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Redhawk Caldera A map to a one man maze - Printable Version

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A map to a one man maze - Āzon - June 07, 2021

Āzon's doing a lil' border watch. AW!

It was a pleasantly warm summer night, which was the perfect time and place to start guarding the Caldera's borders. He'd need to get a layout of the land one of these days -- so why not map out the camp while doing his job at the same time? 

Āzon still had yet to meet more of the Caldera's members and probably should soon -- sporting solitude usually wasn't a good look on new members. But how was he even supposed to do that? The convos that followed after a lil' "Hi" or "Hello" didn't come too naturally to him.  
And god, the awkward silence. That shit was torture....

The Phoenix stood at the pack’s edges, pacing a good distance between to get some movement in, and letting moonlight reflect off his coat as the night flew slowly by...

RE: A map to a one man maze - Magnola - June 08, 2021

I noticed this said it's on the borders so I figured a loner on the other side wouldn't hurt, let me know if you'd like me to delete or edit! :D

The moonlight bathed the land, casted shimmers here and there. Often times the shimmers did not move. Only this one did. A white wave in the darkness. It was a gigantic man, ripped with muscles of a warrior. It seemed fitting as much, as it appeared he was guarding this place's borders in the night. Although it made her feel like even more of a stranger near these borders.

Smaller than him, mostly pudge and little muscle.

Softly she crooned out to him. Warm and welcoming, tempting his attention toward her. She had no clue if he would actually respond to her.

RE: A map to a one man maze - Āzon - June 09, 2021

No need. You're good!

The Phoenix was on high alert, ecspecially at night where more things might've passed his vision if he wasn't being too attentive. However there was a notable shift in movement that caught his undivided attention.

In the distance just across where he stood, there was the silhouette of a small wolf -- and from that silhouette peered a set of lavender orbs that seemed to glow under the moonlight's reflection. This glare of color, and the feminine-shapped shadow; it was the only two things he could make out.

"Who...." The Phoenix's mismatched gaze squinted as if trying to see if he could make anything else out from this lighting, before eventually giving up and turning to face them instead. His gaze was wary, and his stance tall and postured in alert. 

"Evenin' ma'am," It was quite literally, way past evening, but whatever. "You're near Redhawk's borders. Can I help you with somethin'?"

RE: A map to a one man maze - Magnola - June 09, 2021

She was greeted kind and given some knowledge in his introduction. Redhawk's borders. She would commit that to memory.

Ah. I am simply new to the area. I am sorry for wandering so close, especially at night. Timid and apologetic, as a proper loner should be. Although her nose had not been defect. She knew she had neared a border, she had hoped it would result in this. Interaction.

Might I ask about your knowledge on the land?

RE: A map to a one man maze - Āzon - June 09, 2021

The stranger from afar seemed apologetic, and it was enough to calm Azon's nerves down just a notch. His intentions weren't to scare or threaten the woman as she appeared harmless in her intentions, but he wasn't taking chances when there were so many children wandering the Caldera this season -- not for someone he didn't know. Even if they did seem nice.

Either way, he settled down a bit.

Ignis sat calmly on his haunches as he continued to face the lilac-eyed damsel, ears swiveling forward as the she-wolf spoke. She asked for information regarding the claim, and he'd give her a nod. "Well 'course I can. Though I'll need to know who I'm giving it to first." he stated simply, in a way that didn't intend to come of as rude -- only a-matter-of-factly. Yeah, he could start telling her about the place, but he didn't want to give that out to the lone woman until introductions started rolling first.

"Y'got a name miss?"

RE: A map to a one man maze - Magnola - June 09, 2021

Oh, of course! Where had her manners gone? I am Magnola Dayheart, formerly of Aura Ridge. She doubted the former claim would mean much.

Aura Ridge had not seen too many passing guests and she did not recognize this man. Not to mention the place no longer even stood! Fizzled out from a harsh winter season.

RE: A map to a one man maze - Āzon - June 09, 2021


The name rolled off the baritones of his voice rather easily, especially with his thick accent. The mention of an 'Aura Ridge' was met with a skeptical tilt of his head, however. Couldn't have been a pack here in the Teekons, right? He'd never heard of it. Yet it wasn't as if the Tundrian was here since the beginning of time, so fuck if he knew.

