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Noctisardor Bypass the brave little tailor - Printable Version

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the brave little tailor - Thade - March 28, 2021

Upon finding the bracken forest thoroughly deserted, Thade knew immediately to turn west and head for the last place he had seen his father: the Bypass. It had been wishful to think that the wolves of Rivenwood would return to the sparse timberland after declaring dominion over another territory, but the yearling felt no eagerness to return to the scene of his first skirmish. He felt no pride in his primal instinct to protect the wolves he cared about, and he even felt frightened of the fact that he was capable of such grievous action without a second thought.

He tried not to think about it, but Thade moved slower and slower the closer he came to Noctisardor, and his head began to swim with anxiety. The same anxiety that had driven him from beneath his father’s wing again, in another misplaced effort to locate his mother by himself. He simply did not know how to ask for help or receive it — perhaps, he was not even aware that he could — but an unfortunate springtime encounter left him in need of the very same help he had so flippantly discarded.

It was not long after dawn when he reached Rivenwood’s claim, and a cool morning mist slowly dissipated from the brightening air. Thade stiffened as he approached the border, standing tall in an effort to mask his recently acquired limp from any patrollers. He was sprained and bruised, but there was nothing besides his stifled limp — no dried blood or fresh wound — that would obviously indicate to his injuries. His feelings were hurt more than anything, but he tried not to think about that either.

In fact, Thade was beginning to feel that a lot of his life was being spent trying not to think about certain things that had happened…

The blacksmoke wayfarer let out an anxious breath, then howled for @Mahler.

RE: the brave little tailor - Mahler - March 28, 2021


word had come of moonspear and the great calamity. he could not speak to the rumour, but perhaps in his stomach died the last hope for elke. still, he must go. suspecting it was not a good time to depart rivenwood, all the same he knew he would do it. preparations, silently. 
like phaedra, astraeus melded to the edges of the pack, but the gargoyle was simply relieved to have them both home and remaining. he sought out each where he could, desperately trying not to notice how willowy and aloof his pearlflower had become, how hardbit astraeus, both tall, and both speaking his tongue.
it was with the former's mother kept in his head that mahler lifted his head sharply to listen. a young howl, and one he knew. the lilac stare shifted at once; his heavy limbs darted in that direction, heading through the thawing land into the greencrept borderlands, and there he found the prodigal thade, no less beloved. tall, with a solemn look to him. mahler was struck by how very much he resembled wylla. 
father moving to stand before son, scarred muzzle beset by relief. "vhat have you learned on your travels, thade?"

RE: the brave little tailor - Thade - April 03, 2021

Thade, too self-conscious and feeling more humiliated than ever, barely reacted to the sight of his begetter, although inwardly he wanted nothing more than to dive beneath the wardoctor’s breast and cower there forever. The calm acceptance that emanated from Mahler, laced with a distinct lack of judgement, only made the wayward son feel small and undeserving of such an unending tide of love, and he was speechless, withdrawn before the gentle whoosh of his father’s nearness.

His back sagged at the Graf’s question, and he sighed, bowing his head to the wolf he knew capable of a most grave devotion. I… Thade hesitated to speak of his experiences: of the wolf his age he had befriended, and then been betrayed by. Yet, his lips still quivered with the tenuous secret. I learned that I can’t trust anyone except for my family, he offered in an attempt to sound more adult, though unfortunately he just came off as youthfully bitter. And I was wrong… to think that I can do everything alone…

He looked up, extending his muzzle to rest under Mahler’s chin. I’m sorry, Papa. I’m hurt… I’m… He lifted his tender, slightly fractured ankle and winced. Can, can you help me?

RE: the brave little tailor - Mahler - April 03, 2021

thade's pain became his own; mahler's countenance shifted briefly toward something more worried. he examined the lifted leg in a brisk silence, and then nodded toward his boy. "these are hard lessons to learn." he wanted to fill with anger, to ask who had done this and what had happened, but it would not do for the feathering of this first meet.
"komm mit mir," mahler instructed, bidding his returned child to lean upon him. "i vill take you to the place vhere i keep the medicines." what sort of tragedy had befallen thade? the gargoyle was displeased to recognize the sensation leaping within as panic; he tamped it down and set a slow pace for them both. "how did you come by this injury?" had it to do with this destroyed trust?

