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Kintla Flatlands to the new age - Printable Version

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to the new age - Tezcacoatl - September 15, 2014

Chronicler thread for @Osprey ! :D Uhm, lets just say Tyrr discovered a new forest because I originally had it at Blackfeather Woods but didn't realize it was claimed (oopsie) so yeah, we can have them put it towards a new territory as well as their Trades! :D

The days were becoming shorter, Týrr noticed. That was what came with Autumn, however, in accordance to the days being cooler; the nights colder still. Soon, the leaves of the forests around them would turn, creating a myriad of brilliant colors — oranges, golds, browns, reds, purples. Fall was his favorite season, smelling of spices associated with the dying leaves as the trees around them would go into hibernation for the winter months. There were certain things that could only be found in autumn, as well. The marriage of colors and cool days was something that Týrr looked forward to with great anticipation. It had it's downfalls too, like with the migrations of herds as they moved south in search of warmer weather and food. When he was not patrolling the borders of Duskfire Glacier he was helping to fill the cache, hunting what he could in the hopes that the Glacier would have enough food to get them through the sparse winter months. There was a small part of Týrr that felt bad for taking a trip to the Kintla Flatlands, especially since he had no real reason to be so far south.

It wasn't as if he intended to stay. His journey would only take about a week or so and the Nýeldur had been sure to let Njal and Tuwawi know that he was going on a little trip. He was looking to earn his trade of Chronicler, and it benefited the pack as a whole, as well as himself, to strive to focus on the trade he wanted for his primary one. He was so close to earning it that he could practically taste it. He would take what he could glean from the wolves of packs and pass along what little history there was of Duskfire Glacier. The earthen colored Rekkr slowed his steps as he neared Forest, crystalline colored eyes taking in the thick canopy and tangled limbs of the wood. He shrugged it way past the tangled limbs with a bit of an effort before he continued forth unafraid to explore where he'd never gone before.

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RE: to the new age - Osprey - September 15, 2014

ooc: Thank you for starting! And the conditions are find with me. :)

Osprey had learned that the best way to find adventures was leaving Blacktail deer plateau now and then. They didn't have as many young wolves to take care of as before, there were plenty of capable grown up individuals in the pack to guard it and sustain it, which meant a bit more freedom to the lower ranked wolves. And Osprey pounced at that opportunity, knowing well that, once winter took over, she would need to stick together with her people and no wanderings in solitude would be possible.

She had learned to know most of the Kintla flatlands by now, yet even in the known grounds there was always something new to find and discover. Like today, when she had followed a trodden deer-track and ended up in a little forest, which she had never been to before. The air here was free of any smells that would indicate that this place was claimed. This piece of knowledge made Osprey glad and giddy for the discovery and she ventured further, sniffing and looking around, trying to pick up as much information as possible in one take.

A distant sound of footsteps, however, brought her back to the reality and made her wary. She froze and tried to locate the source of the sound ready to either flee or defend herself, if necessary.

RE: to the new age - Tezcacoatl - September 16, 2014

You're quite welcome! :D

Týrr was easily caught up in the task of exploring, especially when it came to a place that struck him as new such as this forest did. It wasn't as if, of course, it had suddenly sprung into existence over night because that was absurd and ridiculous. Týrr was not very familiar with the Kintla Flatlands, having stuck closer to Swiftcurrent Creek and Stavanger Bay, now sticking closer still to Duskfire Glacier. The Northerner enjoyed exploring, which left him with the impression that perhaps he should make the decision of Outrider for his tertiary trade, but had not yet decided which one he wanted to aim for. His choices were not limited, thanks to the rigorous training that Ragnar and Floki had put him through as a child. He knew many useful skills and choosing three to focus his energies upon was not an easy thing to do. He based it off of the Glacier's need, he supposed, deciding that, that seemed like the much better choice.

