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Blacktail Deer Plateau i can't stop drinking about you - Printable Version

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i can't stop drinking about you - Bones - September 13, 2014

This takes place a few days from now (couldn't resist getting it started!). Please allow @Ira to post first, then anyone's welcome. :)

They took their time, enjoying the waning summer scenery and cooler weather as they trekked west through the mountains and then angled north in the direction of the plateau. By the time Bones and Ira found themselves in its shadow, her heart was thumping with anxious excitement. The yearling looked forward to catching up with her father and seeing her old Alpha. She hoped Atticus and Ira would get along. The yearling also wondered if she might get to see some of her young cousins.

"Remember," she said to Ira as she prepared to call for her loved ones, "they might try to convince me to stay here. Help me stay strong to the creek, blaggard." Bones smiled, her eyes dancing merrily. Truth be told, she wondered if she really belonged in the creek now, now that everything had changed. Yet she felt an attachment to it and she wanted to honor her vow to Bazi. "It's me home," she whispered, talking to herself.

"Ready to meet me old man?" she teased in the next breath before throwing back her head and howling for Atticus, Peregrine, Fox or anyone else that was available for a visit with the recently returned marauder.

RE: i can't stop drinking about you - Ira Nox - September 15, 2014

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The trip with Bones was nice. They took their time, walking leisurely, absent of a pressure to rush and be there at a certain time. It was nice to take the time to take in the scenery though the landscape held nothing for the pallid Princeling. In reality, he enjoyed simply being with Bones, glad that had wanted him to go along. Ira didn't like leaving her side but gave her space because he did not want to appear clingy — which he wasn't. He trusted that the wolves of Swiftcurrent Creek wouldn't harm her though the only one he knew besides Bones was Bazi and even then Ira couldn't say with any sort of conviction that he liked her. The pallid Princeling received the feeling that such was mutual. Ira minded his tongue in the wintery Queen's presence for Bones' sake alone. It was hard, surprisingly, but he did it, offering up a charm full of falsities and deceptions to ensure that he had a place alongside the Tortuga girl. Pretending to be something he wasn't was annoying but Bones was worth it. And...maybe someday he convince her to join him...if and when he decided to try to make a go of it. The whole leading thing. It was what Jinx had groomed him for, after all. Even Lecter had aided in his teachings.

Silver eyes moved to his dark companion when she spoke, asking him to help her hold strong to her loyalty to the Creek. “I promise,” Ira shot her a cheeky little grin but if she really wished to stay at the Creek then he would aid her in staying true to it. In truth, it didn't matter to him which pack they called home — as long as she wanted him with her he was contented with purely being by her side. She was all he wanted, and all that he needed. He drew to her side, careful not to touch her too much, having found (by accident) that she didn't like anyone getting too close to her bum. It filled Ira with horrible nightmares of what they had done to her, his lovely Crossbones, but knowing it he tried not to stay away from her more sensitive areas even though though it had been done purely on accident. He made to brush his muzzle against hers, and attempted to give her an encouraging lick to her cheek before he turned his eyes to the Plateau which loomed before them impressively. He had never before been to the home of her father — having had no real need — and admittedly it felt a little strange to be meeting her family now when they weren't, and as Bones had clearly told him, probably would never be anything but friends (not that Ira gave up that easily; he was surprisingly defiant) but he wanted to know that one of her parents wasn't a ruthless little bitch.

“I'm ready for anything,” Ira told Bones in a flippant manner, a smirk tugging at the edges of his lips. He tried to make it sound as casual as he could but he was nervous to meet Atticus, though he had no intentions of letting it be known. Ira supposed, in the truth of things, that it didn't matter what Atticus thought of him but still it was the first time that Ira actually wanted to make a good impression on somebody. Which was bizarre to the pallid Princeling. In that new territory he found his nervousness not sure what to make of his desire to appease Atticus' standards; and not quite so sure that Ira enjoyed the desperation that came with it, on top of that.

