating the plateau's alternative food resources, since we've been sucking so bad. It's off go a good start. I'll tell you more once I've done more research."

Yes, the news of Atticus's improving health was wondrous, so much so that it almost eclipsed the fact that two of his little girls were gone, probably forever. "No," he answered frankly. "But then, it seems like we're in the minority if we believe they're too young to leave home. Nobody else seems to think much of it. And what choice do I have but to align with that thinking? I have to convince myself that, even though I'll always think of them as my babies, they're big girls now. Otherwise, I'll go crazy worrying about what's going to happen to them out there."

RE: Black and blue - Osprey - September 17, 2014

"Don't overwork yourself," Osprey interjected between the two subjects, reminding Peregrine that, even though he was the leader of the pack, it didn't mean that he had to feed each of his subordinates with a silver spoon. None of them were babies, if you were to be a survivor, you had to think for yourself and not rely on or blame those, who were at the top of the hierarchy. If any of their group weren't able to find alternative ways of how to feed themselves, then it was their fault. If they died because of that, Osprey wouldn't be the one to weep in their funeral. Life was a tough thing and you had to know, how to deal with it.

"Five month old adolescent hardly counts for someone, who can survive on it's own," she said with a tinge of slight disappointment in her voice. The Plateau was losing their youths one by one and with that a future generation too and it was sad that the majority of the pack didn't care. "Anyway... are you planning to have kids with Fox next spring... and Lasher too?" she added Perry's lover's name after a short and awkward pause. Leaving out the other significant fellow of her brother's life had seemed rude.

RE: Black and blue - Peregrine Redhawk - September 17, 2014

"Don't say that, Oss," Peregrine pleaded softly. "They're young but they're healthy and able. Junior at least has a pack at her back and she's a Warrior and Outrider. I can't bear thinking that they've gone out into the world just to perish." He'd had a handful of juveniles approach his borders in his day, so he knew it wasn't impossible for them to survive. He knew his sister had a point, it just wasn't something he could bear contemplating right now.

"Yes, Fox and I hope to have a litter. That's part of why Junior left, you know. She was very upset at the idea of 'replacement' puppies." He sighed, which made him wince. "Lasher would have my babies too, if he were capable, I'm sure," he added, his eyes twinkling. "I don't think those two will be establishing any amorous connections after all. Lasher did offer to father a litter with Blue Willow but, well, Atticus is back now and there's no need for that. In any case, I intend to keep him close and involved in the pups' lives when the time comes. I'm not sure in what capacity but we'll figure it out when the time comes."

After a brief lull of silence, Peregrine impishly inquired, "What would you do if I named another pup Osprey? Osprey the Third?" He was joking, of course, but even as the teasing remark slipped off his tongue, he thought of his daughter and how she felt replaced by his potential future children. His lips pressed together.

RE: Black and blue - Osprey - September 17, 2014

Peregrine dismissed her doubts, but Osprey understood why. Deep inside he agreed with her, but were their roles reversed, she would want to think only the best for her kids. For Junior's and Saēna's sake she hoped that, wherever they were now, they were doing well and, if fate would have it, they would meet again. On the other hand - children usually didn't come alone, they came in twos, threes and more - soon Perry's hands would be full of taking care of the next litter and the sorrow and worry for his older children would dissolve over time.

"Imagine, what would our parents would have done, if we pulled a tantrum every time new siblings were born," she mused and at the same time she didn't understand, why a new litter would be such a great deal. By the time Fox's kids were born, Junior would be all grown up and have different interests. When Osprey had become a yearling, she had already moved out of the common den and had been quite glad that mom and dad had a new "batch" to take care of and look after. Saved them the trouble to pester their older kids.

"I would tell you that you lack any kind of creativity," she side-glanced at him, looking serious.

RE: Black and blue - Peregrine Redhawk - September 17, 2014

Despite himself, Peregrine smiled at Osprey's observation. He then chewed on his lip as his expression grew thoughtful. He said, "Junior's a lot different than we were. I don't remember any of us kids being high-strung and bossy. She might be a little spoiled," he admitted, fighting the urge to hang his head. Almost certainly, he was at least partly to blame for how she'd turned out, whether it was a result of nature, nurture or a little bit of both.

His sister's serious look coaxed an unprecedented laugh from Peregrine, then a lengthy groan. "Stahp," he moaned. "Stop being funny. Laughing hurts." Despite his words, he managed a pained grin for her. "Don't worry, I have no plans to recycle the name again. I'll leave that up to Junior if she wants." He paused, wondering if his daughter would ever have pups, especially if she was living in a sisterhood. He swept the thought aside. "Anyway, according to Fox, we're naming them all the same thing: Fuzzbutt."

RE: Black and blue - Osprey - September 18, 2014

"It's easy to fix that," Osprey said with a humorous note in her voice. "have more babies next year." It was not meant as a serious suggestion, but the fact that there had never been only one or two puppies in a litter had probably contributed to the fact that the older generation of Redleaf-DiSarinno's had all kind of flaws, but being spoiled wasn't one of them. At least that was, what Osprey thought.

"Geez, both of you are awful," Osprey said and stuck out her tongue. "I have been up and about explaining that names are important and affect a kid's life, yet here you are not caring about that at all," she teased him, even though part of her really hoped that Peregrine wouldn't stick to this plan. Fox didn't seem to put much importance in names anyway. "Do you hear the bones rattling?" she asked and then cast a pointed glance down at the ground. "That's our ancestors turning around in their graves hearing you telling nonsense."

