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Tuktu Weir nile god - Printable Version

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nile god - Ramesses - July 12, 2021

recently parted;
pharaoh reclined, catching his breath, and shot @Jawahir a smouldering look.
"where is the other?" he said of @Anarkali, wetting his lips and rolling to one side.
he grinned.
"you know that i will give you both tribute."
his eyes, perusing the lithe body that had lately provided him with a dizzying amount of pleasure. blessed indeed, by the gods who had watched and given him much.

RE: nile god - Jawahir - July 12, 2021

a warm buzzing through every inch;
he always left her so pleasantly satisfied.

reaching with a stretch of first the forelimbs and then the hind, to hear the satisfied pop of joints. her back ached; it was a good feeling, the leftover bliss overshadowing any and all complaints.

until pharaoh asked for the other jewel.
mmn, elsewhere, for now.
a smile came to jawahir's features, coy, soft, sublime — dark eyes flashed possessively.
was i not enough for your great appetites, pharaoh?

RE: nile god - Ramesses - July 12, 2021

"it is only that you have opened an entirely new set of appetites in me, jawahir," ramesses purred worshipfully, though he was still cunning enough to note the way her nightfall eyes beheld him now.
"there is only you," and he pouted toward her. "you are the wine of desire."
unmake me, he glimmered, knowing her to be the sunwarmed water of an oasis beneath a mouthful of pomegranate juice.

RE: nile god - Jawahir - July 12, 2021

the man was cunning. of course, he was wolf, so it only made sense to jawahir.
such a luminous man with a dancing silver tongue; and none should have him but the jewel! none, at least for now. he had become known as a creature with an open mind who hungered for the many flavors.
if only all your kind held me with such reverence. life would be made easy, then.

RE: nile god - Ramesses - July 17, 2021

"not all of us are made to be given such pleasure," pharaoh told her softly, though a gilded little though appeared to his mind, and he spoke it, without logic or caution.
"if i left this place and went to another, would you follow?"
who might ramesses be without his toy beasts, though he would not utter that aloud to the glittering little scarab.

RE: nile god - Jawahir - July 18, 2021

why, was that an invitation?
mmn, if it suits me, they went on to answer.
sprawling now, reaching for the sky with a contented smile upon their face. rolling so that they can grasp at the golden fleece of pharaoh and mouth toothily along his neck, before resting with their chin against the plush.
dark eyes dreamily half-lidded yet strangely alert.
what tempts you so? have you grown tired of the common rabble—?

RE: nile god - Ramesses - July 19, 2021

the scent of his idol, cinnamon and musk and the clean earth of far-reaching places. "i am pharaoh. i do not serve. i am served," and here he turned half-about, to nip at the long line of jawahir's tulip ear. she of all had done the most in this regard.
the common rabble. he grinned at her words. "i cannot be held forever. i must make something of myself." and yet he did not stir, restless but unwilling to be parted from the gentle weight and warmth of her lyrebone body.

RE: nile god - Jawahir - July 19, 2021

the jewel hummed pleasantly beneath the touch of the man. they had been right to grow close with him; there was greatness hidden within him and jawahir was patient enough to extract and exploit it.
you are pharaoh, the sun lights your way.
titles that deeper down, meant nothing. an ego stroke. feeding him what he craved so that the jewel hoard may thrive beneath.
when you have found this place we shall celebrate. bring together your favorite jewels; girls, boys, enough to welcome your dawning.

RE: nile god - Ramesses - July 19, 2021

he purred only in answer, rolling to ensconce the coyote with the sprawl of one pearled forearm. "i enjoy the sound of this jubilee," ramesses breathed, truly enamoured. "it reminds me of seti's court." and how all desires of the prince had been fulfilled, no matter how mundane or complicated.
"what will my jewel ask in return?" he inquired, seeking to kiss her sprightly visage and narrow chest.

RE: nile god - Jawahir - July 19, 2021

mmmn, only the blessing of your company.
jawahir needed little else.
to hold his attention meant they would not ever go hungry, that their bed would be warm, that they could slowly tip the universe in favor of the horde.
they sighed happily beneath the fawning of the man, moving only to stroke at the finery upon his body or tease at taut muscle.
come now, you have rested enough.
their deal was decided and now jawahir awaited payment, eager eyed and wanting.
none other was allowed to exist within his mind but jawahir.

RE: nile god - Ramesses - July 19, 2021

pharaoh grinned. "have i?"
but in the next he meant to come closer, to worship her in that wordless and rapturous way that so blazed between the pair of them. jawahir burned all from his thoughts, and brought him to seeing the face of Ra at times with her skill.
it would be a sad thing indeed to lose her company; the last lucid thing that ramesses would remember for some time.