RE: i can't stop drinking about you - Dante RIP - September 16, 2014

Dante heard the call and immediately started in that direction. He did not recognize the tone and therefore knew it to be a stranger on the border. He was not doing anything particularly important at the moment so figured he could at least greet them. It sounded from the quality of the call though that they had friends here.

"Hello!" He called as he approached, voice friendly as he saw no reason not to be. The two were respectfully remaining on the border and did not appear to be thinking about encroaching. "Are you seeking someone?"

RE: i can't stop drinking about you - RIP Fox - September 16, 2014

Fox, with her usual shitty memory, answered the call like it was just another day in the life of Mrs. Redleaf-DiSarinno. Life had been easy here on the plateau, and Fox had managed to keep her usual trouble-making to a minimum. How, she wasn't quite sure. Perhaps the fact that Peregrine occupied much of her time had something to do with it. If she was hanging out with him, there was only so much damage she could do.

The firecrotch fireball strode toward the call leisurely, but when she caught a whiff of the distinct smell of Bones her demeanor changed in a flash. One moment, she was strolling along with a bored expression, the next she was bolting toward her former pack-mate with tail wagging frantically back and forth and her eyes and ears alert and attentive. Without a word, Fox crashed her way past Dante, ignored Ira completely (whom Fox did not remember), and began giving her pack-sister all the friendly licks Bones would allow.

While Fox had never considered Bones a child, she had been as close to a little sister as Fox had ever known.

RE: i can't stop drinking about you - Bones - September 17, 2014

An unfamiliar gray wolf appeared and descended to meet them. Bones bowed her head, her eyes fixing respectfully on his feet for a moment before flicking upward. He seemed amiable enough and didn't appear interested in interrogating them. He simply wanted to know if they were seeking someone in particular.

The yearling opened her mouth to answer him when a flurry of red fur appeared and flung itself at her. Although Fox did not touch her trigger zone, the sheer suddenness and intensity of her approach provoked an instinctual response from Bones. With a sharp yelp, she flinched and snapped her teeth at her assailant.

Of course, she recognized her former captain and realized her mistake no more than two seconds later. Bones's ears disappeared against her skull as she buckled her legs, dropped to the ground and rolled onto her back. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" she said, hoping neither Fox nor her gray comrade was already preparing to dispatch her. "I didn't mean it. I'm sorry!"

Momentarily too afraid to elaborate on why she'd reacted that way, Bones held her breath and tried to make herself even smaller by shrinking into a ball. What a cruel twist of fate that she might die here today at worst and lose the respect of her Aunt Fox and the rest of her family at best. And all because of what Cutlass had (allowed to be) done to her. The youthful marauder felt shame choking her and squeezed her eyes shut, willing herself to disappear.

RE: i can't stop drinking about you - Ira Nox - September 17, 2014

Hopefully I was vague enough (if not I can edit!) since I have no idea how Dante and Fox would react to Ira attempting to push his way through to shield Bones. Feel free to powerplay him as necessary. :-)

Ira was tense at the approach of an unknown man, though the grey male's greeting held a friendliness that Ira, instinctively, didn't trust. In Ira's world no one was friendly without wanting something from him, though that belief seemed a little ridiculous to the pallid Princeling. Eyes of frigid silver watched him as he inquired as to if they were seeking someone in the Plateau or not. What else would we be standing here for? desired to slip from betwixt Ira's lips full of the contempt he felt at such a redundant and useless question but he bit it back for the sake of not wanting to start off meeting Bones' family — despite that he suspected the a man wasn't apart of said family — on the wrong paw. While she might have found his insolence and patronizing way charming Ira was beginning to realize that if he did not implore charisma every now and then his goals might truly be impossible. In thus, Ira favored silence deciding to let Bones answer that question, else he end up causing them trouble, and Bones had, had enough trouble in her life.

