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Coconut Grove “Margaritaville” — Jimmy Buffett - Printable Version

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“Margaritaville” — Jimmy Buffett - Finley II - July 08, 2021

Wildfire punched his shoulder and he had to admit, it kind of hurt.

“You are so,” she said, swinging again, “out of pocket.”

What? Finley protested laughingly, ducking away from the second hit. A guy’s gotta get his dick wet! It’s a biological imperative!

His sister made a sound of disgust, though he knew it was only halfhearted. “Fine, but I’m not sticking around for that. Come find me when you’re done”—Wildfire wrinkled her nose—“being garbage.”

Mmkay. Smell ya later, binch, he said affectionately, waving overly enthusiastically and earning an eye roll when she glanced back at him.

After Wildfire left, Finley looked around and rubbed his paws together. H’okay, time to go get some strange, the leggy yearling quipped to himself, grinning as he hopped to his feet and began walking toward Margaritaville Coconut Grove.

RE: “Margaritaville” — Jimmy Buffett - Jawahir - July 08, 2021

laying prone upon the sand, belly up, sprawling; all they needed now was a palm frond waving overhead and a servant to laviciously feed her.

alas, they had none of that. sand, sparse shade, the rumble of a distant whitecap.

there were voices down the rise. intrigued, the jewel stretches out and rolls in one fluid movement unto their belly again, feeling the sand crest their spine.

hm? a boy—up she rises, shoulders tucked and back stretching, eyes only for him.

RE: “Margaritaville” — Jimmy Buffett - Finley II - July 08, 2021

His stomach rumbled, reminding Finley of another, even more demanding appetite. He should find something to eat first. He would need the energy for his intended activities, after all… ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The yearling raised his snout into the air, sniffing. It smelled like two things: fish and salt. Neither was particularly appetizing. Thoughtfully licking his lips, Finley dropped his head to scan the surrounding beach, starting a little when he saw the figure up ahead.

Yo! he called out in greeting, waving a long foreleg before promptly loping toward the smaller canine. He couldn’t tell if they were male or female, not that Finley was particularly picky. As long as they were hot…

He paused a few feet away, not entirely sure if he found the stranger attractive. That didn’t stop him from offering a charming smile and a, Hiya! I’m Finley.

RE: “Margaritaville” — Jimmy Buffett - Jawahir - July 08, 2021

once noticed, jawahir saw the flash of bright eyes and grew warm in the belly; they did not think the youth would strike at them merely for being, though it had happened with others in the past.
their approach was met with a smile. the tilt of ears back, the curl of a tail.
yawm saeid lak. sings their reply.
the boy cannot be more than twelve moons. a good size — not yet so large to strain the hips or know how best to use their teeth.
i am called jawahir. like their brothers and their sisters. slender hips recline.
you are not from here. what brings you?
the smell of pine forest and wolf musk clings to the boy, the jewel notices, drawing her eye across him without worry.

RE: “Margaritaville” — Jimmy Buffett - Finley II - July 08, 2021

Sorry, yawn said like—what…? Finley blurted, smiling sheepishly at his little outburst and letting them finish what they were saying.

Jawahir? he repeated, shooting them a look to make sure he’d pronounced that correctly.

He chuckled a little at their observation. Nah, I’m not, he agreed in a good-natured timbre, choosing not to answer the question yet but instead ask one of his own. What was that you just said? Was that, like, another language?

RE: “Margaritaville” — Jimmy Buffett - Jawahir - July 08, 2021

jawahir's large, dark gaze lingers upon his face for a moment.
yes, a greeting.

the boy is brimming with eager energy. he speaks as soon as thoughts enter his head, which does not charm her, but such kinds of people are easy marks.

rather than probe for further information, jawahir watches him and basks in his presence; all attention focused upon him as if no other life existed in the universe.

RE: “Margaritaville” — Jimmy Buffett - Finley II - July 08, 2021

Gotcha, he said, curious about a direct translation but apparently not enough to pursue it.

Well, you asked why I’m here. I just left my parents’ place not too long ago so I guess you could say I’m exploring the world and everything it has to offer. I’m hoping to have some experiences, if you know what I mean…?

