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blackened souls - Printable Version

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blackened souls - Shadow - September 20, 2014

@Flash and @Crëyr Mis amigos :)

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The sun hadn't risen yet but the silver Praetor was awake, platinum eyes steady and sharp as he sat by the lake edge waiting for the fiery orb that Apollo dragged across the sky, that gave them light and warmth. A new member they had, a welsh female and he sighed, pain shooting through his heart and the thought of Cadfael wondering how he was doing. He missed the jet black prince, something that he would never admit. Hopefully he was living a good life with a good pack.

Deciding he was going to be mean and wake his newest member and the Probatio up for patrols. Best she started getting to know her new pack members so he tilted his head into the air and called for the sun-touched probatio and the dark welsh female. Slowly his gaze settled on the distant horizon as he waited for them.

RE: blackened souls - Crëyr - September 20, 2014

good morning lol

Crëyr had been peacefully slumbering, very much comfortable with her new home, when she heard the Praetor call for her. The sound of his howl rang through her ears and entered her mind, jolting her awake from a relatively deep sleep.

Fully alert, she rose to her feet and started quickly towards the area where his call had come from. She never knew what the Praetor had in line for her, therefore it was better to be safe than sorry.
A thought struck her. This might be when I meet my new pack members.
She bowed her head and lowered her tail as he came into her field of vision. Slowly she came to a stop in front of him. "Aye, Praetor."

RE: blackened souls - Flash - September 21, 2014

Flash was walking around the borders watching out for intruders when he heard the howl. He noted that there was two howls, one for another wolf he didn't recognize. He perked up and start to pad towards the source of the howl. When he reached the source, he saw his alpha and a gray wolf he didn't recognize. A new pack mate? he thought as he padded closer.

He padded closer and mutters a friendly hi to the gray wolf before dipping his head and lowering his tail. He sighed under his breath without letting the others know and rolled over and gave a small whine. For the sake of my sanity, he exclaimed in this mind, when will this act stop? I'm sick of doing this! He waited for the signal that he could get up.

RE: blackened souls - Shadow - September 21, 2014

It wasn't long before Crëyr came, he flicked his ears and spoke in a quiet tone Keep your tail lowered at all times, until you have earned your place in the Bypass. his gaze still fixed on the horizon as his tail twitched, motioning for her to sit down next to him as they waited for the probatio and for Apollo to rise. Platinum gaze slowly turned to the sun-touched male as he padded closer and submitted accordingly. A faint smile drifted across his features, Get up, Flash. he said with a smile as he rose to his paws and looked at him.

Now you two might be wondering why I called you here when the sun hasn't even risen yet. But lets introduce ourselves first. I'm Hadrian Nox Angelus Mortis but you guys may call me Shadow. I am the Praetor and leader of this pack. he smirked. He loved introducing himself in such a fashion, it was weird actually.

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RE: blackened souls - Crëyr - September 21, 2014

tell me what to call flash once you get back k since none of you are there

Crëyr nodded as she understood, tail dipping lower if that was even possible. "Yes, Praetor." As the Praetor motioned for her to sit next to him, she took her place and sat beside him as they waited for the other wolf to come.

After all, there had been two howls. One for herself, one for another.

A tawny wolf approached from the distance, his leafy green eyes sparkling in the sunlight. She saw his expression turn into one of confusion as he came close. Still, the sun-touched wolf, who Crëyr knew was one of her new pack members, uttered a friendly greeting as he stopped.

"Hi," She responded, a small smile spreading on her snout. The wolf rolled over and gave a small whine and sunk to the ground before the Praetor gave him directions to get up.

The Praetor begun to speak. "Now you two might be wondering why I called you here when the sun hasn't even risen yet. But lets introduce ourselves first. I'm Hadrian Nox Angelus Mortis but you guys may call me Shadow. I am the Praetor and leader of this pack."

