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Swiftcurrent Creek unmake the wild light - Printable Version

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unmake the wild light - Amekaze - September 19, 2013

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This valley in the shadow of the mountains had held fast to her attentions. She had recharged here, loitered in the depths of the wetlands, and hunted fruitfully to replenish strength that had waned in light of travel. By no stretch of the imagination, one might call it "nice". Amekaze, still, felt unfulfilled. Her goals were still just as distant as they had been. Little had changed.

But the sound of the waters moving soothed any unease in her for now. She had rested at its banks in meditative silence until the sun rose high in the sky and from there, she decided the trek nearer to the mountains, heading westward. Although she did not yet feel it was time to investigate them at length, she knew a closer look could not hurt. These mountains would forever remain inferior to the one she had known, anyway, but perhaps they had their own charms about them.

Her wild dark coat was flecked with moisture from the creek she accompanied and her her ventures nearest to it, although even she recognized its power and would not go closer than that. Waters were deceptive and this one was no different. In fact, she guessed it had claimed its share of victims before and for that, she respected it all the more.

The keening of an overhead hawk caught her attention as it gave its mighty wings a flap.. once, twice, then soared comfortably on the updraft. She paused to watch, admiration fleetingly touching what was otherwise her perpetual look of vague disapproval but then she moved on, steady in her trek towards the mountains looming on the horizon ahead. Amekaze was intent on making good use of the day spanned out before her in some way or another.

RE: unmake the wild light - Vehiron - September 20, 2013

An AW thread with Amekaze? AW YISS. I'm still crusty with my writing, so sorry 'bout that. I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things.

It was not easy, getting your bearings in such unacquainted terrain. All the same, Vehiron was devoted to learn of his surroundings. In his travels (while brief), he detected two packs that have already been established. He was a loner, yes, but he did not attempt in conjuring either of them. He knew where he belonged, and it was not amongst the Boneknapper nor the Captains (sadly). His heart, his soul, lied with another. While the Dragonwatchers or Neverwinter may have presented ample opportunity to ascend the ranks, Vehiron had no interest in positions of power. A leader could do nothing without the commitment of his followers...and it was safe to say his aspirations lie with those aligned with Tartok. Even if Tonravik did not desire his assistance, he would offer others the opportunity to live beneath her dominion.
           So far, he has met no one worthy of the name of Tartok, but he was beginning to let them have the benefit of doubt. After all, he did not look savvy in the ways of battle, but he was. Among other things. He liked to think he had a clear head when it came to decrypting others. As fate would have it, his so-called mental caliber was about to be put to the test.
           Swiftcurrent Creek was a geographical area to benefit from. The rushing currents were chancy, of course. Caution would have to be used if anyone was to take life from its waters. Vehiron knew this, even as he stood atop a semi-dry rock swatting and snapping at the speedy creatures beneath the rivers surface. That is until he spots movement out the corner of his vision. He stops and locks his sights on the achromatic canine, thinking it to be Tonravik. His nose told him otherwise. Slowly, he made his way off of the rock and onto solid ground, his face, chest, and forearms dripping wet as he studied her. She had yet to grow into her own, but she was nearing sexual maturity. She seemed well, if not a little slim, as did he. Such was the hex of a lonely lifestyle. His dual-toned eyes caught the mark on her chest. Bright, fleshy pink, as though still healing. He overlooked it in favor of her eyes. A stony, reflective green, they were...Beautifully emphasizing her umbrageous countenance.
           With the exit of the hawk came a wolf. A wolf who intrepidly looked into her, seeking purpose. What do you seek, and what will you do to get it?

RE: unmake the wild light - Amekaze - September 23, 2013

yeeeee!! don't worry im still sososo rusty too and trying to sort things out with her while simultaneously remembering how to write and ??¿¿??¿¿
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Unknowingly, she had lurked near to the presence of another. Yet between the bird of prey that had derailed her focus and the welcoming rhythm of the water, she had all but given herself to the scenery. Beautiful as it was, she appreciated its strength most of all. It thrummed with quiet power and she stole pause to listen once more, ears quivering and toes gripping intently into the damp ground. It all seemed cold but not unforgiving. Course, in a way, yet smooth as silk at the very same time. She chuffed softly to herself; the contradiction suited her mood, which since leaving Rikudōu had oftentimes been.. different, somehow.