His belly clenched and gave another audible gurgle. Finley chuckled at the timing, mischievously arching a brow as he wondered if Jawahir would understand the vague innuendo.

RE: “Margaritaville” — Jimmy Buffett - Jawahir - July 08, 2021

ah, a fledgling. no wonder he looked unfinished, and spoke so openly. he had not yet learned to temper himself; as a wolf, he likely would never need to.
the rumble of his belly goes ignored, although they hear it.
you hunger. she has begun to roam the length of him, swift down one side and then slowly appraising up the other. more a spider than anything.
which appetite do you wish to feed first?
it is rare that a deal would fall so willingly in to the jewel's lap, and she is greedy for it.

RE: “Margaritaville” — Jimmy Buffett - Finley II - July 08, 2021

He barked a laugh and answered, I’ma need to fuel up before I do anything else. Finley punctuated this remark with a wink.

And while they rummaged up some grub, he could decide whether he was interested in pursuing this particular individual. Jawahir seemed open to it, unless they’d misunderstood one another. There was time to feel out the situation further.

I know it’s crazy to say this while standing on a beach but… I hate seafood. Wanna venture inland to grab something to eat?

RE: “Margaritaville” — Jimmy Buffett - Jawahir - July 08, 2021

jawahir hasn't eaten in a while. the terms of the deal so far are agreeable; she smiles, dips her head.
the hills to the south are home to birds; their nests have begun to empty but we may be in luck, and find some eggs, or the newly hatched. how fitting for the fledgling boy.
a pause. or the plains beyond. if you fancy a run.
so long as he did not tire himself out before attending to her; being so young, jawahir did not doubt his potential endurance.

RE: “Margaritaville” — Jimmy Buffett - Finley II - July 08, 2021

They presented him with a couple options. Finley tilted his head, tongue pressing into his cheek as he considered. It seemed like Jawahir knew their way around this part of the wilderness, an observation which would prompt some questions once they were underway.

Mm, think I’m gonna have to go with the first option, he replied. It was closer, which meant they could get to dinner sooner without wasting time or energy. And to tell the truth, he’d never eaten an egg before. Talk about new experiences.

And then there was dessert! Just so we’re clear, Finley said, picking up a sandy foot and pivoting to face southerly, we’re both talking about banging? After we eat? Jawahir certainly wasn’t hard to look at, so it was looking more and more likely, supposing they really were willing.

RE: “Margaritaville” — Jimmy Buffett - Jawahir - July 08, 2021

he began to move, prompting the jewel to follow.
to the south they would go, until the sand gave way to sunbaked grass and nettle and a bleached stone palisade.
a laugh bubbled from her at the question. mm, yes, if that pleases you.
jawahir thought of all the things she could have asked for in exchange, as was her way, but did not. better to treat him well now, so as to use him later. a treat, on the house.
it was good to start them young.

RE: “Margaritaville” — Jimmy Buffett - Finley II - July 08, 2021

His dad would probably laugh at him and tell him he had no game for checking in like that but his mom had taught him the importance of looking after his partners, whether or not they were one and done. “Consent,” he could remember his mom saying as she poked him in the chest, “is cool.” “H’okay, mom, whatever you say…”

Finley cocked an eyebrow sideways at Jawahir as the sands gave way to firmer, grassier terrain. Well, I want us both to get our rocks off, he replied with a grin that Wildfire would’ve called coquettish. His sister loved her big, fancy words. He wondered what she would say when he told her he had gotten laid literally moments after their conversation. He snorted.

Face softening, he smiled at his would-be partner with a closed mouth, wondering what equipment he would be working with here. There was no way to ask that tactfully, so Finley would just have to wait until he lifted the hood, he supposed. The mystery made it kind of exciting, actually.

Yeah, he was totally DTF now.