Crëyr listened carefully to the Praetor, who apparently was named Hadrian Nox Angelus Mortis. The other male wolf hadn't chosen to start speaking just yet, and he seemed to be waiting, anyway, so she decided to start.

"Good morning, Praetor and my respectable fellow companion," She started, hoping what she said was regarded proper. "My name is Crëyr Dale. I am a two year old Welsh girl and I am new to this pack, as you can see. I had been travelling as a lone wolf and have stopped a distance away from the boundaries of the Bypass when the Praetor Shadow spotted me and took me in, offering me a place to rest. From a young age I have been taught the ways of hunting, using brains and brawn. I will fulfil my duties and do my best to return your favor, Praetor."

She paused and ducked her head respectfully, waiting for the tawny male's self-introduction.

RE: blackened souls - Flash - September 21, 2014

Flash quickly surveyed the other wolf. Lithe and slim. Probably more use to hunting than fighting."Good morning, Praetor and my respectable fellow companion.My name is Crëyr Dale. I am a two year old Welsh girl and I am new to this pack, as you can see. I had been travelling as a lone wolf and have stopped a distance away from the boundaries of the Bypass when the Praetor Shadow spotted me and took me in, offering me a place to rest. From a young age I have been taught the ways of hunting, using brains and brawn. I will fulfil my duties and do my best to return your favor, Praetor."

Flash listened to her self introduction. He realiased that he was suppose to do the same and started,“My name is Flash Spiritfire. I'll be turning two this december. I have been traveling alone for half my life and when I found Shadow I was interested to join. Since I never got to eat much when I was small, I was use to hunting alone from a small age. I thank Shadow for accepting me into your pack and I hope we can work together in the future. "

RE: blackened souls - Shadow - September 22, 2014

Call Flash, Flash duh....

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He flashed the sun-touched male a small smile, it was something that he was good at, judging wolves by a look and a few words and so far, all of his observations and calculations were correct. Flash was a strong and youthful wolf, willing to object and speak to his superiors when he thinks they're wrong and held lots of potential. Once he got out of Probatio, perhaps he might want to try for the Senator rank and that might help him gain the Centurion rank. Unless any other youthful potential wolves came along.

"You forgot to mention your rank, Spiritfire." he said softly with a faint smirk on his silver features. He enjoyed teasing his subordinates, finding it amusing when they either glared at him, looked embarrassed or any other reactions. He supposed they didn't like it but did he look like he cared about what they felt? No. At least he didn't care about how they felt at that moment, other times, he did.

He turned to Crëyr, "You may call me Shadow. I only request for captives, slaves and probatio to address me as Praetor, Imperator or Emperor." he said casually before turning back to his sun-touched subordinate with an amused tilt of his head.

RE: blackened souls - Crëyr - September 22, 2014

i didn't even know his frigging name... i meant before that... duh...

Crëyr watched as Shadow addressed the sun-touched wolf, who was apparently named Flash. Such a suitable name for this male.

"You forgot to mention your rank, Spiritfire," Shadow murmured softly, a faint smirk spreading over his features. Crëyr was then left to wonder what rank this wolf was in. She wasn't sure and was not about to make assumptions, but he seemed to be in a lower rank as judged by his previous actions.

The silvery alpha wolf turned his matching eyes on her. "You may call me Shadow. I only request for captives, slaves and probatio to address me as Praetor, Imperator or Emperor." She nodded in response. "Yes, Shadow."

RE: blackened souls - Flash - September 22, 2014

not the probatio thing again..plus i like typing alpha more...

Flash watched as the older wolf smirked at him and said "You forgot to mention your rank, Spiritfire.". He knew he was teasing and rolled his eyes. “Not this again. " He exclaimed loudly, looking annoyed. But he couldn't stop the smiled on his face from blooming.

He felt weird, smiling with his alpha and a fellow pack mate. But for a second, it almost felt natural. He knew he belonged with these wolves and would die for them. They were his new family now. He was safe with them,in return, he would keep them safe. He swear to never let harm come to this pack, and would fight to death for it.