Chocolate colored ears swiveled to either side of his head at the sound of forest debris under foot, echoing in the slight distance. He had been making noise when he walked, of course, but it had not came from beneath his own paw that time, of that much Týrr was certain. Black, leathery nostrils flared as he inhaled, drinking at the scents around him, trying to place if he could find the source of the noise though he did not hear it again. He caught the scent of a pack wolf, recognizing the scent as Blacktail Deer Plateau. Hopeful that he had been lucky enough to stumble across Fox again Týrr made his way towards the scent without hesitation, pausing when he drew nearer and the silhouette of the female melted into a coat of shades of gray, broken only by the black on the nape of her neck. Glacier eyes of crystalline blue studied her for a moment longer before boldly the Rekkr broke his silence, Hello, he greeted her with.

RE: to the new age - Osprey - September 17, 2014

When the other wolf emerged from the shadows Osprey could have sworn that he had appeared out of nowhere. At this place it was easy to believe that magic actually existed and that this fellow was spirit that had taken human form rather than being a living, breathing and very real wolf. His coat was in an usual color - while there were a lot of coat color variations running in her family, brown of this shade was not common, therefore the she-wolf had another reason to believe that the stranger was something out of ordinary.

"Hi!" she said, feeling a little nervous and a careful observer would notice that this inner lack of peace reflected in her voice too. "Do you live here?" the next question seemed even sillier than the first, Osprey scolded herself for the inability to pull herself together, yet nothing better to say for the stranger came to her mind.

RE: to the new age - Tezcacoatl - September 18, 2014

Týrr made no moves to close the distance between them further as he waited for her to register his presence and in accordance register whether she thought of him as a friend or a foe. He had no intentions of hurting her, and while he could have ignored her scent trail and continued on his way as if he hadn't noticed it in the first place it had not felt like the gentlemanly thing to do. This forest was unknown to him, but perhaps it was known to his grayscale companion — not that Týrr had any qualms about exploring unknown places to him by his lonesome. He had the heart of a conqueror and he did not fear what he did not know as some were known to do.

The Plateau female greeted him back with a simple enough greeting though the Rekkr thought that he detected an edge of nervousness in her tone. Awkwardly, he shifted his weight unsure if perhaps he should just leave. After all, he did not wish to make her uncomfortable and they could easily part ways if she desired it. He hadn't expected company when he had first made his way to the Kintla Flatlands but he could not say that it was something he found disappointing now that he had potentially found it. A soft chuckle left Týrr's lips at her question, glimpsing up at the thick canopy above them before crystalline gaze rested back upon her. No, Not that, he thought, it would not make some pack a nice place to live. It was a more than reasonable distance between pack lands, at least a few days of travel and it had a strange sort of charming feel to it, as if had came straight from some fuzzy, warm happily-ever-after fairytale. He had not gotten far enough to determine if it could provide plenty enough prey but in reality, it wasn't a huge concern to the Nýeldur. He had no intentions of claiming it, quite content with Duskfire Glacier and following the Sveijarn pair he had pledged his loyalty too.

I live much further north. I am apart of a pack known as Duskfire Glacier. Týrr admitted to her after a small pause, studying her reaction to his words, wondering if she had heard of Duskfire Glacier yet. He was not sure quite how fast word traveled around the Wilds, but he imagined it was probably slow if only because of the fact that the Wilds were very vast.

RE: to the new age - Osprey - September 18, 2014

Osprey was so immersed in her own little world, that she was oblivious of comings and goings of anything that happened outside Blacktail Deer Plateau. She knew that there were other packs in the vicinity, yet had never made any effort to fill her lacking knowledge about them. Pack relations, business and politics were just not her kind of thing. For her - people were the ones that mattered the most and not the pack of their origin. Therefore "Duskfire Glacier" didn't ring a bell to her. It was a nice name, even royal, yet nothing more.

"Really?" she asked him and mustered up the most adorable smile, "I could have sworn that a moment ago you were a spirit, disguised yourself in a form of a tree and... never mind the nonsense," she trailed off and, feeling a little embarrassed, she broke the eye contact and looked down at her paws. Osprey recovered quickly and, while letting her gaze wander through the surroundings, she said: "There are places like these that make one's imagination run wild."

