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Silverlight Terrace Tresspasser's be Welcome i - Printable Version

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Tresspasser's be Welcome i - Vein - March 06, 2021

looking to meet new wolves and I'd love a fast moving thread, but any will do
However this is Forward Dated to March 9th for travel time between where he was and where I want him to be now :)

The description of the territory he's in is obviously plagiarized from the territory descriptions of wolf :) I was in need inspiration

The overly large brute stood and took in the beauty of the land, His full belly his digesting to over abundance of grouse he'd killed and eaten until he could barely waddle and that was a feat in and of itself.

His sun golden eyes Natural rock strata formations cascaded down the North side of Moonspear to spill into a rich, green land. The rolling hills here are teeming with life, as spring drew all the animals out in droves a perfect time for mating.

He stood admiring the view for a few hours watching too the sun set, the churps and cries of the forest creatures all around him, He was at peace in this moment one with nature admiring the gifts of the gods. As night embraced the earth, the moon woke and in it's glory it was bright and full, the night didn't seem so dark, The stranger stood haloed by the light of the moon looking for all the world like a ghost, though if one got closer they'd see his white pelt was mottled with the dirt and grime of several days of travel and the lack of attention by it's owner. For he rarely spent time upon himself unless he was filling his belly. Vein was just not a vain wolf by any stretch of the imagination.

He watched the new spring growth green grass catch the moonbeams and takes on a silvery tone. Peace and quiet, surrounded him now as most of the day creatures went to bed though crickets and the night creature were just waking up. He finally began to stroll just taking in the beauty of nature all around him.

RE: Tresspasser's be Welcome i - Adrastus - March 06, 2021

Even though the altitude change between the Spine and the Terrace was minimal at best, there was a noticeable difference in how the land had begun to respond to the warmer temperatures which had begun to creep in. During the daytime, the ground had begun to thaw and become softer underfoot, both due to the snowmelt turning into moisture and the underground frost which too had begun to melt. He could smell the thick, wet scent of decaying leaves which had spent the winter covered in snow, now set to be fully decomposed and consumed by the grass which had begun to sprout up in vibrant green shoots. 

He had not yet begun to shed, though his thick pelt began to feel perhaps a bit too heavy and warm for the temperatures that were climbing steadily throughout the day. Soon enough, he supposed, he would begin to lose fur in tufts at first, and then in big chunks- which would be perfect for birds to use as they lined their nests. 

So he kept to the mountain range until after the sun had set, so he might not get overheated when he passed down the slope to the terrace in hopes of doing some middle-of-the-night hunting. The moonlight made it fairly easy to see, as it reflected silver light back down onto the terrace. Aptly named, he thought as he padded through the new, fresh grasses. He lowered his head to sniff around, hoping that perhaps some herbivores had passed this way in search of a snack; only to catch sight of a pale- but fairly dirty- figure striding along calmly in the distance. He lifted his head slightly to appraise the fellow, who stood both taller and broader than Adrastus himself- but there was a peaceful serenity about the look on his face, as though he too reveled in the hush and quiet of the terrace.

RE: Tresspasser's be Welcome i - Vein - March 06, 2021

Vein was used to smelling for blood or blood born illnesses and infections. He was not adept at sniffing out prey or other wolves beyond what he could see, a scout he was not. In fact wandering this far from his home base was definitely out of character for him. Though nothing was out of character should her find a rare herb, he’d go to any lengths for a plant.

To this end he was almost unto of the other wolf before he noticed him and he paused rocking back onto his butt and resting comfortably attempting to show the other that he was relaxed and not interested in a fight.

His deep rich baritone broke the peace of the night, and he sought to be the ever polite gentleman “Hello There, I am Vein. A fine night isn’t it” He casually turned his attention upward toward the moon before returning it to the other with an amicable smile upon his maw.