Over the water's song, she had not found him immediately, and when she sensed a delay in her realization, she could have sworn to herself even if it had been by mere seconds. It was his movement that gave him away and she felt his eyes on her already. He wasted no time regarding her silently so she returned the gesture, her green stare zeroed onto him eagerly. She was coolly self-assured with her muzzle level and her tail lax against her hocks, even though chances were high that he knew this place better than she did.

Water slicked his coat dark coat, which she noted for its shades of contrasting light and then dark on a physique that to her, seemed to speak of balance. He looked neither too bulky nor too lean, with muscling of an agile being that did not seem like an easy foe to shove aside with sheer force. Somewhere curiously in the middle of it all that made her wonder what exactly he could do. Surely cutting a figure like that, he could dance..

Inwardly amused by the notion, she kept her expression blank, though tilted her head in silent inquiry. He appeared as a reasonably (at the very least) formidable wolf which was quick to help label him as interesting enough for her time (for now), what with his scar and his darkness. Yet even so, Amekaze could not know him well enough from first glance to judge him much further than this. She would remain a neutral presence herself until she knew more but always she was listening.

The dark Rikudōu approached by a handful of paces more with a clean, fluid gait that brought her well into his proximity then paused, her stance poised and prepared without appearing utterly uptight and rigid. You seem at ease here, she remarked and studied him for an answer. She raised her nose just some, testing to see if he'd respond accordingly.

RE: unmake the wild light - Vehiron - September 25, 2013


Her composed, curious audience was the only thing inhibiting his baser instincts. He could tell she was ready for a sudden turn of events, and so was he. Vehiron traced her not-so-elusive readiness, but beyond that, he did nothing more. He merely observed her as a possible ally...or enemy. He would play the unruffled initiator in this soiree because of the bigger picture; the potential of their coalition, her fealty. Question was, would she be worth it in the long run? Currently, she did not look all that impressive, but there was...something. He could not quite put his paw on it, and that is what kept him rooted before her, his eyes non-intrusively inquisitive.
           “What makes you say that?” came his veracious repartee, scarcely audible over the sound of the river. Vehiron felt he belonged elsewhere – preferably upon the mountain peaks over yonder, where Tartok would stake their claim. Soon, all of the denizens would know of them...including the shade before him. “And you,” he went on, “seem terribly out of place.” She smelled of nothing – no one – but the crisp, untamed wild. Whereas he was claimed, and stronger because of it.

RE: unmake the wild light - Amekaze - October 04, 2013

<style type="text/css">.ame {margin:auto; width:530px; text-align:justify;font-size:11px;} .ame q {color:#7a2638; font-family:georgia;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:1.3px;} .ame p {margin:0px;text-indent:30px;}</style>

Amekaze had no advantages here. New paths spread before her and on all sides she was flanked in unfamiliarity. Of this she was keenly aware but eager to keep it out of her immediate focus. This place was not her home -- not even close. It took its toll despite her best efforts to deny it the chance to weaken her significantly.

With her short-term goals less clear than she preferred, she could not say for sure what would come of the weeks to follow. Winter approached even faster than even she could realize. The obvious choices were remain in this region (it seemed plentiful enough), keep pressing onward in search of better, or turn back for the Mount where her place was forever guaranteed if nothing else.

Her ears shifted, flickering towards his voice to catch every note, lest they be washed away with the melody of the waters. A feeling, she replied simply then chuffed -- almost a laugh, though fell short. Amekaze knew this already, however it was noted that evidently, her newness was very plain to see.. Because here, I am. Chilly acceptance of the issue at hand came easily for her. What is this place? Either right here, exactly, or on a greater scale than just that, Ame would take any of it. With interactions with other wolves so few and far between, not many opportunities like this came about. She ought to gain all she could even if knowing matters like this seemed boring, it was necessary.