RE: to the new age - Tezcacoatl - September 19, 2014

Týrr gave her a small nod at her inquiry feeling that it would be unnecessarily redundant if he verbally confirmed what he had just said moments before. We're a new pack, the leaders, Njal and Tuwawi they broke off from Swiftcurrent Creek. I suppose they wanted to start their own legacy. It's something I can appriciate. Týrr told her, despite that she hadn't really asked.

The smile that the grayscale woman flashed his way was surprising, and cute and the awkward teenager glimpsed away, well...awkwardly making him feel something like a social hermit for a few lingering moments. He was utterly inept when it came to the opposite sex, despite the attraction and appeal that they, naturally, held for the young Rekkr. For so long his focuses had not been on the future in the familial aspect but rather solidifying his future with the Glacier wolves. Making sure he contributed to the well being of the pack, that he earned and would continue to earn his place as a valuable member. Right now, those things won out on the top of Týrr's priority list. Chocolate colored ears cupped forth to listen to her, smiling softly as his eyes rested back, casually, upon her face as she spoke of him being a spirit. Admittedly, it was a bit far fetched but Týrr was all for a good story. It's not nonsense, He countered her softly. I mean I'm not spirit, at least I'm pretty sure I'm not, He teased her halfheartedly, But what do I know? Maybe I really am and I have short term memory loss or something. Actually, though he did not know it, he wasn't too far off the mark, though instead he had long term memory loss from a head injury (he didn't remember).

You know, it does. It's charming. He wasn't brushed up on his fairy tales, knowing instead darker sagas of his Viking ancestors and Gods but they did not seem to have a place in this unnamed forest.

RE: to the new age - Osprey - September 20, 2014

The brown wolf spoke more about his origins and, even though neither Njal, nor Tuwavi or Swiftcurrent creek rang a bell to her, she kept her expression as of genuinely interested person. It was not every day you got to meet people from other packs and, who knew, maybe this piece of information might be of use to Perry. "Is your home very far away from here?" she asked curiously. "I am from Blacktail deer plateau. Maybe you know Fox? She is the former alpha of Swiftcurrent creek," she decided that sharing a little information about herself was only fair.

"We are all spirits," Osprey remarked, "just trapped in these bodies on this earth." This was a piece of knowledge she had picked up from the Nomads, whom she had met during her most recent journey. Their ideas had been interesting and captivating, and something she could agree with. "I mean, as long as we are alive, our spirit flickers in our eyes. When we pass away, this little flame, the inner light, disappears," she shared something she had really loved about Nomad philosophy.

RE: to the new age - Tezcacoatl - September 23, 2014

His companion seemed to be interested in the information that he had to share with her and Týrr took this to be encouragement. A week or some of travel, Which was really nothing to Týrr who had traveled for months to reach a destination before. He was a born wanderer, his conquering heart unwilling to allow him to enjoy respite for too long. It was something that the Rekkr was determined to fix, however, especially with the help of his new found loyalty to Duskfire Glacier. Yes, I know Fox, Týrr told the Plateau woman with a soft smile and accompanying soft nod of his head. He was aware that Fox had relocated and thus there was no surprise upon his face when she told him that Fox was the previous leader of Swiftcurrent Creek. Already, Týrr had spoken to his once leader, not forgetting that she had offered him a home if he ever wound up in need of one. Týrr didn't think that would happen but it was a nice sentiment to keep in mind, just in case. Hmm, The Rekkr drew at her consideration of what happened when they passed away but did not offer up his own beliefs on it. If he went by what he was supposed to believe as a Viking the they were simply taken to Valhalla. Spirits and souls really had no bearing on much of anything; but he wasn't sure in reality how death worked because, well, he'd never died before.

RE: to the new age - Osprey - October 03, 2014

ooc: I am so sorry for the delay. Life happened. But speaking about the subject - I started to read a sci-fi book about people, who try to unravel the secret of death. It is called "Les Thanatonautes". Exciting and fun.

The fellow told that he knew Fox and it made Osprey wonder of, how small the valley actually was. When she had heard that Perry's current wife had come from Swiftcurrent creek, judging by name alone, it had seemed like such a faraway place. Just like in fairy-tales, which all began with "once upon a time" followed up by a "land Far Far away". So maybe the distance wasn't that great after all.

