Wolf RPG
A jailyard assault in rain and mud - Printable Version

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A jailyard assault in rain and mud - Yuda - September 16, 2014

[size=x-small] @Mordecai this is outside of pack territory, but closeby [/size]

The green-leafed giants presented themselves at equal distances to both the male's left and the male's right. Yuda was always most comfortable with the ability of setting his eyes upon any threats from a distance. It was also an opportunity for the young boy to run, even if he despised with poison the though of being a wimp, in either direction if there happened to be a bear or a gathering of wolves (although he'd rather die in the latter than live a coward). Where he was gave him a secured position from any type of assault.

Sinister-esque orbs shifted upward a notch from an out-of-focus stare to something slightly more interested. There were sharp inclines and free falls from the tachycardic mountains that gradually became clearer to navigate with his eyes.

Yuda stopped a distance from the territory that was a contrast to other places he'd viewed in his lifetime, though many areas in the general location could be called the same. Mountains and snow, and a brief showcase of bright grass mere weeks a year, were all he knew.

A scent filled his nostrils. A few feet further was all he traveled. After that, black eyes simply examined.

RE: A jailyard assault in rain and mud - Mordecai - September 16, 2014

I think tachycardic mountains might be my new favorite adjective for Ouroboros, lmao.

His round at the borders had been dull. The Spine had gone quiet again, but not for lack of trying. He knew most, if not all of them were busy in their preparations for the winter. But their ranks still remained thin, a fact that Mordecai wasn't sure was a good thing or a bad thing. It was good in the sense that they would have less mouths to feed, but bad in the sense that it brought a sense of disconnect to their territory. Perhaps it was that disconnect, combined with the internal turmoil of their leadership and ranks that had caused so many to seemingly desert their post.

But he thought less on that as the days pressed on, only remaining half as much as an outlier stroking the temptation of leaving himself. Even that urge found itself suppressed when he put thought to it. If he had wanted to leave, perhaps gamble on the chance of taking up home for the winter in another pack, he wouldn't have been walking loosely through their broad span of border. He lingered beyond where the strongest of markings had been lain, more as a ward to warn off those who would step too close. Or perhaps a temptation to those seeking out their own refuge in the wilderness.

And such an opportunity arose as he came steadily around a bend in the terrain. Against the leafy cover it was less of a feat to pick out the lighter tones of legs and chest, versus the way the shadows obscured the darker shape of something distinctly canine. It grasped his attention firmly, and he brought himself within range to be seen, and heard. “It's a nice view, isn't it?” This close to the Spine, and it could be seen. The jagged, low peaks of its location were often obscured by the forest that it only scantly towered over. Here it seemed, they had acquired a bit of a low spot, a natural mask that Jinx had both displayed and worn.

RE: A jailyard assault in rain and mud - Yuda - September 22, 2014

[size=x-small]ooc: Thank you. Medical studies come in handy for writing, I suppose.[/size]

Yuda neither awaited company, nor did he find himself denying the fact that some form of an animal, or beast, will you, to appear before him. A wolf was the mammal to show itself, and for now the watercolor boy did not see beast within the male.

Words reached the juvenile, and no reaction could be found in any form of physical expression. The black eyes stuck to the golden shape that was in Yuda's direct path — if he had chosen to take his journey deeper into the loud mountains.

His dark orbs slowly climbed upward to the highest of the towering peaks, resting there blankly for only a few seconds before gently falling down to the opposing wolf he'd let his eyes drift from a just a moment before.

This was the only reaction that would be presented, and if anyone were to ask Yuda (and if he was to respond), the young fellow would say that it was too much of a response, and a generous one at that.

RE: A jailyard assault in rain and mud - Mordecai - September 22, 2014

That they do. I miss and don't miss it, and sometimes wished I had followed it through...

He received no direct response from the younger wolf, which upon a closer inspection seemed to be unique in his own way. Mordecai couldn't help but be distracted by his eyes as he gave him a once over. They seemed empty, but that was only a surface observation. It was clear that he could see, or else his viewing of the vista was for show. Yet the way he looked upon Mordecai was unnerving enough in itself, a gaze that Mordecai met with his own curious gaze.