RE: Tresspasser's be Welcome i - Adrastus - March 06, 2021

The silence was breached with the tones of a welcome and friendly voice, mirrored in the kindness of eyes that glinted, but proclaimed no devil. Another friendly wolf; polite enough that he made a conscious show of his relaxed posture, which was quite impactful considering the fact that such a large wolf could have seemed intimidating without even flexing a muscle. He sat, a gesture which Adrastus took to mean an invitation for companionship so he approached, tail swinging loosely at his hocks so that they might converse without needing to raise their voices across the distance and disturb the peaceful night. 

"It is," He said. A fine night indeed- just the right temperature, he thought, for this time of year. Not too cold, and not too hot. For someone with a thick pelt, it was practically perfect. "Adrastus," He said, with a dip of his head. He sniffed the air, hoping he might find out a bit more about the male's lifestyle by his scent- but truth be told, there wasn't much he could glean as the male's scent was masked somewhat by the scent of dirt and perhaps a bit of stale blood. He had to wonder if this was simply a tactic used to hide personal information, of it the male simply lacked basic hygiene. "What brings you to these parts?" he asked. A congenial enough question, asked as he sat down, curling his plush tail about his feet.

RE: Tresspasser's be Welcome i - Vein - March 06, 2021

Vein was impressed that the stranger relaxed, though he himself was easy going not many other wolves were. Most detested what they saw as outsider, he had been the brunt of many attacks even if he had rarely fought back.

He looked up to the stars then slowly to the aptly name Moonspear and then to the plants he chuckled softly "In all honesty I was out in search of herbs and just getting to knew the area I call home, when I began to wander without aim or a true direction in mind and quite frankly I think I might have gotten myself a little lost by a few days travel at least."

He looked around as if realizing for the first time that he might indeed be lost, he hummed his easy smile slipping for a moment before he shrugged "I don't suppose you know of any places to find herbs or possibly charcoal from a fire, someone once gave me directions, but I don't know the way from here specifically"

He made sure not to ask to much of his new companion, likely a native to this area he didn't want to seem to interested in any pack location, though if Adrastus gave him a completely round about way to any location he might suspect there were packs in the direct path, though it would be prudent to avoid any pack territory anyway.

RE: Tresspasser's be Welcome i - Adrastus - March 14, 2021

Herbs. Adrastus' ears perked; there was something about wolves who knew herbs and medicines which tended to make them into the peaceful sort, and empathetic as well. He always found he had less to worry about when a wolf's aim was to help and heal others, so he allowed his tail to wave gently, a sign that he felt fairly relaxed and optimistic about their conversation and its potential to bloom into a friendship. So when Vein mentioned he was searching for a couple things in particular, Adrastus felt inclined to help him. It was a good samaritan thing to do, after all. The more he contributed to the well-being of others, the more likely he was to have a better life for himself. 

"I can help you look," He said. "I do not know where you come from- and do not know these lands well enough to point you home," He admitted. "I know only a little about herbs, but I did notice some willow trees in the quarry just North of here. I believe willow bark has some medicinal properties," He said with a nod. "Perhaps I can take you there- and we could scout out a meal along the way," He offered, as a means of trading information for cooperation with a hunt.

RE: Tresspasser's be Welcome i - Vein - March 17, 2021

Vein’s face remained friendly but inwardly his heart sunk when the other mentioned a hunt, he was the type to wait to come upon food and eat every scrap not exert himself to obtain it. The journey had wasted far to much energy as it was.

But perhaps he’d find a way to not exert himself overmuch during a hunt as he had managed the last time. Some how had managed to convince a wolf to drive the prey to him so that he could use his weight to his advantage and just become extra weight holding the prey back thus allowing the other to move in and exert themselves on the kill. He’d take the brunt of the fleeing animals ire, but that meant he didn’t have to waste time chasing her repositioning, he didn’t much care for his own safety, he had the herbs to heal any wounds. Or at least he thought that highly of his own healing skills. 

