Wolf RPG
Kintla Flatlands Taking a Break - Printable Version

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Taking a Break - Koda - September 21, 2014

[size=x-small]@Vector, others are welcome to join in as well. :)[/size]

Reclining on his back in a steamy hot pool, using a rock as a cushion to keep his head from slipping under water, Koda was a picture of relaxation. The warm water soothed his aching joints and muscles, particularly his sore paws, which were worn out after carrying him day and night for weeks. This was the first time he'd been able to get a decent rest since arriving in the area. The wolves of Blacktail Deer Plateau had been keeping him very busy with hunting trips and fishing lessons.

The sound of foot steps nearby stirred the wolf from his relaxed state. His yellow eyes fluttered open as he sat up on his rump with a reluctant groan. He looked in the direction of the sound, fully expecting to see a Blacktail wolf approaching, probably to ask for another favor.

RE: Taking a Break - Vector - September 21, 2014

The russian walked at a pace that could be deemed as evenly paced. Not one second too late, nor too early, as another paw was placed down, followed by the rest. Accurately timed footsteps, for one who was keen on time. Much happened in split seconds. Like your own blood father turning you in to Death's cold hand, himself. How did he escape fate? Luck, perhaps. Sheer luck. Then again,...the recon did not believe in luck.

Vector had smelled something that was unknown to him, as were many other things that the alien landscape had presented to him in his arrival here. It smelled of fire, yet of water, the smoke that resulted of such a combination. Steam. Was their a nearby geyser?

He kept his footfalls measured, as he had soon come across not only the scent of a recognized thing, another lupine, but the one who owned the distinct scent. And he lay in a bowl of steaming water. Staring expectantly at him.

"Privet," the russet russian greeted, his accent betraying his origins.

RE: Taking a Break - Koda - September 22, 2014

Koda soon found himself staring up at an unfamiliar face rather than the Plateau wolf he'd been expecting. "Um, hi there," he replied with a bit of uncertainty. He had no idea what this wolf had just said to him, but he assumed the stranger had offered a friendly greeting. Koda briefly wondered if the russet male would understand anything he'd just said. It was obvious from his unique accent that English was not his native language.

Koda decided that lazing about in the hot spring was not the kind of first impression he wanted to make. He climbed out of the pool and gave himself a quick shake, sending a shower of water droplets into the air. He noticed one splatter across the stranger's nose. "Oops, sorry," he said with a laugh. So much for making a good first impression.

"I'm Koda, pleased to meet you."

RE: Taking a Break - Vector - September 22, 2014

He watched as uncertainty had taken dominance over the bathing wolf's face. He had noticed the seconds it took for the expression to be upon it, and it was not from his appearance, but from his words, alone. The accent, perhaps? The land of English speakers was one of diversity, but perhaps he was a factor that was undoubtedly one of rarity amongst the melting pot.

The male offered a greet, like his own. A shadow of a smile briefly flashed itself on the maw of the sear pelted male. For reasons that possibly lined on personal image on a first basis, the company retrieved himself from the water of the hot pool he resided in. The guard of the wolf had already been up, never lowered even as he slept, yet for precautions, he heightened it a notch. Forever ready.

Vector examined him in a non hostile manner, just emotionless. Watching. Waiting for anything thay could tip him off. Yet the spray of liquid that drenched the coat of his company flew the air, a couple of the splatters landing upon his snout. He remained unflinching, his emerald stare never leaving the wolf before him. A swift apology left the male's lips, and he nodded silently in acknowledgment. After he introduced himself, soaked and all, the ominous Vector returned the favor.

"I am Vector. Merry meet, Koda," the russian responded, deciding to spend the rest of the potential conversation in the company's language.

RE: Taking a Break - Koda - September 23, 2014

So Vector could speak English. He wondered where the russet wolf originated from, and how he had come to be in this part of the world now. Koda held back on bombarding his present company with questions, however. He didn't want to come across as a nosy busybody.

"Did you come to take a dip in the hot spring," he inquired. "It's a really nice day for it," he said, suddenly feeling the chill of autumn in the air. "It sucks getting out, though."

RE: Taking a Break - Vector - September 23, 2014

"I did not," the response came, fast as lightning, yet more subtle than thunder.
"I was exploring, finding a bit of land for rest."

Vector had not even planned to arrive at a hot pool, let alone to make any friends. But considering his predicament of being in a new land, new changes had to arranged. Though it would be devastating if he had just so happened to join a pack, and be told to assassinate this individual.