“So are you just wandering around, or are you straying close to our territory for a reason?” He wouldn't waste time with trying to make idle conversation. His interpretation of the situation was that there was little in the way of talking of the view as there was business. Maybe the youth was just wandering around, or maybe he was looking for something more. And it was possible that he was a mute too, Mordecai took no real guesses at to why he was presented with silence.

RE: A jailyard assault in rain and mud - Yuda - September 24, 2014

Though Yuda had no perception around or about the scrutiny the wolves expelled in these lands, it was a very different type of atmosphere. His clan all held the night-colored eyes, and even member within the actual pack paid no mind, whether it was the eyes of death or cool, even disinterested and listless, behavior. The clan were bottom feeders — a complete necessity to the pack's longevity, but shunned and rejected nonetheless.

The desire to reply was not only present, but not given any regard as to existing. Yuda never made a sound, even within his own clan. Even in a place which should have been safe, the boy became subject to cruel mumblings and victim to questions that were overly callous for a wolf come of age, let alone a child. Yuda never recalled what his life was when his age was months younger, although he never recalled anything on purpose — all came to haunt within nightmares, the reason why slumber was experienced in lesser amounts than before he came to these lands.

It could be agreed upon that the child was much too serious, and this severe aspect, which was the whole of him, was used as a response to the male. Silence ensued, even if the boy felt a small tug to say something. It was subconsciously suppressed, awaiting a response.

RE: A jailyard assault in rain and mud - Mordecai - September 24, 2014

The absence of a verbal reply came once more, leaving Mordecai in an interesting predicament that he had never been in. Even for all the youth's seriousness, he couldn't help but feel that he may have been minutely disinterested. Within him, the thought that there was something most certainly wrong with the lad came to the forefront of his thoughts, and the Ostrega opted to circle him listlessly. But with distance on the off chance something was actually wrong with him; the Spine had dealt with enough illness to last them a lifetime in his eyes.

“Are you mute?” he asked, increasingly forward in his queries. Even then, he doubted that he would receive a response. With a general lack of cue that he could pick up, his priorities were rapidly falling and rising over decisions left to make. But he kept them at bay for the time being with the hope that the third time would be the charm.

RE: A jailyard assault in rain and mud - Yuda - October 01, 2014

Depthless orbs clung to the position they cast themselves into, which happened at be directly at the golden statue before him. This did not necessarily mean that Yuda actually paid attention to the male.

Moreso casting his stare through the wolf mentioned before, the dark boy's eyes shifted in the slightest, and a small huff of amusement followed in reaction to the three words which formed themselves into question. It was reasonable that wolves assumed Yuda was either deaf, mute, or dumb, which he was neither. These options could be seen as a stoke of luck, or not, depending on the views and stances regarding the situation. It did not matter what any wolf said or thought, though, for Yuda did not care whether he was a wolf marred by physical, or so to speak, deformities. Time was wasted upon such thoughts, and if they were, they were, and if they weren't, they weren't. For now, a brief "no" nestled itself into his chest, more likely to never be spoken, and a microscopic smirk appeared in quiet amusement.

RE: A jailyard assault in rain and mud - Mordecai - October 02, 2014

Again, no reply. At least not in any verbal sense he would have expected.

This was the point where Mordecai felt his patience slipping. For the quiet youth's amusement, it seemed that he could vocalize some sort of response. If he thought it to be some sort of a game, then truthfully Mordecai was amiss for what the point was. Maybe he felt he was too good to waste the time, or maybe he was merely taking enjoyment out of turning into what the Ostrega felt was a nuisance.

Canting his head slightly, Mordecai gave him a sidelong look as though his own response would prompt more entertainment from the other. Perhaps he'd glean what it was about the situation that held amusement for the younger wolf, but if not and his time ended up being wasted, Mordecai had his own productive solutions to make up for the wasted time.

Upon not receiving a reply again, Mordecai gave chase of the strange yearling, driving him far away from the Spine.