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Duskfire Glacier Fairest of them all - Printable Version

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Fairest of them all - Arabella - September 14, 2014

Wouldn't it be nice if there was a fairytale meadow close to DFG?
I'm going for something like this...

The world turned out to be very different from the lovely place she knew beside her father. It wasn't easy to find food on her own, and being used to the feasts back in Highmere, the little she managed to catch by herself was far from satisfactory. But the fair princess' optimism would be the last she'd lose. She kept walking forward, further from home with every step she took. She crossed wide rivers and climbed high mountains, she slept in hollow trunks and dark caves, and even though she did all of it by herself she never doubted that someday she'd find a place to finally rest.

By the time she crossed the golden forest it had been four moons since the day she was forced to leave her family. She lifted her her head at the sight of the purple field before her, and with a sigh of relief and a sparkle in her eyes she slowly moved her emaciated body forward; but being unable to take one more step she dropped herself to the ground, right in the center of the cozy meadow. The flowers that were beginning to die to welcome the autumn covered her tired body with their soothing aroma, letting her finally relax her achy muscles. She let her eyelids rest at last, but not before taking one good look at the sunset that took the mountain in the background to set it on fire.

RE: Fairest of them all - Danica RIP - September 14, 2014

Danica put on a burst of speed, the hare inches from being caught within her grasp. Their chase had started near her sleeping location, her walk having happened to scare the creature out of hiding. Instantly she had taken up pursuit, hardly content to let such a lovely specimen escape when it could be gracing their caches. The darn thing was quicker than it looked, but she was keeping up with a strength that brought a bit of gladness to her heart. While her steps were still slightly uneven from her previous injury (an effect that would likely last a long time) one could barely tell unless they knew what to look for. She reveled in her health.

It would be better, though, if she was successful here. Gathering herself in a powerful leap, completely headless to anything around her besides her quarry, she made for the final snap that would decide this hunt. (6 or higher and she catches it: 7). Happily, her spring carried her within distance, and like a vice her jaws closed upon the creature's back, killing it instantly. She felt it go limp and slowed her pace, a happy thing, since had she kept going she might have completely run over a wolf lying in front of her path.

The stranger had no pack scent, but was uncomfortably close to Duskfire lands. She looked to be exhausted and starving, but it was her ill luck that Danica wasn't exactly the most sympathizing of wolves. "Hey, you there. You realize you're on the edge of claimed lands, right?" She looked her over with not a little judgement and some haughtiness. True, life as a loner had been hard, but she had never done as poorly on her own as this creature had (at least, not in her memory, though one's memory can be biased). "I'm gonna have to ask you to move along. Scram. Shoo." She raised a paw, gesturing away from the border.

RE: Fairest of them all - Arabella - September 14, 2014

The weak yearilng managed to get a few minutes of rest before the rude female came to claim possession over the place in which she had laid. It wasn't her fault that she wasn't a good hunter, she was used to be pampered by her father, and Miss Adara always brought her food when the pack came back after a hunt. It wasn't her fault that she wasn't a wolf who was as successful as a lone wolf as some others could be, so the other lady's lack of manners wasn't well received by the young beauty.

Unfortunately, the girl was too weak for a bitch fight, and her hunger surpassed the desire to claim the respect that she deserved, so with a slow movement of her head and her ears flattened back, she looked at the female's golden eyes trying to express her suffering through her sad blue gems. "You... Sorry..." she barked forcing herself to sit up. "I.. I have nowhere to go, I..." she muttered almost crying, but then she saw the hare thet the female carried, and her eyes locked with it, she hadn't eaten anything in days and the female's catch looked like heaven to the hungry girl.

RE: Fairest of them all - Tuwawi RIP - September 15, 2014

Hey cuties ~_^ Ohh that flower field is lovely :o

The Sveijarn mother had kissed her children before putting them down for a nap though they protested and complained. At nearly three months old the kids were rapidly outgrowing the new den and soon all four would be required to shadow adult members of the pack. However, with the lynx's looming threat, Tuwawi felt it was best to keep them sheltered from harm. She never strayed too far, even though duty required the new alpha to patrol the territory regularly.

The scent of fading summer blooms lulled her towards the border, but a spike of prey blood in the air garnered Tuwawi's attention and beckoned her to inspect. The trees thinned as Danica came into sight, a stranger before the golden warrior made of skin and bones. The memory of a starving youth by Neverwinter and Chakra's lesson resounded in her spirit, and though she was confident in her subordinate's actions, the alpha felt her presence necessary.