Bones didn't have a chance to get words out, however, for Fox herself came bursting onto the scene, and flung herself right at Bones, ignoring Ira and the man that had greeted them at the borders. Time, in a bizarre warp as adrenaline shot through his veins, seemed to slow down allowing Ira to notice every single movement that passed. Bones yelp was like a sharp knife through his heart and Ira's instincts took over, attempting to force himself between the two of them wanting nothing more than to shield Bones with his body. “Get away from her!” Ira commanded baring his teeth in a threatening display, hackles raised and throat protected with the tuck of his muzzle downwards, not caring that Fox was once his leader, not caring that he was out numbered. The only thing that mattered was Bones.

“Bones,” Ira let out a soft whine. He desired to look at her, and if he had would have encouraged that she rose, that she didn't need to submit...that he wouldn't let any of them harm her. ”Just...give her space, Fox, please.” It was a very rare thing that Ira ever uttered such a word, and he expected to be forced down or tackled, or even killed. As much as he desired to see his mother again he was not willing to leave Bones now that he had found her again. Tearing his eyes off of Fox and her companion he made to move closer to Bones at the sound of her choked noise, wanting to hurl insults at Fox for doing this to Bones...because Ira had thought that she had been doing good, because Ira had worked not to say or do anything that might remind Bones of what had happened to her. “Bones...” He whispered, ignoring their audience for the time being. “It's okay.” I won't let anyone hurt you.

“We just came here to see her father, Atticus. And she wanted to see her cousins, too. That was all. But you can't touch her, understand? She doesn't like it.” Admittedly, Ira felt that he was putting it a bit mildly but he wanted to explain without really explaining it to them because as far as he was concerned it was none of their business as to what had happened...unless Bones wished to tell them.

RE: i can't stop drinking about you - Dante RIP - September 17, 2014

It all happened so quickly. One moment he was awaiting an answer, the next Fox rocketed past and pandemonium broke out. Dante's ears flattened as Bones' yelp broke out and the other male moved to protect her... He wasn't about to let harm come to Fox, but he did not want to fight these two. It was obvious Bones' actions had been simply a reflex, one Dante understood completely, though his context was vastly different than hers. It was the motion of one used to being attacked while off guard, and a flash of sympathy rose in him. He showed none of it, however.

"No one is being punished here," he told the girl, looking to Fox for confirmation. Her approach had been so openly friendly that he doubted she would see the girl harmed. Ira's tone wasn't so great, but he obviously cared for his companion, so Dante did not comment on it. Let Fox deal with that if she was offended. "No harm done."

It came as a surprise to him to learn that Atticus had a daughter. A past mateship perhaps? It wasn't his place to ask, so he nodded. He wasn't sure that Atticus would be up for the trip to the border, having not fully recovered yet from his injury and accompanying illness. At least he was awake though, thankfully. "Atticus has been indisposed of late, though he has improved considerably, do not worry. I will leave that tale to another to tell, though." He was an unknown at the moment so would let family catch up with family. "Perhaps we could take them to him?" He asked Fox, for these circumstances could be enough to merit an escorted trip within the bounds. If she refused though he would understand, for he wasn't sure what Peregrine would think of letting strangers within, even if they were family.

RE: i can't stop drinking about you - RIP Fox - September 17, 2014

The snap from Bones left Fox more surprised than angry, and she stepped backward with an expression that said as much. How could Bones do that? What the hell had her mother done to her? But it was Ira's intervening that set Fox off, and she gave him a wrinkle of her lips and a snarl of her own. “Don’t you ever fucking speak to me that way, you little shit,” she replied. She didn't recognize him, even now. He had lived for only a short time in the creek, and they had never bonded on any serious level. Fox didn't bother to notice that he knew her name, figuring that he had learned it from Bones or somewhere else.

Once the white one had been dealt with, Fox fanned her ears back to listen to Dante. He was, after all, her second in command alongside Blue Willow, and Fox had somehow learned to listen to her co-leaders during the past few months. “Definitely not him,” Fox replied, shooting Ira a dark look. “Bones, are you staying?” she asked. It made no sense for her to live at the creek now. Fox was here, and so was Atticus.