RE: unmake the wild light - Vehiron - October 06, 2013

“This particular region is called the Rising Sun Valley. You stand at the banks of Swiftcurrent Creek.” His attention darted to the rushing currents, annoyance besetting his countenance. “A fitting name, if nothing else,” he mumbled noncommittally. He failed taking from the creek its precious bounty: sustenance. Today would have been more profitable if he had stayed at Big Salmon Lake, but alas! the wilds tempted him, and who was he to renounce the call? After all, Glacier National Park was still new to him as well. Simply, he had had more time in which to explore...which is what brought Vehiron to Amekaze in the first place.
            “What do you seek? Perhaps I could be of some assistance...” Straight to the heart of affairs. No matter. If she had a specific end – aside from exploring – now was the time to speak her piece.

RE: unmake the wild light - Amekaze - October 07, 2013

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Rising Sun Valley. It was suitable enough, even if it felt strange to finally have words to know this place by instead of sights, sounds, scents and feelings. She tipped her muzzle into a subtle gesture of a nod, her expression thoughtful as she took in his informative words. She was right in guessing he knew this place, of that she was now certain.

Amekaze had liked this Valley as much as she could so far. The wetlands and the forests suited her reclusive desires for the time. It was.. acceptable, although it was hard not to turn her eyes towards the bordering mountains in curious yearning -- half born out of longing to put her paws to sloping terrain while the rest of the world spread below her, half out of the need to see as much as she could while she was here. The nearer peak loomed not all that far from here. She needn't look its way to feel its presence.

His question caught even the keen Amekaze off guard for a second. Her eyes narrowed, though she was quick to blink it away before it morphed into glowering stare. There was no way of him knowing that he had touched on the matter that consumed her focus -- goals, plans, and what exactly did she seek? The hazy vision of it exactly was infuriating. She simply did not have the answers for the specifics yet. Perhaps. Although the answer is.. not simple. Amekaze eyed him. I seek a worthy cause, she quipped for a vague answer, but soon straightened her stance again. And to know this place better, I suppose. Her tail switched casually while yearning blazing in the verdant shade of her eyes; she wanted to accomplish much, but felt inexplicably weighed down by unknown.

You smell of others, she observed, hinting at the obvious inquiry of his allegiance to pry further into him. It was worth mentioning, if nothing else.

RE: unmake the wild light - Vehiron - October 08, 2013

She speaks of her focus, and Vehiron is all too enthusiastic to get her to Tonravik's doorstep right away. There was something to Amekaze that clicked with him – something that made the woman different (and more appealing) from some common damsel. It was this something that made him think she would get ahead under Tartok's flag. Perhaps he was jumping to conclusions, yet he was willing to give Amekaze the option to join under Tartok's rule, to grow as a wolf, to survive. She wanted a cause, so what cause worthier than strength?
            “I smell of home.” He met her verdant stare with allurement, his emphasis adding to it, as he invited her to look where he did: Silvertip Mountain. His message was clear: that is my home. Vehiron said nothing for a beat before he turned his attention back to her. Sunlight leaked through the trees and bespattered their furs with golden patterns...patterns that, oddly enough, resembled blood. How quaint, yet also fitting.
            “Is strength a meriting cause?” He need not hear any more beyond a 'yes' or 'no.' And if she was courageous enough to dabble in the 'maybe,' he would not say anything about Tartok. He was not going to anyway, but an unequivocal response could influence him...

RE: unmake the wild light - Amekaze - October 09, 2013

<style type="text/css">.ame {margin:auto; width:530px; text-align:justify;font-size:11px;} .ame q {color:#7a2638; font-family:georgia;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:1.3px;} .ame p {margin:0px;text-indent:30px;}</style>

Home, the word alone inspiring a twisting ache in her chest, knowing that here, she had no such thing. What was inevitable was the fleeting pang of jealousy towards him for having one that followed while she followed his eyes to a distant peak. She had noted his emphasis; he had what she did not, and thus, he stood on higher footing than she no matter what.

Ame returned her eyes to him in silence. She was curious of the mountain and the wolves -- his fellows, evidently, if she was correct in assuming they were a banded pack. So far, her interactions with the region's packs were next to nonexistent. None had reached out to her and she had yet to feel inspired to seek them out, yet with winter approaching, she would soon if she decided to stay.

