Wolf RPG
Hushed Willows A Lone World - Printable Version

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A Lone World - Zaza - March 11, 2021

She'd never had to be alone. Not for an hour, not for a day. Now that was all she was. So far away was her old home from these unknown lands, along with her beloved littermates. 
She now found herself in a peaceful valley. A soft breeze brushed through her red fur as she trailed under the shade of flowing willow branches.

  ~I hope all my siblings are safe.~ 
She prayed to the wind the willows whispered in.

But it was time for her to stop sulking on the past. She was now in a completely new world and worrying about a place she could never return would do her nothing. 
With a deep breath Zaza took in the vast surroundings. A clear, sunny sky above head. Creatures rustling in soft swaying grass and birds chiming in the distance. 
~It won't be so bad if I stay here. 
If only I weren't alone.~

RE: A Lone World - RIP Praimfaya - March 14, 2021

this looked lonely! hope you don't mind me snagging it @Zaza!

instinctually, praimfaya finds herself wandering, even though her estrus season is not yet upon her. it creeps slowly, like a plague thru her veins following some biological clock that she cannot see but gives her subtle reminders all the same. though she does not mean to stray too far from the bypass, due to recent promotion, she also knows that mahler would probably not appreciate her lingering at the borders and drawing potential suitors to them.

truthfully, it was a drama she didn't want either.

she takes to a familiar path she and her mother traversed numerous times during her cubhood. she thinks of visiting the grave of her parents upon arrow lake but ultimately decides she'd make that trip on the way back ( plus she isn't sure if the saints still linger there and doesn't want to stray too close ).

in the whispering boughs of the willows, flourishing with small green buds that bring upon glimpse the promise of new and blooming life; praimfaya's frostbound gaze finds the rust colored slyph of a woman in the distance. her pelage is a remarkable color that praimfaya doesn't think she's seen before and for a moment, her breath catches as she takes in the fiery reds of a earthen toned sunset woven into the other woman's fur.

after a moment ( realizing she was staring ) the commander corrects herself and lets out a low chuff to announce her presence, if it hadn't already been detected.

RE: A Lone World - Zaza - March 15, 2021

Zaza perked to the presence of a newcomer. So deep in thought that their arrival went unnoticed. 

Her grey eyes traveled down the wolf's lean frame, noting all the scars that marked into a fur color she'd never seen. A beautiful shade of silver as if the moon itself had coated her body with its own light.
Hopefully they had not stumbled upon her searching for more. Not that Zaza could inflict such wounds if she wanted to.

"Hi." She simply said after the hesitant stare down. Voice sweet and soft. Her tail flicking into a wag. She'd come to her own conclusion that this one was friendly. As anyone could've easily taken advantage of her lack of awareness seconds ago.

RE: A Lone World - RIP Praimfaya - March 18, 2021

there was always a bit of tentatively when meeting new wolves; a lingering uncertainty to how they would perceive her and it lingers stronger now with the coming season creeping closer and closer to her as her biological clock begins the final countdown. the stranger had the fact that she was a woman going for her, though, and it soothes the worst of worheda's prickliness which was reserved mostly for those of the male species.

hei, praimfaya replies, the trigedasleng spilling from betwixt her lips easily; forgetting herself for a moment. it has been months since she's seen natshana and opalia... and though she desperately wishes to communicate once more in her native tongue ( really, her mother's tongue ), praimfaya knows that until she had children it might be some time before she got that chance.

have you settled here? praimfaya inquires, gesturing lightly with a small movement of her muzzle to the willows. though it's true she did not smell any lingering scents upon the path she took, nor upon the pelage of the woman ...she understands that means little.

RE: A Lone World - Zaza - March 23, 2021

As soon as the wolf had spoken Zaza couldn't help but notice hints of a strange accent. 
She must have came from quite far away. 
  She thought. 
"Oh yes, I stay around here." Answering the woman's question as she took a step closer. "I've just made it to this place, seems i'm the only one here sometimes." She let out a small laugh. 
"My names Zaza by the way."

RE: A Lone World - RIP Praimfaya - March 26, 2021

praimfaya gives a small nod; frostbound gaze surveying the willows again. closer, this time. though there was no other scents that linger to clue her in to whether there was more wolves than just this stranger or not but still. she doesn't dare let her guard down. the worst of her instincts is soothed; however, when the woman mentions that it seems like she's alone here. these wilds are vast, praimfaya supplies in what she hopes is a helpful manner. and i am unsure if there are packs in this region. it has been some time since she's explored it in full.

i am praimfaya, she offers her name with a soft smile.

@ work. i apologize for any misspellings.