"I would not like to do it, for doing that to your body, can render you to sickness. Pneumonia is devastating. "

Vector felt as though confusion would follow at the mention of the illness that reigned supreme to those who knew nothing of basic anatomy.

"Submerging yourself in a hotter temperature, boiling yourself, then to emerge in colder, or even normal degrees, leaves you vulnerable to recieving illnesses moreso than if you had remained dry . Pneumonia"

RE: Taking a Break - Koda - September 23, 2014

"I'm a bit chilly, but I don't think I'll catch my death from it," he replied. In fact, Koda's fur was beginning to dry already as the water evaporated under the warm sun. If it wasn't for the chill wind, it would have actually been a pretty nice day.

"So, Vector, are you hungry at all?" Koda asked. It seemed as though hunger was constantly gnawing at his stomach these days. "There's a lot of food running around in the fields nearby, if you're interested in a little hunt."

RE: Taking a Break - Vector - September 23, 2014

"So, Vector, are you hungry at all?"

Vector studied the light and dark layered male before him, with an analytical zelenyy orbs, his own text log scrolling over in his head, the different scenarios attempting to foretell the possible future, his brain thinking days, months, years into the future, trying to figure if the choice to say yes or no could begin or ruin a possible friendship.
Vector's body did a self check. He had nothing to eat besides the little fowl he had found hopping around miserably, holding an awkwardly broken wing on its right side, begging the russian to put it out of it's misery. Which he did, to no regret.
Unfoutionately, the plump little bird had filled only a fifth of his internal capacity, seemingly less.
The benefits of hunting with this Koda, the speckled male who held a bit of buff to his figure, could prove useful, for they could hunt larger prey than just a single item, together.
All of these thoughts, organized, filed, and passed into a single answer, shipped to his tongue, registering in his new teammates language.


Adding a bit more the sentence could prove less cold and more 'team worthy' seemed tactical.

"I'd like to hunt."
After a pause, he tilted his autumn colored head, giving the male before him a gaze that could be interpreted as inviting.
"Would you like to join?"

RE: Taking a Break - Koda - September 29, 2014

"Of course," he replied, starting toward the open fields. Koda let his nose hover just above the ground as he walked, searching for any scent trail that could lead them to prey. His nose picked up a scent, and he followed it for a bit, and soon noticed another scent. Then another. Soon, his sensitive nose was overloaded with several different smells. Koda followed the different trails as they criss-crossed over one another. Such a confusing jumble of smells meant the area had been used regularly by several animals. Then he spotted the tiny circular droppings, and he realized what he'd been tracking.

"There's a rabbit hole around here somewhere," he announced to Vector. "Do you feel like some rabbit stew?"

RE: Taking a Break - Vector - September 29, 2014

Following side by side with the man, Vector kept his snout to the dense grass, as they headed away from the hot pool.
The further along they got, the size of hunger increased, and he cared less for such little things.
He desired something of a more filling scale.

At the announcement of found rabbit, the russian restricted his urge to scoff at the offer of such a small thing such as a rabbit.
Was the male too lazy to catch a buck?

" Perhaps," he began, his tongue rolling over the word, "we may go for a more filling meal? Maybe a buck? Or a boar? Something challenging?"

The man had straight rabbit since he had been in the lands, and he was reluctant to have another.

RE: Taking a Break - Koda - September 29, 2014

Koda grinned. "Good answer," he said, abandoning his search for the rabbit warren. He made a mental note of it's location so he could come back later if he needed a light meal.

"I'm up for a challenge," he said, "have you seen any bigger prey around?"

RE: Taking a Break - Vector - September 29, 2014

A faint smirk slid uncannily to his lips, and his orbs gleamed.
He would have to remember this Koda.

His brain slashed through memories, decifering what could and could not answer the question.
At last, within 2 seconds, he had one.

"North east of here, there was a herd. Massive. They disperse though, and swiftly. Theyre branching off to endure the fall, and stay within a forest for shelter and easy pickings of berries. Many are sickening. We have a plethora of choices. "

RE: Taking a Break - Koda - September 30, 2014

"All right, let's go get 'em," Koda said, heading in the direction Vector had indicated. They maintained their course for some time, then the herd finally came into sight as they crested a small hill. Koda bent low, using the grass to conceal himself. They were down wind of the herd, so as long as they kept quiet and out of sight, they wouldn't have to worry about being detected.