With a brisk and lofty trot Tuwawi approached, hearing the last of ....nowhere to go, I.... slip from the stranger's maw. Her sooty umber tail waved rigidly in the air - a clear sign of rank and status - but a placid expression remained, however firm and serious. She sidled next to Danica, nosing her friend's wither in acknowledgement before turning to the emaciated girl on their doorstep. A pretty face... but an unfortunate, gaunt and skeletal physique. She was clearly starved for one reason or another. She appeared young, but even a young wolf could get by on small game. Did disease harbor itself within her body? Though a different color, the blue eyes and fare visage reminded the mother of Bazi... but she willed herself to not let a soft heart distract her first interaction as alpha. "This is no place for beggars," Tuwawi said with a flat tone as she took a step towards the youth.

RE: Fairest of them all - Danica RIP - September 15, 2014


The look she got in response to her somewhat harsh treatment was one of the more pitiful she had seen in a long while. "Oh no, you put those puppy-dog eyes away." She dropped the hare and pushed it behind her. "It's nothing personal, but we can't afford to feed strays." The girl looked like she could use a good meal, true, but that wasn't really Danica's problem. If she were a part of the pack, then obligation would require that the golden wolf care about her state. As it was, though, she wouldn't lose too much sleep over it. Survival of the fittest and all.

Danica fell silent as Tuwawi entered the meeting, stepping back to allow her full interaction rights. She'd speak if addressed, but from Tuwawi's opening line, it seemed they were on the same page. Unless the girl was looking to join... which Danica sincerely hoped not. They didn't need a charity case and she didn't look good for much. If she couldn't even take care of herself, how would she contribute?

RE: Fairest of them all - Arabella - September 16, 2014

Aww.. :( I thought I could tuck her into DFG but it doesn't seem like it's very likely now... Or is it?
Oh hi Lieu :P

Bella shifted her gaze away from the hare when the rude female hid it away from her, and with her head low she apologized "Sorry..." she said. But what was most upsetting was the next comment from the golden female. Stray. That was the only way she could be called now. But it wasn't like it was her fault, she was young and was driven out of her home without having much training about life. Ignorance was bliss for the yearling when she still made part of Highmere, but the real world was making sure her ignorance would pay.

The young beauty used to be good at fishing, she often did it with her brother Maverick back home, but now she was too weak to even try. She used to run faster than both her brothers, and sometimes even faster than her own father, which was of good use the few times she went hunting with the pack even though she never got to take down the prey -that was her brothers' part- but once again, she was now too weak to even try. The life of a stray was hard, and she had seen it for herself, she felt ashamed for the poor performance as a loner so far, but yet again, it wasn't her fault, she tried hard for weeks without much success, and the hunger started to take advantage making her even weaker every day, making it even harder every day.

Stray. That was the title she wore now for being pretty, because being pretty was the reason she was driven out of her own home. Even though she was oblivious about it, Sloane had been the one to send that man to kill her, and she'd be dead if it wasn't for his compassion. Bella needed a place to belong if she wanted to get on her feet again, and Danica was the first wolf she'd seen in weeks, so the young stray couldn't afford to turn down the opportunity when there were so little.

Her tail tucked between her legs when the Alpha set on fire made her entrance "This is no place for beggars..." she said with a flat tone and a harsh look upon the girl. But "beggar" was too much. Arabella was no beggar even though she was weak, Arabella was no beggar even though she had no home, Arabella was no beggar when the hunger threatened to kill her, and she wasn't being a beggar now. She had drooled a little for that hare, she had, but she wasn't begging for it. It was the golden female's hard work what got her the precious hare, and Bella respected that. "I'm not begging you," she stated firmly but still addressing the respect they deserved in their own lands. "But I wouldn't be a stray if I belonged somewhere.... It's been hard... " she said turning her eyes to her left with the last words. She didn't expected being well received by the females now, not after their comments, but she didn't lose anything with trying.

RE: Fairest of them all - Tuwawi RIP - September 17, 2014

The meager agouti girl folded, diverting her eyes away as Tuwawi scrutinized her starved body with a discerning stare. A dull coat masqueraded jutting bones though her thin face and sunken cheeks were enough to parade her condition. 'I'm not begging you,' the adolescent said with a firm tone to juxtapose her otherwise frail physique, 'But I wouldn't be a stray if I belonged somewhere... It's been hard...' The insinuation that she could potentially be apart of Duskfire left a lingering sensation to tickle at the back of the new alpha's conscious; the impending feeling that this encounter would dictate what kind of leader she would be.