RE: Black and blue - Peregrine Redhawk - September 22, 2014

Osprey seemed rather indignant, which earned a grin from him. "Worry not, ancestors! I actually place a lot of importance on names. Fox actually wanted to hold off on naming them until they're older and I told her no fuckin' way. The minute they're born, they're unique individuals. Even if they don't all survive, I want them to have names." Peregrine looked at Osprey imploringly, though he knew he was preaching to the choir here.

"I was actually thinking that if we have a little girl that takes after her mom, we could call her Wildfire," he mused in the next moment, glancing at his older sister to see what she thought of the name.

RE: Black and blue - Osprey - October 03, 2014

ooc: I apologize for the delay. Life happened.

When Osprey had had a chance to have a conversation with Fox, she had felt a little bemused about the fact that Perry's mate put so little importance in names. However, being the grown up adult she was, she knew that there were some subjects you didn't argue about and one of them were personal beliefs. Besides now that Peregrine reassured her as well as the ancestors that kids would have proper and original names, she didn't worry about the fates of his progeny anymore.

"Wildfire sounds nice," she nodded in approval. "So... how are things with you and Fox? How do you get along?" she asked to keep the conversation going.

RE: Black and blue - Peregrine Redhawk - October 05, 2014

"They're great," he answered without even having to think about it. "I know she's a piece of work sometimes — I wanted to kill her ass the first time I met her — but she grows on you. I guess you could say she's an acquired taste." He almost laughed, then remembered his ribs and suppressed the urge. "I feel like our relationship is better than my last one because we actually knew each other a long time before things took a turn for the romantic. I didn't enter into it lightly this time around," he assured his sister in case she was thinking of having this exact sort of conversation about Hawkeye back in the day.

"When are you going to bring home a spouse for me to torture?" he wondered. "I don't care of it's a guy or a girl or not even a wolf... it would be really awesome to see you find someone to love and maybe have a couple of chicks, Oss. If that's what you want, of course," Peregrine quickly added.

RE: Black and blue - Osprey - October 07, 2014

Observing Peregrine's love life from afar Osprey doubted that anything like that was meant for her. Her brother had gone from lovesick bird to a heartbroken mess with a lot of drama inbetween. Now he was on the same road again and she couldn't help, but compare the "Perry in love with Hawkeye" and the person he was now and find very little difference between the two. She had a bad premonition that his relationship of his would end badly too.

But she was wise enough not to voice her doubts, because Perry's personal life was none of her business anymore. "Believe me - I have looked hard and kissed at least a dozen of possible frog-princes, but none of them turned into one I liked," she joked, leaving out the fact that she had eaten most of the frogs afterwards. "Therefore I have decided that at some point I will go on a quest to rescue a prince charming from evil clutches of a dragon. I heard that there are quite a few like those out there."

RE: Black and blue - Peregrine Redhawk - October 08, 2014

Osprey reported kissing dozens, a declaration which earned a shrewd and speculative glance from her brother. Was she speaking literally or was she whimsically exaggerating? Or perhaps a bit of both? He couldn't decide. It would be just like her to kiss actual frogs and halfway expect them to transform into princes, though.

She told him she intended to save her Prince Charming from an evil dragon, thereby reversing many of the old fairytales. Peregrine thumped his tail in approval in lieu of laughing. Osprey would never be anyone's damsel in distress, so it fit that she would go looking for a man and rescue him instead.

"I feel like that's what hit me: a big old dragon snout." He winced. "You can always practice on me until you find the real deal," he added with a puff of air meant to sound like a laugh without making him rue the doe who'd clouted him.

RE: Black and blue - Osprey - October 08, 2014

"Really?" Osprey cast a glance at Peregrine - her expression reflecting both surprise and a slight distaste for the whole idea. Kissing her brother for the sake of practice? Geez - it was a little incestuous. Then it occurred to her that might have meant the part of "kicking the ass of a dragon". In that case the offer was worth a consideration. Extra training had never hurt anyone.

Yet she couldn't resist a chance to tease him, therefore, in order to clear the matter, she asked: "Which one - kissing, rescuing a prince or fighting a dragon?" She mustered up a genuinely curious face and smiled.

RE: Black and blue - Peregrine Redhawk - October 08, 2014

"Rescuing a prince, of course," he drawled in reply, making a rather goofy face and quirking a brow at his sister. "I love you a lot, Osprey, and you're a beautiful and amazing woman... but I'm going to stick to making out with Fox and Lasher." He snorted, which hurt, and rolled a little to make himself more comfortable.

"Think I'm gonna take a nap, seeing as I can't do shit otherwise," he grumbled. "You're welcome to come over here and be my pillow, else we'll have to catch up more later."

RE: Black and blue - Osprey - October 08, 2014

"Oh shucks, how am I going to live with that," Osprey shot a cheeky glance at Peregrine and then leaned over to give a nip to his ear. There was a time, when she believed to be his center of the world - the first sibling/girlfriend - yet things had changed now and it was not easy to get used to. "With all due respect to all of your lovers - but I do feel a little jealous for them occupying you," she teased, but meant no ill. She was a grown up individual after all. She knew that change of their relationship was inevitable.

"I can serve as your pillow, your highness," Osprey smiled at him and gave an affectionate peck on his cheek. Anything for you, brother.

RE: Black and blue - Peregrine Redhawk - October 08, 2014

"I can't help it that everybody wants me," Peregrine quipped in return. "But I'll make a point to make more time for you, Silver Bullet, just because you're my favorite." He winked at her, then beamed when she agreed to be his pillow pal. "You're the best," he murmured as he snuggled up to her, his sister's familiar soothing scent and warmth causing his lips to twitch into a smile even in his sleep.