Koda's yellow eyes flicked from deer to deer, examining each and quickly taking note of it's apparent health and fitness. Most of the herd was young, but there were a number of individuals bedded down in the grass that looked older and in pretty bad shape. If predators didn't take their lives, the coming winter surely would.

Then, Koda's gaze settled on him. A beautiful 8-point buck, a magnificent stag in the prime of his life. He was the protector of this herd, ready to defend them with his very life.

The gray wolf turned to his comrade. "You wanted a challenge," Koda's voice was a hoarse whisper, barely audible even to himself. "Take a look at that guy," he said, gesturing to the buck with his muzzle.

RE: Taking a Break - Vector - September 30, 2014

As they took on the sight of the herd, Vector's analytical green eyes gazed across the writhing mass of venison. He had been eyeing something that could be easy for his partner, like a doe, or a shambling calf, but he had chosen. And an impressive choice, it was.

Nodding, he grinned at his comrade.

"Whats the tactic, here, because a big guy like that isn't gonna go down without a fight."

Crouched low amongst the dense greenery, the russian awaited his orders.

RE: Taking a Break - Koda - October 01, 2014

"If we go charging in there after him, he's just going to outrun us," Koda said. In terms of speed, deer could literally leave wolves in the dust. But the hunter suspected the big buck had a crippling weakness not readily apparent to the eye. "But if we grab one of the slower deer, he'll come back to defend it."

Koda turned back to watch his target, standing guard over his herd as they grazed or slept. "We'll make him come to us." He said. "Then we'll weaken him, little by little, until he falls. Try not to get your head kicked in."

RE: Taking a Break - Vector - October 01, 2014

He barked a silent laugh at the warning the slightly and almost imperceptibly smaller man gave him. It wasnt his head he was worried for.

In the end of the humor, Vector gave the man a nod. He was the guy with the plan, so with no protest, would he argue. Following orders.

Slowly, the slinking red hued lupine made his way to a grazing fawn, the yearling unaware of his presence. Staying low, the russian, as swift as a python, struck, his dagger lined jaws clamping lightly around her ankle. As planned, she screamed, beginning her bucking method to rid herself of the danger that held firm to her.
Vector, as smooth as silk, twisted his neck, and yanked back, pulling her off of her fours, and she fell with an audible grunt to the ground, screaming her fear, and thrashing wildly about, trying to regain her footing.

Through the bushes, emeralds peered at Koda, waiting for his cue at the distraction.

RE: Taking a Break - Koda - October 01, 2014

Vector made the opening move, easily subduing a young deer. As the rest of the herd scattered and ran for the hills, the big buck turned back and rushed to rescue the fawn from Vector. So far, so good. Now the for the hard part.

Koda sprang into action, racing to intercept the charging deer. He flanked the buck, sinking his teeth into it's leg and drawing the first blood. With an angry bellow the deer turned on Koda and charged him with his antlers, forcing the wolf to jump away to avoid being skewered. He positioned himself just out of range of the antlers, taunting the rampaging animal with a loud bark. He aimed to keep the buck's attention on him so Vector could get in close for an attack.

RE: Taking a Break - Vector - October 01, 2014

Seeing the brawn make the beeline straight for him, Vector held the doe down until he saw a blur of silver make its way straight for the brown mass of hide and horns. Releasing the girl the moment he saw the buck turn to Koda, horns flailing, dangerously close to his soft bod, Vector leapt into action. As his counterpart kept the giant man distracted, the fire pelted wolf made a surprisingly swift sprint, and leapt straight for its vulnerable ankles, planning a swift immobilization of the great beast.

As quickly as he could, the assassin snapped an ankle with his remarkably strong jaws, and before the beast could turn, while wailing in pain, Vector snapped the other, leaving him two limbs.

RE: Taking a Break - Koda - October 03, 2014

Koda's distraction gave Vector the opportunity he needed to rush in and do his thing. There was a loud crack as Vector snapped the deer's leg in his powerful jaws, and before the buck could react, snapped the other. Koda was impressed with the russet wolf's speed and accuracy. At the same time, it was a little bit scary. He made a mental note never to fuck with Vector.

Vector's attack left the buck severely crippled, but he wasn't down for the count just yet. Shifting his weight to his good legs, the stag managed to stay standing. He lowered his head to protect his vulnerable body, threatening to gore either wolf with his antlers if they tried to get close again.

Koda waited for the deer's attention to shift to Vector, then rushed in for a second attack. He jumped at the buck's shoulder, his fangs tearing a jagged gash into the flesh. He dashed away to avoid being struck by the deer's thrashing antlers. The stag still had some fight in him, but he couldn't hold out forever. The wolves only had to be patient and persistent to win this battle.