Tuwawi knew all too well the tribulations a lone wolf faced, especially if they were young and new to the world. She had once been in this woman's shoes. Cold and alone on the top of the mountain. Hungry for companionship and without a light to illuminate the path. Only the compassion of a lone wolf had saved her from death... and the alpha of Kindred's keen eye for potential had allowed her to thrive. But Siku, who was so protective of her ilk, would have never shown such mercy to a weak bag of bones. The cons could present too much of a hazard. What did the pack have to gain by bringing on such a starved creature? Was it a risk they could afford to take? She would be a drain to their resources until her strength returned, and even then her skills might not outweigh the burden. Another mouth to feed - taking a potential meal from her child.

...But what if this she-wolf proved to be useful? A basin of untapped skill? Already these thoughts sat heavy upon the alpha's shoulders even though their conversation had just begun, and all at once Tuwawi felt very unwise.

"Life is hard," the ember responded pointedly - perhaps a side-effect of her own inner conflict. "Why do you linger at our borders, stranger?" she asked, searching for a definitive answer. Did this wolf truly mean to join them? A hard look from the alpha suggested that, if so, some convincing would be in order.

RE: Fairest of them all - Danica RIP - September 17, 2014

Hur hur sorry Danica's a prick XD

The not-so-subtle hint didn't escape Danica and she looked over the girl with open skepticism. Any comments she had she kept to herself, though, for with Tuwawi there she deferred judgement. Still, she didn't like the idea of her joining one bit. If she was useful, that was one thing, but letting her in without any evidence as to her abilities to even survive alone, much less contribute, would be a decision based purely on sentiment. And sentiment was hardly the way to run things.

A logical being, she thought with results, and the result of taking this girl in meant more work on their already small numbers in providing for her and teaching her how to survive. It also meant less food for those already living there. The negative effects were heavy. If the decision lay with her, she probably wouldn't even listen to the rest of what the girl had to say. But she had never been particularly giving when it came to others. Tuwawi didn't seem quite so cold, though her reasonable responses thus far made Danica's respect for her rise a bit.

Silently she listened for the girl's response, knowing from Tuwawi's tone and unyielding appearance what she was seeking. If the girl expected to find a home here, she would need to sell herself rather hard.

RE: Fairest of them all - Arabella - September 18, 2014

"Life is hard," the fire lady responded, and Bella couldn't agree more now that she had seen it for herself. She used to see the world as a wonderful place, and she actually still believed it was beautiful, but her story had been hard for a couple months. Wolves are social creatures by nature, and it is only in group that they can hope to have a decent life; and there is no way that a loner can survive with "small game" for too long. Arabella hadn't had it so hard at first, she knew how to fish and she managed to catch a few furballs here and there, but it was just not enough for her to maintain her health with as little.

"Why do you linger at our borders, stranger?" the fire lady asked, and instantly Bella looked up to take a quick look at the Alpha's eyes, it seemed like the woman knew the inconvenience of taking in a girl in that state, but deep in her heart she wanted Bella to give her a reason to take her in, so with a humble tone and her ears flat in her skull, Bella tried to choose the best words she could, "My name is Arabella, Arabella Stone..." She started offering a slight bow of her head "I've wandered alone for many moons now, and you are the first I've seen in a long time," she barked softly, she needed to try her best now because the next she said would be what dictated her future, "I needed a place to rest, and somewhere I could find some food, and the river seemed like a good place to start..." she said pointing at the stream that rushed a few hundred yards down the meadow, right between them and the glacier set on fire, "But I didn't notice I was so close to your lands... I scented your markings before but the forest wasn't being very helpful, I didn't mean to be intrusive, I am very sorry..." she offered an apologetic bow and looked away, would the fire lady find a place in her heart for her?

RE: Fairest of them all - Tuwawi RIP - September 21, 2014

Tuwawi's decision would have been a lot easier if Arabella was a dirty rogue or anarchistic vagabond. Instead she was a polite and demure girl, kind and well-spoken. Any one of Tuwawi's subordinates or children could have been in her shoes - starving and alone - and the strong maternal desire to shelter and protect her could barely be thwarted by the harsher sentiment to not dilute the pack with weaklings. As the lone woman explained her history, Tuwawi couldn't help but twist her maw into a wry smile... not an expression meant for Arabella, but rather an outward reflection of the alpha's inner conflict.