RE: the brave little tailor - Thade - April 09, 2021

The good doktor was all business once Thade revealed his sprain. The yearling almost regretted spoiling the moment though this sentiment was quickly forgotten as Mahler snuffled about the ankle in question. He marveled at his father’s trained seriousness and wondered at what was going on in his head. His heartrate spiked; his very flesh recalling the memory of bringing a thorn-riddled paw to his captor, only for her to scold and batter him for getting hurt.

No such abuses came from Mahler, however. None could, of course, and Thade inwardly berated himself for considering otherwise — even for less than a second…

He knew he should have felt relieved for the concern rather than the fury, but the wolf felt no lighter. Thade felt the opposite, in all actuality, and he was surprised to find such a heavy emotion there in the pit of his chest. Was it… disappointment?

The implications of feeling disappointed at being met with proper fatherly attention was far too much for him to grasp in that moment. He fell into a stunned sort of silence as he heeded the Graf, following at a diminished pace due to his tired limp. But Mahler was curious, as he was entitled to be.

Thade swallowed the lump in his throat, grateful for the distraction, even if it was a topic he did not previously want to explore. I got into a fight with my friend… well, I guess he’s not my friend anymore, is he? he remarked dryly, snorting. He wasn’t… He didn’t beat me up or nothin’, Thade thought to defend; he could not afford to look like a wimp on top of everything else. I would’ve won — I just fell down on my leg kinda bad, and when I cried out, he… he just stood there an-and looked at me all weird, then he took off. He just left me there. Some friend, right?

When he stopped, he realized he had been rambling. He realized he did not have many outlets for the things he had to say, or the things he wanted to know. Thade cleared his throat, anxiety coursing through him as he toughed out an even pace beside the all-knowing patriarch.

RE: the brave little tailor - Mahler - April 12, 2021

rivenwood's land sloped and changed, thick pinewood drifting back to reveal the edge of a clearing, and toward its center, the small cave where mahler kept his pharmacy. but they had not yet arrived; he set his shoulder close, offering in quiet his strength as not to shame thade more with offering.
hard enough to be injured.
he listened to his son speak of misplaced trust. a fall. the departure of this individual. not for the first time did he wonder if thade's extended time outside their home as a young cub influenced his trusting nature in some way.
he would take up the neglected threads; he would be a better father and a more heard teacher.
"not everyvone is vorth your time," mahler said carefully. "he should not have left you. but i am glad it vas not a fight that left you this vay," the man admitted as they neared the entrance to the densite.
"vhen you have mended, thade, i vould like to spar vith you. it is a necessary skill."

RE: the brave little tailor - Thade - April 20, 2021

Not everyone is vorth your time.

Thade swallowed thickly. His experiences at a young age had indeed taken root in his heart, but it meant that he would force himself to be alone until driven to act otherwise. He was my age, so I.. I thought he was different, the yearling mumbled, sighing. He had avoided other wolves for quite some time since leaving Rivenwood, but loneliness had driven him to accept the company of another boy, thinking it was safe because they shared something in common.

And it was safe, for a time. But emotions run high when you're a newfound adult without guidance or protection. Thade, who had learned to keep himself tightly bottled, was only just beginning to understand the depth of such feelings within others.

He glanced at Mahler, as it was suggested that they spar. His chest tightened at the thought, and he held his breath while considering his next words. Is it really that important.. I mean, is-isn't there something else I could learn to do instead? Thade made an anxious noise at the back of his throat as his mind whirled with memories of punishment and the seeming inevitably that more fighting would occur throughout his life. His hobbling gait slowed suddenly to a standstill, and he stared blankly at the faraway ground.

RE: the brave little tailor - Mahler - April 23, 2021

mahler nodded. they had come to the place but thade had stopped. he heard the flicker of anxiousness rising sharply in his son, and looked back. the yearling had paused in his traces, gaze downturned. mahler felt the gorge of his own failure come to fore, but put it back and back.
"ve can do vhatever makes you feel most safe, mein junge," mahler chose to say. he would have preferred that thade take his instruction, but saw the futility of forcing it upon the child as he was.
for now, the gargoyle only nudged his boy, then disappeared inside the cavern momentarily, gathering the things he would need to treat thade.
"i vould like you to rest in my den, or here," mahler pressed, unwilling to let this thing go unheard as he bent over the injury.