RE: A Lone World - Zaza - March 26, 2021

[size=small]"Nice to meet you Praimfaya." She said the name slowly as to not mess up. "You have a pretty name." [/size]

[size=small]The thought of traveling deeper into the wilds alone was not a pleasant thought. Cowardly behavior [/size][size=small]for someone who wanted a new life she knew. [/size][size=small]She wondered if she would be happy coming across a pack if she left this spot. Certainly there had to be many within the lands beyond the willows. One would eventually accept her. Maybe she didn't want to join a pack in the first place. Perhaps what she was really feeling was boredom.[/size]

[size=small]Zaza brought her focus back to the wolf in front of her before her mind got the chance to overthink. They must have taken a long journey to get here from wherever their home was. What had brought them here in the first place? Zaza began to wonder. She watched her study the surroundings, as though on high alert for something. [/size][size=small][size=small]"Are you from a pack?" Zaza asked Praimfaya after a moment of silence fell between them.[/size][/size]

RE: A Lone World - RIP Praimfaya - March 28, 2021

if you knew it's meaning you might not think that, praimfaya offers with a soft trill of laughter. it was both fierce sounding ( but perhaps on that praimfaya is biased ) and beautiful ...like all deadly things are. assured, by the lack of scents and the lack of shapes emerging from betwixt the boughs of the whispering willows, praimfaya allows herself to relax. if only a little bit. as a warrior, her guard was never entirely lowered, not even within the safety of her own home.

i am, she affirms at the other woman's inquiry; wondering if this was a recruitment opportunity. i am from a pack a bit south east of here, rivenwood. i co-lead it. she states with a small and slight lift of her chin.

RE: A Lone World - Zaza - March 30, 2021

Zaza gasped. She was practically talking to a whole alpha. She stared at Praimfaya's build again this time seeing how she could be a courageous, intimidating leader. She wondered now how the co-leader saw her. She was thin, not very strong looking, and surely not intimidating. What was her life in the pack was like, what were the others like. 

She realized she was staring and quickly dipped her head to look away. 
"You can't just say something mysterious like that and not explain." she laughed with a wag. "What does your name mean?"

RE: A Lone World - RIP Praimfaya - March 31, 2021

the gasp that comes from the other woman's lips draws soft surprise upon praimfaya's own visage; a quick survey given with her frostbound gaze to ensure there wasn't anyone sneaking up. the commander is quick to school her confusion, running with the assumption that if she wished for her to know, she would specify. a soft laugh pushes itself from praimfaya's lips as zaza returns to the subject of her name — stating that it was not something that praimfaya could leave as a cliff hanger. praimfaya means face melting death in my people's tongue. she's always been proud of it despite that it held a rather horrible meaning to it; but she suspects that blodreina had chosen it for percisely that reason.

RE: A Lone World - Zaza - March 31, 2021

"Thats... I-" Zaza struggled to find words to say. "Wow." She didn't know what she expected the answer to be but it surely wasn't that. She could tell the wolf had no shame in her name. 

"Hey that's pretty cool though!" She added as not to offend. She sat in the grass, leaning forward in awe for Praimfaya to tell more about her people. "Are you given them at birth or do you have to earn them?" The first of many questions that interested her.

RE: A Lone World - RIP Praimfaya - April 03, 2021

it's gruesome. praimfaya supplies helpfully with a soft laugh; gruesome, yes; but it fit her. intentionally or not, it had shaped her; along with her mother, giving her the confidence she needed to embrace her path as the commander and warrior. i was given my name at birth, praimfaya offers unabashedly. but my mother did not get her trigedasleng name until she was well into her adulthood. praimfaya says, offering a thoughtful sway of her tail and considering twitch of her ear. they called her blodreina: the blood queen.

her given name was eske. spear of the gods; her mother had told her it meant. a wave of sadness overcomes her then, thoughts of her mother — and father — drifting unbidden into the forefront of her mind like ghosts.

RE: A Lone World - Zaza - April 07, 2021

Zaza could see the wave of emotions brought to Praimfaya as she told her about the meanings of both her and her mother's names. She could tell she loved her dearly, sadness had washed over her as she spoke. She hoped nothing bad had happened to her family as she spoke of them in past tense. 
"Those are both beautiful. What a pretty language you speak." Zaza wagged her tail. "Your parents must have been very powerful and respected." 
She let the wolf sit with her memories, hoping they were good ones.

A breeze brushed through the willows carrying with it the scent of rabbit. Instantly her ears perked, nose twitching for the scent.
"Hey are you hungry?" She inquired. I'll impress her by showing how fast I can catch a rabbit! She boasted in her head. Would that be enough to please a pack wolf? 
Unsure of why she felt a need to impress her she started for the trail before waiting for an answer.

RE: A Lone World - RIP Praimfaya - April 09, 2021

thank you, praimfaya says with a small dip of her head. she hadn't really ever thought of it — certainly never as a beautiful language. she supposed that was the side effect of being taught it since she could start hearing; she took it for advantage. a fact she only realizes in the here now when she has no one nearby her that can speak it too. once upon a time, praimfaya says. she does not mention that prior to her becoming heda and lifting the cursed title; blodreina had labeled a 'natrona'. a traitor.

the conversation shifts then, carried forward on the wind that brings with it the scent of rabbit; close. i could go for a snack. praimfaya replies; giving her coat a shake in preparation for the hunt ...unaware that the woman means to hunt for her in an effort to impress her.

praimfaya rejects the offer that zaza hunt for her and instead hunts alongside her; splitting their prize. after eating her share, praimfaya offers a small smile, a murmur of farewell and heads her own way, continuing on her path of exploration into the unknown for her.