Wolf RPG
Tormented Tarns Down Under The Trees & Rain - Printable Version

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Down Under The Trees & Rain - Calcifer - June 10, 2021

@Āzon @Āzonn

He had decided to avoid the mountain range. His motivation was a combination of things. The perception that being up higher would increase the temperature to an unbearable degree. The memory of climbing mountains as a cub when the pack moved territories. Whatever it was made him choose to travel through the low lands, a decision he would likely not make again.

The ground here was mucky and bugs buzzed in his ear and past his eyes. His thick coat prevented them from their bites predominantly, but occasionally he felt their sting. There was no point in turning back now. There was nowhere to turn back to and he was already so deep into the Tormented Tarns that he imagined he was likely walking out of them rather than walking further into them.

Rain began to fall to top things off, an initial burden, but shortly thereafter became a pleasant addition to the scene. The bugs disliked the falling moisture and seemed to stray upwards into the trees and away from the wet ground that Calcifer walked on. Standing under a tree would have shielded him from the droplets, but also given the bugs a chance at a sitting feast. 

He pressed on. With his coat as thick as it was, little of the moisture made it to his skin and he continued his trek.