Wolf RPG
Whitefish River Paranormal whacktivity - Printable Version

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Paranormal whacktivity - Peregrine Redhawk - September 16, 2014

It was like the sun never came up at all. The day started off overcast and gloomy, a decided chill in the air. There was more to it than that, though. A thick fog blanketed the river, some of it rolling off the water to swallow the plateau. As Peregrine padded slowly toward the borders, it was like walking in a dream. The forest was preternaturally still, which lent itself to the impression of a dreamscape.

Somehow, Peregrine found his way to the towpath and walked to the riverside, where the fog was so thick he could barely see three feet ahead of himself. "Well," he said, his own voice sounding jarringly loud in the eerie quiet. He even startled himself. "Guess fishing's out." He looked down at the water, where the milky white miasma stirred, then squinted left and right along the river.

"Too spooky for me," he eventually muttered to himself. Peregrine turned and began to make his way back toward the plateau, only he became disoriented somehow. Long after he expected to touch ground at the base of his territory, he found himself still wandering through the fog. His heart drummed in his chest.

A sense of uneasiness settled into the pit of his stomach. It deepened when he suddenly stepped into water. He was back at the river, having somehow turned around completely. And the fog was now thicker than clotted cream; he could barely see the water, hence why he'd stepped right into it. Swallowing back a feeling of foreboding, Peregrine froze, deciding to stay still until the fog dissipated somewhat.

RE: Paranormal whacktivity - Yuda - September 16, 2014

[size=x-small]I hope you do not mind another thread in such short time. I thought it would be interesting.[/size]

The air made of ghosts also pulled a sheet over Yuda's unearthly eyes. The male could see nothing before him other than a slight transition into a darker grey here and there. He did not watch his feet, for walking was already a consumption of energy he had no desire losing. Being lazy could also be a descriptor, though the boy would not even produce a shrug if it was hung in front of his face — or, more appropriately, laid down a few feet in front of him (although, he probably would not care about that anyway).

And, apparently, in front of him also laid a wet substance he had been partnered with many times recently. His right paw plopped down while his body jerked back in an instinctual reaction, something Yuda had been bred and raised to fight against. He learned not to flinch, not to startle, not to wince in pain — freedoms that every other wolf was granted to have, but the boy was not aware of this. What emotions and actions he output were natural to him.

So, as it was, yet another small trickle came into play; but this time, it was a cacophony of colors: confusion, intrigue, and anger prevailed as he peered down at his wet foot as if trying to decipher what had just happened within his mind. Lasting no more than ten seconds, Yuda snapped back to the state that was devoid of emotion. Looking up, his body lurched forward as he moved on — which happened to be further in the river while the liquid sloshed gently with his steps.

RE: Paranormal whacktivity - Peregrine Redhawk - September 17, 2014

I don't mind at all. :D

The lack of sensory input soon became maddening. Peregrine slid forward onto his belly and pushed his black toes toward the water. Before they reached it, he heard a muffled splash and froze again, every muscle quivering as his ears pricked atop his dark crown. His whiskers twitched like so many tautly-strung piano strings and his dusky eyes tried ineffectually to cut through the fog.

"Who's there?" he eventually called, his voice sounding strangely hollow in the misty murk.

RE: Paranormal whacktivity - Yuda - September 17, 2014

Yuda's eardrum pulsed at the detection of sound, yet his ears and eyes stuck to the positions they had already claimed. He recognized the voice that dodged in between the mist, although its momentum was slowed. The faintest glare cast from the forms of his face, and a few more wet steps were taken.

Originally, the juvenile did not once think of stopping until he noticed that he had. The male was stiff as stone. Yuda blinked once, and it was as if he snapped out of a spell cast upon him as he became hyper aware of the cling of the mist held by his tongue, the voice of the water that made him feel static, and the sense of the other male's location, wherever it would lie.

"Your best friend," peeled itself dryly from his throat and tossed itself into the air. Yuda's mind slipped to he belief that unnecessary words were a waste, and his mind shrugged in place of his own body, because that small action would have been a waste as well.

