Wolf RPG
Hideaway Strath Ghosts in the closet - Printable Version

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Ghosts in the closet - Whrist - July 10, 2021

Perhaps one pup or overwhelm her with all of them.. I don’t know @Momotzli @Turmeric @Alduin @Lotus

Whrist stood over a Raven, it hopped around under her chin, cawing and flipping it’s wings, very much looking like a weird winged puppy, She laughed softly and dropped some meat into it’s open beak.  It was strange she abhorred pups but this Raven she adored and treated it almost like one would treat a puppy. Well one that you could train to perform tasks. Her favourite trick was calling it to her and having it brush by the wolf she was with. She loved keeping others off their game.

Her ears flicked behind her as she heard someone coming quickly she lifted her paw and flicked it into the Raven; it cawed indignantly and hopped away a few paces. She turned and found a tiny wolf.. a puppy her eyes went wide and she stared at the small intruder. Her tail went slack and hung limp behind her, her breathing hitched and her eyes went wider then they have ever been. She didn’t know how to act what to say she just stared…

RE: Ghosts in the closet - Momotzli - July 15, 2021

Developmental stage: 5 weeks/3 human yrs

Momo had quickly developed a habit of wandering, so frequently in fact that her Mantli eventually gave up on attempting to corral the sandstone pup and merely tasked her with the requirement of staying close enough to call for help even if The Priestess couldn't see the child. Mantli 
was a flickering presence in her bright days, flitting in and out of the child's play sessions to check on her whenever Momotzli grew bored of accompanying her dam on various chores. It was different than Tahtli, she could notice the difference even as young as she was. Tahtli shared her and mama's bed, though not every night anymore. The den felt too large when her father failed to return home and the dark too pressing; on those nights she clung to her mother and burrowed against her narrow chest as she once had her father's -- feeling guilty that she wished it was Vein's and angry for reasons she couldn't quite understand. And most days her father was preoccupied by the gods Mantli took her to speak with, though she couldn't really hear them and Aerin only smiled when she said as much, or by his precious plants. She might've acted out, as any young child was like to do in such a situation, and demand his attention. But in some corner of her young mind, she could sense that it made her mother sad too. The combat medic did her best to hide it but Momo could feel how her chest shivered and shuddered in the night when her husband was absent. Instead she bottled it up, not wanting to make mama even more sad and hurt that her father could leave them both this way. Rather than throw fits and rage, she took to solitude and ranging through the Strath she had come to learn was her home -- while abiding by the rule of staying close to Aerin, of course. 

On one such instance, the golden girl came across a shadowed figure -- the likes of which she had never seen before and made her mismatched, gilded orbs widen in shock. Her parents were so pale that her own flaxen fur seemed a mystery to her developing mind, let alone the thought that a black wolf existed somewhere in the world. She hadn't met many of her packmates yet, old or young, being that her mother wasn't a very sociable creature and had only just started returning to her normal routine. Besides the fact that with everything that had been going on, her dam didn't seem up for company other than her daughter's and the child felt much the same. Had The Priestess known her only living offspring was approaching a she-wolf she considered to be unstable and possibly dangerous, she might have come running from where she gathered herbs nearby. As it was, her scent perfumed the chimera heavily as a warning to anyone who might think to hurt her -- Whrist would surely realize whose child the Dagger was as soon as Momo got close enough for the older wolf to smell her. 

Momotzli had never received anything but positive attention from the adults in her life -- when they were around anyways -- so her tiny paws immediately shifted into an excited scamper as she bounded towards the terrified Blade, letting out a string of happy barks as she raced towards her new playmate.

RE: Ghosts in the closet - Whrist - July 27, 2021

Whrist's light blue orbs widened impossibly more she swallowed thickly and backed up, she couldn’t help the low rumble low that emanated from her throat.

If the bird had not hopped away she might have thrown it at the 'tiny wolf' just to distract it. She glanced around frantically looking for someone anyone else, but found no one. They way the tiny wolf moved make her worry, and it was coming far to close far to fast

She did recognize the scent of Aerin however it did very little to calm her down, though it did stop her from baring her teeth at the pup instead her voice filled in the air in shaky tone she had never heard come from herself before “Stop!” Whrist pleaded tripping up on a rock and falling into a sitting position.

RE: Ghosts in the closet - Momotzli - August 05, 2021

The growl gave her the tiniest bit of pause but it wasn't enough to deter the energetic tot, her parents growled sometimes too but she'd never known the sound to mean anything bad -- even if the noise Whrist made wasn't exactly the same. It wasn't until the tall shadow yelped out in fear and fell back on her dark haunches that the golden girl was derailed from her tracks, skidding to a halt and falling back on her own rump clumsily in a similar fashion.

A curious noise escaped her, "otay..?" The question was accompanied by a tiny, amused grin -- too young to understand or appreciate true concern or empathy, but knowing this was something her mother asked when she fell down or hurt herself. The chimera's wispy curl of a tail whisked across the ground, thumping a happy tune that likely matched the frantic beating of the she-wolf's heart.