RE: i can't stop drinking about you - Bones - September 17, 2014

Ira spoke softly in her ear, trying to console her. Beyond him, she could hear the silver male speaking evenly. "No harm done." Slowly, the yearling's eyes cracked open, though they winced shut again as Fox's sharp words cracked over them all like a biting whip. It took a beat for Bones to realize that Fox wasn't yelling at her but at Ira instead. Her eyes reopened, burning with tears. They were all at odds because of her.

If not for the news about her father, Bones might have fled right then. Instead, her glistering eyes fixed on the gray brute and she asked in a quivering voice, "Me father's been hurt? What happened?" Slowly, she rolled over and pushed herself into a sitting position, though her head hung low between her silvered shoulder blades.

"Please don't fight because of me," she added to both Ira and Fox. "She didn't know, Ira. And he was just trying to protect me, Fox," Bones tried to explain to them respectively. "Neither one of ye did anything wrong." She paused and sucked in a shaky breath, then shook her head at Fox's question. "I can't. I promised Cap'n Bazi. And Ira goes wherever I go." And Fox had just made it very clear what she thought of him.

Feeling humiliated and defeated — quite different than she had expected to feel on this trip — Bones let her head drape even lower. Tears fell from her pale eyes, dripping down her slender muzzle and onto the grass between her forepaws.

RE: i can't stop drinking about you - Ira Nox - September 17, 2014

There was a serious conflict of interest in the aftermath of Ira stepping forward to defend Bones, despite the fact that he didn't, initially, think that Fox was going to harm her. Ira's eyes narrowed when Fox snarled at him to never talk to her that way again, but she had stopped being his Alpha a long time ago and he didn't have to do anything she told him. Not that he would have listened before, either. The only woman he had listened to was deceased now, though he was becoming better at listening to Bones, driven only by similar reasons: respect and the fact that he cared for them. I'll talk to you in any way that I please, burned on the tip of Ira's tongue but with a show of great restraint he bit it back, because he didn't want to ruin Bones' chance of seeing her father again, if the damage he had done already wasn't already hadn't cost her. Whatever respect Ira had harbored for Fox was gone with the single notion that if she remembered she didn't care. So, therefore, he wouldn't care about her either, and if it was not for Bones he'd have made everything ten times worse than they already were just for the malicious glee in it. He was miserable so why not share it? Why not be the insolent Princeling that everyone already knew him as? The insolent Princeling that was all he knew how to be.

Bones' pleading made him actually feel regret but not for stepping between them and angering Fox — no for that he felt no regret. Merely, he felt regret for causing Bones pain, for upsetting her. “It's instinct for me to protect her,” But Ira offered no apologizes to Fox, knowing that he would apologize for making a giant mess to Bones later, in private. There was a part of Ira that wanted to encourage Bones to go on without him, that he would wait for her at the borders; that she shouldn't suffer what was supposed to be a happy visit that the both of them had looked forward too because he was what he was: an insolent little shit; but there was another part of him that didn't want to let her go alone with them. He didn't know who he could trust anymore aside from Bones herself and so he trusted no one but her. Ira felt a small surge of joy that Bones did not intend to go anywhere without him, it caused a warmth to spread across his icy heart but he kept it at bay, turning stoic gaze to the Plateau wolves.

RE: i can't stop drinking about you - Dante RIP - September 17, 2014

to keep this moving ... Yay posting at work ahaha

If I had been anyone but Fox, Dante could have shut the situation down. But her rank required that he offer her no orders as to how she committed herself, so he kept quiet. He was very glad when the other fem asked that the situation diffuse, though. He hated unnecessary conflict and no one here meant harm, that much could be seen .