The lilac-eyed femora kept her end of the deal with an introduction, so now it was time to keep his. "Alright then miss Dayheart, in that case y'can call me Azon." He offered in turn to her own introduction, a thin smile coming to the Phoenix's dark lips as he spoke. "I guard and defend the Caldera's border's, though I'm a lil' new compared to everyone here. Th'place belongs to Towhee, our Sovereign."

RE: A map to a one man maze - Magnola - June 09, 2021

Miss Dayheart!

With that aside, he delved right in. A newcomer as well! Although she interpreted it as a newcomer to the pack with the way he spoke.

Towhee it seemed ruled here with a title of Sovereign. Rather regal, if you asked her. This knowledge was good to have even if it was only a start — she hoped!

I see. And are Towhee and their people all as helpful as you, Azon? A tilt of her head and a warm smile.

RE: A map to a one man maze - Āzon - June 09, 2021

"Trust me lil' lady, I'm 'bout as helpful with these types'a things as floatin' driftwood." the Phoenix remarked with a short, light-hearted snicker in response to Magnola's flattery. Really -- the information he gave to her was only the bare minimum, as he didn't feel authorized to give out any more than that unless the leads were present. Even now would he still keep his guard, since a friendly stranger approaching borders damn near midnight was a sentence that could rouse anyone's suspicions. Unless...

"Mind me askin' why you're curious miss? Lookin' to join?"

RE: A map to a one man maze - Magnola - June 09, 2021

She laughed. Light but hearty in emotion. I wouldn’t sell yourself short. You’ve been very helpful so far. Rather kind as well!

Ah, perhaps. Honest. Even if her features bloomed with a sly smile. We’re social creatures, you know. I don’t much care for being alone long and I have skills some might like. Although she did not reveal just what those might be yet. A lady didn’t tell all!

It’s mainly a matter of finding somewhere I will fit and someone who values my offerings.

RE: A map to a one man maze - Āzon - June 17, 2021

"Well ain't that right?" He'd respond quietly, a side smirk of some sort creeping along his face. Ignis remembered a time when he was in a similar predicament -- a time before he joined firefly glen, and before he even met most of the wolves he knew now. A time where he relied on himself and lacked much faith in anyone around him, despite not being able to take care of himself too well. The woman before him seemed to be the complete opposite, since she wasn't the disheveled mess he was back then -- still, it gave him a moment to appreciate all the good that had happened and defocus on the shitstorm that came into his life to snatch it all away.

"Well, I don't know much about these....offerings, assumin' you mean trades. Though I hope t'see the day you'd show us one day..." 'Us' used generously -- didn't seem like anyone sensed Magnola at the borders except for him, but judging by her words this probably wouldn't be the last time they'd meet...

RE: A map to a one man maze - Magnola - June 17, 2021

I'd be honored to show them soon, if all goes well. Her honey features wrinkled in delight. Warm and full of kindness. Truthfully, if everyone was as good seeming as Azon, she would have been honored to give them the skills she offered.

Caregiver! Midwife! Sitter!

Oh how she missed the days that had been full of all her tasks. Patching up hunting wounds, seeing new life come into the world and later on having that new life grow big enough to climb all over her!

Perhaps I will come back at a more...appropriate time. Call on you and this Sovereign of yours? It would be nice to have someone there she already knew.

RE: A map to a one man maze - Āzon - June 17, 2021

Editing to wrap-up since Magnola went inactive <3

"Sounds like'a plan, Miss Dayheart,"

Azon nodded respectively. The woman didn't seem all that bad -- she respected the boundaries between them and was overall respectful. Strangely chipper in a way he found a bit strange, but friendly nonetheless.

"Just...promise me you'll make that visit in broad daylight next time? Y'done scared me shitless when I saw ya the first time." The pale sire said with a lith of humor in his voice, though it did manage to shed some seriousness to it. There's no telling how the others might react with a stranger lurking near the borders this late in the night...

And with that, he tipped his muzzle to bid the woman goodnight and turned to leave and continue his nightshift. Maybe they would meet at these boarders again someday, only time would tell...