Wolf RPG
Blacktail Deer Plateau We're all mad here - Printable Version

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We're all mad here - Arielle - April 22, 2021

It seemed the only thing she was good at lately was getting lost. She had found temporary sanctuary, a nice woman who helped her when she was injured, and then she had grown too secure. Arielle had set out to explore again, ever the curious girl, and she had found herself lost without the slightest idea of getting back to the pack that had taken her in. She had tried to find them for days before accepting her fate once more—she was apparently destined to wander the wilds alone.

And alone she had been. She was skinny, evidence of her lack of skills in the hunting department; she had managed to keep herself fed enough, though. She was jumpy and on constant alert, afraid something would jump out and eat her at any minute. She spent most of her time in thickets and caves, hiding out until she could longer ignore her thirst or hunger. Some wolves managed just fine on their own, but Arielle was just not cut out for the lone wolf life. She missed her family—her mom and dad, and especially her sister; she wondered what she even looked like now. Arielle had grown into her lithe, feminine form. She was barely of average height and she still held some of the look of childhood, most notably her paws that still seemed just a little too big for her body. 

When she stumbled onto the plateau from the mountains, she had frozen immediately. She knew this place. It seemed so familiar but she couldn't quite remember why. It had taken some exploring to realize she had actually been here before with her family. Her eyes were wet with tears as she continued to make her way to the stream that ran through the middle of the territory. By the time she reached the water, she was stuck with an overwhelming sadness, her thirst completely forgotten. She collapsed to the ground and rested her head on her paws, staring sullenly out at the stream as it trickled by.