Wolf RPG
Kildeer Rest she learned romance as she grew older: - Printable Version

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she learned romance as she grew older: - Imaq - May 11, 2021

AW, deerstalker #4 (prey: bison, successful @Wintersbane @Iana @Tzila @Rye @Lane @Zephyr)

The small meadow wouldn't have been of much note, surely it was pretty enough -- the kind of place that Imaq thought Iana might like. She could easily picture the lovely wren languishing in the low flowers, rolling in their scent as she sunbathed. But it was clearly home to a small population of songbirds and little else, save for the occasional rabbit or weasel and a frequenting fox or two. It wasn't exactly a hunter's haven despite its charm, however.

Imaq had just settled on gathering her fellow medic a few colorful blossoms before moving on when the rich, copper scent of metallic blood flooded her splotchy nose. Following after the promising scent of a fresh kill, Imaq loped over a small rise in the horizon only to skid to a halt a couple yards away from a badly wounded bison lying in a pool of its own lifeblood.

From what Imaq could tell it was a young bull, perhaps separated from his bachelor herd in the fight for his life -- a fight he had won if the slain cougar laying several feet away was any indication. Imaq only stared in shock for a moment before calling for her packmates as she realized the opportunity she was staring at. The bull lowed in warning at the sound but he was too injured to make any move towards the she-dog that remained carefully out of his reach.