Vein nodded in response to the males suggestion as if he hadn’t just had an internal spaz attack and smiled “Where there is willow trees there is likely to be Water Arum and Anemone. But of those herb are good. I use Anemone to clean wounds to prevent infection and Arum poultices are good for snake bites though if the bite is particularly venomous even I’d have trouble treating it.” He pretended to think a moment, following the male easily matching his strides to his companions not wasting a single movement.  “What kind of prey are we likely to come upon between here and there do you think?

RE: Tresspasser's be Welcome i - Adrastus - March 18, 2021

"You seem a capable medic, then," He commented. Vein seemed to know not only which plants tended to grow together, but the uses of other ones as well. He was surprised to hear that something could be done for venomous snake bites, as it was not something he had experienced in his life. Venomous snakes did not fare well in the northern climate where he was from, and he'd been told stories of snakes though...The only ones he had ever seen had been peaceful grass snakes or garter snakes. In case a more dangerous one crossed his path, however, he tried to remember the name of the plant Vein had mentioned. Arum. He hoped they might find it- and some anemone as well- so that he might bring some home and give them to his wisewoman. 

"Grouse, partridge, jackrabbits," He said. In a more open area, it was likelier that they would find those sorts of small animals. "But in the quarry, potentially beaver or muskrat," He said. They would be easier to catch, and had a pelt that was water-resistant.

RE: Tresspasser's be Welcome i - Vein - March 20, 2021

Vein’s mind ever on healing grinned at the his new companion “Beaver’s you say?” He rumbled thoughtfully “Beavers have these glands that produce something called ‘Castorum' I believe.” He glanced up at the sky then back to his companion
I have a wolf in my pack having trouble sleeping, properly prepared, it would help ease their anxiety and let them sleep

He thought about it, humming softly “I don’t mind cold, would you know approximately where their under water entrance would be? If you start ripping up their dam, I’ll wait in the water for them to escape. It would be easy enough to pluck them from the water” It was a sound plan they could use their claws and teeth on land in the water if grabbed carefully it was far safer then facing off with those teeth. That and digging at the dam would require far more energy then waiting patiently.

Arum is a water plant I might be able to find that while we are hunting the beavers too” Vein was excited this was turning out to be potentially a very prosperous outing

RE: Tresspasser's be Welcome i - Adrastus - March 21, 2021

Glands. He was aware that semi-aquatic creatures, such as ducks, muskrats and beavers, had to have some way to keep their feathers and fur dry despite living in the water all the time. If not dry, then water-repellant. "Beaver...This...Gland, it helps for sleeping and anxiety? Do you simply eat it?" He asked. He hadn't even really relied too much on eating that particular prey animal, as they were somewhat small and they quite often were hard to catch away from their dam. And he'd never noticed the few times that he had eaten one, that he'd felt particularly relaxed after however...It was altogether possible that he simply hadn't noticed. Perhaps he simply hadn't eaten the right part, and had missed out on what could have given him a fit night of sleep. Not that he tended to have trouble sleeping, but he wouldn't have passed up the opportunity to try and see if it made any difference. 

Nevertheless, Vein seemed more than content to help out with hunting, and even went so far as to volunteer a plan. Adrastus nodded. "I'm not sure how easy it will be to dig apart a beaver house," He admitted. After all- beavers were industrial creatures, and put a great deal of time, logs and mud into their establishments. He'd seen some before that spanned the entire stream, blocking it off. Something that could hold back that much water might be a bit hard for a wolf to dig apart. "But perhaps spooking it out of its lodge might be enough. Or if we are truly in luck, we might catch one on land, chewing at trees." He said. That, of course, was the best case scenario; and a beaver could be tempted a decent distance from its lodge by the right tree. 

Vein seemed quite optimistic. Even if they didn't manage to catch a beaver, there were always plants that he could use. So as they walked, Adrastus found himself wondering what other kinds of information Vein might have. "Do you know of any plants that might be used...Simply for their colour?" He asked. "I have a packmate; she is a painter. She uses minerals of the earth, whatever she can find, to mix into colours. I don't know if plants would work at all, though, but do you know of any that might make...A nice colour?"