Strength. Her ears, which had settled to a fanned-back ease before, sprung up to sharpened attentiveness. She noted he seemed to know such key words to keep her interested. In response, she nodded. Of course, with a measured exhale. Her eyes narrowed. This was key. Strength was so much, so important in her upbringing that had shaped her to this presence now and the axis on which she spun

Amekaze remembered. 'I hope you learn what true strength is', a piece of the parting words.. and perhaps, this could prove to be a stepping-stone towards this. Or not. She could not get too far ahead. She was still unwilling to show too much interest yet. It was only one question.

She gave the dark-coated male her attention, silently willing him to share more should he see fit.

RE: unmake the wild light - Vehiron - October 13, 2013

Sorry for the wait. Been feeling kind of off lately. Also, talkative Vehiron is talkative.

Compatibility was met with a sliver of hope. Their meeting would amount to something more, if Amekaze was willing to commit to their cause. Judging by her succinct words and subliminal reactions, he could tell she would do well to run with them. Now, the hard part was to come into play: convincing her to join them without saying too much, or too little.
           “I cannot tell you everything, as I am sworn to secrecy, but I will tell you this: we call ourselves Tartok. We focus on the betterment of our skills – whatever they may be. You receive recognition and rank by honing your abilities, but it is also commonplace for scraps to break out over rank...” Vision trailed away, falling to the shade's pharynx and coming to rest upon her chest. Memories made his words fall away into shallow breaths before he abruptly fixed his attention back onto her face with a feline acuity. “As I was saying, you can fight for the rank you want, so long as it agrees with our leader, Tonravik.” Whom is a barbaric simpleton at times, but I would prefer no other as my upper...or my equal, but that is for another day.
           “I can think of no better home than ours, miss, and I am but a lowly Sigma.” Do ranks even interest his audience? Who does not love the glorification of conflict, of asserting the spot one rightfully deserves?
           “My words do not do Tartok justice, I'm afraid. It would be better if you experienced it for yourself.” Brushing past her, he took some steps towards home. He stopped to look over his shoulder at her, his expression and stance a missive to follow him or ask questions. Either way, he made it clear that he was to depart soon.

RE: unmake the wild light - Amekaze - October 14, 2013

np! hope you feel not-so-off soon! i'm sorry i'm all gross rambles lately u gh x_x
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Sworn to secrecy? She squinted at him while she mulled this over, wondering why. Perhaps they were a reclusive bunch or just not interested in making their doings public. Amekaze deemed it sensible and most likely for the best, even if she did not fully know why it was. It really didn't matter in the long run anyway; she knew enough to just be pleased to be hearing anything at all, especially about a group that may be worth her time.

Frankly, she had put little consideration into joining a pack. Far less than she should have considering winter's approach. Amekaze had liked the loner's life of travel so far and felt that most packs she had encountered between the homeland and here weren't worth her time. However, this fruitful land seemed to already offer more.

She listened carefully about this Tartok (a curious name in a harsh-sounding tongue, she noted), memorizing and scrutinizing as he spoke, attempting to choreograph the proper reaction. Admittedly she was interested.. but could she envision herself as one of them? If their goal was the betterment of their skills and strengths, then wasn't that what she sought out here on her own? Amekaze was quietly thoughtful and was pleased that he spoke on without further prompting necessary from her -- of their leader and otherwise, such as how it could be a home to suit her.

Which may have been true. However, she had specific wants in a pack. Amekaze needed a balance of her interests all bundled together beneath an Alpha truly befitting. She couldn't follow just any wolf -- they needed to be superior to her in all ways and then some. Ame would not be easily impressed and still, Tartok sounded.. interesting. Worth a closer look if nothing else.

Her posture stiffened momentarily when he brushed past and her eyes followed his motion keenly. His nose pointed towards his home. She stayed rooted a moment more. You are right, I would like to see for myself, namely, the mountain and his Tonravik. No other packs have caught my interests yet, although, I have not been looking intently, she mentioned while stepping forward towards him. How did you come to find Tartok? she pried, still watchful.

To all he would share, she would listen and absorb every detail. This could be useful in the future and she intended to be prepared. Vehiron made for interesting company and when the time came, she parted ways with him in almost somber silence. Perhaps their paths would cross again soon.