Wolf RPG
Moonstone Quarry TEEKON HIGHLAND GAMES: Wrestling - Printable Version

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TEEKON HIGHLAND GAMES: Wrestling - Blair - May 20, 2021

Blair will be conducting the Wrestling Games himself

Blair loved to wrestle. It had been one of his most favorite sports since he was a very young kid. Now that he was hosting his very own wrestling match, it would be very difficult to not participate. Blair had spent a great deal of time getting the initial rings set up for each match which would be elimination rounds until winners were determined, much like tug of war. This game though would test not only strength and stamina, but also strategy and cunning.

Each ring was set up using various branches and stones, and the tokens to mark what others placed were skulls of various sizes. A deer, raccoon, and rabbit skull were used to indicate what rank someone placed when they won. The skulls weren't very hard to find, mostly scavenged. Blair considered using a wolf skull, but that wouldn't be respectful to the wolf if they were used for games like that.

Blair looked at the other games taking place and felt proud that this was taking off in the way he expected. Most of the wolves here were pack wolves, but there was a number of rogue wolves also that had heard about the events. Blair couldn't think of any other way the games could have gone so positively.

RE: TEEKON HIGHLAND GAMES: Wrestling - Avicus - May 31, 2021

a challenger emerges among the rest, tall and proud.

she is not so big as some of them, nor strong nor cunning. but she has the lessons her family has taught her, and she has an indomitable spirit. she refuses to lose, not without a fight.

Avicus puffs out her chest as she enters the empty ring, lifting her chin, searching for the one who would challenge her. she sees the others engaged in activity and she wants some for herself; wherever there is action and reaction, she is there.

she is here.

RE: TEEKON HIGHLAND GAMES: Wrestling - Calcifer - July 05, 2021

The break after the first three games was welcomed by Calcifer. The combination of all the events that took place and the summer heat had started to ware on him and he felt like a lump of hot coal emanating heat from his dark and thick coat. The break allowed him time to rest in the shade, get some water, and take a cooling dip before venturing in the direction of where the Wrestling would take place.

When he arrived he saw Blair there. The one to introduce the whole event to them. He gave the male and nod and proceeded to look around. There were various rings and within one stood Avicus all ready to go. She had been at the game opener and they had met before in the Honeyed Pasture not too far from here. He kept his distance, for now, to observe who else would arrive but gave her a gentlemanly nod.