RE: blackened souls - Shadow - September 23, 2014

You know I'll always do that until you get out of that rank, hermano xD And so the converting to Roman religion begins.....

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“Not this again." said Flash, looking annoyed. Now normally he would have shove the sun-touched yearling's head onto the ground and sank his fangs into his flesh but this time he merely laughed. A soft rumbling sound coming from his throat, silver eyes gleaming with amusement. "Talking back to your Praetor now are you, Probatio Flash?" he said in an amused tone.

He grinned and sat down, flicking his tail, motioning for them to do so too. "Do you guys know what the trades are? Gamekeeper, Warden, Warrior, Caretaker etc.?" he had asked them whether they knew or not because where he had came from the names were different.

"I'm the lead Outrider which means I'm in charge of exploring, discovering new places, delivering messages, diplomatic stuff." he said and gazed at them with concealed curiosity. "Do you guys know what this kind of stuff is?"

RE: blackened souls - Crëyr - September 23, 2014

Crëyr watched as Flash responded to what Shadow said with a loud, curt remark, and was immediately surprised. Who would say something like that to their Alpha?

Perhaps Flash was a different wolf. She half expected Shadow to leap at Flash and press him to the ground, but instead he gave a soft, low laugh.

The Welsh female was even more surprised at that. She felt as if she had claimed a spot in the right pack, although if she could have a little laugh sometime she knew that she had to accordingly follow the protocols if she was going remain in this place.

Flash was smiling, his green eyes sparkling. So was Shadow, his silvery orbs glinting. Crëyr couldn't help but give a small smile too, as sometimes the action seemed to be contagious.

"Talking back to your Praetor now are you, Probatio Flash?" Shadow said softly, the smile still playing around his lips.

So that made sense. Flash was probatio. She had heard something like that, explained in her previous Welsh pack, and that was to put a wolf to the lowest rank on account of... something they did that was undesirable. Or in which it had angered the authorities. Judging by what she had seen so far, she didn't really need to rack her brains out to think about why she thought Flash was in the rank probatio.

Shadow flicked his tail, motioning them to sit down, the smile still lingering on his face. Crëyr immediately took a seat next to him. Shortly he started to speak. "Do you guys know what the trades are? Gamekeeper, Warden, Warrior, Caretaker etc.? I'm the lead Outrider which means I'm in charge of exploring, discovering new places, delivering messages, diplomatic stuff. Do you guys know what this kind of stuff is?"

The blue-eyed wolf tilted her head thoughtfully, her eyes fixed on the sky. "I'm sure I have heard of something of that sort when I was in my old pack, although I'm not entirely sure what those mean."

RE: blackened souls - Flash - September 23, 2014

Flash was actually surprised when he didn't feel claws at his throat. Instead, he heard the predator laugh ,he almost gasped but choked it back at the right moment."Talking back to your Praetor now are you, Probatio Flash?" “Hmmm, pretend I didn't say anything. " He laughed along.

He watched as Shadow's face cracked up in a grin and asked, "Do you guys know what the trades are? Gamekeeper, Warden, Warrior, Caretaker etc.?" He was confused for a moment. Gamekeeper? Warden? Caretaker? The only word up there that he knew was warrior. “Um...no... But according to the name...I suppose warrior is something like fighting? " He asked.

RE: blackened souls - Shadow - September 23, 2014

The silver Praetor rolled his eyes at Flash, a smirk playing at his lips. These are like jobs, roles in a pack. You have to work hard to achieve the actual title of your trade. I got my official outrider trade title by constantly exploring and discovering. A Gamekeeper has to hunt often and fill the pack's caches, a warden patrols the borders, a warrior are the main offense fighters of the pack. Caretakers take care of the young, sick and old, they're also in charge of entertainment. Healers heal wolves. Does any of that interest you? If you earn a trade or more you can advance through the ranks to Principales.