RE: “Margaritaville” — Jimmy Buffett - Jawahir - July 08, 2021

he was cute, for a wolf; the stilted manner of his growing body gave him the look of a fox or coyote, though that was not what appealed to jawahir. in truth they had no pull towards either gender, only temperment.
if they found someone who wished a deal be struck, often they would seek a brother or sister to fill the position. there were many. but this boy would be taken for themselves. it was rare to find kindness from his kind—and the jewel would covet it.
further ahead and higher than the angle of their bodies, winged the gulls. there were empty nests scattered within the taller grasses and these were mostly empty, or home to nesting birds who had yet to push their children out.
jawahir looked from the boy to the sky, watching one such juvenile sweep within the air.

RE: “Margaritaville” — Jimmy Buffett - Finley II - July 08, 2021

They fell into a comfortable silence for a few moments, broken by the birds’ cries overhead. When Jawahir glanced at him, then upward, he followed their gaze. He watched for a minute or two before his dark brown eyes dropped back to his companion.

This is the part where I tell you I’ve never done this before, Finley joked. Hunting for eggs, I mean, he added, lest they think he was a virgin or something. This guy fucks, he thought with playful machismo, the corner of his mouth twitching.

RE: “Margaritaville” — Jimmy Buffett - Jawahir - July 08, 2021

the jewel bats her lashes once, letting the corner of her lips twist. then they are striding away from the boy and towards the grassy knoll.
as soon as the coyote's body drifts close to the nests, life erupts from the grass. a scattering of adult bodies with wings unfurled, shrieking; akin to old testament angels in that way.
yellow beaks agape, all wings, and noise.
deftly, as they are well versed in these tactics, jawahir weaves between the dives, snapping, skirting the path's edge between clusters of nests and grass.
the adults follow her and forget about the wolf standing prone behind.
his chance to raid the waiting nests, while jawahir baits them aloft.

RE: “Margaritaville” — Jimmy Buffett - Finley II - July 08, 2021

His head cocked when Jawahir made no reply, instead moving forward toward a grassy hillside. Finley watched for a moment, then loped after them, only to freeze in surprise when the smaller canine began weaving hither and thither, prompting screeching birds to erupt from their nests all around him.

Didn’— he shouted, voice cutting off when a wing clipped his cheek. It didn’t hurt, though it startled him. His mouth opened and shut, eyes darting around for Jawahir. What was he supposed to do? He couldn’t see them beyond the birds now swirling around him.

Uh! Finley exclaimed as what seemed like an entire flock dove at his big ears. He used the same move he’d used to dodge Wildfire’s second punch earlier, quickly jerking backward and partially dropping simultaneously. Jawa—the fuck? HELLO?

RE: “Margaritaville” — Jimmy Buffett - Jawahir - July 08, 2021

away they went; jawahir followed by the flock.
beyond the cliffside of stone crags and withered grass, across a bare patch of sand, and back again.
thinking the boy would be mindful of the emptiness left in the wake of the birds, and that he might be crafty enough to take advantage, it was with some surprise that jawahir returned by a roudabout way to find him shouting their name.
look to the grass. the jewel's tone is knife-like, sharply pointed. there isn't time to waste before the flock will be returning.
towards the yellowed brush the coyote then descends, zigging, zagging, as before only this time coming away with clumps of nest and the occasional sphere of speckled egg.
some are quickly crushed, oozing yolk across lips.
one in particular hoists free and is offered, by way of rolling along the culvert, to where the boy stands. a glimmer of mirth lingering in the darkness of the courtesan's eye.

RE: “Margaritaville” — Jimmy Buffett - Finley II - July 08, 2021

Finley didn’t hear Jawahir’s reply, if they made one. A particularly aggressive bird landed on the ground and wouldn’t stop attacking one of his sooty paws. Still fending off a few circling around his head, he could only backpedal in an attempt to evade the relentless little pecker.

He spun, turning his back on it, which proved to be a mistake when he felt that sharp little beak snatch at the pale furs on his tail, entirely too close to his tenderest bits. No amount of food or, indeed, sex was worth the risk of losing his balls.

Yo, I’m outtie! he hollered, sounding pretty blithe despite the circumstances. He wasn’t mad, just a little disappointed. He promptly fled back toward the relatively safety of the beach, curious if Jawahir would follow him or if that was the the end of their would-be tryst.