RE: Paranormal whacktivity - Peregrine Redhawk - September 17, 2014

A masculine voice answered him, though Peregrine couldn't place it, nor make sense of the dryly sarcastic response. My best friend? The black fur along his spine prickled and he thrust his muzzle in the direction he thought the voice had come from, nostrils flaring now. He half-feared he might drown as he sucked thick mist into his nostrils, yet he didn't so much as cough. He discerned a slight scent and suddenly it clicked.

"You creepy little fuck," he murmured to himself. He knew it wouldn't carry to the other's ears, not in this dense fog. Louder, he said, "Are you creeping on me or something? First you came skulking around on a dark and rainy night and now you're scurrying around in the fog. What's your deal, deadeyes?" He didn't know where the nickname came from, yet it definitely fit.

RE: Paranormal whacktivity - Yuda - September 22, 2014

A sly smile appeared upon the black and tan face, even if it was minute. Amusement touched his eyes as something that could be titled as similar to a sense of dignity filled him, though Yuda was not in any way aware that he could be seen as somewhat prideful with his actions, even if it was a small smirk of satisfaction.

His time had already been ground into a fine powder, its dust wasted on the conversation he'd rinsed himself of in the water his grey legs now rested in.

That being so, he gushed forward, his legs shifting only a few times before he came to a halt once more. Amusement filled the black depths again before fading into apathy once more — near apathy, at least. A string gently untied a knot, a string which began tugging on the devilish delight section of the boy's emotionless mind.

RE: Paranormal whacktivity - Peregrine Redhawk - September 23, 2014

No reply came, not that that surprised Peregrine in the least. He snorted, causing the fog to whorl right in front of his face. He went cross-eyed staring at it, then refocused and stared unseeingly into the mist as he heard the younger wolf moving around out there. He ran his tongue over his teeth, then pressed them lightly into his tongue to discourage himself from saying anything else.

Two could play at this game and it wasn't like Peregrine had anything better to do. He didn't want to sit here, bored out of his mind, waiting for the sun to burn off the fog. Instead, he slid forward into the chilly water and began to flail his legs and make struggling noises. Surely he sounded like a drowning victim.

RE: Paranormal whacktivity - Yuda - September 24, 2014

Black holes stared into wispy ghosts before them. Breath was paced, sluggish, controlled. Recalling training that he was guided into (or thrown into, as the outside world would see), perfect stillness was involved. Solely silence would be heard, so that his ears could detect anything in said silence.

The quiet was broken though, as the obnoxious male decided to try and exceed his annoying disposition. Yuda did not comprehend the reasoning behind the actions, but he stayed put in the peace he currently basked in, other than the fact the black wolf stirred up ruckus. It was an overly simple task for the dark-eared boy to bar sound in his meditative state. It came to him that the dickhead wolf was actively trying to obtain the boy's attention. A smirk was not present, but the minute narrow in Yuda's brow lifted in an almost darkly amused way. He'd been witness to wolves drowning, watched with no emotion. Even if the older wolf in the vicinity was struggling for air, the watercolor juvenile would either stare with his dead eyes or simply walk away.

RE: Paranormal whacktivity - Peregrine Redhawk - September 30, 2014

My final post (unless Yuda does something to him, lol). :)

The young wolf did not show himself nor make any obvious attempt to come to Peregrine's aid, which was unsurprising. After sloshing around a bit longer, the Alpha male fell still and simply drifted in the chilly water. Ironically, he felt suddenly thirsty and helped himself by simply arching his neck slightly downward and lapping at the water pooling around his chest.

At length, he clambered back onto the shore and stretched out, his chin sinking onto his paws. "You're the most dreadfully boring wolf I've ever not really met," Peregrine declared grumpily.

The world was still immensely foggy and he was still bored out of his mind. There was only one thing left to do, really. Unleashing a wide yawn, Peregrine curled into a ball and began methodically licking the moisture from his dark coat. When he was sufficiently dried, he then relaxed slightly and closed his eyes. He would sleep while he waited for the sun to burn away the fog.