He paused, silver eyes scanning the two of them with concealed curiosity wondering which trade would suit them better. Gamekeeper would probably work for both of them, but what other trades suited them? He knew from the start that outrider would be his main trade, he loved to explore and discover.

<style type="text/css">.Shadow{width:400px; margin:0px auto; padding:250px 25px 20px 20px; border:3px double #fff; background-image:url('http://i62.tinypic.com/2v29shw.png'); background-position: top; background-color:#1e6b3f; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;} .Shadow-in {width: 385px; padding: 10px; background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.35); text-align: justify;} .Shadow q {color:#bad2ca; font:13px/2 georgia bold;} .Shadow p {text-indent:30px; color:#2e3f3f; font:11px/2 verdana; margin:0px;}</style>

RE: blackened souls - Crëyr - September 24, 2014

"These are like jobs, roles in a pack. You have to work hard to achieve the actual title of your trade. I got my official outrider trade title by constantly exploring and discovering. A Gamekeeper has to hunt often and fill the pack's caches, a warden patrols the borders, a warrior are the main offense fighters of the pack. Caretakers take care of the young, sick and old, they're also in charge of entertainment. Healers heal wolves. Does any of that interest you? If you earn a trade or more you can advance through the ranks to Principales."

Crëyr didn't need to take much time to process the information. She already knew she was interested in the role of the Outrider, as she thoroughly enjoyed the act of both exploring and discovering new places, as to going on adventures. She'd had a lot of experience in doing that with her sister, Draenen by her side.

Pain blossomed in her chest at the very thought of her sister. Promptly she pushed all the memories and thoughts away from her mind.

She pondered on the role of the Gamekeeper, as she had been told that she was especially great at hunting for prey. She had learnt techniques from a young age and that was what made her enjoy hunting with her previous pack.

"Perhaps being an Outrider would be beneficial for both myself and the pack," The blue-eyed wolf responded thoughtfully. "I enjoy searching for and discovering new things. My sister and I used to go on adventures. Being a gamekeeper would be ideal, too. I have the limbs and the experience for a successful hunting session."

RE: blackened souls - Flash - September 24, 2014

These are like jobs, roles in a pack. You have to work hard to achieve the actual title of your trade. I got my official outrider trade title by constantly exploring and discovering. A Gamekeeper has to hunt often and fill the pack's caches, a warden patrols the borders, a warrior are the main offense fighters of the pack. Caretakers take care of the young, sick and old, they're also in charge of entertainment. Healers heal wolves. Does any of that interest you? If you earn a trade or more you can advance through the ranks to Principales.

Flash listened as his alpha explained what these trades were. He thought about it and decided gamekeeper was a good point to start with. Warden didn't sound bad too. He was thinking of outrider but while he liked exploring, that didn't seem to be his type. Flash pondered about it for a while and said “ I think that gamekeeper for me would be a good start. Prehaps warden? " .

RE: blackened souls - Shadow - September 24, 2014

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He turned to the welsh female with a calculating look in his eyes, a faint smile now playing at his lips. "Outrider huh? I'm the lead outrider in the pack, I might be able to help you gain that rank. As for Gamekeeper, yes, I can see you might be good at that." he nodded and turned to the Probatio. To be honest, he was still slightly wary of the welsh, she reminded him of Ddraig and it felt wrong, that she was going to betray the pack or something but maybe it was just a feeling again and her resemblance to the welsh prince. Besides she had been nothing but respectful since he had seen her.

"Gamekeeper would be a good start for you, Flash as for Warden," he smirked broadly, "Whenever you see a stranger than seems to have no intention of joining our pack, give him a few injuries and a good chase and I'll give you the warden trade." he said in an amused tone. It would get him out of his trail rank and into a full member of the pack where he could prove himself and be a better wolf, learn the skills of a Roman.

RE: blackened souls - Crëyr - September 25, 2014

"Outrider huh? I'm the lead outrider in the pack, I might be able to help you gain that rank. As for Gamekeeper, yes, I can see you might be good at that."