He didn't comment on her share of knowledge about death and for a brief moment Osprey worried that she had talked too much (which happened too often) and he was put off by her. The realization of this made her draw her ears back and fall silent, but at the same time her mind was frantically seeking subjects she could talk about him. She didn't want their paths part quite yet. She had so very little friends around here, that the end of conversation would mean a waste of a good opportunity.

RE: to the new age - Tezcacoatl - November 12, 2014

Sounds interesting! And awkward post is weird and awkward.

The only reason that Týrr knew who Fox was, was because she had been his Alpha Female for a short while when he had lived in Swiftcurrent Creek. If Osprey would have commented about it, he would have been honest with her. As it was, Týrr tended not to travel much when it concerned the Wilds. Especially now, he would have no further reason to head this far south considering he had inherently cut ties with his supposed family. She did not make a move to break the silence, and for a while it stretched on awkwardly to Týrr as he considered if he should be the one to take the initiative and break it. Or let it go. Perhaps, he considered, the conversation had simply came to a natural end and it was his time to take his leave. After all, he had told her all that he could about Duskfire Glacier for there hadn't been much information to begin with given the newness of the pack. However, it felt rude to say that he needed to go when it looked like there might have been something more on her mind and so he stayed, wondering if perhaps he was being socially awkward, and it was his turn to return the inquiry to her.

RE: to the new age - Osprey - November 12, 2014

The silence between them continued and Osprey, who always liked to fill the air with words and happy chatter, felt even more awkward. It was quite unfortunate that you sometimes couldn't guess, what was going on in other's head. If she had had the skill, she would probably have tried to find out, whether it was any fault of hers that he had decided not to say a thing.

"Ok," she finally said, breaking the ice. "I guess that apart from knowing Fox we have nothing else in common," she said with a light smile. "Let's leave it then. How did you end up here - when your pack is so far away?" this was a curious thing. She didn't tend to wander very far from the plateau and definitely not so far that it would take days to return.

RE: to the new age - Tezcacoatl - November 13, 2014

It seemed that his companion wasn't entirely ready to part ways for she broke the ice once more, attempting to dissolve the awkwardness that had seemed to settle around not just him but her as well with further conversation. He didn't totally agree with her assessment that apart from Fox they had next to nothing in common, because he hardly knew her well enough to make the judgment; but Týrr, after the disaster that occurred every time he went to go see Ragnar at Stavanger Bay had put this wall up that intended to keep everyone out. Including strangers. It made him seem suddenly unfriendly, and when Osprey spoke about leaving it Týrr resisted the urge to apologize. He felt bad for ruining it, and was surprised that she did not seem to want to let him go, yet. If the tables were reversed he would have allowed her to leave, though that was likely because she was a better wolf than him and wanted to delve further than just the shallow exchanges of information upon most first meetings. I was..., Týrr paused, considering the words he wished to use without getting into the messy details of his emancipation from his father and step mother. saying goodbye to family. It was the best that he could come up with and so he went with it, resisting the urge to cringe all the while. It was not a particular conversation he deigned to relive, though it was definitely a demon he would have to face: sooner rather than later.

RE: to the new age - Osprey - November 17, 2014

Goodbye to the family? Osprey didn't understand mainly because her life experience had the other way round. She had bid her goodbyes and then ventured off. It would seem odd for her to settle in BDP and then go to Flightless Falcons in order to say goodbye. But this fellow was not her, he had his own reasons and, since she felt that this was a deeply personal matter, she decided not to question anywhere further.

"Oh, I am sorry - I must have hit a tender spot," she said apologetically. Still the conversation wasn't going anywhere she would have liked and preferred. "Easy" was definitely not the word to describe the distant and reserved atmosphere between them. "So you are off to new beginnings?" Osprey asked. "Few months ago I also made a life-changing decision. And... it has turned out well this far. If that's the case with you - I do hope that it works out," even without knowing him, she wished him all the best.

"What is your name?"