It appeared that it would fall to him to explain what had befallen Atticus, though Dante had hoped Peregrine could break the news. It would be better from him , he was sure . "Blue or Peregrine could explain further, but he took a fall. He is recovering and will be himself in no time, I am sure, but must take things easier at this time." It was vague , but Dante himself didn't have all the details.

He still wished there was some way for Bones to see her father. If Fox wished to, and Bones was ok with it, he would be more than happy to wait with Ira here. He refrained from offering just yet, though, wanting to see what came of the situation first .

RE: i can't stop drinking about you - RIP Fox - September 18, 2014

Fox shot another menacing look at Ira as Bones spoke to defend him, but she did not heckle him further just yet. It seemed that Bones would not be here to stay at the plateau. Instead, she had pledged herself to Bazi. It hurt to know that the little scallywag would not be here (where Fox fully believed she belonged), but she would to press the girl for more information. Besides, Ira was speaking now, and Fox retorted just as quickly. "And it's my instinct to kill little shits like you," she warned with narrowed eyes. This was her land, and he was nothing but a wolf from another pack to her.

She turned her attention back to Bones. "Atticus was out of it for a month or two. Basically, he couldn't do anything without anybody telling him to do it. He's well on his way to a full recovery, from what I've seen. I can't just... lead you onto the plateau, though." Peregrine would never allow it, Fox knew, and she was on the same page as him in that regard. "Why don't we see if either Dante or I can track down Atticus and bring him here to see you? Or we could arrange for him to meet you somewhere close in the next few days or weeks." As much as Fox wanted to bring Bones in and keep her safe here, she knew that the only way to do that would be if the girl wanted to stay here permanently.

RE: i can't stop drinking about you - Bones - September 18, 2014

Although Bones looked up to Fox, she felt a little appalled by the way she spoke to Ira, cursing at him and threatening to kill him simply for looking out for her. The yearling backpedaled a few feet in reaction to the acid leaking from her former captain's mouth. She shook her head lightly, as if bothered by a fly, though this stopped when first Dante and then Fox explained her father's condition.

It seemed not only Ira but Bones herself wasn't welcome on the plateau, despite having visited in the past and even playing with Peregrine's young pups at the time. Was Fox punishing her for refusing to relocate here or perhaps for hanging with Ira? Bones didn't know but her insides ached suddenly. Her chest felt tight. This all felt wrong. But it wasn't her place to question Fox's decrees, even if they pained her.

Bones sniffed and swiped a paw across her eyes, where tears still fell, hot and thick. "Please t-tell me dad I came to see him and that I'll come back... or, if he's well enough, he can c-come find me in the creek. I think we'd better go." As these words slipped off her tongue, she looked at Fox with hurt floating in her eyes, then bowed her head to both leaders before turning and nudging Ira away from the plateau.

RE: i can't stop drinking about you - Ira Nox - September 18, 2014

Ira did not respond to Fox's comeback, instead giving the fire kissed woman he had, at one point, respected, a sickeningly sweet smile. It was a false smile, of course, for there was no mirth to be felt about their current situation. It was amazing, Ira realized, how thoroughly his opinion of someone could be changed in a short matter of seconds. It didn't matter, he had no intentions of having further contact with her after this and he hoped that Bones didn't either, though of course he would never presume to tell his companion what to do. Fox was being the world's biggest bitch to Ira, as far as the youth cared at the moment, and Ira wondered why he hadn't been able to see this part of her before. Eventually, Ira tuned Fox out, turning and keeping his attention upon Bones, unable to guess if she would want to stay or not. It was when the Tortuga native let out a sniffle that he was drawn to the realization that she was crying and guilt twisted his stomach, though he was not fully to blame (and therefore would not shoulder all of it). Ira turned at Bones' nudge and turned before he paused long enough to shoot Fox a cold glare over his shoulder with a loud snort before he continued after Bones, whispering, “I'm sorry.” to her softly and sincerely, wishing that the trip had gone the way they had originally planned it to go.