Crëyr smiled slightly, nodding as she lowered her head. "Thanks, Shadow. I would be honoured to take on the roles of the Outrider and Gamekeeper, as there will be a great outcome if I am appointed that."

She watched as the grey Alpha wolf gave Flash directions as he told him what he wanted to be. The tawny male wanted to either be a Warden or a Gamekeeper, and with that Crëyr could see that Flash had plenty of potential for both those roles. He struck her as the friendly, outgoing type, but she knew Flash could be vicious if he wanted to.

RE: blackened souls - Flash - September 25, 2014

"Gamekeeper would be a good start for you, Flash as for Warden," he smirked broadly, "Whenever you see a stranger than seems to have no intention of joining our pack, give him a few injuries and a good chase and I'll give you the warden trade."

Flash beamed, the alpha approved of his choices. Chasing away intruders, wouldn't be a hard task too. A curious thought occurred and he asked , “ Is there any other trades? That list you told is is a little... " He pondered on the choice of words , “Short " He decided.

RE: blackened souls - Shadow - September 26, 2014

“Is there any other trades? That list you told is is a little...short."

He smiled, "You want the full list?" he paused and thought for a second before answering. "Gamekeeper, Warrior, Chronicler, Counselor, Warden, Caretaker, Healer, Naturalist, Outrider. Yeah, I think thats about it. Though you guys shouldn't go for Counselor as its usually for older, 'wiser' wolves." he winked at them when he said the word 'wiser' because to be honest he doubted anyone could really be 'wise'. Even the gods weren't really known for wisdom, except maybe Minerva. Wisdom came with years. And he didn't want to die anytime soon.

He gazed at them, seemingly analyzing them. They both seemed fit and nice enough and they seemed loyal. And loyalty, discipline and respect was what he wanted from his subordinates. They were brilliant and he sent a silent prayer of thanks to the gods, especially to Jupiter and Mars.

RE: blackened souls - Crëyr - September 27, 2014

"You want the full list?" Shadow started, addressing Flash with a tilt of his head. "Gamekeeper, Warrior, Chronicler, Counselor, Warden, Caretaker, Healer, Naturalist, Outrider. Yeah, I think thats about it. Though you guys shouldn't go for Counselor as its usually for older, 'wiser' wolves."

Crëyr addressed the wink Shadow directed at them with a light-lipped smile as she knew what the purpose of his action was. "What do Chroniclers and Naturalists do? Their names sound intriguing." She shrugged. "I think I've settled on the two of what interested me, though."

RE: blackened souls - Flash - September 28, 2014

"You want the full list? Gamekeeper, Warrior, Chronicler, Counselor, Warden, Caretaker, Healer, Naturalist, Outrider. Yeah, I think thats about it. Though you guys shouldn't go for Counselor as its usually for older, 'wiser' wolves." Flash almost smiled at the last bit. Wise certainly didn't suit him

“ I'm still in for Warden and Gamekeeper. " He said. They others were interesting but he was not that much interest. “How many of these trades can you do? Or is it infinite? " He asked the silver sterling. Maybe if he knew what the other did he would be more interested, but the names alone didn't interest him.

RE: blackened souls - Shadow - October 07, 2014

Fade off?

"Three is the maximum, Flashy." he smirked, tracing his tongue slowly across his gleaming canines as he spoke. Platinum eyes scanning the two of them with faint interest wondering if they still had any other questions for him. If not he should be going to complete his daily border patrols, hunt for the pack, check out everyone, the slaves and captives hold, complete everything he needed to do for the day. And perhaps if it wasn't night yet and there was still time, he would go see Paar.

Sometimes he damned leadership to the depths of Tartarus because that meant he got to spend less time with his wife. But as a Roman, he knew duty always came first, though it was hard to put if before family and friends. Those who chose Mars as their patron, though, would most certainly do that. Duty before blood.