RE: Tresspasser's be Welcome i - Vein - April 16, 2021

Sorry for the delay, My other character is going through something behind the scenes stuff and I’m now waiting on an approval that doesn’t seem forth coming. My frustration has decided to murder my muse. 

Vein chuckled. “I usually take the glands out and dry them, the fluid on the inside stays liquid, then one only needs a few drops in order to gain the benefits I spoke of, they can take it straight up or mix it in any tea or food, it has a very sweet flavor, I personally add it to tea’s because I’m usually treating more then one thing at once and it can help hide the flavour of the bitter teas, I’ll add it to tea even if I am not treating anxiety specifically” he shrugged as they walked, a feat in and of itself.

I prefer to take them in the water and by surprise they don’t expect it. On land those teeth and claws are a problem, they are nasty fighters if you give them a chance” He chuffed “I prefer not to give them that chance, but between the both of us I’m sure we’ll get somewhere

As they traveled Vein looked thoughtful on the other’s question, it was a good thing he liked his own voice deep adn rich as it was for he was about to give a professor like lecture “hummm I do know of plant that can be used for dye but they to have medicinal properties not just dye, Hibiscus makes a great red dye and it is very useful in digestion, I use it for wolves whom have fainting spells among other things, Marigold makes a nice Yellow dye and the elusive blue dye can be found in Woad Leaves Woad is good for killing off parasites and fighting blood born infections though it is rather nasty tasting and can only be used after it’s been dried and before it flowers once it flowers it’s no good to a healer like me. But the dye can still be make from their leaves is a nice blue, Woad leaves have a prominent cream colored mid-rib extending the entire length of the leaf, and they leaves are a bluish-green color. The flowers are predominately yellow I believe but that doesn’t matter it’s not the flower your artist will want. With Red yellow and blue dye your artist can make any color they wish" Vein grinned "Most dye makers over look the leaves of plants opting for the flowers to tell them what colours they can make. Woad is sneaky that. But I don’t plant in in my gardens, very hard to control it’s growth and once it gets going it’s hard to stop I’ve had to dig more then 3 feet down to kill off Woad before.

He gave himself a great shake as if he was wet in remembrance of the hassle that one plant had caused him. He slowed to a stop his maw parted as he stared at the massive dam the beavers had built there would be no tearing it apart that was for sure “Wow” he commented not taking his gaze off the construction that had to rival anything the two legs might build.

RE: Tresspasser's be Welcome i - Adrastus - May 25, 2021

It would seem that Vein was a wellspring of helpful information, which Adrastus absorbed with the quiet patience of a star pupil. He smiled faintly in surprise when he heard that the beaver's gland oil would taste sweet- and could be used to help flavour other treatments. He wondered if Kukutux knew of this treatment, and figured it was something he ought to tell her as it seemed useful enough. He took Vein's confession in stride as he mentioned his anxiety; it wasn't something he'd typically hold against anyone anyway.

While he'd had odeas about using flowers or clay for red dyes, he was surprised to hear that he could get a blue colour from the leaf of a plant called "woad." He didn't know it by name- but the description he was given was enough to call to mind the image of a plant that he knew, though he'd not known it by that name. It had other purposes as well- and its use in treating blood-borne infections was helpful. That's quite interesting, He admitted with an airy breath. I think I know the plant you're talking about too...I wasn't sure blue colour would be possible to make, but I'll have to try and find that one now. He said. This was all very welcome information.

They'd come upon the lodge, which was an impressive sight. As he had anticipated, it was too formidable for them to dig through- so he began to track around the edges that bordered the water, until he found a well-worn path leading away from the water's edge and off toward the forest- still wet from a beaver that had used it recently. Quietly, Adrastus chuffed, to catch Vein's attention- and began to follow the trail.