RE: i can't stop drinking about you - Dante RIP - September 18, 2014

Dante inwardly flinched at Fox's tone in responding to Ira, but still kept completely neutral. Not for the first time he was left to wonder whether or not her hasty rise was a good idea, but he would not question aloud unless it was one of their own he felt was being wronged by it. A rough response to a rival pack member was not completely unwarranted, for his own demeanor spoke of civility but barely.

He felt a lot of sympathy for Bones, though, who had come here seeking family and friends. This had not gone well. Thus, his look was apologetic, but he did not question Fox's words. He personally did not understand why Bones could not alone enter escorted. Could the young one really do any harm? He would have happily stayed here with Ira to allow her the chance to see Atticus. He wondered how soon Atticus would be able to see her, hoping that he was well enough to make the trip sooner than later. As was quite obvious from her violent reaction to even a familiar face, she had been through an ordeal. She needed the support of loved ones, not harsh and impersonal words exchanged on a border.

"We will deliver your message," he responded simply, his tone warm. He would do his best to get her reunited with her father, for it would likely do him a lot of good as well to see her.

RE: i can't stop drinking about you - RIP Fox - September 18, 2014

@Dante, we can go ahead and continue for a bit, if that's ok with you! I kinda want to see if Dante will give her any shit for her attitude. :B

She wanted to say so much more. She should have said she was sorry, but that was not Fox's way. Saying as much would be admitting defeat, and Fox could not stand the thought of that. Hopefully, Bones would understand. Fox wasn't sure that she would, but there was little she could do about that when the younger lady turned and walked away from them. The fireball stood, a bit shell shocked, as she watched Bones and the little shit disappear into the landscape.

Once they had vanished out of view, Fox turned to Dante, whom she had all but forgotten had been standing there at all. “We should find Atticus,” she suggested. “That didn’t… go well, did it?” Fox added with an exasperated sigh. “I should just stay out of everybody else’s lives.”

RE: i can't stop drinking about you - Dante RIP - September 19, 2014

Phaw, Dante give someone shit? XD not too likely unless she provokes it, but I'm up for a bit of a continue ^^

Her question might have been rhetorical, but he responded anyway, for it was definitely the truth. "Not at all" he agreed, keeping mum as to why that might have been. Honestly the situation had been strange from the start, and somewhat volatile from the moment Fox and Ira had begun exchanging words.

He wasn't about to respond to her next statement, for he wasn't really privy to her recent strain of drama. Besides that, there wasn't really a tactful way to answer. True, her actions had hardly made the situation better, but she was within her rights as Alpha to turn away trespassers. It was not as Dante would have done, though. And as he often did, he would keep his observations in mind for future situations. Perhaps next time he could stop such a confrontation before it occurred.

RE: i can't stop drinking about you - RIP Fox - September 24, 2014

@Dante, you can go ahead and wrap up with your next post or just have it archived here. :)

Considering Dante did not elaborate, Fox assumed he had nothing more to say about the matter. With no guidance from him, she figured it couldn't have gone any other way. With a flick of her ear, she set about finding Atticus and letting him know that Bones was back. He could seek her out at his leisure, when he was ready, or Fox would find Bones again and let her know when and where she could meet her blood father.

Whether or not Dante wanted to come along for the ride was up to him entirely, though she certainly wouldn't mind his company.

RE: i can't stop drinking about you - Dante RIP - September 25, 2014

Hoorah! I'm considering making Dante grow a spine one of these days and actually confront Fox about something. I really want to see what happens XD

Perhaps Dante should have said more on the matter, but voicing his thoughts was still a right that he was very much getting used to exercising. Up until now his counsel had been his own and nothing further needed. Now, though, things were different. He would adjust eventually, and already was speaking much more than even a few short months ago. Small steps.

Taking on Fox after such an encounter would be more like a bound outside of his comfort zone. Thus, he stayed mum. He did turn to follow her, though, wishing to be there when Atticus heard the news that his daughter had returned and wished to see him. He looked forward to breaking the good news.