Wolf RPG
Duskfire Glacier of some ghastly predicament in mind - Printable Version

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of some ghastly predicament in mind - Echelon - September 19, 2014

For @Njal, set basically pretty near the borders. I figure it would be easier to make a thread in DFG's forum than anything. <3

Oh, how it had caught her attention. It started as a mere speck of fiery light on the horzion a day before, obscured by the land rising to meet it. But it had entranced Echelon in ways that many things could. Like a magpie drawn to indescribly shiny things, she had desired to go it from the moment she had seen it. But distance and time rarely worked together in a way that she found fluid. The trek there had been painstaking, riding up on her impatience to simply be there now. With the wolves of Tartok amassing and scattering with the same goal in mind, she hoped she would be the first to find the breathtaking gem on the horzion.

At least that was how she felt right up until the strongest of canine smells assaulted her. No doubt in her mind a pack had settled there, and once again beneath the dying rays of a warm sun, the glacier was awash and aglow. Her beacon, her magpie-drawing radar had held her to a proverbial brick wall. She had skirted and paced at the border for some time, whining to herself as the sun began to fade. The fire was going out, miles and miles out from ever hoping to touch something that tied her so closely to her home. But she would not summon or beg for someone to let her in, to let her near.

She watched, and waited, took study of the creatures that came and went in the range of her vision. Yes, there was a pack here. She considered once turning tail before being full on spotted to seek out Tonravik and tell her of the place. Not to rally a war party to come and take it, but perhaps something more. She wondered if her aokkatti would feel the same about the dusky glacier as she would. She hoped she would, but maybe not. Tonravik desired a mountain for her wolves, but Echelon thought this was much better than any mountain they could have hoped for. If only to view.
purity ring — obedear

RE: of some ghastly predicament in mind - RIP Njal - September 21, 2014

There were more reports coming to him of the lynx, and it was a troubling thought. More than that, it was maddening. That there was such a threat upon their lands was one thing, but to have the lynx openly taunting individual wolves was another. The Alpha was infuriated. He roamed the forests with only one goal in mind, and that was to find the damned cat and be rid of it for good. Njal's trek started at the den site and spiraled outwards, gradually taking him closer and closer to the edge of the territory. He was looking for lynx, but as luck would have it, a wolf was what he found.

She was hesitant in her movements, and clearly distracted. Njal had failed to realize how close the night had come by this point, and as he turned his head to spy upon what she watched, he noticed the enigmatic flourish of color above his head. The sunset was warm and inviting - but that was hardly the same for the wolves that basked beneath it. The Alpha turned his attention away from the brilliant sight and watched the dark woman's figure, estimating the distance and judging whether or not she was a threat. It appeared as if she was holding her ground at the edge of the territory, obeying the unseen line.

Not a threat, then. Just curious, and taken in by the glacier pack's namesake.

Njal wanted to depart from this budding situation and get back to hunting the lynx, but... A break would be a wise decision. A moment away from the problems that plagued his family. So he chose instead to forge onward, weaving between trees but otherwise not masking his approach. He was a big guy, and the sound of the crackling underbrush would be enough to alert the stranger. When he finally emerged from the tangled dark, the male assumed a dominant posture and said, Enjoying the view? with a bit more mirth than he truly felt.

RE: of some ghastly predicament in mind - Echelon - September 21, 2014

Out of the depths of the growing shadows strode a wolf at long last. His long strides came to her out of focus, as Echelon did not want to take her eyes off the sight of the glacier until she absolutely had to. When that point came, she brought her icy gaze to him, taking in the colors of his ashen coat. The way he carried himself suggested to her that he was more than likely a leader there, but the wind was out of her favor for the time being to affirm it. Still, she deferred lightly and respectfully, removing her gaze from him as he slowed to a stop. Ears slicked back kindly, though it was maybe unlike the word kind to turn up in her vocabulary.

“I am,” she answered, letting her gaze slip away from him to catch the glow once more. “You have impeccable taste in territory.” The envy did not stay from her voice in the slightest, because she truthfully was envious of his claim. Of whoever's claim, on the off chance he would turn out not to be the rightful leader of the terrain. The found mirth in his tone steered her away from thoughts that he would be forwardly aggressive as well, but she still wouldn't have put that past him. Though a wolf of Tartok, Echelon was just as much of a dispersal tasked in aiding Tonravik to secure a claim somewhere else.

The pair chatted for a moment before Echelon departed, not wanting to linger at the borders as the dusky glow of the glacier passed.