Her gaze slid to meet Danica's as she ruminated. This girl was one more mouth to feed, but she was also one more pair of eyes and ears. One more body between the cats and her offspring. "Arabella," she addressed the agouti girl, "I am Tuwawi Sveijarn, one of Duskfire Glacier's leaders. There is only room in this pack for those who work hard and earn their keep... everyone here is like blood to me and one weak link jeopardizes us all." She gave the youth a hard stare, "But that does not mean I am unwilling to offer you the opportunity to prove yourself." Her weight shifted as the mother's sooty tail remained stiffly poised. "Well? Do you want this chance?" she asked, extending the offer to become apart of Duskfire.

RE: Fairest of them all - Danica RIP - September 21, 2014

Danica would not have decided as Tuwawi did, but the mother was kinder by far than she. Empathy was not logical with a pack so young and winter on the way, not to mention the lynxes prowling. But this was why Danica was not leadership material, for she did not trust in the abilities of others. Perhaps this girl would prove to be an asset. She would not be willing to chance it, but Tuwawi was. She gave no sign of argument, for she had seen the internal struggle when th alpha glanced her way.

One thing was for sure, though... If she didn't pull her weight, she would be out. And if Tuwawi did not want to be the bad guy on that, Danica would gladly accept the role. The girl probably didn't think too well of her anyway at this point.

Looked like they might be pack mates, though... At least for now.

RE: Fairest of them all - Arabella - September 27, 2014

Her gentle heart almost broke when the fire lady gave her the hard look, Bella knew how risky it was to take in such a weak wolf when it was only a couple months from winter. She knew she would be another mouth to feed, and she knew she needed to be taken care of, but she also knew she would be able to show she was worth the try. Arabella was a capable wolf when she was motivated, and she was a quick earner, she loved chasing prey and fishing, she could master those skills one day with the propper guidance.

Bella also noticed how Danica was looking at her, she knew the blonde was more skeptic about Bella joining, but she also knew Danica had a reason for this, and she understood it. She didn't blame the blonde for mistrusting her, she only wanted to protect her pack, but so would Bella one day if she was taken in by the kind mother. So when she offered a place and an opportunity for Bella to prove herself, the girl's heart filled with joy, her tail instantly started thumpung at the ground and she almost fell down to the ground once again "I do!" she said with an immense smile and a tear running down her cheek, "Your heart is big, Tuwawi Sveijarn, I promise I won't let you down." and those words she meant them.

RE: Fairest of them all - Tuwawi RIP - October 02, 2014

Sorry for my delay! Monitor was busted but now I have two shiny new ones... yay! Last post for Tuwa

Tuwawi's offer moved the new patriot to tears while Danica remained ever vigilant as she silently acquiesced. The vermilion woman's spirit was guided by more than just logic, unlike her previous leader, Fox, and could not deny a willing participant the chance to prove they were up to snuff. Though is was difficult to discern where a soft heart would lead Duskfire, the new alpha would certainty learn when an iron fist would be required.

"Very well, Arabella," she told the youth with a small nod of her saffron crown. "There is cache by my den in the heart of our territory.... Eat, rest, and when you get some strength back I'd like you to shadow one of our original pledges - a wolf named @Malachi. He can show you the ropes." Not only would it benefit Arabella to learn from one of their experienced members, but it would also offer Malachi the chance to develop his leadership skills. Tuwawi stepped to the side, brushing Danica's ruff with the end of her snout in passing; a sign of appreciation for her most trusted's presence. "This way," she said, escorting the youth in the right direction.

RE: Fairest of them all - Danica RIP - October 02, 2014

Danica returned Tuwawi's nudge, then set off in the opposite direction with a nod of farewell. She would not be needed for this part of the girl's welcome, and her time would be better served elsewhere. Now that it was decided, she couldn't fault the outcome too badly. After all, she had spent her fair amount of time getting turned away. A part of her could feel some satisfaction that it wasn't happening to her this time. A small part, but a part.

RE: Fairest of them all - Arabella - October 05, 2014

The pleasure of being accepted into a safe place to regain strength wasn't diminished by the indifference of the blond warden. Bella simply ignored Danica, who since the beginning had had a skeptic attitude towards the weak girl.

A simple nod was the answer to all of Tuwawi's indications for the newcomer, but it came with a wide smile gratefulness towards the big and warm heart of the Sveijarn Alpha. Meeting Malachi would come later when she was strong enough to do her part as a pack member, but she was already excited about all that would come from that moment on. For now she needed food and rest, so she forced her weak body to follow her new leader's route to her new home. A life change, and this time it was a good change.