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Frostfire Ridge were torn asunder by star or sword - Printable Version

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were torn asunder by star or sword - Imaq - May 10, 2021

AW, tracking #5 (rolled for target: pika, imaq goes unseen)

The sun had not quite reached its zenith when Imaq stole quietly away from the Glacier and the close-knit community she had grown familiar with, picking her way nimbly from the cliffs of ice and down beyond the river of meltwater. As the sun dispelled the low cover of morning fog from the Taiga's green slopes of tundral mosses and grasses, it warmed the she-dog's muscles in a similar fashion -- the dove giving a small shake of her thick pelt as she loped through a rich pinewood.

As she continued west, the tracks of a small creature became clear in the mud around a tree -- catching Tupilak's seaglass optics, the pools of tropical water glinting with intrigue as the piebald wandered closer for a better look.

The smell was that of a rodent or burrowing mammal, though she couldn't be entirely sure what kind. A few footsteps away the scent gathered more strongly around a tiny pile of droppings, more prints leading away, westward. 

Imaq followed after the smell, wondering what kind of animal she might find on the end of the trail.