RE: Taking a Break - Vector - October 03, 2014

Again, the buck made the mistake of focusing its attention on the wrong wolf. Just as the man turned to attempt pathetic intimidation on Vector, the silver flare made a swift and menacingly deep shred into the massive shoulder of the beast.
Very much so impressed at the speed of his company, the Russian shot him a quick smile, while keeping his emerald irises trained on the weakening animal.

Vector wondered why the brawn still fought, knowing its death was inescapable.

At the motion of the dark brown mass trying to reestablish itself against the brutal slash, the autumn pelted wolf decided to do something that required a massive and pristine amount of accuracy.
He dove.
With his aim, he slid underneath the massive tonned buck, and grabbed a hold of its front left ankle. Swiftly using his gained momentum, he stood, and thrust his body hard onto the deers right side, causing it to be not only stunned, but unbalanced, and falling.
Vector leapt back, grinning triumphantly as the flailing mass got his crown of deadly horns stuck beneath the knarled roots of an old Oak, and soon, the great beast stopped struggling, his heavy breathing continuing, watching the two lupines, as if he knew what was going to happen.

The recon looked at his fellow hunter, and grinned a bit, the effect of the win putting him in a good mood.
"You may do the honors, Koda. "
He nodded his fire naped snout in the direction of the trapped brute, and took a step back.

RE: Taking a Break - Koda - October 03, 2014

Vector dealt the struggling deer another fatal blow, knocking the beast to the ground. The buck tried to get to his feet, but his antlers had become tangled up in the protruding roots of a nearby tree. Koda hung back as the beast trashed and kicked, trying desperately to free himself to no avail. The buck was hopelessly tangled up in the tree. It was over, and he knew it. The beast surrendered to his fate, and waited quietly for the wolves to deliver the killing blow.

Taking Vector's cue, Koda approached the fallen deer and wrapped his jaws around it's neck, using the strength of his bite to crush the windpipe so the deer could no longer draw breath. Life gradually slipped away from the once mighty buck. Koda let the lifeless body slip from his jaws and fall to the ground. It was a quiet end to a spectacular battle. This was a hunt he'd remember for a long time.

He wasted no time in digging into the carcass, his hunger extremely worked up from the effort of the battle.

RE: Taking a Break - Vector - October 03, 2014

Vector had awaited the man to get his rightful fill before he decided to savage the carcass, as well. Taking massive chunks from the deer's thigh had proved to swiftly fill the russian. After a few more moutfuls, Vector stepped back, and licked his chops, the blood on his mouth only adding to the fire color of his pelt. A quick groom came and went, as he awaited the comrade of his to finish eating the delicacies of the buck.

The hunger sated, and the light thirst was quenched by the large feast, and the recon sent a lightly grateful look to Koda.

"That was something I most likely will not forget, any time soon, friend. "

RE: Taking a Break - Koda - October 05, 2014

[size=x-small]OOC: last post :)[/size]

His hunger satisfied, Koda stepped away from the carcass. The two hungry wolves had stripped away much of the flesh, but there was still plenty of meat left over.

Koda nodded. "That was one of the biggest bucks I've ever gone up against," he told Vector. Koda had hunted a wide variety of bigger animals including elk and moose, but this buck still stood out as one of his more impressive trophies. "I wish I could keep those antlers," he said. "Ah well, I'm a loner, I have no one to impress anyway."

With a mighty tug, Koda separated one of the buck's front legs from it's body. "I'm gonna bury this in case I get hungry again later," he told Vector. "You should do the same. The scavengers will soon have the bones picked clean."

Koda shot Vector a parting smile, "I hope we meet again, my friend." And with that he picked up his leftovers and headed off alone to find a good place to hide them.

RE: Taking a Break - Vector - October 05, 2014

Quote: Same here. I'll try and start the competition thread the moment I get the chance. :) Good thread, Koda. ★

The russian gave his newly respected company a brief smile.
He knew through his body language that he was pleased with the successful results.

"This is the 3rd buck I've claimed, in my entire life. Though, it was the most exciting experience, as well."

Vector noticed his intrest in the great stags horns, and made note to gift them to the man, once the time arrived.
He deserved that.

"Da, they will come, and this will be gone. I will preserve what I can. Goodbye, comrade. "

With that, as his friend turned to leave, and he immediately set upon the horns, a newfound determination to give them to the Koda.