RE: “Margaritaville” — Jimmy Buffett - Jawahir - July 08, 2021

the crunch of eggshell coupled with the growing din of the gulls' return, until the sky had darkened with their bodies and the squall overwhelmed.

jawahir had feasted. runny stains of gold trailed in the beige of their furs. pieces of shell scattered among the nests.
the boy was nowhere to be found. the only way out, aside from the route jawahir had carved through the grass, had been back the way they'd come—so it is towards this they move, snaking low while the birds riot.

the grass serves to clean some of the yolk from their chest. ahead, they spot the boy retreating; sunlight catching the reds of his coat.

what fun! jawahir calls to them, slowing to a steady pace not far behind.

RE: “Margaritaville” — Jimmy Buffett - Finley II - July 08, 2021

He took a seat, rubbing a paw at his itchy nose. His eyes remained fixed on the distant hillock. Finley straightened when Jawahir came loping back in his direction, looking rather pleased with themselves.

If you say so, he rejoined, albeit playfully. He could be pretty certain now Jawahir didn’t have any balls. I did say I’ve never done that before, Finley added in his defense, laughing.

Well, he announced in the next moment, I think I’ve lost my appetite. The one for food, anyhow. But if you’re still down to party… He waggled his eyebrows in a way that would’ve definitely made his sister groan.

RE: “Margaritaville” — Jimmy Buffett - Jawahir - July 08, 2021

yes, admittedly, jawahir had paid little heed to the announcement. it was fine enough that he had never eaten bird meat or tasted the rich innards of an egg, but also, they had meant to test the boy.
the boy, unfortunately, had failed.
mmn, tempting, they would cajole, looking over the toussled figure that finley presented.
jawahir slipped in close, weaving around the boy now; snake like, coiling.
you are not tired, after that run?
the image of the boy running from the chaos of the flock had etched in to the courtesan's mind and, to some degree, lessened their own desire.

RE: “Margaritaville” — Jimmy Buffett - Finley II - July 08, 2021

Nah, he replied easily, enjoying when they pressed in teasingly close.

He craned his neck to touch his nose to their shoulder, just a brief touch before they sidled out of reach again. Finley still couldn’t pinpoint their sex, though it really didn’t matter. He knew his way around different types of bodies.

What about you? he questioned, creamy tail brushing over the sand. Now that you’ve eaten, Finley added, chuckling magnanimously.

RE: “Margaritaville” — Jimmy Buffett - Jawahir - July 08, 2021

the boy's bravado could be read more than one way. either they were skilled or they weren't; in the end, it would not matter to jawahir. the pleasure of the wolf lent to an ease in their own life— a lifestyle that was difficult to give up.
jawahir licked their lips thoughtfully, and then in answer to the question, reached for a lobe of an ear. trailing soft touches along the boy's jaw, as they moved carefully alongside.
i never tire. which was not true; but in the moment, they felt fine enough.
they moved to stand before the boy and pirouetted, showing themselves off. the russet of their haunch; the dark curve of their back. a dance, or nearly so.
jawahir knew they were effeminate; their proportions were not so fragile as to be sickly, nor so large in figure that they look threatening. somewhere in the middle, swinging one way or the other on a given day.
and yes, the boy was right—whatever the courtesan was equipped with, it was well hidden inside the body.
a sway of their tail welcomed the boy close, as did the sly turn of a cheek.
i bet i can outlast you too.


RE: “Margaritaville” — Jimmy Buffett - Finley II - July 08, 2021

He breathed in sharply when Jawahir reached out and nibbled at the velveteen fur below his ear. Mmmmm, he purled approvingly, leaning into it for a moment before turning his head slightly to nuzzle at their neck. He knew he really enjoyed being touched there.

But then they twirled out of reach, putting on a little display for him. You’re beautiful, he breathed, chocolate eyes hooded now as he watched their sinuous movements. They didn’t need to put on a show for him, yet he appreciated the visual anyway.

Jawahir said something so sensual, he felt a familiar tug near his navel and an accompanying tingling near the base of his blackened spine. Mm, Finley replied, apparently not very articulate when he was in the mood. It didn’t matter. They would soon be speaking body language.

Thank you for a fantastic into thread! :D